Al Conductor Stranded 6

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- 19 - EN 50182:2001

B.3 Assuming the grease completely fills the voids between the wires, the volume of grease in any
given conductor shall be calculated from the following equations:
2 2
Case 1: V g = 0,25 π (D s - n s d s )

2 2 2
Case 2: V g = 0,25 π { (D o - 2d a ) - (n a - n o ) d a - n s d s }

2 2 2
Case 3: V g = 0,25 π (D o - n a d a - n s d s )

2 2 2
Case 4: V g = 0,125 n o (D o - d a ) sin(360/n o ) - 0,125 π (2n a - n o - 2)d a - 0,25 π n s d s


V g is the volume of grease, per unit length, in the conductor.

D o is the external diameter of the conductor.
D s is the diameter of the steel core.
d a is the diameter of the aluminium wire in the outer layer.
d s is the diameter of the steel wire.
n a is the number of aluminium wires in the conductor.
n o is the number of wires in the outer layer.
n s is the number of steel wires in the conductor.

Since there is a geometric relationship between the parameters of these equations, it is possible to
express the total mass of grease in a conductor with the following relation:

Mg = k da


Mg is the mass of grease (kg/km).

k is a factor which depends on the conductor stranding and the grease density and the fill
factor (ratio of theoretical volume).

Values of k are given in Table B.1 for the four cases of grease application, a grease density of 0,87g/cm³,
and a fill factor of 0,8.
EN 50182:2001 - 20 -

Table B.1 - Coefficients k for mass of grease

Stranding k1 k2 k3 k4
Aluminium Steel Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4
7 - - - 1,09 0,17
19 - - 1,09 3,28 1,79
37 - - 3,28 6,56 4,52
61 - - 6,56 10,93 8,35
91 - - 10,93 16,40 13,27
127 - - 16,40 22,96 19,28

6 1 - - 1,09 0,17
8 1 - - 1,46 0,34
18 1 - 1,09 3,28 1,79

9 3 0,90 - 2,88 1,46

6 7 0,12 - 1,21 0,29

10 7 0,66 - 2,48 1,18
12 7 1,09 - 3,28 1,79
14 7 1,63 - 4,18 2,51
18 7 0,12 1,21 3,40 1,91
22 7 0,34 1,80 4,35 2,67
24 7 0,49 2,13 4,86 3,10
26 7 0,66 2,48 5,40 3,54
28 7 0,86 2,87 5,97 4,02
30 7 1,09 3,28 6,56 4,52
32 7 1,35 3,72 7,18 5,05
36 7 1,94 4,68 8,50 6,19
42 7 0,34 4,35 7,99 5,77
45 7 0,49 4,86 8,69 6,37
48 7 0,66 5,40 9,41 7,01
54 7 1,09 6,56 10,93 8,35
72 7 0,49 8,69 13,61 10,75
84 7 1,09 10,93 16,40 13,27

14 19 1,76 - 4,31 2,64

15 19 2,10 - 4,83 3,07
16 19 2,46 - 5,38 3,52
18 19 3,28 - 6,56 4,52
30 19 1,18 3,37 6,65 4,61
32 19 1,46 3,83 7,29 5,16
36 19 2,10 4,83 8,66 6,35
42 19 3,28 6,56 10,93 8,35
54 19 1,18 6,65 11,02 8,44
38+22 19 1,42 5,42 9,43 7,03
42+20 19 1,30 4,33 7,98 5,76
66 19 2,46 9,39 14,49 11,54
78 19 4,21 12,59 18,43 15,11
96 19 2,10 13,58 19,59 16,19
100 19 2,46 14,49 20,68 17,19

18 37 3,35 - 6,63 4,59

24 37 6,56 - 10,93 8,35
72 37 3,35 11,00 16,47 13,33
54+66 37 4,39 16,44 23,00 19,33
150 37 3,35 23,03 30,68 26,45
- 21 - EN 50182:2001

Annex C

Stress - strain test method

(test to be performed if required by the purchaser)

C.1 Sample length

The sample length, between end terminations, shall be at least 400 times the conductor diameter but not
less than 10 m. A shorter length may be agreed between the manufacturer and purchaser. The gauge
length shall be a minimum of 100 times the conductor diameter.

C.2 Test temperature

Temperature readings shall be taken at the beginning and end of each hold period. If the temperature
varies by more than 2 °C from that at the commencement of the test then allowance for the thermal
expansion of the conductor shall be made.

C.3 Sample preparation

Great care shall be taken in the preparation of test samples. Relative displacements as small as 1 mm
between the steel core and the aluminium layers of the conductor cause significant changes in the
measured stress-strain curves. The sample preparation shall be as follows:

C.3.1 Before removing the sample from the drum, fit a bolted clamp 5 m ± 1 m from the end of the
conductor length. The clamp shall apply sufficient pressure to prevent relative wire movements in the

C.3.2 Unwind the desired length of conductor from the drum and install another bolted clamp at the
required distance from the first clamp. Apply adhesive tape and cut the conductor at a distance from the
clamp just far enough to allow room for applying dead-end fittings.

C.3.3 During transportation to the test laboratory, the sample shall be properly protected from damage.
The diameter of the coil or drum of conductor shall be at least 50 times the conductor diameter.

C.3.4 End fittings such as compression, epoxy type or solder type approved by the purchaser shall be
used for stress-strain tests. The wires shall not be unwound, cleaned or greased prior to application of the
end fittings.

C.3.5 Care shall be taken not to damage any wire during the end preparation of the sample.

C.3.6 The application of the end fitting shall not induce any slack in the wires which might alter the
stress-strain curves of the conductor.

C.4 Requirements for compression fittings

When compression fittings are used for ALx/STyz conductors, the method indicated in C.4.1 to C.4.3 shall
be followed.

C.4.1 Slide the aluminium sleeve on to the conductor. Cut back the aluminium wires to allow room for
the steel terminal, the extrusion of the steel terminal and the extrusion of the aluminium wires by the
aluminium compression sleeve. The space required between the aluminium wires and the steel terminal,
before crimping, is typically 30 mm to 40 mm. Slide the compression steel dead-end terminal on to the
steel core. Crimp the steel terminal, with a 2 % to 10 % maximum overlap, starting from the outer core
EN 50182:2001 - 22 -

C.4.2 Pull the aluminium sleeve on to the steel terminal. Leave 40 mm of space if the conductor
diameter is less than or equal to 30 mm and 50 mm of space if the conductor diameter is greater than 30
mm, between the end of the aluminium sleeve and the shoulder of the steel terminal for extrusion. Make
the first crimp on the tapered mouth of the aluminium sleeve.

This locks the sleeve in place and inhibits extrusion of aluminium towards the test span. Proceed to crimp
in the direction away from the span in small bites of 20 % on uncompressed metal.

Stop crimping before the filler hole in the sleeve is reached; the steel terminal and core are too small to
support the crimped aluminium sleeve in this region. Continue towards the eye, on the other side of the
terminal pad to lock the sleeve on to the expanded portion of the steel terminal.

C.4.3 The aluminium sleeve shall be oriented so that there is no interference with conductor movement
during the test.

C.5 Test set-up

C.5.1 The test sample shall be supported in a trough over its full length, and the trough adjusted so that
the conductor will not lift by more than 10 mm when under tension. This shall be ascertained by
measurement rather than by tensioning the conductor.

C.5.2 The conductor strain shall be evaluated from the measured displacements at the two ends of the
gauge length of the conductor. The gauge reference targets shall be attached to the bolted clamps which
lock the conductor wires together. Target plates may be used with dial gauges or displacement
transducers and care shall be taken to position the plates perpendicular to the conductor.

NOTE Twisting the conductor, lifting it and moving it from side to side by the maximum amounts expected during the test should
introduce no more than 0,3 mm error in the reading.

C.6 Test loads for the conductor

The loading conditions for stress-strain tests for conductors shall be as follows:

C.6.1 Load initially to 5 % of RTS (rated tensile strength) to straighten the conductor and set the strain
gauges to zero.

C.6.2 For non-continuous stress-strain data recordings, take the strain readings at intervals of 2,5 %
RTS, rounded to the nearest kN, during both loading and unloading.

C.6.3 Load to 30 % RTS and hold for 0,5 h. Take readings after 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, and 30 min
during the hold period. Release to the initial load.

C.6.4 Re-load to 50 % RTS and hold for 1 h. Take readings after 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, 45 min
and 60 min during the hold period. Release to the initial load.

C.6.5 Re-load to 70 % RTS and hold for 1 h. Take readings after 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, 45 min
and 60 min. Release to the initial load.

C.6.6 Re-load to 85 % RTS and hold for 1 h. Take readings after 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, 45 min
and 60 min. Release to the initial load.

C.6.7 After the fourth application of load, again apply tension, increasing uniformly, until the actual
breaking strength is reached. Simultaneous readings of tension and elongation shall be taken up to 85 %
RTS at least at the same time intervals as for the previous loading.

C.6.8 The rate of application of loads shall be uniform during testing. The time required to reach 30 %
RTS shall not be less than one minute nor more than two minutes. The same rate of loading shall
thereafter be maintained throughout the tests.

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