5 1
4 2
3 3
2 4
1 5
Figure 1. Wiring diagram of a simple arrangement of 5 pseudolines.
In this section we prove the lower bound for the number of triangles in
simple arrangements in IE.
and Figure 3 for a complete labeling. With the next lemmas we collect
important properties of the edge labeling.
⊕ ⊕⊕
⊕ ⊕
⊕ ⊕
⊕ ⊕
Proof. Let f1 and f2 be the two faces bounded by e and let e1 , e1 and e2 ,
e2 be the edge-neighbors of e in these two faces. Since the arrangement
is simple the supporting lines {l1 , l1 } of both pairs of edges are the same.
The finite triangular region T of the arrangement {l, l , l } has edge e
on its boundary. Therefore, exactly one of the two faces f1 and f2 is
contained in T .
Triangles in Euclidean Arrangements 143
As seen in the proof of the lemma the triangular region T used to define
the edge label of e on the side of f is independent of f . This allows to
adopt the notation T (e) for this region.
Lemma 2. All three edge labels in a triangle are ⊕ . A quadrangle con-
tains two ⊕ and two labels. For k ≥ 5 a k sided face contains at most
two ⊕ labels.
Proof. If f is a triangle then for each of its edges e the triangular region
T (e) is f itself.
Let f be a quadrangle and e, e be a pair of opposite edges of f . Both
edges have the same neighboring edges, hence, two of the lines bounding
the triangles T (e) and T (e) are equal. It is easy to see that either T (e) =
f ∪ T (e) or T (e) = f ∪ T (e). In the first case e has label ⊕ and e has
label in the second case the labels are exchanged. The second pair of
opposite edges also has one label ⊕ and the other .
Let f be a face with k ≥ 5 sides the lemma immediately follows from
the following
Claim. Any two edges with label ⊕ in f are neighbors, i.e., share a com-
mon vertex.
Let e1 , e2 , . . . , ek be the edges of f numbered in counterclockwise di-
rection along f and let li be the supporting line of ei . Let e1 have label ⊕
and consider an edge ei with 3 ≤ i ≤ k − 1. We will show that the label
of ei is . The argument as given applies to the case 4 ≤ i ≤ k − 1, the
remaining case situation i = 3, however is symmetric to i = k − 1.
Face f is contained in T (e1 ) and line li has to leave T (e1 ) \ f through
lk and l2 . Figure 4 is a generic sketch of the situation.
l2 R1
Consider line li−1 . This line enters the region R1 bounded by l2 , li and
the chain of edges e3 , e4 , . . . , ei−1 at the vertex ei−1 ∩ei . To leave region R1
line li−1 has to cross l2 . Therefore, li−1 has to leave the region R2 bounded
by li , l2 and lk through lk . Symmetrically, li+1 has a crossing with lk to
leave the region bounded by lk , li and the chain of edges ei+1 , ei+2 , . . . , ek .
Therefore, to leave region R2 line li+1 has to cross l2 . This shows that
li−1 and li+1 cross inside region R2 . Hence, T (ei ) is contained in R2 and
ei has label in f .
Since e1 was an arbitrary ⊕ labeled edge in F we have shown the
We use the two lemmas to count the number of ⊕ labels in different
E= #{+ labels in f } ≤ 2F + p3 .
p3 ≥ n − 2.
We now come to the lower bound for the number of triangles in the
nonsimple case.
Proof. We distinguish two cases. First suppose that every line l of the
arrangement contains crossings of the arrangement in both open half-
spaces it defines. Consider l as a state of a sweepline going across the
arrangement. From the theory of sweeps for arrangements of pseudolines
(see e.g. [13]) we know that the sweep can make progress both in the
forward as well as in the backward direction. A progress-move pulls line
l across a crossing c of some lines of the arrangement with the property
that the portion of all lines contributing to c between c and l are free
of further crossings, i.e. are edges of the cell complex induced by the
arrangement. Hence such a move pulls l across some triangles with corner
c and an edge on l. This shows that l contributes to at least one triangle
Triangles in Euclidean Arrangements 145
on either side. Since we assumed that every line has crossings on either
side this accounts for 2n triangles each counted at most three times and
the claim is proved in this case.
Now assume that there is a line l so that all crossings of the arrange-
ment not on l are on one side of l. If taking away l all lines cross in just
one point c then there are n − 2 triangles in the arrangement and since
we assume n ≥ 6 we are done. Else removing l from the arrangement
we still have a nontrivial arrangement which by induction has at least
2(n − 1)/3 triangles. Since l can make a sweep move to one of its sides
there is at least one triangle with an edge on l that disappeared after
removal of l (it turned into an unbounded region). His makes a total of
2(n − 1)/3 + 1 > 2n/3 triangles in the initial arrangement.
It remains to describe a family Wn of arrangements with 3n lines but
only 2n triangles. A drawing of W4 is given in Figure 5.
Let P be a regular 2n-gon with edges e1 , e2 , . . . , e2n in counterclock-
wise ordering and barycenter c. Let lines l1 , . . . , l2n be straight lines such
that li contains edge ei of P . Orient the lines such that P is to their left.
Note that li is crossed by lines li+n+1 , li+n+2 , . . . , li−1 , li+1 , li+2 , . . . li+n−1
in this order with indices being taken cyclically. The arrangement A
formed by these 2n lines has 2n triangles all adjacent to P . All the other
faces of the arrangement are quadrangles.
For every pair li , li+n of parallel lines we construct an additional line
gi . We lead g1 from the unbounded region between the positive end of l1
and the negative end of ln to the unbounded region between the positive
end of ln+1 and the negative end of l2n . The first line crossed by g1 is
l1 . Parallel to ln+1 line g1 crosses l2 , l3 , . . . , ln−1 and splits quadrangles
into two. Before entering P line g1 splits the triangle sitting over edge en
into a quadrangle and a triangle. From edge en line g1 joins to point c
and then to the opposite edge e2n to cross lines l2n , l2n−1 , . . . , ln+1 in this
Define lines g2 , . . . , gn by rotational symmetry and note that g1 , . . . , gn
all cross in c. The arrangement A ∪ {g1 , g2 , . . . , gn } has the same number
of triangles as A.
So far we still have n pairs of parallel lines. Note however that without
increasing the number of triangles we may arbitrarily choose to have the
crossing of pair {li , li+n } to be on the side of the positive end of either li
or li+n . Thus Wn is itself not just one but an exponentially large class of
146 S. Felsner and K. Kriegel
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