Correlation Duality Relations For The (N,, ND) Model
Correlation Duality Relations For The (N,, ND) Model
Correlation Duality Relations For The (N,, ND) Model
F. Y. Wu and Wentao T. Lu
Department of Physics, Northeastern University,
Boston, Massachusetts 02115, U.S.A.
(Received October 9, 1997)
Duality relations for the correlation functions of R sites on the boundary of a planar
lattice are derived for the (N,, Np) model of Domany and Riedel for R = 2,3. Our
result holds for arbitrary lattices which can have nonuniform interactions.
PACS. 05.5O.+q. - Lattice theory and statistics; Ising problems.
I. Introduction
The duality relation for the Potts model [1,2] is an identity [3] relating the partition
functions of a Potts model on a planar lattice with that of its dual. Very recently, one of us
[4] has extended the duality consideration to Potts correlation functions. Specifically, it was
established that certain duality relations exist for correlation functions of any 12 Potts spins
sitting on the boundary of a planar graph. Explicit expressions for the duality relation were
then obtained for n = 2,3. While for n = 2 the relation generalizes a known expression
[5,6] for the 2-point correlation function of the Ising model, the general n results are new.
It was also stated in [4] that the formulation can be extended in a straightforward fashion
to n > 4, and to the more general (No, Np) model of Domany and Riedel [7].
Jacobsen [8] has since pointed out that the procedure as described in [4] does not
extend straightforwardly to n 2 4. But Wu and Huang [9] subsequently showed that the
procedure can be made to work, provided that one invokes certain correlation identities
which have not previously been known. In this paper we address the other extension of
the formulation mentioned in [4], namely, the extension to the (nr,,Np) model. Here, we
report results for n = 2,3.
The (NCY, Np) model [7] is an N,Np-state spin model; where N, and Np are positive
integers. For brevity we shall rename
q= hTa, q G ND. (1)
The model is most conveniently visualized as being represented by placing two Potts spins
at each site. At each site of a lattice, or more generally a graph, G of N sites, one places
two Potts spins of g and q states: respectively. Denote the spins states by 0 = O,l, . . . , q - 1
a n d r = O,l;.. :q - 1. T h e n , t h e interaction energy E(a, r; d, 7') between two sites in
spin states o, r and o-, r is given bJ
where k is the Boltzmann constant, T the temperature, and 6 the Kronecker delta function.
The (NQ, Np) model becomes the Ashkin-Teller model [lo] when N, = Np = 2.
The partition function of the (N,, Np) model is given by
where .&, ,62 ,...,6,;T1 ,72,...,7,, is the partial partition function defined by (3) with the 72 sites
in definite states. Then, following [4], one can define an n-point correlation
where P(a, 0,. . , CTIT, r,. . , 7) is the probability that all 71 sites are in the same state.
Clearly, rn vanishes identically when there is no correlation between the n sites.
The partition function (3) possess a duality relation [3,7]. Let 2 be the partition
function of an (N,, Np) model on the dual of G which has N* sites with interactions also
given by (a), but with K,, replaced by Ii;,, m,~. = 0,l. Further introduce Boltzmann
factors u,, = eKmn and uzn = eKAn. Then, it is well-known [3,7] that the duality relation
assumes the form
and ? is the transpose of T. We shall refer to (6) as the fundamental duality relation which
applies to arbitrary graph G with arbitrary (nonuniform) edge interactions. As discussed
in [4], the duality relations for correlation functions are most conveniently obtained by
applications of this fundamental duality relation.
In this section we consider the duality for the 2-point correlation functions between
any two spins at sites i and j on the boundary of G. Following [4,9], this is done by
applying (6) to an auxiliary graph (lattice). The auxiliary graph is obtained from G by
connecting sites i and j with an auxiliary edge as shown in Fig. l(a). Let u,, and uLn
be the respective Boltzmann factors associated with this edge and its dual related by (7).
Applying the fundamental duality to the auxiliary graph of Fig. l(a), we arrive at (6) in
the form
Note that in writing down (11) we have made use of the degeneracy ZOO;OO = Zaol;pp;&;ul =
Zaa;cy~,~ # P; etc.
Substituting (7) into (ll), the dual relation (10) becomes linear in both u,, and
Z b,U, ,717,. It is now a simple matter to equate the coefficients of the 4 u,,s, and obtain
FIG. 1. (a) Th e auxiliary graph for n = 2. (b) The auxiliary graph for n = 3.
where Zz is a 2 x 2 matrix with (p/3)-th element Znp;np,, and similarly for Zz This is the
desired duality relation for the 2-point correlation function.
To compute the correlation (5) for n = 2, we use (4) and note that one can apply the
fundamental duality relation (6) to l to write the partition function 2 in the form of
Substituting (12) and (14) into (5), one is led to the result
The expression (16) generalizes the q = 1 result for the Potts model [4].
For the 3-point correlation functions, we apply the fundamental duality relation to the
auxiliary graph shown in Fig. l(b), and extract from the resulting expression the desired
duality relation. Now for n = 3 there are 25 independent 3-point correlation functions and
the algebra tends to be involved. The procedure of [4] can nevertheless be carried through,
and the result can be expressed compactly as suggested by (14) as follows.
Introduce a 5 x 5 matrix 2s whose elements are the 3-point correlation functions
The 3-point correlation (5) can be computed straightforwardly using (19) and the
2= (44)2cGoo,wo. (21)
This leads to the compact expression which extends (15),
P3 = + z;.
c 000,000 J
We have obtained the duality relations for the 2- and 3-site boundary correlation
functions for the (Na,Np) model, which includes the NO = Np = 2 Ashkin-Teller model
as a special case. Explicit expressions are also obtained for the 2- and 3-point correlations.
Our results are presented in compact forms which are suggestive of possible extensions to
higher correlations and to the chiral Potts model [II]. These extensions will be reported
elsewhere [ 121.
This work has been supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant No.