Report 2
Report 2
Report 2
November 2018
2 Listening Comprehension
Grades 5–7...................................................................2
about GrapeSEED............................................................6
1 4. Speaking (Grade 5)
2 1
Teacher observations
Reading Comprehension
GrapeSEED students:
Grade 3
1. Gave full answers using GrapeSEED vocabulary.
• GrapeSEED students scored an average
2. Understood the task.
of 13% higher than their curriculum-
only peers. 3. Completed the task in two or fewer attempts.
2 Listening Comprehension
Grades 5–7
8.1 • GrapeSEED students scored an average
8 7.1
Average Test Score 2
10 9.4
• GrapeSEED students scored an average
4 of 32% higher than their curriculum-
only peers.
Curriculum-only students: 4 3
Teacher observations
GrapeSEED students: 9.6
Curriculum-only students:
Grade 5 (N=12)
Speaking • Grade 5
Teacher observations
• Students who received GrapeSEED scored GrapeSEED students:
an average of 52% higher than students 1. Understood the questions.
who did not receive GrapeSEED.
2. Responded in complete, spoken sentences.
• The speaking results revealed the greatest
3. Were not afraid to make mistakes.
score difference between the GrapeSEED
students and the curriculum-only students. 4. Were able to support and expand the conversation
by offering more information. 4
Research shows that children in Russia typically take “In both 2014 and 2015, our students
seven to nine years to reach grade-level proficiency in competed in English-language competitions
English.3 The results experienced at Ulan-Ude’s School
in nearby Mongolia—those students who
No. 47, however, indicate that greater achievement—
faster, more comprehensive achievement—is possible. received GrapeSEED won.”
While progress was made by both groups of students, Larisa Vydrina
GrapeSEED students demonstrated a higher level of Vice Principal, School No. 47
understanding than did their curriculum-only peers in
every speech domain (figure 5). Most important, they
reached demonstrated English-language proficiency
• Students experienced gains in all six areas
in less than three years.
of language development ranging from phonemic
Detailed analyses of the GrapeSEED students’ scores awareness to comprehension.
indicated the following:
• The percent of students who tested at or above
• The students’ proficiency in a five-point grading their age norm increased significantly, meaning
scale reflected the natural progression of children it couldn’t happen by chance.
learning language: first listening, then speaking,
• Students, who previously earned average grades,
then reading.
improved to higher grades.
GrapeSEED Curriculum-only
students students
Baikal Educational Forum. 5
About GrapeSEED
GrapeSEED is an English oral-acquisition program for Natural Approach. Developed by Stephen Krashen and
children. Backed by more than 40 years of pedagogical Tracy Terrell, this approach promotes second-language
and curricular research, the program today serves learning the way children learned their first languages.
66,000 students in 860 schools and across 17 countries. GrapeSEED’s curriculum emphasizes communication
and includes strategically selected vocabulary and ideas,
GROUNDED IN LANGUAGE-ACQUISITION THEORY effective visuals, pertinent gestures, and repetition.
Vertical Phonics. GrapeSEED students get introduced to
Hallmarks of the GrapeSEED program include acceler-
the most-frequent sounds of a phonogram at one time.
ated language development, interactive teacher–student
Sound–phonogram relationships are memorized easily.
relationships, and enhanced student interest, engagement,
And there are few special decoding rules.
and joy. And that’s no accident. GrapeSEED’s curriculum
designers created the program’s framework based on Total Physical Response. Developed by James Asher,
respected language-acquisition theory and research. this teaching method coordinates language and physical
movement so as to create brain links between speech
Affective Filter Theory. Educational researcher Stephen
and action. The language–body conversations are parts
Krashen identified the negative emotional and motiva-
of every GrapeSEED lesson in order to boost language
tional factors that slow second-language acquisition.
learning and vocabulary learning.
GrapeSEED classrooms are safe places where students
take risks and willingly practice English. TEACHER TRAINING AND SUPPORT
Functional-Notional Approach. This approach is part GrapeSEED Foundation Training teaches the most-
of a learner-centered movement away from grammar- effective ways to achieve oral-language development.
focused practices and toward the use of more-authentic After implementation, GrapeSEED professional learning
language. GrapeSEED instruction is constructed around specialists provide personalized insight and coaching.
meaningful words practiced in relevant settings. In addition, GrapeSEED offers learning opportunities so
educators can continue learning new ways to integrate
Progression-of-Learning Model. In this model, teachers
best practices into their curricula.
gradually adjust instruction to help students progress
from receptivity to expression. GrapeSEED students OUR GOAL
are exposed to vocabulary multiple times and in various
GrapeSEED is committed to empowering students
contexts in order to embed the language into their
to overcome language barriers and gain command
memories and move them closer to fluency.
of the English language. Contact your GrapeSEED
representative today to learn more.