This document contains temperature, humidity, and other weather data recorded hourly from June 1-6, 2019 at a weather station in San Martin de Porres, Lima, Peru. Temperatures ranged from a low of 16.3°C to a high of 19.5°C. Humidity varied between 79.53% to 96.7%. Wind direction and velocity are listed as "S/D", meaning no data was available.
This document contains temperature, humidity, and other weather data recorded hourly from June 1-6, 2019 at a weather station in San Martin de Porres, Lima, Peru. Temperatures ranged from a low of 16.3°C to a high of 19.5°C. Humidity varied between 79.53% to 96.7%. Wind direction and velocity are listed as "S/D", meaning no data was available.
This document contains temperature, humidity, and other weather data recorded hourly from June 1-6, 2019 at a weather station in San Martin de Porres, Lima, Peru. Temperatures ranged from a low of 16.3°C to a high of 19.5°C. Humidity varied between 79.53% to 96.7%. Wind direction and velocity are listed as "S/D", meaning no data was available.
This document contains temperature, humidity, and other weather data recorded hourly from June 1-6, 2019 at a weather station in San Martin de Porres, Lima, Peru. Temperatures ranged from a low of 16.3°C to a high of 19.5°C. Humidity varied between 79.53% to 96.7%. Wind direction and velocity are listed as "S/D", meaning no data was available.