Lecture 1 TENSE

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Private Class- Basic Batch 10 January, 2021

1. Tense class
Tense সাধারণত ৩ প্রকার । এই প্রততটা Tense আবার ৪ প্রকার,
তিচে তবস্তাতরত দেয়া হলঃ
1. Present Tense
2. Past tense
3. Future tense
1. Present indefinite tense
2. Present continuous tense
3. Present perfect tense
4. Present perfect continuous tense
1. Past indefinite tense
2. Past continuous tense
3. Past perfect tense
4. Past perfect continuous tense
1. Future indefinite tense
2. Future continuous tense
3. Future perfect tense
4. Future perfect continuous tense

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1. Present Indefinite Tense
Structure of Present Indefinite Tense- Subject + verb এর present form +

Example of Present Indefinite Tense- You do deserve an IELTS score of 7 if

you study regularly.

Do you love your parents?

I do love/like my parents. Because they are like an umbrella near to me.

A, E, I, O, U Word এর শুরুচত থাকচল An হয় ।

An apple, an egg and so on.

শুরুচত A, E, I, O, U থাকচলও দসটা যতে ওয়া/ইউ এর মত উচ্চারণ হয়, তার আচে

An িা হচয় A বচস ।
A one-eyed man, a university

Present form------ past form------ Past participle form

Eat ate eaten

run ran run

walk walked walked

get got Got / gotten

Read Read Read

PRESENT Indefinite tense দথচক Interrogative/ প্রশ্নচবাধক Sentence এ রুপান্তর:

Structure: auxiliary verb (do/does)+ subject + main verb + object?

1. I have a car.
Interrogative - Do I have a car?
2. He has a car.
Interrogative -Does he have a car?

3. You always shop/buy in that market.

Shop is verb (present form). Shop = দকিাকাটা করা

4. you love to listen to realistic songs

Interrogative - Do you love to listen to realistic songs
I love travelling, cooking, dancing, playing and so on.
I am a peace-loving person.
I know how to protest against injustice.
o Do you like to watch cricket?
Present Indefinite Tense- এ সাধারণত generally, occasionally, always. Never, Every (day,
month, week, year) sometimes; frequently এই গুচলা বযবহার করা যায় ।
2. Past indefinite tense

Structure of Past Indefinite Tense- Subject + verb এর past form + object

Example of Past Indefinite Tense-

1. We went shopping in this market last week.
2. We watched a movie in this Cineplex yesterday.
3. You used to shop in that market.
4. He cut his finger and went to hospital.
5. Did you play football last day?
Past indefinite tense - এ সাধারণত Yesterday; # (………. years, weeks, months,
days, hours)-ago;
in (past year); last+ (month, week, year).
Ago/last + time এই গুচলা past indefinite tense এ বযবহার করা যায় ।

Past Indefinite tense দথচক Interrogative/ প্রশ্নচবাধক Sentence এ রুপান্তর:

Structure: Auxiliary verb (did)+ subject + main verb + object ?

Past Indefinite tense - I went.

Interrogative - Did I go?
Auxiliary Verb of every tense
Tense Name Auxiliary Verb
present indefinite tense do, does
past indefinite tense did
future indefinite tense shall/will

present continuous tense am/is/are

past continuous tense was/were

future continuous tense shall be/ will be

present perfect tense have/has

past perfect tense had

future perfect tense shall have/will have

Present perfect continuous tense Have been/has been
Past perfect continuous tense Had been
Future perfect continuous tense Shall have been/will have been
3. Future indefinite tense
Structure of Past Indefinite Tense- Subject + will/shall + verb এর present
form + object

Example of future Indefinite Tense-

I shall be a doctor. (be is a base form)
Future indefinite tense - এ সাধারণত - Tomorrow; in (future year, month, week);
on (future day);
next (month, week, year, name of day); # days, months, weeks, years from now;
this month, week, afternoon, year; someday বযবহার করা যায় ।
I will never eat pizza.
Interrogative : will I never eat pizza?

Past Indefinite tense দথচক Interrogative/ প্রশ্নচবাধক Sentence এ রুপান্তর:

Structure: Auxiliary verb (shall/will)+ subject + main verb + object ?
They will not ride my bike.
Interrogative : Will they not ride my bike?
4. Present continuous tense

Structure of Present continuous Tense- Subject + am/is/are + verb এর

present form (ing) + object

Example of Present continuous Tense

1. I am going to market.
2. She is cooking food.
3. They are playing. (Without object)
4. The police are chasing the man.
5. Suzana is ironing her clothes right now.
Many students are taking calculus this semester.
Present Continuous Tense দথচক Interrogative/ প্রশ্নচবাধক Sentence এ রুপান্তর:

Structure: Auxiliary verb (am/is/are)+ subject + main verb (ing) + object?

You are reading sentences about verb, tenses right now.
Interrogative: Are you reading sentences about verb, tenses right now?
5. Past continuous Tense
Structure of Past continuous Tense- Subject + was/were + verb এর present
form (ing) + object

Example of Past continuous Tense-

a. She was cooking food.
b. They were playing cricket.
c. I was writing a letter.
d. I was playing cricket and suddenly my father called me= past continuous
tense+ past indefinite.
Was is used for singular subject
Were is used for plural subject

Past Continuous Tense দথচক Interrogative/ প্রশ্নচবাধক Sentence এ রুপান্তর:

Structure: Auxiliary verb (was/were)+ subject + main verb (ing) + object?

We were visiting Dubai last Sunday.
Interrogative- Won’t we visiting Dubai last sunday?

Mixture of tense:

I was cooking and I burnt my hand unfortunately.

I was going Sylhet and suddenly a snatcher snatched my mobile

6. Future continuous tense

Structure of future continuous tense- Subject + shall be/will be +verb এর

present form (ing) + object

Example of future continuous tense –

We will be learning English.
They shall be cooking food.
I will be playing cricket.
Future Continuous Tense দথচক Interrogative/প্রশ্নচবাধক Sentence এ রুপান্তর:
Structure: Auxiliary verb (shall/will) + subject + be + main verb (ing) + object?
Interrogative - Will they be playing tomorrow?
7. Present perfect tense
Structure of Present perfect tense- Subject + has/have +verb এর past
participle form + object

Example of Present perfect tense –

Has is used with singular subject
Have is used with plural subject

I have been ill since/for yesterday.

Number= for
W/H Questions
Who/which/where/when/how/what/how much/how
long/how far/how many+ auxiliary verb + sub+ main verb
+ object
Example: why are you not asking me questions for
enhancing your speaking and writing skills?

1. Alex has studied two foreign languages.

2. My sister has lost the key to the bathroom.
3. You have listened to Madonna in the concert. d. Scientists have split the
4. How long have you lived in this city?
5. They have stayed in the pool since 9 o’clock. g.Have you ever played
Present perfect Tense দথচক Interrogative/প্রশ্নচবাধক Sentence এ রুপান্তর:
Structure: Auxiliary verb (has/have) + subject + verb এর past participle form
+ object
• Sansa and Cersei have known each other
• Interrogative - Have Sansa and Cersei known each other?

8. Past perfect tense

Structure of Past perfect tense- Subject + had +verb এর past participle form
+ object

Example of Past perfect tense –

1. She had cooked food.
2. They had played a match.
3. I had left the job.
4. I had not washed the dishes until you came home.
5. You had not said that there is a problem before they said.
6. She had not arranged a meeting with them before they asked for.
7. By the time we came, she had finished the project
Past perfect Tense দথচক Interrogative/প্রশ্নচবাধক Sentence এ রুপান্তর:
Structure: Auxiliary verb (had) + subject + verb এর past participle form +
• Sansa and Cersei have known each other
• Interrogative - Had Sansa and Cersei known each other?

9. Future perfect tense

Structure of Future perfect tense- Subject + shall have/will have +verb এর
past participle form + object
By 2024, I will have (be) been citizen in Canada.
Be verb- am/is/are/ was/were- been
Have verb-have/has/ had had
If I had had much money= যতে আমার অচিক টাকা থাকত ।

Example of Future perfect tense – By+ time= future perfect tense

1. By June, I will have achieved a better IELTS score hopefully.

2. By eight o’clock tomorrow, I will have taken off for Japan.
3. She will have learnt Chinese language before she moves to China.
4. The guests will have arrived at the hotel by now.
Future perfect Tense দথচক Interrogative/প্রশ্নচবাধক Sentence এ রুপান্তর:
Structure: Auxiliary verb (shall/will) + subject+ have + verb এর past
participle form + object
• I will have done the work.
• Interrogative – Will I have done the work?
10 . Present perfect continuous tense
Structure of Present perfect continuous tense

- Sub+ have been/has been + Verb (ing) + সময় বাচে বাতক অংশ + since/for +
সময় ।

Example of Present perfect continuous tense

1. My daughter has been watching cartoons for the last two hours since
arriving home from school.

2. You have been sleeping too long and missing breakfast.

3. For the last two weeks, I have been reading The Lord of the Rings books
from dawn until dusk.
4. I have been picking strawberries from my garden and eating them right

Present perfect continuous tense দথচক Interrogative/ প্রশ্নচবাধক

Sentence এ রুপান্তর:
Structure: Auxiliary verb (Have/has)+ Subject + Been + main verb (ing) +

I have been writing articles on different topics since morning.

Interrogative: Have I been writing articles on different topics since morning?

Since = I have been living in Dhaka for 10 years/ since 1991.

For = I have been ill for 7 days/ since yesterday

সংখ্যা তেচয় সময় বূঝাচল for বচস

সংখ্যা ছাড়া সময় বূঝাচল Since বচস, দযমিঃ বার, মাচসর িাম ।
11. Past perfect continuous tense
Structure of Past Perfect continuous Tense- Sub+ had + been + Verb (ing) +
সময় বাচে বাতক অংশ + since/for + সময় ।

Example of Past Perfect continuous Tense

1. I had been writing articles on various topics for three hours.
2. He had been reading different kinds of books since morning.
3. They had been playing football in that field before it started to rain.
4. Jane had been gossiping in the coffee shop for two hours.
5. Jeff had been studying in the library before he came to the class.
Past Perfect Continuous Tense দথচক Interrogative/ প্রশ্নচবাধক Sentence এ
Structure: Auxiliary verb (had) + subject + been + main verb (ing) + object?
The children had been studying since Morning.
Interrogative - Had the children been studying since Morning?
12. Future perfect continuous tense
Structure of Future perfect continuous tense - Sub+ shall have/will have +
been + Verb (ing) + সময় বাচে বাতক অংশ + since/for + সময় ।

Example of Future perfect continuous tense

1. James will have been teaching at the university for more than a year.
2. I shall have been walking for over an hour.
3. They will have been playing cricket for 3 hours.

Future perfect continuous tense দথচক Interrogative/ প্রশ্নচবাধক

Sentence এ রুপান্তর:
Structure: Auxiliary verb (Shall/Will) + subject +have been/has been + main verb
(ing) + object?
The children will have been studying since Morning.
Interrogative - Will the children have been studying since Morning?

Use of cannot but/cannot help

*Structure: cannot but/cannot help+ (verb) ing

*cannot but/cannot help এর পচরর verb এর সাচথ সবসময় ing হয় ।

Example - I cannot help going to my friend’s marriage ceremony.

Use of before/after
Past perfect tense+ before +past indefinite tense Past indefinite tense+ after +past
perfect tense

Nobel Vai left home before/after the storm had stopped. = answer is after

Sohel had come in Europe before/after I came. = answer is before

Use of as if/as though As a Conjunction

Past indefinite tense+ because/since/as if /although +past perfect tense

Present perfect tense/present indefinite tense+ because/since//as if/ as though

+past indefinite tense

as if/as though= মত

he behaves as if he were a chairman.

He talks as if he knew everything.

He behaves as if he were the chief in the company.

The mad talks as if he knew everything.

He behaved as though he had been a chairman.

Use of Since/Because As a Conjunction

Present perfect tense/present indefinite tense+ since +past indefinite tense

Past indefinite tense + since +past perfect tense

Ten years have passed since I met you last.

I have been living here for 10 years= present perfect continuous tense

Unless= যতে িা ।

Unless you study, you will fail.

You will fail unless you work hard.

Unless protected areas are established, the animals of the Sundarban will
face distinction.

The authority should improve road systems by building more and broader
roads in order to deal with traffic congestion.

Preposition এরপর verb+ing হয় ।

To+ verb base form

With a view to, look forward to, get used to+ ing

I want to go abroad with my family to maintain a happier, healthier and

more enjoyable life.

Verb+ing= তেচয় sentence শুরু করচত হচব।

Teaching is a holy profession and this intellectual assets never goes down.
Noun এর আচে verb এর past participle কচর adjective করা যায় ।
Example: admitted students,

Populated area,

Prohibited area,

Allowed place & so on.

দবতশ দবতশ Adverb এর বযবহার করচল েক্ষতা বাচড় । Already, recently,

probably এর বযবহার= I will probably go there/Canada/abroad.

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