Road Crack Detection Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and OTSU Algorithm
Road Crack Detection Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and OTSU Algorithm
Road Crack Detection Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and OTSU Algorithm
Abstract—Cracks are one type of pavement surface Two-dimensional (2D) pavement images are the main
damages, whose assessment is very important for developing data sources used in practice for the detection and
road network maintenance strategies, which aims to ensure the segmentation of cracks. Automatic crack detection and
functioning of the road and driving safety. Existing methods segmentation based on 2D images is challenging because (1)
for automatic crack detection depend mostly on expensive low contrast between cracks and surrounding pavement, (2)
equipment and high maintenance and cannot divide the crack complicated crack patterns, and (3) genomic intensity along
segments accurately. This paper discusses an automation cracks[6]–[8]. Based on the problems mentioned above, this
method of classification and segmentation of asphalt pavement paper presents a method for automatically detecting and
cracks. The goal of the research is to classify asphalt pavement
classifying asphalt cracks. The aim of the study is to classify
cracks using the classification method of the Support Vector
asphalt pavement cracks using the classification method of
Machine (SVM) algorithm and segmentation method of the
OTSU algorithm. The OTSU algorithm for segmentation has the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm and
advantages in choosing the optimal threshold that is stable. segmentation method of the OTSU algorithm.
This algorithm is proven to be more effective and stronger
than conventional segmentation algorithms. For detection II. RELATED WORK
results, the proposed method achieves overall accuracy.
The Intensity-thresholding method has been widely
Keywords—road crack, road crack detection, Support Vector implemented for crack detection[9],[10]. Nevertheless,
Machine (SVM), OTSU background lighting and pavement texture significantly
affect the performance of this method, which results
unreliable crack segmentation. In the case of images with a
I. INTRODUCTION low noise signal ratio, the OTSU algorithm is widely applied
Asphalt pavement is an important part of national by researchers today[11]. The application of a simple and
infrastructure. Therefore, an effective and efficient efficient segmentation algorithm is actually able to produce
assessment of pavement conditions is an important concern satisfactory performance in detection[11]–[13].
for transport authorities in many countries to set maintenance
schedules, approaches and budgets[1]–[3]. In the US, Prasanna et al. [14] designed a histogram-based
maintenance and rehabilitation of asphalt pavements require classification algorithm and applied it together with Support
more than 17 billion dollars per year. The traditional Vector Machines (SVM) to detect cracks on the concrete
sidewalk cracking detection system by the human eye is very deck surface; the results on bridge data highlight the need to
expensive, requires a lot of energy, time, and subjective[4]. improve the accuracy of practical predictions. Nhat Duc
Because of the high demands for an intelligent pavement Hoang1 and Quoc Lam Nguyen[15] compared
management strategy, the development of automatic classification algorithms using machine learning, the results
pavement detection systems has received a lot of attention in showed that SVM had reached the highest level of
the last decade. classification accuracy (87.50%), followed by ANN
(84.25%), and RF (70%). Gavilan et al[16] made a road
A vehicle for monitoring road conditions is specially crack detection system using Support Vector Machine
designed and equipped with positioning systems, cameras, (SVM), the result is a linear SVM based classifier can
laser scanners, pavement profiles, and accelerometers to distinguish between 10 types of pavements that appear on
collect pavement data[2][5]. However, for example in the Spanish roads. The SVM-based method that takes into
North America, Tsai and Li's research shows that only 8 account neighbouring pixel information was recently
highway authorities utilize automatic crack detection in introduced by Ai et al[17]. Based on previous research
practice[6]. With the proliferation of technology, more works, this study proposes a pavement crack classification
transport authorities are using automated techniques to model using the SVM method with the OTSU algorithm as
collect data. However, manual data processing is still the segmentation method.
dominating. In a recent study, Radopoulou and Brilakis[5]
estimated that only 0.4% of inspections are automatic and the
remaining 99.6% are manual.
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III. METHODOLOGY where n is the total number of pixels in the image, nq is
The following diagram in Fig.1 is a general description of the number of pixels rq, and L is the total number of
the proposed method, consisting of three steps for crack image intensity levels.
detection. First the images that have been collected one by In determining the value of T by maximizing between
one will be segmented using the OTSU algorithm. Image class variance is defined as follows:
segmentation is a process, which is aimed to obtain objects (2)
contained in the image or to divide the image into several
regions, in which each object or region has a similar where obtained from:
−1 −1
attribute. In images containing only one object, the object is
distinguished from its background. After that, feature = ℎ 1 =
extraction is performed to get the characteristics of the =0 =
−1 −1
image. The last stage is the classification by using the SVM
method. 0 = ℎ 1 =
=0 =
In this case, L determines the level used for
computing. Contrast, which is a measure of the
contribution of variations in level of gray pixels, is
calculated in the following way:
C. Methods (7)
1) OTSU: Correlation which is a measure of linear dependency
OTSU performs discriminant analysis by determining between gray levels in the image is calculated using the
a variable by distinguishing between two or more groups formula:
naturally. The OTSU method starts with normalizing the
histogram image as a discrete density probability (8)
function as follow:
= , ℎ = 0, 1, 2, … , − 1 where
(1) (9)
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(10) Fig. 2. SVM tries to find the best Hyperplane that separates both
negative and positive classes
(11) The best hyperplane separator between the two
(12) classes can be found by measuring the margin of the
hyperplane and looking for the maximum point. Margin
is the distance between the hyperplane and the closest
data from each class. The closest subset of training
3) Support Vector Machine (SVM) datasets is called a support vector. The solid line in
SVM is a selection method that compares the Figure 2 shows the best hyperplane, which is located
standard parameters of a set of discrete values called right in the middle of the two classes, while the square
candidate sets, and takes the one that has the best and circle points marked in the black circle are support
classification accuracy. SVM is one of the most vectors. The effort to find the optimal hyperplane
influential and powerful tools for solving location is the core of the learning process in SVM.
classifications[16]–[18]. SVM is a set of methods related Available data is denoted as x ∈ R d while each label is
to a learning method, for both classification and notated yi ∈{-1+1} for i = 1,2,....,1 where l is the amount
regression problems. With task-oriented, powerful, easy- of data. It is assumed that both class-1 and +1 can be
to-do computational properties, SVM has achieved great completely separated by a hyperplane, which has
success and is considered the current state-of-the-art dimension of d.
Two classes of data are described as circular and
dotted points presented in this number. Intuitively A. Labeling of Data
observed, there are many hyperplanes decisions that can In the dataset the cropping process is carried out first
be used to separate the two data groups. However, what with a size of 100 x 256. Fig.3 shows the data that has
is depicted with this number is chosen as being been cropped and labeled.
advantageous in separating fields, because it contains a
maximum margin between the two classes[19].
Therefore, in the goal of the SVM function, a
regularization term represents an emergent margin.
Especially as seen in this value, only those with full
points are called support vectors mainly determining (a) (b)
separating fields, while other points do not contribute to Fig.3 (a) With Crack (b) No Crack
margins at all. In other words, only a number of Data is classified into two groups, namely with crack and
important points for the classification of objectives no crack.
within the SVM framework and as such must be taken.
The concept of SVM can be explained simply as an B. Segmentation based OTSU
attempt to find the best hyperplane that has a function as To obtain rough crack areas, the OTSU thresholding
a separator of two classes in the input space. For n- method is applied to attain global threshold values. Then
dimensional space, input data xi (i = 1 ... k), which the standard deviation of the filter response is calculated.
belongs to class 1 or class 2 and the associated label To be conservative, the final threshold value is the sum of
becomes -1 for class 1 and +1 for class 2. Figure 2 shows the OTSU threshold values and the half of the standard
several patterns that are members of two classes: positive deviation. Fig.4 exhibits the rough crack area that was
(denoted by +1) and negative (notated by –1). Patterns generated using the final threshold value.
that are joined to negative classes are symbolized by
squares, whereas patterns from positive classes are
symbolized by circles. If the input data can be separated
linearly, hyper plane separation can be given in the
learning process in the classification problem, which is
translated as an effort to find a line (hyperplane) that (a) (b)
separates the two groups[19]. Various alternative Fig.4 (a) Original (b) OTSU Segmentation
discrimination boundaries are shown in Fig.2.
C. Extraction Feature
Feature extraction employs the GLCM method. This
method utilizes 4 angles, which are 00, 450, 900 dan 1350
angles. The results of feature extraction from one data
can be seen from TABLE I. There are 40 image data
used, so the number of data lines is 40 x 20 = 800 data
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D. Performance Test of SVM Model applied in evaluating this kernel comparison are
Model performance testing in this study was carried accuracy, precision, recall, ROC curve (AUC), and
out by comparing the existing kernel in SVM to obtain a ANOVA statistical test[20]. The following will discuss
model with the highest performance. The parameters the evaluation parameters that will be used as
performance testing of the SVM model.
1) Accuracy, precision, and recall The ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve is a
Accuracy can be defined as the level of closeness measure to assess the ability of a classification system.
between the predicted value and the actual value. This research employs ROC curve measurement tool to
Precision shows the level of accuracy or precision in compare SVM kernels. The ROC curve was initially
classification. Whereas recall serves to measure the implemented in signal detection theory. Then it was
actual positive proportions that are correctly identified. developed and used in the fields of medicine, radiology,
To measure accuracy, precise, and recall, confusion and other fields. ROC curves are often applied to assess
matrix is usually employed. Confusion matrix is a matrix classifications because they have the ability to evaluate
measuring instrument applied to get the amount of class algorithms quite well[20].
classification accuracy with the algorithm. The form of The ROC curve is a comparison graph between
confusion matrix can be seen in TABLE II. sensitivity (true positive rate (TPR)), which is translated
into the vertical axis or y-axis coordinate, with specificity
TABLE II. CONFUSIoN MATRIX OF TWO CLASSES (false positive rate (FPR)), which is translated in the form
of a curve. The formulations of sensitivity and specificity
Real Value are presented in Equation (16), and Equation (17)[20].
Confusion Matrix
(True (16)
(False Positive)
TRUE Positive)
Correct Unexpected
Prediction result result (17)
Value FN TN
AUC (area under curve) is the area under the ROC
(False (True Negative)
curve. The area of the AUC is always between values 0
FALSE Negative) Correct absence
to 1. The AUC is calculated based on the combined area
of result of the trapezoid points (sensitivity and specificity).
The standard classification class tables based on the
AUC values are depicted in TABLE III
In Table II the values of TP (true positive) and TN
(true negative) indicate the level of classification TABLE III. CATEGORY OF CLASSIFICATION BASED ON
accuracy. Generally, the higher the TP and TN values are AUC VALUE
obtained, the better the classification level of accuracy,
AUC Value Classification Category
precision, and recall are generated. If the predicted output
0.90 - 1.00 Excellent
label is true and the true value is false, then it is called
0.80 - 0.90 Good
false positive (FP). Whereas if the predicted output label
0.70 - 0.80 Fair
is false and the true value is true then this is referred to as
0.60 - 0.70 Poor
false negative (FN)[20]. The formulations for calculating
0.50 - 0.60 Fail
accuracy, precision, and recall on the classification model
formation are shown in Equation (13), Equation (14) and V. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
Equation (15).
In the study, training data is utilized to form classification
(13) models, namely the value of the extraction features of asphalt
pavement crack image data. The performance of the SVM
model applied to the five SVM kernel functions, which
includes dot, radial, polynomial, neural, and anova kernels.
Each experiment with various SVM models is then assesed
(15) using accuracy, precision, and recall values to get the best
2) ROC Curve
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TABLE IV exhibits a comparison of the accuracy of Par C Kernel Type
classifying data using SVM. The first assessment employs Dot Radial Polynomial Neural Anova
accuracy level. Seeing from TABLE IV, the highest accuracy
level of 96.25% is obtained when applying the Anova kernel 0.0 0.894 0.975 0.85 0.713 0.975
with C parameter of 0.5. Then, precision evaluator is utilized
0.5 0.96 0.975 0.95 0.738 0.981
for the second assessment. TABLE V presents a comparison
1 0.931 0.975 0.944 0.7113 0.981
of the level of precision in classifying data using SVM in
each kernel. 10 0.969 0.969 0.956 0.631 0.956
100 0.956 0.944 0.925 0.5 0.95
As seen from TABLE V, the greatest precision level of 500 0.963 0.944 0.944 0.438 0.95
96% is obtained when applying SVM with parameters C 1000 0.963 0.944 0.925 0.412 0.95
(penalties) of 500 and 1000 in the Dot kernel as well as in the
Radial kernel with parameters C of 100, 500 and 1000.
From TABLE VII, AUC (area under curve) values among
The third assessment is to use the recall evaluator.
the kernels are compared. A conclusion can be drawn that by
TABLE VI presents a comparison of the recall rates of
selecting the right attributes (parameters) using the SVM
classifying data using SVM.
method, it generally can increase the AUC (area under curve)
value of the SVM model on several types of kernels tested,
Par C Kernel Type The highest AUC (area under curve) level of 0.981% is
Dot Radial Polynomial Neural Anova obtained when applying the C (penalty) parameter of 0.5 and
0.1 using the Anova kernel.
0.0 90.00 90 67.5 62.5 90
0.5 88.75 90 90 70 96.25 Based on the SVM test results above, it can be concluded
1 88.75 90 90 62.5 92.5 that SVM works relatively well with Anova kernel
10 91.25 95 88.75 60 95 performance, because it provides the highest level of
accuracy, precision and AUC compared to other kernels.
92.5 95 90 58.75 92.5
Whereas the best recall value is produced by Dot and Radial
500 92.5 95 90 57.5 92.5
kernels, because they have the largest value, compared to
1000 92.5 95 90 58.75 92.5 other kernels.
TABLE V. PRECISION LEVEL OF SVM CLASSIFICATION After all those assessments, the next step is to evaluate
the best SVM classification model from different datasets.
Par C Kernel Type The SVM model with anova kernel and a penalty factor (C)
Dot Radial Polynomial Neural Anova parameter of 0.5 is used as a prediction reference.
0.0 93.5 93.5 71.31 62.67 93.5
The evaluation results of the model are then analyzed by
0.5 93.5 93.5 92.67 71.67 94
matching the label prediction with the label crack and no
1 93.5 93.5 92.67 62.67 89.33 crack, so that using confusion matrix, the accuracy,
10 95.5 94 90.67 58.67 95.5 precision, and recall performance are obtained.
100 95.5 96 91 57.17 93
500 96 96 90.17 57.17 93
TABLE VIII shows the confusion matrix of the results,
which are obtained by applying the SVM with Anova kernel
1000 96 96 89 57.17 93
and parameter of 0.5 to the asphalt crack detection data.
Dot Radial Polynomial Neural Anova
true crack true no_crack class precision
pred. crack 37 0 100.00%
0.0 87.5 87.5 82.5 62.5 87.5 pred. no_crack 3 40 93.02%
0.5 85 87.5 90 65 100 class recall 92.50% 100.00% Accuracy: 96.25%
1 85 87.5 90 62.5 100
10 87.5 97.5 90 60 95
100 90 95 90 60 92.5 It can be concluded that the SVM method is able to perform
500 90 95 92.5 60 92.5 an automatic computation for the detection and classification
1000 90 95 92.5 60 92.5 of asphalt pavement cracks. OTSU algorithm is implemented
for the segmentation process, meanwhile GLCM method is
The greatest recall level of 100% is achieved when utilized for feature extraction to earn features from the image
applying the Anova kernel with parameter C (penalties) of datasets that have been collected.
0.5 and 1. The next assessment is to measure the value of
AUC (area under curve) on the ROC curve. TABLE VII Image processing techniques of segmentation and feature
depicts a comparison of the AUC level of data classification extraction are applied to achieve the most accurate prediction
using SVM. accuracy. The successful application of this approach has
been demonstrated through the results of experiments and
TABLE VII. AUC LEVEL OF SVM CLASSIFICATIONJ statistical tests of the SVM method. This approach can be
used to study the mapping function between image input
Authorized licensed use limited to: Macquarie University. Downloaded on May 31,2020 at 09:45:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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