Efflorescence FS Feb 11

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Efflorescence FACT SHEET 55-022-0211

What is it? Using good quality mortar, concrete and clean water
Efflorescence is the movement of salts embedded in during construction is important as it reduces the free
concrete and masonry structures after water has moving salts and impurities. Once efflorescence has
carried them to the surface. Efflorescence can be started, preventing further damage is done by
seen as a discoloration and as a powdery or removing the water source, which may require some
crystalline substance on the face of the masonry. construction and/or demolition. Sometimes a
Efflorescence can be a variety of colors and patterns hydrophobic sealer can be applied, but this is only
(though commonly white), depending on the materials effective if one can reach the side of the structure
water is moving through and the chemicals where water is entering, not the side where the water
transported by the water. is evaporating (the area where efflorescence can be
Why is it a problem?
What is it made of (or what is its chemical
Efflorescence in itself is typically considered only a composition)?
visual/aesthetic problem, with the rare structural issue
caused by expanding salts. It can look very much like The chemical composition of efflorescence is not a
mold, and its unattractive appearance raises straightforward answer. Different analyses of
concerns. While the salts brought to the surface are efflorescence has detected a variety of chemical salts
rarely harmful, the condition of efflorescence including (but not limited too): sodium sulfate,
indicates that water is moving through your masonry potassium sulfate, sodium carbonate, calcium sulfate,
in ways that are not intended. The presence of sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate, sodium
uncontrolled water can lead to more serious issues silicate, and magnesium sulfate. In general most are
such as mold and structural concerns. alkalis of sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) and potassium
sulfate (K2SO4). To better understand the diversity it
How is efflorescence formed? is better to explain where the salts originate from. The
Efflorescence is formed when an excess amount of salts come from a variety of sources, the mortar (or
water comes into contact with a surface that has concrete) batch, the water (groundwater or
water soluble salts. The water must then migrate to rainwater), and nearby chemical sources (such as a
an air exposed surface and evaporate, leaving behind chimney, chemical plant, or leaking chemicals). It
the salts. The water can be introduced when the may not be possible to eliminate the contaminants in
masonry is being formed, or much later, commonly the water, but it is often better to focus on eliminating
from rain water or ground water getting behind the the water from entering at all.
wall. Sometimes the constant exposure to salts and Are there health hazards?
chemicals driven into masonry can cause
efflorescence erosion. This is more common in roads Ordinarily, efflorescence salts do not pose a hazard;
where salt is used for melting ice. the most common (potassium and sodium sulfates)
are only considered a mild irritant when inhaled or
How is efflorescence prevented? when in contact with the eyes, which is not a common
The best way to prevent efflorescence is with good problem with most efflorescence, as it does not
construction principles and proper design. Preventing become a respirable or free floating dust naturally.
water from seeping into a wall or coming through a However, care should be exercised when dealing with
roof is key to stopping efflorescence from starting. efflorescence when the suspected salts come from a
Flashing, water stop, proper drainage and other chemical process, combustion by product, or waste.
common construction practices help keep water out. Chimneys and other chemical laden areas may move
harmful compounds through the masonry and need to

U.S. Army Public Health Command (Provisional)

Industrial Hygiene Field Services
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5403
Commercial (410) 436-3118/DSN 584-3118
be evaluated before removing or coming in contact with them. Generally, the biggest health concern with
efflorescence is in the removal process, which often involves strong acids. Only professionals with proper
personal protective equipment (PPE) and training should utilize efflorescence removal cleaning agents.

How do I know it is not mold?

A common question that often arises from inexperienced survey personnel when conducting the survey of wall
stains or potential mold growth is whether or not efflorescence or mold is present. Some kinds of efflorescence
are easily distinguishable from mold, others not so much.
When evaluating, remember to keep in mind the conditions needed for mold growth. If the stain appears on a
wall that has no food for mold (paper, wallpaper, biological material, etc) mold spores will not grow. Most
masonry walls will not support mold growth unless a food source is placed on the wall. Another factor is
location. Mold spores often grow in areas with little air movement. If the stain is on an outside wall, exposed to
sun and air, it is unlikely that it is mold. Stains that are very uniformly white and ‘sandy’ or ‘powdery’ in
appearance are often efflorescence. Mold typically varies in color, both often commonly has varying shades of
green, brown, or black spots.
When looking at the stain, use of a magnifying glass will help identify features that only mold exhibits, such as
‘hairy’ spots or a multitude of colors or dots when examined close-up.
While wearing appropriate PPE, such as gloves, eye protection, an approved N95 disposable respirator,
scrape off some of the substance, if it crushes into a powder or dissolves in water, it is not mold.
Remember, both efflorescence and mold share something in common, uncontrolled water. Where conditions
exist for efflorescence inside a building often the conditions for mold are present.
In any situation, take necessary precautions, wear proper PPE and contact your local Industrial Hygienist for
further assistance if needed.

“How to distinguish mold growth from other discolorations“ 2006 Mold & Bacteria Consulting Laboratories (MBL) Inc.

“CBD-2. Efflorescence” February 1960 T. Ritchie, National Research Council, Canada http://www.nrc-

“What causes efflorescence and how can it be avoided?” Portland Cement Association

“Efflorescence: Cause and Control” Masonry Institute of America www.masonryinstitute.org/pdf/612.pdf

Figure 1. Typical white efflorescent salts on brick and block masonry

Figure 2. Possible path of water soluble salts that form efflorescence

Photos courtesy of Masonry Institute of America, copyrighted and used with permission.

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