GLOBALIZATION DEFINITION For Sharing 1st Sem 2022 2023
GLOBALIZATION DEFINITION For Sharing 1st Sem 2022 2023
GLOBALIZATION DEFINITION For Sharing 1st Sem 2022 2023
Arjun Appadurai, “Disjuncture and “The critical point is that both sides
Difference in the Global Cultural of the coin of global cultural process
Economy,” in M. Featherstone today are products of the infinitely
(ed.), Global Culture: Nationalism , varied mutual contest of sameness and
Globalization and Modernity (London: difference on a stage characterized by
Sage, 1990), p. 308, as cited in radical disjunctures between different
Chi-yu Chang, “How American sorts of global flows and the uncertain
Culture Correlates the Process of landscapes created in and through
Globalization,” Asian EFL Journal, Vol. these disjunctures.”
6j Issue 3, September 2004.
Peter Dicken, Global Shift: The “...globalization' is ‘qualitatively
Internationalization of Economic different’ from internationalization...
Activity (London: Guilford Press, it represents ‘a more advanced and
1992), p. 1, p. 87, as cited in 1 . Clark, complex form of internationalization
Globalization and International which implies a degree of functional
Relations Theory (New York: Oxford integration between internationally
University Press, 1999), p. 38 dispersed economic activities.”’ (p. 1)
... “‘the degree of interdependence
and integration between national
economies.’” (p. 87)
Kenichi Ohmae, The Borderless World: “...globalization means the onset of
Power and Strategy in the Global the borderless world... ”
Marketplace (London: HarperCollins,
1992), as cited in RAWOO Netherlands
Development Assistance Research
Council, “Coping with Globalization:
The Need for Research Concerning
the Local Response to Globalization
in Developing Countries,” Publication
No. 20, 2000, p. 14.
Roland Robertson, Globalization: Social “...refers both to the compression
Theory and Global Culture (London: of the world and the intensification
Sage, 1992), p. 8. of consciousness of the world as a
OECD, Intra-Firm Trade (Paris: OECD, “...understood as the phenomenon
1993), p. 7, as cited in R. Brinkman and by which markets and production
J. Brinkman, “Corporate Power and the in different countries are becoming
Globalization Process,” International increasingly interdependent due to
Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 29, the dynamics of trade in goods and
No. 9, 2002, pp. 730-752, pp. 730 - 731 - services and the flows of capital and
Robert Cox, “Multilateralism and “The characteristics of the
the Democratization of World globalization trend include the
Order,” paper for the International internationalizing of production/the
Symposium on Sources of Innovation new international division of labor,
in Multilateralism, Lausanne, May new migratory movements from
26-28, 1994, as Cited in J. A. Scholte, South to North, the new competitive
“Th'e Globalization of World Politics,” environment that accelerates these
in J. Baylis and S. Smith (eds.), The processes, and the internationalizing
Globalization of World Politics, An of the' state... making states into
Introduction to International Relations agencies of the globalizing world.”
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1999).P.15
Mike Featherstone, Undoing Culture,
Globalization, Postmodernism and “The process of globalization suggests
Identity (London: Sage, 1995), PP- simultaneously two images of culture.
6-7, as cited in “Culture Communities: The first image entails the extension
Some Other Viewpoints,” Issues in outwards of a particular culture to
Global Education, Newsletter of the its limit, the globe. Heterogeneous
American Forum for Global Education, cultures become incorporated and
Issue No. 158, 2000. integrated into a dominant culture
which eventually covers the whole
world. The second image points to
the compression of cultures. Things
formerly held apart are now brought
into contact and juxtaposition
Hans-Henrik Holm and Georg “...the intensification of economic,
Sorensen (eds.), Whose World Order? political, social and cultural relations
Uneven Globalization and the End of the across borders.”
Cold War (Boulder: Westview Press,
1 995 )> P- 1, as cited in R. J. Holton,
Globalization and the Nation-State
(London: Macmillan Press, 1998), p. 11.
Robert Spich, “Globalization Folklore: “[I]t is a mind set, an idea set, an ideal
Problems of Myth and Ideology in the visualization, a popular metaphor and,
Discourse on Globalization,” Journal of finally, a stylized way of thinking about
Organizational Change Management, complex international developments.”
Vol. 8, No. 4,1995, pp. 6-29, pp. 10-11.
Thomas Larsson, The Race to the Top: “[I]t is the process of world shrinkage,
The Real Story of Globalization (US: of distances getting shorter, things
Cato Institute, 2001), p. 9. moving closer. It pertains to the
increasing ease with which somebody
on one side of the world can interact,
to mutual benefit, with somebody on
the other side of the world.”
Brink Lindsey, Against the Dead Hand: The “...three distinct but interrelated
Uncertain Struggle for Global Capitalism (New senses: First, to describe the
York: John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2002), p. 275, n, & economic phenomenon of increasing
1., as cited integration of markets across boundaries (whether due to political
political or technological causes); second,
in M. Wolf, Why Globalization Works (London: to describe the strictly political
Yale University Press, 2004), pp. 14-15. phenomenon of falling government-
imposed barriers to international
flows of goods, services, and capital;
and, finally, to describe the much
broader political phenomenon of
the global spread of market-oriented
policies in both the domestic and
a international spheres. Since I contend
that globalization in the first sense is
due primarily to globalization in the
second sense, and that globalization
in the second sense is primarily due to
globalization in the third sense, I do
not think it unduly confusing to use
the same word to mean three different
BBC News, “Financial Terms EJ,” April “The world is shrinking thanks to
15, 2004, see advancing technology. Depending
hi/programmes/working Junch/guid on what you read, this increasingly
es/glossary/i496844.stm. interconnected global marketplace is
either the best or the worst thing to
happen. Meetings of bodies such as
G8, the International Monetary Fund
and the World Bank often generate
large demonstrations.”
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, “The generalized expansion of
“Essay Contest Glossary,” U.S., 2004- international economic activity Which
2005, see includes increased international trade,
econed/essay/topics/glossary05.cfm. growth of international investment
(foreign investment) and international
migration, and increased creation
of technology among countries.
Globalization is the increasing world¬
wide integration of markets for goods,
services, labor, and capital.”
Calgary Board of Education, Media “The process of making something
Services, 2005, see http://schools.cbe. worldwide in scope or application.”
E Marketing, 21 web resource accessed “People around the globe are more
March 21 , 2006, see http://www. connected to each other than ever before. Information and money flow
htmi. more quickly than ever.- Goods and
services produced in one part of the
world are increasingly available in
all parts of the world. International
travel is more frequent. International
communication is commonplace.
This phenomenon has been titled
Staniake Search, 22 “Glossary,” web “Tendency toward a worldwide
resource accessed March 21, 2006, see investment and business environment, and the integration of national capital
-candidates/recruitment-glossary.php. markets."