75358cajournal August2023 9
75358cajournal August2023 9
75358cajournal August2023 9
individual shall not act in any of the following Pressure related to financial interests.
roles, or a combination of such roles, for a Pressure related to financial Interests,
period of more than seven cumulative years (the Compensation, and Incentives Linked to
“time-on” period): Financial Reporting and Decision Making.
a) The engagement partners. Inducements, Including Gifts and Hospitality
b) The individual appointed as responsible for the Responding to Non-compliance with Laws and
engagement quality control review; or Regulations etc.
c) Any other key audit partner role. As per paragraph 270.3 A4 of Volume-I of the Code
After the time-on period, the individual shall of Ethics, discussing the circumstances creating
serve a “cooling-off” period in accordance the pressure and consulting with others about
with the provisions in paragraphs R540.11 to those circumstances might assist the professional
R540.19. accountant to evaluate the level of the threat.
Such discussion and consultation, which requires
11. Whether a person who is a director or officer of being alert to the principle of confidentiality, might
an entity shall be qualified for appointment as include:
auditor of that entity?
Discussing the matter with the individual who is
A. As per paragraph R523.3 of Volume-I of the Code of exerting the pressure to seek to resolve it.
Ethics, a partner or employee of the firm or a network
firm shall not serve as a director or officer of an audit Discussing the matter with the accountant’s
superior, if the superior is not the individual
client of the firm. Further, as per Section 141(3) (b) of
exerting the pressure.
the Companies Act, 2013, an officer or employee of
the company or a person who is a partner, or who is Escalating the matter within the employing
in the employment, of an officer or employee of the organization, including when appropriate,
company, shall not be eligible for appointment as an explaining any consequential risks to the
auditor of a company. organization, for example with:
12. What are the pressures that may create a Higher levels of management.
threat to compliance with one or more of Internal or external auditors.
the fundamental principles by a professional
Those charged with governance.
accountant in service? How should he deal with
the said situation? Disclosing the matter in line with the employing
A. As per paragraph 270.3 A2 of Volume-I of the Code organization’s policies, including ethics and
of Ethics, examples of pressures that might result whistleblowing policies, using any established
in threats to compliance with the fundamental mechanism, such as a confidential ethics
principles by a professional accountant in service hotline.
include: Consulting with:
Pressure related to conflicts of interest. A colleague, superior, human resources
personnel, or another professional
Pressure to influence the preparation or
presentation of information.
Institute or industry associations; or
Pressure to act without sufficient expertise or
due care. Legal counsel.