Assignment No 5 Ecological Relationships

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Arts and Sciences
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya
(GEELEC 1A-1st SEMESTER-2023-2024)
Name: Course & Year: Date: Score:

Assignment No. 5. Ecological Relationships

Students are introduced to symbiotic relationships between living things. Visit an

area within your vicinity. Take picture/s with you of at least one kind of ecological relationships.


Predation: Cat eating mice

Photography Rubric
Criteria 5 pts 3 pts 1 pt Score
Quality of All of the Most of the Some of the
Photographs photographs are photographs are clear, photographs are not
clear and of good and of good quality. clear, and of poor
quality. quality.
Consistency All of the Most of the Some of the
with the Theme photographs are photographs are photographs are not
consistent with the consistent with the consistent with the
theme. theme. theme.
Creativity of All of the Most of the Some of the
Presentation photographs are photographs are photographs are not
presented in a presented in a presented in a
creative, appealing, creative, appealing, creative, appealing,
and orderly manner. and orderly manner. and orderly manner.
Accuracy of All of the Most of the Some of the
Descriptions photographs have photographs have photographs have
appropriate and appropriate and inappropriate and
accurate accurate descriptions. inaccurate
descriptions. descriptions.

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educational purposes only and not for commercial distribution,”
NVSU-FR-ICD-05-00 (081220)

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