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Marine GPS Receiver

Concinnity and Solid design for GPS Marine Locator
with Full Waterproof IPX7
Garmin compatible Marine GPS Receiver

MR-700UB is Marine GPS receiver. Its excellent performance easily conquers the most difficult tasks.
In addition , it provides various functions to meet customers' needs.MR-700UB It provides marvelous
navigation performance under dynamic conditions in areas with limited sky view like urban canyons.

Features :
u-blox 6 solution
50-channel GPS
RS232, RS422 interface supported
25.0 x 25.0 x 4.0 mm patch antenna
7Pin Waterproof connector
RoHS compliant
Update Rate 1~5Hz
Possible Application:
Marine Navigation.
Fleet Management.
Mileage Management.
Tracking devices/system.
Data logging for marine Navigation.
Mapping devices for PC & Pocket PC.
Marine Navigation or touring devices.
AVL and Location-Based service system.


Specifications Parameter Description

L1 1575.42MHz
GALILEO Open Service L1
50 channels, C/A code
-160dBm (tracking)
-147dBm (Acquisition/Reacquisition)
Position 5.0 meters CEP
Accuracy DGPS Accuracy 2.0 meters CEP
Time 30 nanosecond rms (1 PPS)
Cold start 32 sec. (typical)
Warm start 32 sec. (typical)
Hot start 1 sec. (typical)
Reacquisition < 1 sec, typical
Altitude 50,000 meters max.
Dynamics Velocity 500 meters /sec max.
Operation Temperature -40° C to +85° C
Storage Temperature -45° C to +90° C
Operating Humidity 0% to 95% RH, non condensing
Water Resistance 100% waterproof
Primary Power 7V ~ 40V DC
Power Consumption 150mA
Protocol NMEA0183 v2.3

Signal level RS-232(standard), & RS-422 optional

NMEA Message GGA, ZDA,GSA,GSV, RMC, VTG(Default)

EMI filter Rejects power line interference
Power cable UL 2464/24Awg 15M
Enclosure High impact, corrosion-proof polycarbonate resin
Connector Open
GPS Locator 90.5mm(Dia.) × 108.5mm(H)
Mounting Base 70mm(W) × 41.5mm(H) optional FB1 & FB2 & FB3
Weight 200 grams
Standard Mounting Concinnity and Solid design
*This specification is subject to change without prior notice

User selectable datum *Pole mount to 1"-14 UNS threaded mast

RS232 I/O Connection


Wire Function
White (白) Receive
Green(綠) Transmit
Yellow(黃) GND
Bare Braid(隔離地線/熱縮黑) Earth/GND
Blue(藍) 1PPS or N.C
Purplr(紫) N.C
Black(黑) Power- GND
Red(紅) Power+

RS422 I/O Connection

Wire Function
White (R+) 白 Differential input +
Green (T-) 綠 Differential output -
Yellow (T+) 黃 Differential output +
Purplr (R-) 紫 Differential input -
Blue 藍 1PPS or N.C
Bare Braid(隔離地線/熱縮黑) Earth/GND
Black ( - ) 黑 Power- GND
Red (+) 紅 Power+

Output NMEA Messages
Table 3 NMEA-0183 V2.3 Output Messages
NMEA Sentence Description
GGA (default) Global Positioning System Fixed Data
GLL Geographic Position - Latitude/Longitude
GSA (default) GNSS DOP and Active Satellites
GSV (default) GNSS Satellites in View
RMC (default) Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS data
VTG (default) Course Over Ground and Ground Speed
ZDA (default) Time and Date

GGA--- Global Positioning System Fixed Data

Table 4 contains the values for the following example:

Table 4 GGA Data Format
Name Example Units Description
Message ID $GPGGA GGA protocol header
UTC Time 092725.00, Current time
Latitude 4717.11399 ddmm.mmmmm, Degrees + minutes
N/S Indicator N N=north or S=south
Longitude 00833.91590 dddmm.mmmmm, Degrees + minutes
E/W Indicator E E=east or W=west
Position Fix 1 See Table 5
Satellites Used 8 Range 0 to 12
HDOP 1.01 Horizontal Dilution of Precision
MSL Altitude 499.6 m
Units M meters Meters (fixed field)
Geoid 48.0 m
Units M meters Meters (fixed field)
Age of second Blank (Null) fields when DGPS is not
Differential used
Diff. Ref. 0
Station ID
Checksum *5B
<CR> <LF> End of message termination

Table 5 Position Fix Indicator

Value Description
0 No fix or invalid
1 Standard GPS (2D/3D)
2 Differential GPS
6 Estimated (DR) Fix

GLL--- Geographic Position – Latitude/Longitude

Table 6 contains the values for the following example:

Table 6 GLL Data Format
Name Example Unit Description
Message ID $GPGLL GLL protocol header
Latitude 4717.11364 ddmm.mmmmm, Degrees + minutes
N/S Indicator N N=north or S=south
Longitude 00833.91565 dddmm.mmmmm, Degrees + minutes
E/W Indicator E E=east or W=west
UTC Time 092321.00, Current time
Status A V = Data Invalid / Receiver Warning,
A=Data Valid
Status A N=No Fix, A=Autonomous GNSS Fix,
D=Differential GNSS Fix,
E=Estimated/Dead Reckoning Fix
Checksum *60
<CR> <LF> End of message termination

GSA---GNSS DOP and Active Satellites

Table 7 contains the values for the following example:

Table 7 GSA Data Format
Name Example Units Description
Message ID $GPGSA GSA protocol header
Mode 1 (Smode) A See Table 8
Mode 2 (Fix Status) 3 See Table 9
Satellite Used 23 SV on Channel 1
Satellite Used 29 SV on Channel 2
Repeated for each channel
Satellite Used Sv on Channel 12

PDOP 1.94 Position Dilution of Precision (00.0 to
HDOP 1.18 Horizontal Dilution of Precision (00.0 to
VDOP 1.54 Vertical Dilution of Precision (00.0 to
Checksum *0D
<CR> <LF> End of message termination
Table 8 Mode 1 (Smode)
Value Description
M Manual- forced to operate in 2D or 3D mode
A Automatic-allowed to automatically switch 2D/3D
Table 9 Mode 2 (Fix Status)
Value Description
1 Fix not available
2 2D Fix
3 3D Fix

GSV---GNSS Satellites in View

Table 10 contains the values for the following example:

Table 10 GSV Data Format
Name Example Units Description
Message ID $GPGSV GSV protocol header
Number of 3 Total number of GPGSV messages being
Messages output , Range 1 to 3
Message Number 1 Number of this message, Range 1 to 3
Satellites in View 10
Satellite ID 23 SV ID (GPS: 1-32, SBAS 33-64
Elevation 38 degree Maximum 90
Azimuth 230 degree Range 0 to 359
SNR (C/No) 44 dBHz Range 0 to 99, null when not tracking
Data of 2nd, 3rd Satellite (same as
Satellite ID 29 SV ID

Elevation 71 degree Maximum 90
Azimuth 156 degree Range 0 to 359
SNR (C/No) 47 dBHz Range 0 to 99, null when not tracking

Checksum *7F
<CR> <LF> End of message termination

RMC---Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS Data

Table 11 contains the values for the following example:

Table 11 RMC Data Format
Name Example Units Description
Message ID $GPRMC RMC protocol header
UTC Time 083559.00, Current time
Status A A=data valid or V=data not valid
Latitude 4717.11437 ddmm.mmmmm, Degrees + minutes
N/S Indicator N N=north or S=south
Longitude 00833.91522 dddmm.mmmmm, Degrees + minutes
E/W Indicator E E=east or W=west
Speed 0.004 knots Speed Over Ground
COG 77.52 degree Course Over Ground (true)
Date 091202 Ddmmyy, Current Date in Day, Month Year
Magnetic degrees E=east or W=west (Not being output by
Variation receiver)
Magnetic Not being output by receiver
variation E/W
Mode Indicator A N=No Fix, A=Autonomous GNSS Fix,
D=Differential GNSS Fix,
E=Estimated/Dead Reckoning Fix
Checksum *53
<CR> <LF> End of message termination

VTG---Course Over Ground and Ground Speed

Table 12 contains the values for the following example:


Table 12 VTG Data Format
Name Example Units Description
Message ID $GPVTG VTG protocol header
COG 77.52 degrees Course Over Ground (true)
T True
COG degrees Course Over Ground (maganetic)
(Not being output by receiver)
M Magnetic
Speed 0.004 knots Speed over ground
Units N Knots
Speed 0.008 km/hr Speed over ground
Units K Kilometer per hour
Mode A N=No Fix, A=Autonomous GNSS
Fix, D=Differential GNSS Fix,
E=Estimated/Dead Reckoning
Checksum *0B
<CR> <LF> End of message termination

ZDA---Time and Date

Table 13 contains the values for the following example:


Table 13 ZDA Data Format

Name Example Units Description
Message ID $GPZDA ZDA protocol header
UTC Time 081727.00 degrees
Day 16 01 to 31
Month 09 01 to 12
Year 2002 4 digit year
Local zone 00 (Not being output by receiver)
hours (fixed to 00)
Local zone 00 (Not being output by receiver)
minutes (fixed to 00)
Checksum *64
<CR> <LF> End of message termination

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