FST261 (Experiment 1)

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Fats is triesters of long chain of saturated fatty acids with glycerol. While oil is the triesters of
long chain of unsaturated fatty acids with glycerol. By measuring the temperature at which,
under circumstances, a column of fat of constant length slides under a specific pressure (slip
point) in an open capillary tube, samples can be compared. Section 1.3 of BS 684 provides
information on how to examine animal fats and most vegetables oils. Hydrogenated fats and
oils, as well as a modified method for figuring out the slip point of fats that behave
polymorphically such as cocoa butter.

For the determination of melting point, the objective of this experiment is to determine the slip
point of various commercial fats and oils using the capillary tube method. The samples used in
this study include margarine and butter. The slip point will be determined under specified
conditions, including a fixed column length, a definite pressure, and a controlled temperature
ramp rate. The results obtained from this experiment will provide valuable information about
the melting behaviour of different fats and oils, which can be used to optimize their
functionality and quality in various applications.

As conclusion, it is hypothesized that the slip point of different commercial fats and oils will
vary due to their diverse composition and processing methods. Animal fats, vegetable oils, and
hydrogenated oils and fats may exhibit different slip points, reflecting their varying triglyceride
composition and crystallization behaviour. Additionally, fats that exhibit polymorphic
behaviour, such as cocoa butter, may show a more complex slip point behaviour.
Next is determination of specific gravity. Specific gravity can be determinates when the ratio
of the density of any substance to the density of some other substance taken as standard. For
the standard for liquids and oils is water and hydrogen or air being the standard for gases. The
SG bottle can measure fat and oil accurately.

Density bottles are like a pycnometer or a specific gravity bottle is a measuring device that
calculates the density of the desired liquids. A tightfitting capillary tube and a capillary tubing
is passed through the stopper to allow the air bubbles from the apparatus to escape easily. The
objective of this experiment is to determine the specific liquids using SG Bottle.

For the conclusion in this experiment, it can be hypothesized as the higher the density, the
heavier the liquid will be. From this experiment, the calculation shows that sunflower oil has
the highest density compared to palm oil. So, from this experiment we can know the specific
gravity and the density of oil and fats is different.

To determinate the refractive index (RI) for oil or fat, we need to identify the nature of a
particular oil due to the difference of saturation, presence of hydroxyl substituted and chain
length of fatty acids. The refractive index measures the speed at which light passes through an
essential oil. A refractometer instrument used to measure the unique number, which is
combination of constituents each essential oil has, that designates how that oil responds and
bends lights. From this experiment, it can be hypothesized that oils and fats can significantly
increase the refractive index and peroxide values when exposed to heat and light. The refractive
index of an oil will increase with the length of carbon chain and unsaturation of fatty acids.



Capillary tube (7.5 cm long, 1.5 cm internal diameter, and 0.9 mm capillary bore)

Hot plate


Beaker, 1000 mL



1. Using a piece of filter paper, a 1 cm length of fat or oil which has been melted was inserted
into a capillary tube.

2. The capillary tube was cooled at a temperature of < 0 C for 2 hours.

3. This tube was submerged in water so that the top end of the fat or oil is 1 cm below the level
of water. 700 mL water contained in a 1000 mL beaker was used roughly.

4. A thermometer was hung in the middle of the beaker. The water was heated at the rate of 10
C per minute.
5. The temperature was recorded at which the fat started to slip out of the tube and the final
temperature when all the fat slipped out of the tube. This temperature or range of temperature
is referred to as the slip point (or melting point).



Specific gravity bottle

Disposable plastic pipette/dropper



Label sticker


1. The empty SG bottle was cooled at 7C for 24 hours.

2. The SG bottle was filled with oil for melted fat. Closed the bottle with a stopper which has
a capillary bore

3. The SG bottle was cooled at & C for 24 hours.

4. After that, the SG bottle was warned to 25C or room temperature until expansion has ceased.

5. The bottle on the outside was wiped, cleaned, and weighed in gram (Y).

6. The SG of the oil or fat was calculated.



Disposable plastic pipette/ dropper

Abbe refractometer

Tissue paper

Dropping bottle filled with acetone


For the determination of RI using a refractometer and a sodium vapour lamp, the following
temperatures are used 20 C for oils, 40-60 C for hydrogenated fats, and 80 C for waxes.

1. 2-3 drops of distilled water was applied to the primary prism surface with a syringe, covered
with the secondary prism, and looked through the eyepiece to change the scale. If the
temperature is less than 20 C, set the refractometer to 1.3330 (Brix 0 percent). The
refractometer in accordance with the map in the manual was changed.

2. The secondary prism was opened, and 2-3 drops of oil (or fat at 40 C) were dropped into the
main prism’s middle. Be sure the sample is uniformly dispersed and there are no air bubbles.

3. The secondary prism was carefully closed.

4. The measuring knob was turned slowly when starting through the eyepiece the boundary
line appeared in your vision (this line may not be clear). As a result, the measuring was kept
turned knob until the view shifted from dark to bright. The “high-low turn on the thermometer
box” can be used to adjust the degree of lightness.

Temperature Trail 1 Trail 2 Trail 3 Average

Initial (oC) 43 42 42 42.33
Final ( C) 45 43 43 43.67
5. The colour of the boundary line was deleted by turning the colour compensator knob.
Following that, a distinct boundary line can be seen.

6. The measuring knob was adjusted to align the boundary line with the crossed line once more.

7. The RI was recorded. The RI is seen at the top of the scale: the brix reading was shown at
the bottom of the scale.


A. Table 1.1


Temperature Trail 1 Trail 2 Trail 3 Average

Initial (oC) 48 49 48 48.33
Final (oC) 51 50 50 50.33

B. Table 1.2

Sample Weigh of empty SG bottle Weigh of SG bottle Specific Gravity of

(g) + oil (g) Oil
Sunflower oil 28.78 74.22 0.91
Palm oil 25. 83 72.97 0.94

C. Table 1.3
Sample Refractive index Temperature (oC)
Palm oil 1.33 20
Palm oil 1.33 20
Sunflower oil 1.34 20
Sunflower oil 1.34 20

In this experiment we used capillary tube method for the melting point of fat and oil. We used
a tiny amount of sample into the capillary tube and attached it to thermometer then immersed
in the heating bath. After that, we observed the temperature when the melting process started
and when it reached final melting point. The reason why we used this method is to identify the
physical properties of fat and oil. In this experiment, physical properties can be determined
through specific gravity and refractive index.

Based on the result in Table 1.1, it is shown that butter’s temperature of slip melting point is
lower than margarine sample for it is started to melt. This indicates that, in margarine sample,
there is a presence of hydrogenated fats in margarine to keep the margarine solid at room
temperature (Hydrogenated fats, n.d.). Oils that containing higher hydrogenated fats, have
higher melting points due to the hydrogen atoms that are added into the unsaturated carbons
and become saturated. As a result, the production of trans fatty acids among remaining
unsaturated bond in partially hydrogenated oils that only occur at a very high temperature
(FoodMASTER, n.d.). Because of this, margarine has higher melting points than butter.

Next, based on Table 1.2, are the result of specific gravity of fat and oil samples. Sunflower oil
and palm oil was used in this experiment. Sunflower oil is an unsaturated fat with a presence
of hydrogenated that contains cis unsaturated fatty acids. Due to the high number of double
bonds in sunflower oil than palm oil, the density of sunflower oil is greater than palm oil. As a
result, sunflower has the highest specific gravity than palm oil. But based on our result,
sunflower oil specific gravity is lower than palm oil. Due to our personal error, we weighted
the sample before the expansion has completely ceased that affected our result.

Lastly, based on Table 1.3, are the result for refractive index of palm oil and sunflower oil.
Refractive index was used to determine which oil is adulteration oil. Sunflower oil has the
highest refractive index (1.339) than palm oil (1.331). This is because the number of particles
due to the length of carbon chain in the sunflower oil are high. In addition, sunflower oil is also
unsaturation of fatty acids and, thus more light gets obstructed or bent. This indicate that
refractive index will increase as well as unsaturation fatty acids level of fat and oil increase.


The hypothesis of the melting points of butter and margarine and the refractive index of
sunflower oil and palm oil have are accepted except for specific gravities of sunflower oil and
palm oil. Due to the presence of hydrogenated fats, margarine has a higher slide melting point
than butter. It demonstrates that as the unsaturation content of fats and oils rises, the slip melting
points will fall. In contrast, sunflower oil has a higher specific gravity than palm oil. This is
due to the fact that sunflower oil contains more unsaturated fatty acids than palm oil, which
has a lower amount. Based on our result, we don’t get the result as our desired due to some
error while conduct the experiment. Finally, sunflower oil has a greater refractive index than
palm oil. Due to the small, closely spaced molecules that make up oil, it has a high refractive
index. These molecules scatter light in all directions when it strikes them. In comparison to
when it would have hit larger particles, such those in the air, this causes the light to bend more.
Additionally, the density of oil affects its refractive index. The refractive index of oil increases
with oil density. Compared to palm oil, sunflower oil has a larger density, which raises its
refractive index as well.

1. What are the differences between fat and oil?

The differences between fat and oil:


• Derived from animals

• Increase cholesterol levels

• Solid at room temperature


• Derived from plants

• Improve cholesterol levels

• Liquid at room temperature

2. Why different fats have different melting point?

Different fats have different melting point because saturation in chemical bonds in fat molecule
influence hydrogen atoms. The more hydrogen atoms exist in chemical bonds, the more
saturated and the higher the melting point will be.

3. Which sample has the highest refractive index? Why?

Sunflower oil has the highest refractive index because of its molecular structure. Unsaturated
fats like sunflower oil have double bonds between their carbon atoms. The refractive index
defines as the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in oil.

4. Which sample has higher specific gravity? Why?

Sunflower oil has higher specific gravity because the density of sunflower oil is lesser than
palm oil. Sunflower oil contains fatty acids which tend to be much dense than palm oil. But
due to personal error, we had palm oil as the highest specific gravity in our result.
Amita Devi, B. S. (2016). Physicochemical, rheological and functional properties of fats and oils in
relation to cookie quality: a review. Journal of Food Science and Technology .

Amita Devi1, B. S. (2017, August 8). Relationship of Physical Properties of Fats and OIls with Quality
Characteristics of Cookie. IJIRSET, 1-5. Retrieved from IJIRSET:

Avi, d. (2014, February 23). What is the DIfference Between Saturated and Unsaturated . Retrieved
from Weizmann Institute of Science :

FoodMASTER. (n.d.). FoodMaster Midddle: Fats and Oils. Retrieved from National Agriculture in the

Hydrogenated fats . (n.d.). Retrieved from Green Facts :


Inturrisi, L. (2015). Sunflower Oil . Retrieved from ScienceDirect:


Lestari, D. (2021). Interesterification of Indonesian Vegetables Oil for Cocoa Butter Alternatives: Its
Effect on Slip Melting Point Changes. Retrieved from IOP:
Refractive Index of Edible Oils and Fats . (n.d.). Retrieved from Mettler Toledo:

Refractive Index Of Edible Oils And Fats . (n.d.). Retrieved from MPOC:

Standard Test Method for Specific Gravity of OIls and Liquid Fats . (n.d.). Retrieved from ASTM:

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