Rate of h2s Scavenger-1-S2.0-S1110062115200591-Main
Rate of h2s Scavenger-1-S2.0-S1110062115200591-Main
Rate of h2s Scavenger-1-S2.0-S1110062115200591-Main
Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute
KEYWORDS Abstract Hydrogen sulfide H2S scavengers are chemicals that favorably react with hydrogen sul-
Optimization; fide gas to eliminate it and produce environmental friendly products. These products depend on the
Hydrogen sulfide removal; type and composition of the scavenger and the conditions at which the reaction takes place. The
H2S scavengers; scavenger should be widely available and economical for industry acceptance by having a low unit
Injection dose rate cost. The optimum values of H2S scavenger injection dose rate of scavenging hydrogen sulfide from
the multiphase fluid produced at different wells conditions in one of the Petroleum Companies in
Egypt were studied. The optimum values of H2S scavenger injection dose rate depend on pipe diam-
eter, pipe length, gas molar mass velocity, inlet H2S concentration and pressure. The optimization
results are obtained for different values of these parameters using the software program Lingo. In
general, the optimum values of H2S scavenger injection dose rate of the scavenging of hydrogen sul-
fide are increased by increasing of the pipe diameter and increasing the inlet H2S concentration, and
decreased by increasing the pipe length, gas molar mass velocity and pressure.
Ó 2015 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute. This
is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/
Table 1 Well fields’ production condition at petrobel Petroleum Company in Egypt for (Wells No. 113–173, 113–188, 113–104, 113–
142 and 113–124).
Item Well No.
113–173 113–188 113–104 113–142 113–124
Net Prod. bbl/d 1295 1687 136.35 605 85.2
Pressure, psi 110 150 400 180 120
Temp. °C 40–50 40–50 50–55 50–55 50–55
H2S blank, ppmv 6000 12,000 1700 1600 200
Pipe diameter, in. 4 4 4 4 2
Retention time, h 2.5 3 3 3 2
Optimum injection dose rate of hydrogen sulfide scavenger 77
Table 2 Optimum value of H2S scavenger injection dose rate at different pipe diameters.
Diameter, Optimum dose rate, Optimum gas molar mass velocity, Optimum Optimum Optimum H2S inlet
in. l/day lb mol/(h ft2) length, ft pressure, psig concn., ppm
2 66.78924 33,000 1000 600 6000
4 132.7479 33,000 1000 600 6000
6 198.39 33,000 1000 600 6000
8 263.8448 33,000 1000 600 6000
10 329.1444 33,000 1000 600 6000
3.3. Optimum H2s scavenger injection dose rate at different gas dose rate are equal to 12.47203, 38.41228, 46.14875, 64.65181,
molar mass velocities, lb mol/(h ft2) 72.81784, 81.087, 85.9685 and 177.7895 liter per day
Table 4 shows the optimum values of H2S scavenger injection The estimated results show that the effect of inlet concen-
dose rate at different gas molar mass velocities, lb mol/(h ft2). trations of H2S in oil, water and gas ppmv had a marked effect
At gas molar mass velocity equal to 5000, 10,000, 15,000, on the optimum value of H2S scavenger injection dose rate,
20,000, 25,000 (lb mol/(h ft2) the output results of optimum increasing the inlet H2S concentration caused an increased
value of H2S scavenger injection dose rate are equal to the optimum value of H2S scavenger injection dose rate
2428.2, 1047.5, 640.5, 451.8 and 344.7 liter per day, because it is desired to reduce it to a minimum value below
respectively. 10 ppmv before processing.
While the optimum values of pressure 600 psig, H2S inlet
6000 ppmv, pipe diameter 2 in. ft, H2S outlet 10 ppmv and 3.5. Optimum value of H2s scavenger injection dose rate at
pipe length 1000 ft, are not changed at these gas molar mass different pressures
velocity values consequently, by increasing the gas molar mass
velocity the optimum value of H2S scavenger injection dose Table 6 shows the optimum values of H2S scavenger injection
rate will be decreased due to the increase in retention time of dose rate at different pressures. The effect of different pres-
reaction. sures on the optimum values of H2S scavenger injection dose
rate is estimated. When the pressures are 100, 150, 250, 400,
3.4. Optimum H2s scavenger injection dose rate at different inlet 500 and 500 psig, the optimum values of H2S scavenger injec-
concentration of H2S tion dose rate are 996.18, 631.33, 355.39, 209.46, 162.9654,
132.7479 l/day respectively. On the other hand when the pres-
Table 5 shows the optimum values of H2S scavenger injection sure 100, 400, 600 psig the optimum length are 1000, 811.72
dose rate at different values of inlet concentrations of H2S in and 702.67 respectively this means when the pressure increase
oil, water and gas ppmv. At inlet H2S concentration equal to the optimum length is decreased. In general by increasing the
100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10,000, 20,000, 30,000 and 40,000 ppmv pressure the optimum values of H2S scavenger injection dose
the output results of optimum value of H2S scavenger injection rate will be decreased due to increasing of gas velocity and tur-
Table 4 Optimum value of H2S scavenger injection dose rate at different gas molar mass velocity, lb mol/(h ft2).
Gas molar mass velocity, Optimum dose rate, Optimum Optimum Optimum Optimum H2S inlet
lb mol/(h ft2) l/day diameter, in. length, ft pressure, psig concn., ppm
5000 2428.2 2 1000 600 6000
10,000 1047.5 2 1000 600 6000
15,000 640.5 2 1000 600 6000
20,000 451.8 2 1000 600 6000
25,000 344.7 2 1000 600 6000
78 T.M. Elshiekh et al.
Table 5 Optimum value of H2S scavenger injection dose rate at different concentrations of H2S inlet ppmv.
H2S inlet concn., Optimum dose rate, Optimum gas molar mass velocity, Optimum Optimum Optimum pressure,
ppm l/day lb mol/(h ft2) length, ft diameter, in. psig
100 12.47203 33,000 1000 2 600
500 38.41 33,000 1000 2 600
1000 46.14875 33,000 1000 2 600
5000 64.65181 33,000 1000 2 600
10,000 72.81784 33,000 1000 2 600
20,000 81.087 33,000 1000 2 600
30,000 85.9685 33,000 1000 2 600
40,000 177.7895 33,000 1000 2 600
Table 6 Optimum value of H2S scavenger injection dose rate at different pressures.
Pressure, Optimum dose rate, Optimum gas molar mass vel., Optimum Optimum Optimum H2S inlet
psig l/day lb mol/(h ft2) length, ft diameter, in. concn., ppm
100 996.1811 33,000 1000 2 6000
150 631.335 33,000 1000 2 6000
250 355.39 33,000 1000 2 6000
400 209.4621 33,000 1000 2 6000
500 162.9654 33,000 1000 2 6000
600 132.7479 33,000 1000 2 6000
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