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The most Advanced
Technologies for
unbeatable performances:
Casale’s way to face the present and future challenges of the
fertilizer, methanol and syngas industries
The same trend is observed in the The essential and general advantages of
methanol industry even though the the axial-radial catalyst bed concept are:
industry focus, in recent years, has a) the low pressure drop that allow the use
been more upon the installation of new, of small-size catalyst, which translates
very large plants. This could lead to the into higher conversion efficiency, b) a
availability of methanol at low cost and very high catalyst filling degree c) the
so drive interest in promoting the use of simplicity of the mechanical design, with
methanol to produce DME and olefins, only the two vertical perforated walls and
diversifying the use of natural resources. one bottom closure plate, d) the absence
Innovative effort has to be aimed at of a top cover that makes maintenance
the needs of the market, and Casale and catalyst change operations very
is following different strategies for the easy. Thanks to these advantages, the
different areas in which the companies synthesis loop can be de-bottleneck for
are involved. capacity increase and, at the same time
a saving in the energy consumption is
3. Fertilizer and methanol
Axial-radial pre-reformer
plant revamping Gas Distribution in an axial-radial catalyst bed
The axial-radial pre-reformer is used to
The Casale Group has vast experience in commercialisation. In the last 20 years, increase the capacity of existing primary
the revamping of fertilizer and methanol Ammo-nia Casale has gained a leading reforming units or to reduce the size of
plants, with more than 330 plants position in revamping ammonia plants the primary reformer in new plants, as it
revamped in the last 25 years. Combining thanks to continuous technological can perform around 10% of the primary
its deep know-how with its advanced development. During this time, more reforming reaction.
technologies, the Casale Group can than 170 ammonia plants have been The characteristics of the axial-radial
tackle the most difficult challenges revamped by Ammonia Casale. pre-reformer, which is based on the axial-
in terms of plant revamping. Capacity A brief outline of Ammonia Casale most radial catalyst bed design, are as follows:
increases of up to 60%-80%, and in significant technologies is given in the • low pressure drop
some cases even more, and significant next section. • use of small-size catalyst
energy savings can now be obtained • low operating temperature of the
with the revamping technologies and Axial-radial catalyst beds vessel wall The low pressure drop is a
schemes developed by Casale. This technology has been developed in key factor
Every revamping project is developed on order to offer to the industry a simple
a case-by-case basis, and Casale uses and cost-effective way to improve the in obtaining capacity increase with
the best combination of its technologies performance of existing ammonia minimum investment, as it minimizes
to reach the project targets. The converters. The first applications were the modifications required to the natural
following general revamping philosophy focused at reducing the ammonia plant’s gas compressor, or, in case of plants
is, however, followed for every project: energy consumption, which was already without the compressor, it can avoid the
• the plant should always be upgraded a very important issue for the ammonia installation of a natural gas blower.
with the most modern technologies industry. This technology has turned out The small-size catalyst has the
• maximise efficiency of existing to be one of the most efficient designs, advantages of having a higher sulphur
equipment, especially in the synthesis in terms of performance and simplicity, pickup and a higher activity. This means
section for de-bottlenecking ammonia and shift a catalyst longer life, since sulphur is
• minimise the duration of any plant converters and for achieving drastic the main poison, and the possibility of
shutdown increases in capacity, as more and more minimizing the catalyst volume.
• minimise modification to the existing is requested by the industry. The axial-radial pre-reformer keeps
plant In addition to ammonia and shift all the characteristics of mechanical
converters it can also be applied to pre- simplicity with easy catalyst handling
With this philosophy, Casale tries to keep reforming reactors, demonstrating its typical of the axial-radial design.
the return period on project investment flexibility and economical convenience. Another advantage of the pre-reformer
as short as possible. Outside the ammonia field, it has in terms of energy saving is that it
In the next sections, an overview is given also been applied in methanol and transforms all higher hydrocarbons
of the most significant technologies used formaldehyde synthesis reactors. To date to methane, and performs part of the
by the different companies of the Casale Casale has successfully put about 500 reforming reactions, thus producing
Group for the revamping of fertilizer and axial-radial catalyst beds into service. some hydrogen. These two actions
methanol plants. In an axial-radial catalyst bed most enable the increase of the preheating
(about 90%) of the gas passes through temperature of the process gas, and also
Ammonia Casale the catalyst bed in a radial direction. The the reduction of the steam to carbon
Ammonia Casale, founded in 1921, balance passes down through a top layer ratio, therefore reducing the energy
is the oldest company of the Casale of catalyst in an axial direction, thus consumption of the primary reforming
Group and one of the oldest leading eliminating the need for a top cover on section.
engineering firms operating in the field the catalyst bed, as is the case in a pure
of ammonia production, pioneering its radial design.
Furthermore, the axial-radial shift
converter, due to its small catalyst size,
is more resistant to poisons, granting a
longer catalyst life with smaller loaded
volumes. An existing shift converter
can easily be transformed to the axial-
radial design by introducing new vertical
cylindrical perforated inlet and outlet
walls in prefabricated sections, which
are assembled inside the existing
converter vessel.
Secondary reformer burner
Ammonia Casale has developed, through Casale has recently revamped, or is
its sister company Casale Chemicals, currently revamping, various plants
a new secondary reformer burner originally designed according to different
design utilizing advanced fluid dynamic technologies such as Kellogg, CF Braun,
simulation techniques. The Casale FW and Chemico. Capacity increases in
advanced secondary reformer burner the range of 10% to 25%, and in one
achieves the following goals: case 50%, have been obtained with
• low pressure losses in both the air and these revamps.
primary reformer streams (<1 bar in the
air stream);
• low temperatures at the burner
Urea Casale Casale-Dente high efficiency trays.
Urea Casale was established in 1991
surfaces exposed to flame;
and from the beginning its activity has • separate and distributed paths through
• superior mixing in the flame;
concentrated on the revamping of urea the tray are provided to guarantee a
• reduced flame length, avoiding catalyst
plants, rapidly building up its know-how steady state and uniform flow of the two
impingement even at high operating
and experience in this field. Thanks to phases throughout the whole reactor;
intensive and successful technological • these separated paths through the tray
• soot-free combustion;
development, Urea Casale has been give a very high mixing efficiency between
• homogeneous gas composition and
able to rapidly penetrate the market, vapour and liquid in order to obtain very
temperature distribution at the catalyst
revamping 87 plants since its foundation. high mass- and heat- transport between
bed entrance;
The most important technologies liquid and vapour phase;
developed by Urea Casale are as follows: • the diameter of the generated vapour
• protection of the refractory lining from
the hot core of the flame through proper bubbles is smaller than in any previous
recirculation of the reacted gases, due
Casale-Dente high efficiency trays design, increasing the interfacial surface
This was one of the first technologies to for mass and heat transfer.
to a special burner design (max. wall
be developed by Urea Casale and still is • very high mixing within the liquid
temperature 700-800°C).
a fundamental element for any revamp phase is obtained. With this unique
aimed at increasing the capacity and design, thanks to the very high mass
The new burner design also gives
reducing the energy consumption. and heat transfer obtained, the amount
great benefits for plant revamping,
Developed through an accurate of NH3 and CO2 transferred into the
as it reduces the pressure loss in the
understanding and modelling of the urea liquid phase is maximised, therefore
process air, thus allowing increases in
reaction system, the Casale-Dente high maximising the amount of NH3 and CO2
air compressor capacity and/or reducing
efficiency trays (HET) design improves transformed into urea and reaching a
energy consumption. Increased service
the tray geometry, producing much very close approach to equilibrium.
life of the catalyst and/or a catalyst
better mixing between the liquid and So far the Casale-Dente HET are
volume reduction is also obtained.
vapour phases. operating in more than 75 urea plants,
Five secondary reformer burners
The new trays are, in fact, made of and have produced significant increases
are in operation and two are under
several inverted U beams with large in the efficiency of the reactors.
perforations for liquid passage and small
perforations for gas passage, and are Casale high efficiency hydrolyser
designed in such a way that: One issue that has become very
important in the urea industry is the
elimination of pollutant compounds. In
order to eliminate pollutants from liquid
Secondary reformer burner. emissions, Casale has developed a new
increased efficiency hydrolyser, called the
Advanced ammonia plant revamping high efficiency hydrolyser (HEH), which
schemes enables a user to completely eliminate
In addition to the various technologies urea from the process condensate.
described above, which are focused The Casale high efficiency hydrolyser
on improving the efficiency of the key makes efficient use of the stripping
equipment items of ammonia plants, action of steam to remove the NH3 and
Ammonia Casale has developed various CO2 from the treated urea plant waste
innovative revamping schemes to water condensate in order to maximize
drastically increase plant capacity and the hydrolysis of the urea content. The
reduce energy consumption. Based on efficiency is enhanced by the fact that
the combination of the most appropriate the hydrolyser is divided into two zones,
technology for improving efficiency of the with a fresh steam re-injection after the
key items with modification to the process first zone, in order to keep the driving
steps, these schemes can reach capacity force for the NH3 and CO2 removal as
increases of up to 60-80 % and reductions high as possible.
in energy consumption of 10-20%. 25% capacity increase in ammonia plant. It is, in fact, very important to eliminate
as many products of the hydrolysis concept, with the addition of a HP
reaction (NH3, CO2) from the liquid as carbamate condenser, a HP decomposer
and a reactor, reutilising the existing
one either as primary or as secondary
reactor, depending on the required
capacity increase, and adding a second
one. Due to the much higher conversion
obtained, the existing back-end of the
plant can be reutilised at higher capacity
with only minor modifications.
Seven plants have been revamped with
the HEC process, achieving capacity
increases up to 70%-80%, and two more
are currently being revamped.
methanol plant revamping. The following
Section outlines the most important
technologies developed by Methanol
Axial-radial pre-reformer
SCRUBBER The same technology used for ammonia
plants is also used for methanol plant
quantities of heat in different parts of burner design. of 25% has been obtained, with final
the converter. The Casale ATR design is conceptually capacities between 3,000 t/d and 3,500
very simple: the oxygen stream is t/d. Furthermore, Methanol Casale is
introduced at a high velocity axially at presently studying a capacity increase of
the top of the cylindrical combustion almost 100%.
chamber, while the process gas is
introduced from one side at the top of the
cylindrical chamber, prior to the burner 4. New plant construction
tip, and perpendicular to the oxygen Boosted by the creativity necessary
tube. To reduce the non-uniformities to improve existing plants and by the
introduced by the asymmetric inlet of experience gained from the successful
the process gas, the burner is provided applications of many new concepts,
with a distributor placed upstream of the in recent years the Casale Group has
burner tip. developed innovative processes for
The main features of the Casale design grass-roots fertilizer and methanol
for ATR burners are: plants to respond to the growing demand
• fast and even mixing between oxygen for new plants in low gas cost areas.
and process gas; Ammonia Casale has traditionally
• uniform temperature and composition been involved in designing grass-roots
with better approach to equilibrium; ammonia plants, with more than 200
• shorter flame length, with low risk units build in the first half of its history.
of damage to the catalyst resulting in More recently, even though it has been
maximum catalyst performance over mostly focused on plant revamping, it
a longer period, together with lower has also increasingly developed and
pressure drop. supplied technologies for grass-roots
• low temperature of the reformer plants.
Pseudo-isothermal converter refractory lining, with no hot spots on the Ammonia Casale has participated to the
lining surface. design to 7 grass-roots plants through
The amount of cooling fluid fed to the • a water-cooled burner tip to ensure its licensees and designed 36 coal-
different parts of the plates can be high flexibility in operation and high based plant, supplying the design of the
controlled, so that it is possible to modify reliability (an almost unlimited operating synthesis loops. Some of these loops
the temperature profile in the catalyst life is expected). have been designed to run with syngas
bed, adapting it to specific needs and coming from gasification plants making
making possible to combine, in a single This technology is already operating use of alternative feedstocks.
design, the same operating flexibility of a in four methanol plants and in two Ammonia Casale has also completely
quench converter with the high efficiency ammonia plants. designed a 2,050 t/d grass-roots plant
of an isothermal design with indirect that is in operation since more than two
cooling. years. Four more 2050 MTD plants have
The catalyst beds can be designed been designed by Casale and are work on
either according to the standard axial them is in progress. This plant has been
configuration or to the axial-radial bed designed around conventional steam
concept, depending on requirements. reforming technology, but incorporates
With this design, Methanol Casale can all the most advanced technologies of
cope with increasing demands for very Ammonia Casale to make it as efficient
large increases in plant capacity and of as possible. Through a joint development
grass root plants with mega capacities, with Lurgi, Ammonia Casale has also
offering a very cost-effective solution. developed a very innovative process that
Four pseudo-isothermal methanol allows the design of single trains plants
converters are in operation with with capacities of 4,000 t/d and higher.
capacity up to 3,400 t/d, and one has In the field of methanol, Methanol
been designed for a new plant under Casale has designed and supplied two
construction to produce 7,000 t/d in a grass-roots plants, of 1,350 and 1,600
single vessel. ATR burner t/d capacity, as well as the world’s
Large capacity increase using Methanol largest methanol plant, currently at
ATR unit an early stage of realisation, with a
In order to drastically increase the Casale technologies capacity of 7,000 t/d. Thanks to its
capacity of conventional synthesis gas Utilising the most appropriate of its pseudo-isothermal converter and to its
generation units in methanol plants, proprietary technologies, combined innovative ATR design Methanol Casale
one of the most efficient ways is the with the correct modification to the is in a position to design very large
installation of an additional autothermal process steps, Methanol Casale makes methanol units, 7,000 t/d and more, in
reformer (ATR) unit. Methanol Casale has drastic capacity increases in existing a real single train with a single vessel
developed a proprietary design for ATR plants possible. In two of the most converter.
units, which is based on a very efficient recent projects, a capacity increase
Casale grass-roots urea plant Casale grass-roots methanol plant. Casale grass-roots ammonia plant
For grass-roots urea plants, Urea Casale methanol, contributing to the sales of HP process boilers, to improve their
has developed a new process, the Split- methanol plants. reliability.
Flow-Loop process, based on its Split- For these two processes, Casale is
Flow-Loop technology (see above) and applying its well established know-how 7. Conclusion
incorporating all of its most advanced and experience in the synthesis area
technologies, such as the Casale-Dente to the design of the reactors, reflecting So far, Casale’s traditional field of
high efficiency trays, the Full-Condenser their importance within the overall excellence has been the revamping of
design, and the HEH. Three plants are technology. existing units, which has contributed
operating according to this process and to saving large amounts of natural
one grass-root plants is being started-up. resources in terms of increased
6. R&D activities efficiency of natural gas use.
Such excellence has also secured for
5. Syngas production and new As can be seen from the large number
of innovative technologies developed,
Casale the position of a modern and
gas based routes to olefins the Casale Group has invested and is
reliable participant in licensing the
process design of new plants for the
and fuels still significantly investing in technology
development. The Casale R&D
production of ammonia, urea, methanol
and downstream products. ■
Two other chemicals deriving from department is also putting a lot of effort
synthesis gas are becoming more and into developing the right process design
more important; hydrogen and carbon models. For investigating, analysing
monoxide. Casale is therefore now and visualising complex phenomena,
working to develop innovative processes the R&D department avails itself of the
and equipment for these two products. right specialists and of advanced tools,
For hydrogen this is via improving the such as computer-aided techniques
traditional steam reforming route, while with applications ranging from chemical
for carbon monoxide the focus is on the process design to fluid dynamics
development of better partial oxidation evaluations.
reactors. One Casale improved POX Several of the technologies developed
burner for the production of CO is already by Casale are typical examples of how
in operation and a second one is under the combination of these tools and this
construction. expertise can lead to the development of
Casale is also working on the development innovative concepts.
of two new processes downstream of At present, to shape future Casale
methanol plants: the production of technologies, various R&D programs are
dimethyl-ether, DME, and of light olefins being implemented in different fields
from methanol, MTO, where ethylene (see previous sections), involving also
and propylene are produced with high the construction of pilot facilities.
yields and a variable production ratio In addition to new technologies, Casale
to cope with market demand. Olefins has also developed, and continue to
and DME may become, in the very near develop, innovative mechanical designs
future, new large and profitable uses for for very critical equipment, such as