Commissioning and Start-Up of QAFCO 5 and 6: Ali Abdi Jama
Commissioning and Start-Up of QAFCO 5 and 6: Ali Abdi Jama
Commissioning and Start-Up of QAFCO 5 and 6: Ali Abdi Jama
QAFCO 5 and 6
The Process Plants of Qatar Fertilizer Company (QAFCO) are located at 2 sites in Mesaieed Indus-
trial City. The new site for QAFCO 5 and 6 is located at about 3 km west of the old site of QAFCO 1
to 4 Plants.
Q5 and Q6 Projects were the biggest expansion activity ever undertaken by QAFCO, increasing the
ammonia and urea capacities by 1.6 and 2.8 million Metric Tons (MT) per year, respectively. The En-
gineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning (EPCC) contract for this project was
signed with a consortium comprising of Saipem of Italy and Hyundai of South Korea in 2 stages. The
Q5 contract was signed on the 2nd of December 2007. Q6 Contract was signed as an amendment to Q5
Contract on 9th of October 2009.
This paper describes QAFCO’s experience in the commissioning and start-up of the process facilities,
the problems encountered and key lessons learnt during the commissioning.
AFCO has 2 production sites 3 km Conveyor System.
apart. The sites are separated by other 6. Two independent Urea Export
industrial infrastructure and access systems, with a capacity of 1000
roads. QAFCO 5/6 project, on a MTPH to the export jetties. both
Greenfield area of about 1 million m2, consists using Pipe Conveyors
of the following process facilities: 7. Power Plants consisting of 5 Co-
generation units with auxiliary firing
1. Two Ammonia plants (TopsoeTech- for additional steam production,
nology) with design capacity of 2200 Steam Turbine Generator and 2
metric ton per day (MTPD). Auxiliary Boilers
2. Two Urea plants (Snamprogetti 8. 132 KV sub-station connected to
Technology) with design capacity of Kahramaa (local power company), to
3800 MTPD. 5 new co-generation units and to the
3. Two Urea Granulation units (Uhde existing Qafco distribution network.
Fertilizer Technology) with design 9. Desalination unit of 225 m3/h
capacity of 3850 mtpd capacity.
4. One UFC-85 plant (Perstorp Tech- 10. Waste Water Treatment facilities
nology) with design capacity 85 consisting of Thermal Concentrators
mtpd and Evaporation Ponds.
11. Seawater multi-cell Cooling Tower,
Closed Cooling Water Units and
To fully study the systems allo- Air blowing and water flushing activities were
cated to them. part of mechanical completion. After each ac-
To assist in its mechanical com- tivity a certificate was prepared and loaded into
pletion (punch list walk downs, the project management system. Mechanical
punch list clearing etc.) completion was declared only when all the cer-
To prepare commissioning pro- tificates have been loaded into the system. The
cedures for their systems. commissioning team was fully involved in these
To conduct internal presentations activities.
and training material of the allot-
ted system. Lube oil flushing of the compressor common
To develop its operating instruc- lube oil system, air blowing of the process pip-
tions. ing and steam blowing, were some of the long-
To develop its field and control est time-consuming activities. For some ma-
room log sheets. chines the oil flushing continued for more than
three months. Continuous monitoring was re-
To participate in its functional
quired for this important activity.
checks, develop and correct its
DCS graphics.
Steam blowing was included as a commission-
To carry out all the commission-
ing activity where special attention was re-
ing activities related to that sys-
quired. This activity required close coordina-
Commissioning Sequence
Commissioning Profiles
Commissioning Start Dates
1 21 41 61 81 101 121 141 161
Commissioning Packages
Commissioning Start Dates
1 21 41 61 81 101 121 141 161
Commissioning Packages
A5_A6_U5 Commissioning Profiles
Commissioning Start Dates
Urea 5 Actual Ammonia 5 Actual Ammonia 6 Actual
Urea 5 Planned Ammonia 5 Planned Ammonia 6 Planned
1 21 41 61 81
Commissioning Packages
HSE Training Requirement Table 2 - HSE performance statistics for Q5 and Q6 Pro-
The training on HSE construction and
commissioning requirements was mandatory for
all the commissioning staff. A training passport The notable statistics extracted from the table
was issued to each individual. In the passport all are:
the training programs attended were marked and
stamped in the passport. It was mandatory to 1. Q5 and Q6 projects, together consumed
carry the training passport on site. The HSE more than 120 million man-hours to
department carried out random checks on the complete the construction and commis-
passports. Any deficiencies found were referred sioning. At the peak of construction ac-
back to the training center where all the training tivities there were 15000 people from
programs were scheduled six days in a week. more than 60 different nationalities
Records were kept in a master list, and one working on site.
could find the status at any time. 100% 2. No work-related fatalities in the whole
project. There were, however 4 cases of