Sple Exam 7-31-2019

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DATE : 7/31/2019

‫السالم عليكم األسئلة التالية نقلتها من االختبار كما هي بدون تغيير يٌذكر‬
)‫(بقدر المستطاع‬
1) Drug that used in Open angel glaucoma :
a- latanoprost b- pilocarpine
2) Latin expression means “ after meals” :
a- A.A b – A.C
3) Nursing mother suffers from asthma which of the following
drugs can decrease Milk secretion :
a- SABA b- corticosteroid c- Ipratropium
4) B-blocker that has low lipophilic character and no CNS S.E :
a- Atenolol b- propranolol c- Metoprolol

5) Patient on carbamazepine has fatigue , red sored skin around lip

and hair loss this is due to Deficiency in :
a- vit B6 b- biotin c- niacin d- vitB12
6) Minoxidil mechanism of action is :
a- artreodilator b- venodilator
7) Which substance of the following pregnant should not crush it’s
tablets or even handle with (teratogenic ) :
I choosed Bosentan
8) Drug that causes liver tenderness :
a- I.N.H b- cyclophosphamid
9) patient came to the emergency room with complaining nausea
vomiting but no diarrhea and pain under the quadruple rib that
flares with fatty meals the appropriate diagnosis is :
a- Gastric ulcer b- IBS d- cholelithiasis

10) S.A is 65 years old came to hospital with dyspnea and

shortening of breath by asking him he had this limitation with
regular daily activities like brushing teeth he also had to put 2
pillows under him during night (pulmonary edema )
What is the class of H.F according to NYHA
a- I b- II c- III d- IV
11) First line treatment in ADHD
a- Atomxetine b- methyl phenidate
12) Drug inhibit Estrogen synthesis
a- Anstrazole b- tamoxifen
13) Class of asthma that comes 6times over the week
with 3-4 awaking night time :
a- intermittent b- mild d- moderate c-severe
14) patient was in C.T with contrast procedure what is the drug
should to be stopped for the next 48 hour :
a- Fosinopril b- metformin

15) Reabsorption of Amino acid in renal tubules :

a- Distal conv b- proximal conv c-loop of henle
c-collecting duct
16) Colon absorptive surface is important for
a- triglyceride b- water /glucose c- water, K
17) Non pharmacological TTT of asthma
a- Breathing exercise b- Respiratory filter c- sport
18) α1 receptor activation lead to
a- Flushing b- elevate systolic B.P c- elevate H.R
19) Pregnant woman with staph. Aureus infection bat has penicillin
allergy the drug of choice is :
a- Penicillin b – Cefazoline c- vancomycin
20) Obligate anaerobic M.O :
a- sheglla b- bacteroid fragilis c- Enteroccocus
21) DOC for pregnant woman her examination show streptococcus
infection :
a- Ampicillin b- cefazolin c- vancomycin

22) Pilgrims vaccine is

a- hep B b- BCG c- meningococcal
23) DOC for endocarditis :
a- cipro b- penicillin G c- vancomycin
24) Absolute contra-indication for use fibrinolytic
a- pregnancy b- Uncontrolled HTN c- stroke within 2 mon
25) patient on clopidogril is going to surgery procedure so
discontinuation of clopidogril before surgery :
1 2 3 5 day
26) Oral hypoglycemic used with type 1
a- SU b- metformin c- Empagliflozin
27) potential SE of Bisphosphonates :
a- Osteosarcoma b- osteonecrosis of jaw
28) Child sould take 400 IU of Vit A conc of available bottle
is 1.5 mg/ml (I unite= 0.3 microgram ) so no of mls is
29) Drug conc is 2.5mg/ml should I.V infused at rate 50mg/hr
what is the rate in (drop/min) knowing that 1 ml = 30 drp

30) Acute ischemic stroke treated with

a- Amilodepine b – hydralazine
31) women with uncontrolled seizures using phenytoin
lab test showing that albumin 2.2 mg/dl
a- low efficacy of phen due to hypoprotenamia
b- ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’’ ‘’’ ‘’ ‘’’ ‘’ ‘’’ ‘’ ‘’ Drug interaction
c- high ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ hypoprotenamia
32) Drug induce esophageal ulcer
a- alendronate b- zolendronate c- densumab
33) Drug need renal adjustment :
a- Sitagliptin b- glipizid
34) drug used for circadian rhythm
1) alprazolam b- melatonin c- zolpidem
35) Antidepressant that induce seizures
a- SSRI b- SNRI c- Amitriptyline
36) live vaccine for 3rd trimester pregnant
a- BCG b- MMR c- rota virus

37) immunocompromised child take I.V I.G and time for receive
MMR vaccine is now ..what is the best action to do :
a- receive the vaccine immediately
b- Wait 12 week
c- Wait 24 week
d- sould not take vaccine any time
* Gentamicin kinetics drawn after 1 .2 3 .4 doses
* TMP/SMZ Side. Effect on electrolyte
‫‪* BCG is Life vacc or not‬‬
‫‪* Crcl that obligate dose adjustment‬‬
‫…… ‪* breast feeding with seizures the DOC is‬‬

‫*كان جاي في االسئلة امرأة حامل مصابة بااليدز و بتسأل عن دواء يمنع انتقال العدوى للطفل‬
‫كان في خيارات كثيرة الدوية واذكر ان كان في اختيار معناه ان المر دا صعب ٌ‬

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