BPI S4HANA SD Config 2
BPI S4HANA SD Config 2
BPI S4HANA SD Config 2
➢ Select
➢ Select
Edit Address:S _ _ _
➢ Postal Code: 57069
➢ City: Vermillion
➢ Country: US
➢ Region: SD
➢ Language: English
For the SAP GUI menu path navigation: Find your sales organization S_ _ _
For the Fiori App or Transaction code navigation: Find your company code C_ _ _
Check with your professor about course of action if there is a required company code entry or
entries that are not yours.
For the SAP GUI menu path navigation: Enter the following information next to your sales organization
➢ Enter company code C_ _ _
For the Fiori App or Transaction code navigation: Click once on your company code, then click
and choose your sales organization
Divisions are also created at the client level. Once created, everyone has access for use in their own
organizational structure. Divisions are a way of grouping materials, products, or services. A product
can exist in only one division. It is a way in which you could further divide you distribution channels if
you desired to do so.
Loading Groups are created at the client level. Once created they are available for all to use. Loading
groups are a way of grouping of materials that share the same loading requirements. They are also
used in determining the shipping point in a plant.
To define distribution channels, divisions, and loading groups search for the
configuration exercise in “BPI-S4HANA-Supplemental-Config”
*Distribution channels, division, and loading groups are already defined in the system.
All students will use these Distribution Channels, Division, and Loading Groups for Pen Company.
Find your sales organization in the listing, click on it once, then click and select the Retail and
➢ Select
Enter the following information to assign your Sales Organization to the DCs:
➢ SOrg. S_ _ _
➢ DChl RE
➢ SOrg. S_ _ _
➢ DChl WH
Find your sales organization in the listing, click on it once, then click and select the division and
click .
➢ Select
Enter the following information to assign your Sales Organization to the Division:
➢ SOrg. S_ _ _
➢ Dv 01
Instructions will vary slightly depending upon navigation path (i.e. New Entries vs. Assign).
Assign all the Distribution channels and Divisions to your Sales Organization as follows:
➢ SOrg. S_ _ _
➢ DChl RE
➢ Dv 01
➢ SOrg. S_ _ _
➢ DChl WH
➢ Dv 01
Double click on “Define shipping point” (SAP GUI menu path navigation only)
➢ Select
➢ Shipping Point: S_ _ _
➢ Shipping Point Description Shipping Point _ _ _
➢ Factory Calendar US
➢ All other fields blank
➢ Select
Edit Address: S _ _ _
➢ Postal Code 57069
➢ City Vermillion
➢ Country US
➢ Region SD
Menu Path Enterprise Structure → Assignment → Sales and Distribution → Assign sales
organization – distribution channel – plant
Trans Code SPRO → OVX6
Instructions will vary slightly depending upon navigation path (i.e. New Entries vs. Assign).
➢ Select
➢ SOrg. S_ _ _
➢ DChCust/Mt WH
➢ Plnt P_ _ _
Instructions will vary slightly depending upon navigation path (i.e. New Entries vs. Assign).
➢ From the pop-up window, select YOUR shipping point to be assigned to your plant
➢ Select Copy
Additionally, materials must have sales views created (extended) for both distribution channels where
they will be sold; RE and WH.
Search for prior “Create Material Master for Trading Goods” exercise in the FI-
MM module
➢ Select Continue
Make Sure Plant:, Sales Org.: and Distr. Channel: are filled in
➢ Select Continue (Enter)
Tax data
➢ Tax Jurisdiction Code UTXJ 0 (Exempt)
Complete for the other materials that you sell using the same settings as BPEN_ _ _:
CPEN_ _ _
PPEN_ _ _
BOX_ _ _
Repeat this process for each material that you will sell in the Distribution channel: WH
*Remember to change the defaults from RE and create the WH views for all the materials
Hint: To expedite the Sales view creation process use the “copy” method by entering a material (that has
already been extended) in the “Copy from…” field. Then continue as instructed, noticing that the initial
materials data defaults into the new materials fields.
➢ Hit Exit
In addition to the steps from the referenced exercise, please do the following for both accounts:
Control of document creation
➢ Post Automatically Only: Checked
In this exercise you will create five customers. Three of these will be in your retail distribution channel
and two will exist in your wholesale distribution channel.
Search for prior “Create Business Partner Master Record” exercise in the FI-
MM module
➢ Select Organization
➢ Select OK (on pop-up indicating to choose business partner role)
➢ Business Partner: BP_ _ _ Rush (use this BP number for all External/Internal numbers)
➢ Grouping: External number assignment (Note capitalizations)
➢ Create in BP role: Business Partner (Gen.)
➢ Title: Company
➢ Name: The Rushmore Group, LLC _ _ _
Search Term
➢ Search Term 1/2: _ _ _ (Your BPI Number)
Standard Address
➢ Postal code 57069
➢ City Vermillion
➢ Country US
➢ Region SD
➢ Transportation Zone Enter appropriate Transportation zone (used for route determination)
➢ Language English
Menu->More->Company Code
Select Company Code (Maximize screen to view)
Company Code C___
Orders TAB:
➢ Sales District: APPROPRIATE location
➢ Currency: USD
➢ Price Group 01 (bulk buyer/ 02 occasional buyer)
➢ Cust.Pric.Procedure 1 (standard)
Shipping TAB:
➢ Delivery priority 02 (normal item)
➢ Order Combination Selected (default)
➢ Delivering Plant P_ _ _
➢ Shipping Conditions 01 (standard)
Partial deliveries
➢ Max.part.deliveries 3
Billing TAB:
Delivery and payment terms
➢ Incoterms FOB
➢ Incoterms Location 1: Origin Shipping Dock
➢ Payment terms 0001
➢ Acct Assmt Grp Cust. 01 (Domestic Revenues)
➢ Tax Classification 0 (for all 3 tax categories)
Create the remaining customers using the previous steps with the appropriate changes
documented below.
If you have not left BP, you can use the following steps to create new business partners.
More > Business Partner > Create > Organization (do this after each organization is saved)
Standard Address
Postal Code: 19073 95814 33010 19073
City: Newtown Square Sacramento Miami Newtown Square
Region: PA CA FL PA
For BP role Customer, instruction remains the same except for distributional channel.
If you have not left BP, you can use the following steps to open a previous business partner.
More > Business Partner > Open (enter the BP number)
S/4HANA – Release July 2018 Page 20 The Information Systems Department
The University of Arkansas, Walton College
© 2008 by SAP AG. All rights reserved. SAP University Alliances & SAP Next Gen Partner
Adopted from The Rushmore Group, LLC
A warning message may appear that says, “Vendor ______ is not currently referenced and will be
updated accordingly”. This warning message is a confirmation that you want to link the customer you are
creating with the same named vendor. Click the “OK” button on the warning message dialog box.
Click ‘Ok’ for warning message about reconciliation required, as it will be completed in the following step.
The remaining directions are the same as the other business partners.
Search for prior “Create Business Partner Master Record” exercise in the FI-
MM module
➢ Click
➢ Click
The customer specific discount condition type is currently set for Item condition (line item) but could be
changed to Header condition in configuration. If it is set to a Header condition, the discount would
apply to the order as a whole rather than to the individual line items in the order.
Menu Path Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Conditions → Create
Trans Code VK31
The system will automatically enter the material descriptions, units of measure, and validity dates.
➢ Select save
Record the system message:
The system will automatically enter the material descriptions, units of measure, and validity dates.
➢ Select save
Record the system message:
➢ Click on the scales button to give the customer a discount of 5% for order values
between $1,000.00 and $1,999.99 and a discount of 8% for order values between $2,000.00 and
$2,999.99 and a discount of 10% for orders larger than $2,999.99.
Unit 3: SD Rules
Purpose of Unit
The purpose of Unit 3 is to complete some final details necessary to prepare you for the
comprehensive system test that begins in the next unit. This unit will have you create some specialized
master data as well as complete the final configuration steps of shipping point and revenue account
assignment determinations.
Double click on Set Pricing Procedure Determination (SAP GUI menu path navigation only)
Enter the following information:
➢ Select
Verify details of:
Sales Distribution Division Doc. Pricing Cust. Pric. Pricing
Organization Channel Proc Procedure Procedure
S_ _ _ RE 01 A 1 RVAAPC
S_ _ _ WH 01 A 1 RVAAPC
➢ Select
Shipping Point Information:
SC (Shipping LGrp Plnt PrShP (Proposed Shipping point):
condition): (Loading group): (Plant):
01 (Standard) HAND (Load by Hand) P_ _ _ S_ _ _
01 (Standard) CART (Handcart) P_ _ _ S_ _ _
➢ (Choose)
➢ Select
Account assignment information:
App CndTy. ChAc SOrg. AAGC ActKy G/L Account
V KOFI C_ _ _ S_ _ _ 01 ERL 600_ _ _
V KOFI C_ _ _ S_ _ _ 01 ERS 610_ _ _
Database selections
➢ Material (Any material from your sales order)
➢ Plant P_ _ _
➢ Select Execute
➢ Select
➢ This will open a pop-up window showing the details of the inventory by stock type at the level you
➢ 1) Hit Back –
You will create a sales order using your customer info record for Pleasure Boats Buying Group and
then complete the order to cash business process.
Also, you will create a sales order using a scheduling agreement for The Rushmore Group and deliver
against the scheduling agreement.
Lastly, you will create two additional sales orders. One sales order using the item proposal and the
second sales order that will result in a credit warning, as well as request more goods than you have for
sale. This will require you to run Material Requirements Planning, convert purchase requisitions to
purchase orders, receive the goods, receive the invoices, and post payment to the vendors. The
deliveries for these sales orders will be completed in the next unit.
Organizational Data
➢ Sales Organization S_ _ _
➢ Distribution channel RE
➢ Division 01
➢ Sold-To Party (Customer # for The Rushmore Group, LLC)
➢ Ship-To-Party (Customer # for The Rushmore Group, LLC)
➢ Cust. Reference (Customer # for The Rushmore Group, LLC)
➢ Cust. Ref. Date Today’s date
Sales TAB
➢ Req. Deliv. Date (3 days from today)
➢ (Conditions)
➢ Review item pricing
S/4HANA – Release July 2018 Page 32 The Information Systems Department
The University of Arkansas, Walton College
© 2008 by SAP AG. All rights reserved. SAP University Alliances & SAP Next Gen Partner
Adopted from The Rushmore Group, LLC
➢ (Back)
➢ Select line item 20
➢ (Back)
➢ (Check availability)
➢ What is a confirmed quantity? _____________________________________ Does it match the open
quantity? ________________ Choose the “Complete delivery” green check.
Header Data:
System Menu Bar: Goto → Header → Sales
Sales TAB
Note and record the pricing procedure ______________________
Conditions TAB
Note and record the net value for the order – this is the total of all line items $_____________ ($1,072.50)
The purpose of this exercise is to pick the materials. The delivery note indicates the quantity of the
proposed materials per delivery.
This exercise will have you post goods issue. Post goods issue reduces unrestricted stock to reflect
the inventory shipped. This is the time at which the ownership of the goods changes from you to the
customer. These goods have left your plant and are now owned by your customer. Both inventory and
costs of goods sold are impacted by this transaction.
If you have shipped or sold the goods FOB Destination, the actual change of ownership takes place at
the time the goods are received at the customer’s location. However, the system reflects the materials
are no longer available in your stock at the time of post good issue.
➢ (Item Details)
➢ What is the picking status? _______________________________
➢ (Back)
➢ Is the Deliv. Qty for each item the same as the Open Qty? _______________________________
Picking Tab:
➢ Enter the Storage location for each item
➢ Sloc: 10 (Inventory)
➢ Enter Pick quantity to match the proposed delivery quantity
➢ Picked Qty = Deliv. Qty
➢ Select
1) Hit Exit -
Menu Path Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Document → Create
The system will default the last delivery document created. If not enter your delivery document number
from the previous exercise.
➢ Hit Execute
The system displays the customer and the materials on the delivery with total values to be billed.
➢ Record the total amount billed to the customer: $____________________
Record the billing document number that is displayed at the bottom of the screen ________________
Bank data:
➢ Account: 100_ _ _
➢ Amount: (Enter the amount of the payment (from sales order))
➢ Select
If the “Not Assigned” in the bottom right hand corner is not 0.00, then click on the $$ amount(s) under the
USD Gross column that does not represent your invoice. Ensure “Not Assigned” field equals zero.
➢ Hit Save -
1) Hit Exit -
➢ Select
The system displays the material document with a goods movement “601”, which is the movement type
for goods issue to a delivery note (Post Goods Issue).
Instructions Search for prior “Create Sales Order” exercise in this module
➢ Order type OR
Organizational Data
➢ Sales Organization S_ _ _
➢ Distribution channel WH
➢ Division 01
➢ Select
Sales TAB
➢ Req. Deliv. Date (3 days from today)
➢ Go to the header and record the Sales Orders Net Value $__________________ ($710.20)
➢ Select
Search for prior “Create Delivery Note, Picking, and Post Goods Issue for Sales
Order” exercise
Instructions Search for prior “Bill Customer” exercise
Search for prior “Post Receipt of Customer Payment” exercise
Search for prior “Review Document Flow” exercise
Menu Path Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Scheduling Agreement → Create
➢ Select Schedule lines for items button from the button bar on the bottom
Enter three schedule lines
➢ First line (6 days from today for 35 pens)
➢ Second line (14 days from today for 40 pens)
➢ Third line: (2 months from today for 100 pens)
➢ Hit Enter - Hit Save -
Note: Perform your delivery for 7 days from today and perform another delivery for 14 days from today’s
date. Perform billing for your delivery documents. Complete the receipt of payment (both billings may be
processed together).
➢ Hit Enter –
➢ Hit Save -
➢ Record the Item Proposal Number: _____________________
Search for prior “Create Business Partner Master Record” exercise in the FI-
MM module
➢ Click
Orders TAB
➢ Item proposal (# of the newly created item proposal)
➢ Hit Save -
Instructions Search for prior “Create Sales Order” exercise in this module
➢ Order type OR
Organizational Data
➢ Sales Organization S_ _ _
➢ Distribution channel RE
➢ Division 01
➢ (Enter)
➢ Sold-To Party (Customer # for SAP, America)
➢ Ship-To-Party (Customer # for SAP, America - UAP)
➢ Cust. Reference (Customer # for SAP, America)
➢ Cust. Ref. Date Today’s date
Sales TAB
➢ Req. Deliv. Date (3 days from today)
In the pop-up window, the system copies the number of the product proposal for this customer
➢ Select
➢ Select (Copy) for a Complete delivery – Note: This may happen for multiple items.
➢ (Back)
➢ Select the line item PPEN_ _ _
➢ (Back)
➢ (Back)
➢ (Save)
Instructions Search for prior “Create Sales Order” exercise in this module
➢ Order type OR
Organizational Data
➢ Sales Organization S_ _ _
➢ Distribution channel WH
➢ Division 01
➢ (Enter)
Sales TAB
➢ Req. Deliv. Date (3 days from today)
➢ (Enter)
You will receive one or more warnings that credit limit is exceeded – Note: This is only an information
message or warning; as such you will be able to continue processing the order.
➢ (Back)
➢ Change the quantity of the line item for PPEN_ _ _ from 275 to 420 and verify that the discount
changed. Keep the quantity at 420 for PPEN_ _ _.
➢ (Back)
➢ (Save)
➢ (Continue)
➢ Select material PPEN_ _ _
Enter the following information on the Create Info Record: Purch. Organization Data 1 screen
➢ Standard Qty.: 1
➢ Net Price: 3.25
➢ Select Save –
➢ Select Exit –
Assign Slick Pens as the Source of Supply for all PPEN_ _ _; BPEN_ _ _; CPEN_ _ _; and BOX_ _ _
➢ Make sure that the “Assignments” area is active. Select the line showing the number of purchase
orders (there should be 4)
➢ Enter through warning if delivery date can’t be met and the existence of a contract.
➢ Increase the PO Quantity for each item by 150 over the total of all requisitions recorded when you
ran MRP online.
➢ Record the amounts for the individual lines items as well as the total order in the table below
PPEN _ _ _
CPEN _ _ _
BPEN _ _ _
BOX _ _ _
Total for PO
➢ (Save)
➢ (Exit )
Items which are due for delivery are defined by the following parameters:
• Material is available and scheduled
• The date of due delivery has arrived
• Material is delivered for the chosen shipping point (determined from shipping point
➢ Select the desired line(s) (complete one line at a time)
➢ Select In some cases, the system has combined deliveries from different orders on the
same delivery note number. This is set in the customer master, by selecting Order combination.
Search for prior “Create Delivery Note, Picking, and Post Goods Issue for Sales
Order” exercise and complete the delivery process for all deliveries.
Selection Tab
Organizational. Data
➢ Sales organization S_ _ _
Documents to be selected
➢ Select Order-related
➢ Select Delivery-related
➢ Click
The system lists all the documents (Delivery numbers) due for invoicing
Search for prior “Post Receipt of Customer Payment” exercise and complete
payments of the customers.
The purpose of this exercise is to pick the goods and post goods issue.
Reason for rejection: Quantity Discrepancy
Search for prior “Create Delivery Note, Picking, and Post Goods Issue for Sales
Order” exercise
➢ Select
Menu Path Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Document → Change
Trans Code VF02
Instructions Search for prior “Create Goods Return Order” exercise in this module
Review the entire document flow for the entire sales order process, making sure all documents are
completed and cleared.