When Is A Woman by Thom
When Is A Woman by Thom
When Is A Woman by Thom
• it's a poem, written by a 4th-generation Chinese-Canadian trans woman, with the speaker talking about the debate over who counts as a "woman" and what the meaning of "woman" is, particularly in Chinese context
• Sojourner Truth, who's quoted at the beginning, was an African-American abolitionist (anti-slavery activist) most famous for "Ain't I a Woman?" (which the poem riffs off of), a fiery speech she gave at a women's rights
convention in 1851 in which she lambasted the white women's rights activists present for viewing slavery as "not a women's problem," hence Truth's demand that they recognize her womanhood as a Black woman
• "ah-ma"--Chinese way of addressing mother; "heng haa" = ancestors; "jeje" = big sister; "moimoi" = little sister; "jook sing zhai" = Westernized son
when is a woman?
And ain't I a woman? I have borne thirteen children, and seen them most all sold off is that when you became a woma
she d,
to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother's grief none but Jesus heard me! And was it when the blood first g u
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that led our ancestors here, of men who grabbed,
was i a woman when struck
at four, i crept into your bedroom stole
to try on your plastic pearls, tore
roam in the closet forest of your dresses the sun moon stars can tell you
was i a woman when i was a woman, washed in dew
i begged to be dressed like my sisters, the morning after
to be rid of my penis, wasn't i a woman ma
to dance ballet, the nights they chased me
· the nights they spat at me
to sing,
the nights they called me an animal
to be loved,
animal animalanimal
when i begged you to love me,
what was i then, ah-ma?
wasn't i ·a woman
was i a girl when when they said i wasn't fit to do work for them
you taught me respect for women's minds, wasn't i a woman
for the battles you fought in medical school, when they said the only work for me
what was i when you shrieked and screamed and threatened and wailed was selling my body
for one missed word on a spelling test and even that
THINK OF YOUR FUTURE would fetch a low price (we must not
HOW CAN YOU BE SO UNGRATEFUL forget money, never forget money, of course, mam
AFTER ALL I'VE DONE FOR YOU wasn't i a woman then?
wasn't it woman's blood i bled?
is it sacrifice that makes a mother
is it suffering that makes a woman i bled
is it sacrifice we bled
sacrifice mama,
suffering? can you tell me,
when am i
ah-ma,.the cold stars of the northern skies a woman?
are my witness, love,
i was girl, a virgin, when your son
at thirteen years old
i first dreamed of loving a man
and awoke, drenched in salt, sticky with heat,
mother, Thom, Kai Cheng. “When Is a Woman?” A Place Called No Homeland.
the night can testify Arsenal Pulp Press, 2017. 52-55.
i was a woman in the arms