Different Methods of Preserving Fish
Different Methods of Preserving Fish
Different Methods of Preserving Fish
There are several methods in preserving fish. Fish preservation involves Chilling
and Freezing, Salting, Fermentation, Drying and Dehydration, Smoking, Pickling and
Spicing, and Canning
There are several methods in preserving fish. Fish preservation involves Chilling
and Freezing, Salting, Fermentation, Drying and Dehydration, Smoking, Pickling and
Spicing, and Canning.
There is one thing first to consider, make sure that the fish that is going to be
preserve is new and still fresh.
The method of Chilling and Freezing; if the fish is exposed to a low temperature
environment, the growth of the microorganisms could be prevented; this could lead to
spoilage prevention. The appropriate temperature is 0 degree Celsius which involves the
use of ice or a refrigerator.
The use of ice for chilling is very much convenient and widely used in the markets. If
you are going to use ice for fish preservation, make sure that you have sufficient amount of
ice. To keep the fish properly chilled with ice, usually the coarser ice should be put on the
top while the melted ice should be put below.
Fish can also be preserved by the way of salting. Salt elements will lower the water
content below the point where bacteria or microorganisms can no longer live and grow. In
the time that water passes out from the tissues of the fish, the salt will going to penetrate
the fish tissues until the salt solutions filled it in. This is called as the “osmosis” absorption
Fish fermentation can also preserved fish. It is the process of breaking down the
protein in the fish caused by an enzymatic action. It is called as hydrolization. In this
process of fermentation, the flesh of the fish is allowed to get “ripe”; this is the state where
the flesh of the fish will start to disintegrate before it is going to undergo “aging”. In normal
process, fermentation takes up to 8 months. It will take less than a month that if pure salt is
used and the temperature is increased from 37 degree Celsius up to 45 degree Celsius. In
the later fermentation process, the activity is faster.
Drying and Dehydration is another technique. This involves the removal of water
content from fish tissues until the moisture of the fish is extracted. In this process the
growth of microorganisms is prevented. This can be done naturally using the heat of the
sun. It is called as solar drying. Dehydration is another method in drying fish. It is done
through the use of artificially heated air through the use of mechanical driers.
Smoking is also another method in fish preservation. This process gives the fish a
desirable flavor and odor as well as preserving it. Smoking is usually done through four
processes. First is cleaning the fish. Second is brining which is soaking the fish in a brine
solution. The third is drying and the fourth one is smoking the fish. In smoking process, the
length of smoking time usually takes up to 30 to 45 minutes and the temperature is 85
degree Celsius. Hardwoods together with plant leaves are commonly used.
Mussels are shellfish that must remain alive until just before you consume them.
When the mussels die, the meat breaks down and allows harmful bacteria to grow. Since
you cannot freeze live mussels, the shellfish needs to be cooked thoroughly before
preserving. Mussels are prepared using a variety of methods, such as smoking, boiling,
steaming and grilling. Freeze the mussels once you finish preparing them to ensure that
they remain of the highest quality.
Freezer container with lid
Cook the mussels using a method of your choice. Remove the prepared mussels
from their shells. Open the shell and slide a knife between the shell and mussel
to remove it. Discard the shells.
Place the mussels in a freezer container. Cover the mussels with the broth that
you cooked them in to keep the mussels moist. The broth also retains the flavor.
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Place the lid on the container securely. Store the cooked mussels in the freezer.
Consume the mussels within 3 months for best results.
The shells of shellfish such as lobsters, crabs, oysters, scallops and mussels are
a creative addition to many craft and decorating projects. Like anything that was
once outside and the habitat of a live creature, it is best to disinfect the shell before
using it. It's important, too, to make sure that the inhabitant of the shell you collect is
either dead or has moved up to larger accommodations before picking it up.
1. Brush away any dead tissue on or in the shell. Use a small nylon bristled brush, such
as an old toothbrush, to remove it.
2. Wash the shell thoroughly on the inside and outside with a wet rag. If you must
remove debris that is stuck on, use a butter knife or other dull scraper to remove it.
3. Cold pasteurization of foods using pulsed electric fields
4. Sanitize the shell by soaking it in a mixture of 1/2 cup of bleach in 2 gallons of water.
Allow it soak for about 30 minutes.
5. Rinse the shell thoroughly and let it dry.
6. Leave the shell alone, if you like. A shell once cleaned and sanitized should last for
many years.
7. Spray or paint the shell with lacquer if you wish to add a shine or make sure that it
won't deteriorate over time.
Cuttle Fish, and all other molluscous animals, can only be preserved in spirits. The
same observation applies to the animals which inhabit that numerous tribe called
Testaceous Shells. They must be detached from the shells, and put into spirits, while the
shells themselves must be preserved, independent of the animal.
Shells naturally arrange themselves under three distinct heads : Marine, Land, and
Fluviatile, or Fresh Water.
Marine shells are only to be expected perfect, when procured in a living state. The
way to extract the animal is to pour some warm water on it; but, if too hot, it is liable to
crack the shells. When the animals are dead, they can easily be pulled out with any hooked
instrument, or fork, or if the animal is small, by a common pin. This applies to all marine
shells; whether univalve, bivalve or tubular. It is of great consequence to preserve the
ligament of bivalve shells entire, so that the valves may not be separated. The animals of
laud and fresh water shells are killed by the same means, only that the water requires to be
very hot.
Unless the shells are covered with extraneous matter, it is not necessary to clean
them. Marine shells are, however, very liable to be incrusted with other marine bodies,
particularly with serpula and balani, etc. These must be started off by means of a sharp
instrument; an engraving tool is well adapted for this purpose. This must be done with
great caution, in species which have spines, and other excrescences, as they are very liable
to be broken. Should any of the calcareous matter still adhere, this must be removed, by
applying to it a very weak mixture of muriatic acid and water, applied with the point of a
quill, and then plunged into water, and allowed to remain till the acid is quite extracted. But
on no account whatever attempt to eradicate these parasitic bodies by means of acid, or
acid and water alone, as the chances are that the shell will be completely destroyed by their
application. We have seen many fine and valuable shells destroyed by an injudicious
application of acids - they should never be used when it can possibly be avoided. We have,
on the other hand, seen shells which were so completely enveloped in calcareous crust, that
it was impossible to trace their external surface, most thoroughly cleared of all this,
without being touched at all by acids, the whole being removed by a small knife or other
sharp instrument; and these, in many cases, having long and tender spines externally.
Nothing can be more monstrous than the application of pumice-stone, which some
recommend, for polishing shells; as is also the use of tripoli, rotten-stone, and emery.
Neither do we approve the application of varnishes, as such shells never have their natural
If a shell is found dead upon the beach it is probable that it will have undergone a
certain degree of decomposition, that is, it will have parted with part of its animal matter,
and consequently the colors will have faded and the surface present a chalky appearance.
To remove this take a small proportion of Florence oil and apply it to the surface, when the
colors which were invisible will appear. When completely saturated with oil let the shell be
rubbed dry and placed in a cabinet. Oil may also be applied after acid has been used, and it
will be found extremely useful when applied to dry the epidermis, which it will prevent
from cracking or quitting the shell entirely, which it frequently does.
Whether marine shells are procured in a living or dead state, a very necessary
precaution is to immerse them in pure tepid water after the animal has been extracted, and
allow them to continue in it for an hour or two so as completely to extract any salt or acid
which may be in them.
Fresh water shells are liable to a calcareous or earthy incrustation, which must be
removed by immersing them in warm water, and afterwards scraping and brushing them
with a nail or toothbrush. Much nicety is necessary in cleaning these, as their great thinness
renders them, in general, liable to be broken. A little Florence oil will improve the
appearance of the epidermis and render it less liable to crack.
Land shells seldom require any cleaning except washing in water, as they are not
liable to incrustations of any kind.
When shells are perforated by marine animals, or otherwise broken, if the specimen
is rare, it is desirable to remedy these defects as far as possible; they may therefore be filled
up, or pieces added to them with the cement, which may be colored when dry to its original
Of Polishing Shells. Many species of marine and fresh water shells are composed of
mother-of-pearl, generally covered with a strong epidermis. When it is wished to exhibit
the external structure of shells, the epidermis is removed and the outer testaceous coatings
polished down till the pearl-aceous structure becomes visible. It has been a common
practice to remove the strong epidermis of shells by means of strong acids, but this is a
hazardous and tedious mode of operating. The best method is to put the shells into a pan of
cold water with a quantity of quicklime and boil it for two to four hours, according to the
thickness of the epidermis. The shells afterwards must be gradually cooled, and some
strong acid applied to the epidermis, when it will easily peel off. Two hours are sufficient
for the common muscle being boiled. The shells are afterwards polished with rotten-stone
and oil, put on a piece of chamois leather.
The epidermis of the uno margaritifera is so thick that it requires from four to five
hours boiling. After the epidermis has been removed, there is beneath it a thick layer of
dull, calcareous matter, which must be started off with a knife or other sharp instrument;
this requires great labor, but, when accomplished, a fine mother-of-pearl is exhibited which
adds an agreeable variety as a specimen.
Various turbos and trochuses are also deprived of their epidermis and polished with
files, sand-paper, pumice-stone, etc., till the pearly appearance is obtained; but all these
modes are invented for disfiguring rather than improving the shells in the eye of the
naturalist, and should never be resorted to except where the species is very common, in
which case it is well enough to do so with one or two specimens to show the structure of
the shells.
After the operation of polishing and washing with acids, a little Florence oil should
be rubbed over to bring out the colors and destroy the influence of the acid.