NCM 112 - Covid19

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NCM 112: CORONAVIRUS DISEASE Incubation Period

• The incubation period is when a person first starts

showing signs & symptoms from the time of exposure.
• According to the, they state the incubation
• What is coronavirus? The word "coronavirus" is a term
period seems to be a minimum of 2 days to up to 14 days
used to describe a of viruses that cause illness, specifically
respiratory illneses. Therefore, there are different types of
coronaviruses. Today, we are experiencing a coronavirus Clinical Manifestations & Confirmatory Test
• Some are asymptomatic.
outbreak that is causing COVID-19
• Symptoms:
− Fever
• Why is it called coronavirus? It receives its name from
the way the virus looks. The virus has pointy projections − Cough
that protrude off of it. The word corona in Latin means − Shortness of breath.
garland or crown. Therefore, the pointy projections are − Sore throat
similar to the projections of a crown. − Fatigue
− Real-time PCR test will assess & detect the genetic
• Coronaviruses come from animals. Animals that are material of the COVID-19 virus.
infected with coronaviruses can transmit them to humans,
humans can start spreading the virus to other humans, & Prevention
this leads to an outbreak. When this happens it's called a • Handwashing- soap & water for at least 20 seconds or
“zoonotic spillover event" alcohol-based sanitizer
• Don't touch the mouth, have, or eyer with hands- This
Risk Factors helps decrease the rick of transferring the virus into your
• Provided care in close contact with someone with the respiratory track..
coronavirus: example family member, healthcare worker • Cover your coughing & sneezing & then wash hands
etc. afterwards. Always properly dispose of tissue paper that
• Traveled to areas with the virus widespread, living in an may be used to cover sneeze or cough.
area with a widespread outbreak, or been in close contact • Wear facemask. It was now recommended that a clot
with people who have been to the country with widespread face mask be used by the general public when going out in
cases. public. However, medical marks should be reserved for
• Work closely with animals that have the viruses/ healthcare professional at this time.
consuming their uncook meat • Avoid close contact with people who are sick (fever &
Transmission • Avoid travel to high-risk are as if have traveled & feel sick
Respiratory droplets: it reems the virus primarily spread via notify doctor
droplets. • stay home if you are sick.
• When a person coughs / sneezes, it naturally causes • cook meat properly from animals.
water droplets from the respiratory system to be expelled. • if pt is showing S/S, immediately ask about travel history
• Therefore, when a person, who is infected COVID-19, • Know and follow your hospital's plan for COVID-19 or
coughs or sneezes their respiratory droplets contain the protocols are being developed and are in place (ex:
virus. The water droplets act as a vehicle for the virus to isolation precaution, PPE to wear, testing)
spread to the respiratory system of others, especially if the • Disinfect surfaces
person is in close contact with others.
• Contact: when a person who is infected with COVID-19 Vaccines
coughs, sneezes etc. the water droplets that contain the Terminology for COVID-19 vaccine use
virus can fall onto surrounding surfaces / objects. • Primary series: Initial vaccination which can range from a
• It is unknown how long the virus lives on surfaces at this single dose to a 3-dose series depending on the vaccine
time. If a person, who is not infected with covin-19, touches product & a person's age & immune status. The same
the contaminate objects / surfaces I then touches their vaccine product should be used for all doses of the primary
eyes, nose, / mouth they could infect themselves. with the series.
virus. • Additional dose: A dose of vaccine administered after the
• Fecal-oral? It is suspected that the virus may be shed in primary series to people who may be less likely to mount a
an infected person's stool, which can lead to the protective immune response after initial vaccination.
transmission route of fecal-oral This is still to be People who are moderately / severely
determined at this time. immunocompromised & who received janssen COVID-19


vaccine for their primary series are recommended to
receive an additional dose using an MRNA vaccine
• Booster dose: A subsequent dose of vaccine administered
to enhance / restore protection which might have waned
over time after primary series vaccination.
− Homologous booster dose: The same vaccine
manufacturer used for the booster dose and the
primary series.
− Heterologous boosters dose: (mix-&-match
booster) A different vaccine manufacturer used for
the booster dose & primary series.
• Monovalent vaccine: The vaccine product is based on the
original (ancestral) strain of SARS-COV-2.
• Bivalent vaccine (“updated vaccine”): The vaccine
product is based on the original (ancestral) strain of SARS-
CoV-2 and the Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 (BA.4/BA.5) variants
of SARS-CoV-2

Preventive medication




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