Reviewer by Yummy
the body promote heat loss when dancing Here are a few general tips for dancers to
full out will improve athletic performance stay safe before, during, and after
and aid in recovery. exercising.
1. Have your doctor clear you to
Overexertion or Overtraining – It occurs participate in an exercise program.
when people push themselves too hard Reasons not to dance until your doctor
during physical activities like Dancing clears you include:
causes injury when a person works beyond Severe HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE
his or her physical capacity and tolerances (hypertension):
of his or her body’s soft tissues. Factors – systolic (top number) above
related to overexertion are age, physical 200mmHg and/or
condition, body flexibility, obesity, strength, – diastolic (bottom number) above
and tolerance 110mmHg
Illness or being sick
Overexertion injuries are generally of Any type of injury that would be
two types: worsen by exercise
Sprains - stretching or tearing of Recent heart event (heart attack,
ligaments ischemia)
Strains - stretching or tearing Recent procedure (bypass surgery, stent
tendons or muscles placement, etc.)
Chest pain or discomfort
Uncontrolled heart failure
Heat Stress and Heat Stroke Electrolyte abnormalities
Hyperthermia – Refers to agroup of heat- Aneurysm
related conditions characterized by an
abnormally high body temperature in other 2. STOP dancing if any of the following
words, the opposite of hypothermia. The occurs:
condition occurs when the body's heat- Chest pain or discomfort
regulation system becomes overwhelmed by Feeling lightheaded or dizzy*
outside factors, causing a person's internal Feeling unusually tired*
temperature to rise Shortness of breath*
Excessive sweating*
Hypothermia – Excessive low body Palpitations or unusual fast heart beat*
temperature, characterized by uncontrollable *If the feeling persists for more than 5
shivering, loss of coordination, and mental minutes after you stop exercise,
confusion. When the body begins to lose get help immediately.
heat faster that it can be produced.
Prolonged exertion leads to progressive 3. General tips for everyone
muscular fatigue. As exposure continues Wear comfortable broken in exercise
and additional body heat is lost, the cold shoes with closed toes and cushioned
reaches the brain. One loses judgment and socks. This will help properly support
the ability to reason. Speech becomes slow and protect your feet and avoid blisters
and slurred and control of the hands is lost. which can lead to other problems.
Medical emergency that occurs when your A slow warm-up is important to protect
body loses heat faster than it can produce your muscles and joints from injury. In
heat, causing a dangerously low body addition, sudden starts and stops add
temperature. Normal body temperature is stress to the heart and could trigger a
around 98.6 F (37 C). Hypothermia (hi-poe- rapid change in blood glucose levels.
THUR-me-uh) occurs as your body To properly “feed” your muscles with
temperature falls below 95 F (35 C). oxygen, hold your chest upright and
breathe deeply and regularly.
DANCE SAFETY TIPS Be careful not to get injured by
overextending your muscles with
kicking, swinging or flinging your
Reviewer by Yummy
arms, legs or neck further than is When developing your Emergency Action
comfortable. You should never Plan (EAP), it’s a good idea to look at a
experience extreme pain when wide variety of potential emergencies that
performing any dance move. could occur in your workplace. It should be
Dance at half time to the music if it’s tailored to your worksite and include
going too fast for you. If you think you information about all potential sources of
can last “just one more song” it’s a emergencies. Developing an emergency
good time to stop. You should not feel action plan means you should do a hazard
exhausted! assessment to determine what, if any,
Be aware of your body “center” to keep physical or chemical hazards in your
your balance on the dance floor. Keep workplaces could cause an emergency. If
your feet about shoulder width apart you have more than one worksite, each site
with a slight bend in your knees. From should have an emergency action plan.
your center you can move up or down, Fortunately, catastrophic injuries
left or right or front to back and stay in are an infrequent occurrence in a dance
control. program. But unfortunately, they do occur;
End your workout with a slow cool and often an effective response strategy is
down. Slowly stretch your muscles not in place. By establishing and practicing
which will help avoiding cramping, an Emergency Action Plan (EAP), you and
soreness and stiffness later. your staff can be prepared to manage a
Drink enough fluids, especially if severe injury until additional help arrives.
dancing more than 1 hour or if it is hot
and humid. Emergency Action Plan for Dance
How you develop an EAP depends
After the Dance: Watch out for low on your dance program's activities. Like a
blood glucose for up to 48 hours. Any type dancer, your plan should be limber.
of exercise can improve insulin action and
glucose uptake, especially if you use insulin The following guidelines can help to
or take certain pills to treat your diabetes. structure your plan:
Play it safe and test your glucose levels Start by recruiting an EAP planning
periodically during the few hours after you team of teachers, students (particularly
stop working out. You may need a small those with prior medical experience),
snack or meal with a balance of carbs, parents, and local emergency
protein, and fat to help prevent lows. personnel, along with anyone else you
feel can benefit your team.
Develop plans for medical emergencies
INJURY AND EMERGENCY that may occur, and specify duties and
MANAGEMENT IN DANCING responsibilities for your program.
Carefully outline tasks in a simple,
concise written format.
Across the whole spectrum of dance Identify issues specific to your
there is little doubt that the vast majority of business, as well as off-site venues.
injuries are the result of overuse rather than Know the location of emergency
trauma. These injuries tend to occur at the medical equipment, communication
foot/ankle/ lower leg, low back, and hip. devices, emergency exits, shelters,
The foot/ankle/lower leg area is elevators, alarm systems, and areas to
vulnerable to a wide range of injuries, serve as meeting locations.
including stress fractures, tendon injuries, Assess equipment issues. Determine
sprains, and strains. These injuries show up the type of equipment available and
with greater frequency in dancers as they where it is stored. Designate
age, so it is extremely important to someone to inspect and maintain it,
emphasize what the young dancer can do to
as necessary.
prevent future injuries
Reviewer by Yummy
Identify who will make phone calls but worse with jumping, relevé, or
and in what order. Post emergency pointe work
numbers Prevention - Stretching your
and dialing instructions, if the caller Achilles with your foot in parallel,
needs to press a phone line number quadriceps/hip/core strengthening to
or other number prior to dialing decrease force absorption at the
"911." ankle
Treatment - Physical therapy
Dance may look effortless, but it focused on correct training
requires a lot of strength, flexibility and technique, modalities to decrease
stamina. It also comes with a high risk of inflammation, calf stretching, and
injuries. Whether you are a dancer, a teacher soft tissue to calf and surrounding
or a student should be aware of the most
common dance injuries and learn how to
avoid them. 3. “TRIGGER TOE” (FLEXOR
Common Dance Injuries: Includes, Pain TENOSYNOVITIS) - Trigger toe is
Associated, how to prevent and how to another overuse injury that causes
treat them if it occurs: inflammation and damage to muscle
that is active during pointing the big
1. ANKLE SPRAINS - Ankle sprains are toe.
the most common traumatic (or acute) Pain - gradual onset of pain along
injury in dancers. Most dancers will inside of ankle and under the foot while
experience their first sprain by age 13. pointing the big toe which may also
This injury is caused by any movement feel like big toe is “stuck”
that forces the ankle outside of the Prevention - good form with your
normal range of motion, resulting in an relevés and not crunching your toes to
overstretching or in tears to the force a pointe, rolling out the arch of
ligaments of the ankle. your foot with a ball (but not to the
Pain - Acute onset with pain on the point of pain)
inside or outside of the ankle, Treatment: physical therapy (correct
swelling and bruising may be technique, modalities to decrease
present in more severe cases inflammation, stretching, massage),
Prevention - 4-way ankle exercises, surgery to release tendon from
hip strengthening surrounding tissues if symptoms do not
Treatment - Rise, joint protection, resolve.
early mobility, physical therapy
2. ACHILLES TENDONITIS - impingement is the pinching of
Achilles tendonitis is an tissues at ankle (tibia and talus) at
inflammation of the tendon in the either the front or the back of the
back of the ankle that connects the ankle.
prime mover for pointing to your Prevention - stretching your
foot. As the Achilles is active Achilles and stretching (but not
during relevé and pointing the foot, forcing) your pointe
this overuse injury is quite common Anterior (front) Pain - pain at the
in dancers, especially those utilizing front of the ankle with plie and
improper technique or participating landing
in excessive training. Treatment - PT to improve
Pain - Gradual onset of pain and mechanics and technique (manual
tenderness just above the heel which therapy)
may feel better when warmed up,
Reviewer by Yummy