Neonatal Ureaplasma Parvum Meningitis: A Case Report and Literature Review
Neonatal Ureaplasma Parvum Meningitis: A Case Report and Literature Review
Neonatal Ureaplasma Parvum Meningitis: A Case Report and Literature Review
Abstract: Ureaplasma parvum (U. parvum) is common commensal in the female genitourinary tract. Despite
U. parvum has been associated with chorioamnionitis, abortion, prematurity and perinatal complications, the
invasive central nervous system (CNS) infection is rare in neonates. Diagnosis of U. parvum meningitis can
be difficult for the atypical presentations and sterile cultures by conventional methods. Metagenomic next-
generation sequencing (mNGS) could identify a broad range of human pathogens in a target-independent
manner. Here, we performed mNGS to search for the infectious etiology in a term infant presenting with
fever and seizure. U. parvum genome was identified by mNGS and further confirmed by PCR in the same
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sample. As the quick and timely diagnosis, the baby was successfully treated
with erythromycin for 4 weeks without complication. The clinical follow-up has showed that the physical
and mental development are normal. In conclusion, mNGS may a promising diagnostic technology for
U. parvum meningitis. As mNGS is able to identify diverse microbes in a single run, it could be a useful
strategy to detection the clinical causative pathogens with atypical features in neonates.
Submitted Nov 29, 2019. Accepted for publication Jan 18, 2020.
doi: 10.21037/tp.2020.02.04
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Ureaplasma parvum 1.24% total coverage intravenous oxacillin (50 mg/kg/dose, q8h) and sulperazon
(50 mg/kg/dose, q8h) were started for bacterial meningitis.
No microorganism was detected on Gram staining or
8 cultures of blood and CSF samples. On the day 4 of
hospitalization, the infant presented local seizures and
his anterior frontal became full and bulging. A cranial
Reads number
Floppy Seizure Sustained mild fever No fever
Abnormal blood analysis MRI Abnormal CSF Normal CSF test Stop erythromycin
U. parvum confirmed
Abnormal CSF test Abnormal CSF test test Discharge home
Oxacillin, sulperazon Vancomycin, meropenem mNGS
Figure 2 The timeline of this case, including clinical presentations, tests and treatments.
1 Female 18 days after Fever, cardiovascular PCR ERY + CIP × Grade III IVH Preterm, fetoscopic (5)
birth instability and apnea 3 weeks and HCP surgery at 21
gestational weeks
2 Female 4 weeks after HCP and developmental PCR CHL × 3 weeks HCP and Preterm, maternal (6)
birth delay developmental delay cervical insufficiency
and cerclage
3 Unknown 10 days after Fever, rhinitis, PCR and CIP ×7 weeks + HCP Term (7)
birth conjunctivitis and culture THI ×3 weeks
focal seizure
4 Male 16 days after Fever, headache, PCR LVFX ×3 weeks None Adult, (8)
surgery photophobia and craniopharyngioma
meningeal irritation ablation
IVH, intraventricular hemorrhage; HCP, hydrocephalus; ERY, erythromycin; CIP, ciprofloxacin; CHL, chloramphenicol; THI, thiophenicol;
LVFX, levoflfloxacin.
level could be undetectable or normal, suggesting bacterial 40% (14). On account of the complex growth requirements
or viral meningitis. Similarly, the CSF was presented with and specific culture condition, the organism might avoid
pleocytosis and decreased glucose level in our case. Thus, detection. Broad range bacterial PCR is another method
the CSF profile of U. parvum meningitis may be various and for the Ureaplasma identification and superior to traditional
atypical. After the specific treatment of U. parvum, the CSF culture methods. But this hypothesis-driven molecular
profile has been reported to gradually normalize, paralleled testing may miss the pathogen when there is no consideration
by a continuous clinical improvement. Development of about the specifically targeted organisms or when the used
hydrocephalus with or without of hemorrhage also has been primers contain mismatches to the microbial strain involved,
reported in all neonatal cases, either at initial signs or in which decreases the sensitivity of detection. Above options
the clinical course. And the long-term outcome of neonatal for diagnosing infections caused by Ureaplasma are limited
U. parvum meningitis ranges from complete resolution to due to the shortcomings of both culture and PCR-based
progressive internal hydrocephalus or neurodevelopmental techniques. Thus, microbial diagnostics on Ureaplasma may
impairment (6,8). In accordance to the previous U. parvum be delayed by the difficulties in pathological detection. Here,
meningitis, the hydrocephalus gradually resolved and the we found U. parvum in CSF by mNGS analysis. mNGS, a
baby boy develops appropriately in this case. Only one high-throughput or massively parallel sequencing method, is
previous case which manifested with sustained meningitis beneficial for diagnosis in patients with suspected infectious
and progressive hydrocephalus had poor neurological but negative results for conventional assessments (5). It could
outcome (6,8), implying that continuous inflammation apply for hypothesis-free and universal pathogen detection,
is related to the adverse outcome. Thus, early diagnosis promising to improve infectious disease diagnostics,
and initiation of appropriate treatment are necessary to especially in immunocompromised neonates or critically ill
improving the prognosis. patients. This novel technique will enable timely diagnosis
Although Ureaplasma normally exist in a state of and treatment of invasive U. parvum infection and is expected
adherence to mucosal epithelial cells, they can disseminate to result in excellent outcomes, as presented in this case.
to other sites and cause invasive infection when there is a However, mNGS method also has inherent disadvantages,
disruption of the mucosa and/or an underlying defect in host including sequencing human host gene background, suffering
defenses, such as in the developing fetus or newborn. Their from the contamination with environmental species, and the
pathogenicity has been imputed to inflammatory response expensive cost.
by modulating the immune system in a complex way, not The treatment of invasive Ureaplasma infection in neonates
only promoting pro-inflammation, but also inhibit immune is particularly challenging. Previous cases of U. parvum
response (1,10). The balance between pro-inflammatory meningitis shows several therapeutic chemicals (Table 1).
cytokines (e.g., tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin (IL)- Three reports in neonates used different antibiotic regimes:
1β, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8) and anti-inflammatory cytokines two preterm infants were treated by chloramphenicol
(e.g., IL-10) is disturbed by Ureaplasma infection (1). and the combination of erythromycin and ciprofloxacin,
In addition, they could also affect innate host immune respectively; the other term baby was administered with
by downregulating cell defense genes (e.g., antimicrobial ciprofloxacin and thiophenicol. Considering that Ureaplasma
peptides), decomposing the host cell membrane via are free of cell wall, the antibiotics targeting protein or DNA
phospholipase, and exerting cytotoxicity through ammonia synthesis may effective, such as macrolides, tetracyclines,
accumulation or PH-shift via hydrolyzing urea (11,12). clindamycin, chloramphenicol and quinolones (14).
In the previous U. parvum meningitis cases, the pathogen However, the potential side effects of above drugs have
in CSF was demonstrated by PCR in three cases and by the been taken into consideration when used in the newborn.
combination with PCR and culture in on case. Ureaplasma Tetracyclines can induce permanent dental discolorations or
are the smallest free-living organisms. They cannot be skeletal abnormalities; chloramphenicol may cause “gray baby
visualized by Gram stain since the lacking of cell wall (13). syndrome” or blood dyscrasias; and fluoroquinolones have
Given they are not surviving in standard culture media, in arthropathogenic effects. Thus, these drugs are generally
order to harvest these organisms, clinical specimens should avoided in neonates due to concerned toxicities. Macrolide
be inoculated immediately onto specialized culture media antibiotics are usually used in the Ureaplasma treatment.
before they are allowed to dry (7,13). And culture detection Here, we firstly treated the baby with erythromycin.
take long time intervals and positive rate can be as low as Erythromycin is not suggested for the treatment of
Ureaplasma meningitis due to its poor liquor penetrance (14). Open Access Statement: This is an Open Access article
But some cases have been successfully treated with distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons
erythromycin (15), which may be explained by the increase Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
of blood-brain barrier permeability when meningitis is License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which permits the non-
occurring. In addition, the appropriate duration of antibiotic commercial replication and distribution of the article with
therapy for Ureaplasma meningitis is not well understood. We the strict proviso that no changes or edits are made and the
choose erythromycin for 4 weeks, as is general practice in the original work is properly cited (including links to both the
treatment of other types of bacterial meningitis in neonates. formal publication through the relevant DOI and the license).
In other reports, the treatment duration may range from 2 to See:
6 weeks in infants (16).
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