TJSR201501 A
TJSR201501 A
TJSR201501 A
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4 authors, including:
Ramin Vaghei
All content following this page was uploaded by Elias Randjbaran on 22 January 2015.
Abstract The use of finite element models as research tools in biomechanics and orthopedics grew exponentially
over the last two decades. However, the attention to mesh quality, model validation and appropriate energy balance
methods and the reporting of these metrics has not kept pace with the general use of finite element modeling.
Therefore, the purpose of this review was to develop the nonlinear filter and thermal buckling of an FGM panel
under the combined effect of elevated temperature conditions and aerodynamic loading is investigated using a finite
element model based on the thin plate theory and von Karman strain-displacement relations to account for
moderately large deflection. It is found that the temperature increase has an adverse effect on the FGM panel flutter
characteristics through decreasing the critical dynamic pressure. Decreasing the volume fraction enhances flutter
characteristics, but this is limited by the structural integrity aspect. Structural finite element analysis has been
employed to determine the FGM panel's adaptive response while under the influence of a uniaxial compressive load
in excess of its critical buckling value. By increasing the applications of using composite materials inside aviation
stages, it is visualized that the versatile FGM plate setup will broaden the operational execution over traditional
materials and structures, especially when the structure is presented to a raised temperature. The vicinity of air motion
facilitating stream brings about delaying the locking temperature and in stifling under loads, while the temperature
build gives route for higher thermal-cycle abundance.
Keywords: Finite Element Methods; Functionally Graded Materials; Non-Linear Finite Element Formulation;
Thermo-Mechanical Post-Buckling
Elias Randjbaran, Rizal Zahari, Ramin Vaghei and Farrokh Karamizadeh. A Review Paper on
Citation: Comparison of Numerical Techniques for Finding Approximate Solutions to Boundary Value
Problems on Post-Buckling in Functionally Graded Materials. Vol. 1, No. 1, 2015, pp.1-12
Cong [17,23] proposed an analytical investigation on intermediate buckling temperature and thermal
the postbuckling behaviors of thick symmetric postbuckling strength. The results reveal that Voigt
functionally graded plates resting on elastic foundations model and Mori-Tanaka model have the same accuracy
and subjected to thermomechanical loads in thermal in predicting the thermal buckling and postbuckling
environments as shown in Figure 3. The formulations behavior of FGM shells. The results confirm that in the
presented by Duc and Cong are based on third order case of heat conduction, the postbuckling equilibrium
shear deformation plate theory and stress function path for geometrically perfect FGM cylindrical shells
consider Von Karman nonlinearity [29-39]. with simply supported boundary conditions is no longer
of the bifurcation type. Thermal Postbuckling of
Functionally Graded Materials Shells Consider a
circular cylindrical shell that is made of the combined
ceramic and metallic materials with continuously
varying mix ratios comprising ceramic and metal. The
length, mean radius, and total thickness of the shell are
L, R, and h, respectively. The shell is referred to a
coordinate system (X, Y, Z) in which X and Y are in the
axial and Figure 4 shows the circumferential directions
of the shell and Z is in the direction of the inward
normal to the middle surface [18-19]. Shen and Wang
Figure 2. (a) Displacement in point P on plane Oxz; (b) layer order [20] performed two step perturbation technique to
and coordinate system [10]. determine the load–deflection and load–bending
moment curves for FGM plates as presented in Figure 5
and they concluded that the characteristics of nonlinear
bending are significantly influenced by foundation
stiffness, temperature rise, transverse shear deformation,
the character of inplane boundary conditions and the
amount of initial compressive load [40-54].
mechanical properties of cell wall. While the Föppl–von in FGM rectangular plates based on the three-
Kármán equations are of interest from a purely dimensional theory of elasticity.
mathematical point of view, the physical validity of It is shown that, utilizing the considerable control
these equations is questionable. Euler–Bernoulli beam authority generated, even for a small actuator volume
theory is a simplification of the linear theory of fraction, the out-of-plane displacement of the post-
elasticity which provides a means of calculating the buckled FGM panel's can be significantly reduced. Such
load-carrying and deflection characteristics of beams. displacement alleviation allows for load redistribution
Additional analysis tools have been developed such as away from the FGM panel's unloaded edges.
plate theory and finite element analysis, but the The results show that in some cases the FGM
simplicity of beam theory makes it an important tool in cylindrical shell with intermediate volume fraction
the sciences, especially structural and mechanical index does not necessarily have intermediate buckling
engineering. Yaghoobi and Torabi in 2013 investigated temperature and thermal postbuckling strength. The
that beams made of functionally graded materials results reveal that the difference of the buckling
(FGMs) resting on a nonlinear elastic foundation temperatures between Mori-Tanaka Model and Voigt
subjected to axial force are studied as illustrated in Model solutions is very small, and the difference in the
Figure 6, Figure 7. The material properties of FGMs are thermal postbuckling strength between Voigt Model
assumed to be graded in the thickness direction solutions may be negligible. The results confirm that in
according to a simple power law distribution in terms of the case of heat conduction, the postbuckling
the volume fractions of the constituents. The equilibrium path for geometrically perfect FGM
assumptions of a small strain and moderate deformation cylindrical shells with simply supported boundary
are used. Based on Euler–Bernoulli beam theory and conditions is no longer of the bifurcation type.
von-Karman geometric nonlinearity, the integral partial
differential equation of motion is derived. Then this
partial differential equation (PDE) problem, which has 4. Conclusion
quadratic and cubic nonlinearities, is simplified into an
ordinary differential equation (ODE) problem by using Structural finite element analysis has been employed
the Galerkin method. Finally, the governing equation is to determine the FGM panel's adaptive response while
solved analytically using the variational iteration under the influence of a uniaxial compressive load in
method (VIM) [21-45]. excess of its critical buckling value. In this review paper,
two methods based on the two theories used to analyze
the FGM.
Results of the two Mori-Tanaka and Voigt models for
buckling temperatures and also thermal post buckling
strength are almost the same and the differences are
negligible. Reducing out of plane displacement of FGM
panel can allow redistributing the loads away from
unloaded edge of panel. The results show that in some
cases the FGM cylindrical shell with intermediate
volume fraction index does not necessarily have
Figure 6. Schematic of the imperfect FG beam with nonlinear
foundation [21].
intermediate buckling temperature and thermal post-
buckling strength.
These results are based on this conclusion that the
characteristics of nonlinear bending are significantly
influenced by foundation stiffness, temperature rise,
transverse shear deformation, the character of in-plane
boundary conditions and the amount of initial
compressive load. It is shown that the Pasternak elastic
foundation may
Enhance the buckling resistance of the shell.
Furthermore, the influence of the Winkler constant of
the elastic foundation is almost negligible, however, the
shear layer may effectively delay the circumferential
Figure 7. Schematic of the FG beam with a non-linear foundation bifurcation. Both Winkler and shear layers of the elastic
[22]. foundation may change the critical mode number.
Furthermore, for both heat conduction and uniform
temperatureloadings, the regarding of the temperature
3. Results and Discussions dependency results in lower values of the critical
buckling temperature difference.
The aforementioned literature review demonstrates As a result, the influence of linear and shear layers of
that the buckling and post buckling analysis of FGM the foundation is to weaken the nonlinear behavior of
plates have mostly been carried out based on the plate the FGM beam, whereas the effect of the non-linear
theories. Very rare stability analyses have been shown foundation stiffness is to harden the beam response.
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