Mitsubishi Pajero Sport 1999 Body Repair Manual

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MITSUBISHI MOTORS. ae Body Repair Manual PRIJERO SPORT '99 Pub. No. PBJE9808 PRIERO BODY REPAIR MANUAL FOREWORD This manual has ber service met Body dir dures, body n prepared for the use of all \gaged in the body repair service welded panel replacement proce aling application instructions, and all to provide quick and accurate body repair sen One especially portant p All of the vehicle's anginal strength and duratl can be maintained by following the welding proc dures contained in this manual Note that, in order to m y of the ir work, first, both the exte 1¢ damage and the replacement parts that are n must be calculated accurately. and then the actual work must tly Ho be performed accurately and effic The publications shown on 1 also available. and should be u with this manual Mitsubishi Motors Corporation reser make changes in design and speci to make adattions to or improvements in without imposing any DA upon it them on its products previously manufactur ae MISUBISH naublah Motors Corporation Sp. 1988, SPORT GROUP INDEX GENERAL | 0 | IBODY DIMENSIONS WT REPLACEMENT korrosion PROTECTION a ISYNTHETIC-RESIN PARTS | 5 | 5 DIAGRAM REFERENCE MATERIAL | 8 | RELATED PUBLICATIONS © TECHNICAL INFORMATION MANUAL Pub, No, PYJEQ804 © WORKSHOP MANUAL, CHASSIS GROUP Pub. No. PWJE9812, ENGINE GROUP Pub. No. PWEECLINN (Looseleat edition} ELECTRICAL WIRING Pub, No. PHJE9810 © PARTS CATALOGUE 8603050940) © BODY REPAIR MANUAL (PASSENGER CARS & LIGHT COMMERCIAL VEHICLES) Pub. No. PBAES216 MANUAL DESCRIPTION Group tte Section ttle Page No Group No. | CONTENTS i No | The first page of this manual contains a table of rconUETON-teycrmincuntmns contents which lists the tile and number of each Somme emcunny group. Sera teenstate ae ey none e TEXT The vehicles to which the information in the text pertains are generally designated according to their body classification In some cases, other limiting designations such as name, type of drive system. etc. are given. If there are no such limiting designa- tions. the information can be assumed to cover all models, PAGE NUMBERS All pages are numbered consecutively within each group The page numbers can be found on the Upper left or right of each page. SECTION TITLES The section titles can be found at the upper centre of each page. 0 GENERAL VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION ........ MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS 02 02 0-2 GENERAL - Vehicle Identification / Major Specifications VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION MODELS Model code Engine mod Transmission model Fuel supply system Koewe Nets | 6372-SOHC MPI NHERG (2.972 m/) | NUFLS: | Koaw ———— \VeMT1 (4WD-5MT) \ NUFRE | t ! 4056 (2.477 m/) Fuel injection NHFL6 koawe - | NHFRE | 7 | MAJOR SPECIFICATIONS Ko6wG Koaw | keawae toms NHELEIRS NUFLO/RG NHFLEIR6 Dimensions, mm Overall length 4,545, 4,600" 4545 4,545, 4,600" Overall width 1775 1,695 1,775 Overall height (unladen) 1,780, 1,775? 1,720 1,790, 1,775" Wheelbase 2,719, 2,725" 2,719, 2,725" 2,719, 2,725" Tracketront 1.465 1,420 1,465 Track-rear 1480 1,495 1,480 Body overhang Front 750 750 750 Rear 1,025 1,025 1,028 Ground clearance (unladen) 215 206 215 Wheel alignment Front whee! alignment Toerin (at the centre of tyre tread) = mm 0-7 Toe angle (per whee!) | 0-016 Camber | 0°40" + 90 (Ditterence between right and left within30}) Caster 2°40" ++ 1°00 (Difference between right and left within30’) Kingpin inclination angle | 14°50" Rear whee! alignment Toe:in mm ° Camber o Wheels and tyres Tyre size 245/70R16 295/75R15 245/70R16 Wheel size 16 x Tad 18 x 6d 16 x 7ud |__ Offset mm to+1 38 10+4 NOTE (1) “1: Vehicles with bumper guard (2) *2: Vehicles with root rail (3) °3: Measure in running condition 1 BODY CONSTRUCTION BODY COMPONENTS .. ceteeeseee BODY CONSTRUCTION CHARACTERISTICS. BODY MAIN CROSS-SECTIONAL VIEWS . MAINTENANCE, SERVICEABILITY . FRONT BODY .. SIDE BODY .. UNDER BODY . ROOF . DooR . SILENCER APPLICATION LOCATIONS .. BODY CONSTRUCTION — Body Components 1-2 ‘avezoon SLNANOdWOOD AGO@ 1-3 BODY CONSTRUCTION - Body Components 300 1} uo|suayxo 49Mm0} JeW09 49}n0 uo!suayxe 48]U00 JeUs09 4 no jaued epiS soul joued asnoyjaaym s204 sauul joued JoueND Gursnoy de) 22944 Jeued 101n0 400p see uleaq J00p epis eek} aued s9uu! s00p sea yeued s2n0 100p wieaq 1009 9p Jeued seuu! s00p wo! jeued 421n0 pooH feued 12uut pooH sano uojsuayxe sure seddn JequieWisS019 ¥99p UO! jaued doy jmoo feued yseq reued sony 215 ued plelus Jepued seq seddn pue iu0l4 ‘e}8 90) POOH feued yoddns dwerpeaH 1940819 49mo} 1011p 4J9In0 seqWIeWSSO:9 pus 1UOI BODY CONSTRUCTION - Body Components estone yexoesg seduing yexoeiq Bununow £p0q LON yeyelq yoddns wie 48M07 yexoe1g Gugunow Apog Z'ON JeqUeWSs010 EON yeyoeig Bugunow £poq €'0N yoy0eIg we JMO] yeyoesq Bununow Apog YON a JeqWewSSOID SON, ‘08 6L aL u SL WL yoxpuiq Jeqiosqy * yeyoeig Bununow Apog ON 4OqUIOWISSOI9 JON JaquieWlssouo 9'ON yeyo8Iq po [e277 yeygeg Buuids ey yeyowsg Bununow aui6u3 ue Isod, 19y9e1q JULI x0q 4295, JOqWOWISSOID | “ON BODY CONSTRUCTION - Body Construction Characteristics 1-5 BODY CONSTRUCTION CHARACTERISTICS BODY MAIN CROSS-SECTIONAL VIEWS T [2 Front end upper bar Front ond trosemember —__ outer ~ Hoos ock Headlamp reinforcement —_ \ Suppor Headlamp suppor pane! panel [3 __ Cov op Cow top panel Sow finer 4a Roof pane! loom mirc reinforcement Front roo al won | Frontpilarringe Upper reinforcer Foe appa inner, upper Side panel ~ outer Front pilar 4) teintorcoment 6 | Corser pita nner Center planner 7 1-6 BODY CONSTRUCTION - Body Construction Characteristics ‘Side panel, outer Roo! panel Quarter panel, inner \ Front pila, inner, upper’ 10! Roof panel Rear roof rail, outer Rear root ral, nner 11) cuarterpanel, Second seat belt inner "upper reinforcement Rear pillar outer “Side panel reinforcement} | outer 72] Gate pilariower Gate pilar low ‘Quarter outer upper extension Quarter panel Side panel, outer 4 er foor io T3) cargo or pan Resi ens over 2} ea foor pan “/ Rear bumper Fear floor par bracket ‘Side outer _~ / panel > No. 9 body Reto = mounting Grossmember 7 Sie oi renforsemen send Rear gate lock $SSen cater ll Moreement Rearend inner crossmember Rear gatelock BODY CONSTRUCTION - Body Construction Characteristics 1-7 MAINTENANCE, SERVICEABILITY SIDE STRUCTURE Panel positioning notches have been provided in the door opening section to improve workability when replacing the panels. Panel positioning notch FRONT BODY HEADLAMP SUPPORT The headlamp support has been integrated into a single unit in order to improve installation precision for the hood, bumper and headlamps. Fron ed per bar Fee oS eet een sean oer eae reese a 5 WD seoran Fest Sebo Hee ater \ Fea eee ace ener Con ee eater oi Sean 1-8 BODY CONSTRUCTION ~ Body Construction Characteristics FENDER SHIELD Ar cleaner bracket (Right side) Fender shield reinforcement upper (i reservoir bracket (Fight side) Fender shield reinforcement rear Fender shield Fender shield reinforcement upper Fender shield extension Battery tray front (Left side) No. 1/mounting bracket Fender shield gusset FRONT DECK Steering column support bracket, upper Steering column support bracket, ower Clutch’ pedal bracket Cow! top panel, inner Front upper frame extension, inner Air intaxe. duct Front upper frame extension, outer Cow top outer gusset Cowl top panel outer Front deck erossmember The area of the front deck crossmember cross-section has been increased to give greater rigidity, and the cowl top panel and front deck crossmember have been separated in order to provide space for the absorption of shocks. This increases. safety for the vehicle passengers by reducing the amount by which the steering wheel projects in the event of a collision. Fai “fe CONAN rooorne BODY CONSTRUCTION — Body Construction Characteristics 1-§ SIDE STRUCTURE REINFORCEMENTS (1) A large hinge reinforcement has been added to the inside the front pillar in order to increase the rigidity of the front door installation section. (2) Large outer reinforcements have been added to the inside the center pillar and the rear pillar in order to increase the rigidity of the overall pillar section. ) A large lower reinforcement has been added to the inside of the gate pillar to increase the rigidity of the gate pillar section Rear pilar outer reinforcement Center pila outer reinforcement f— Front pillar hinge upper reinforcement Gate pillar lower reinforcement Center pillar hinge lower reinforcement Front pillar hinge lower reinforcement Front pillar hinge upper reinforcement Center pilar outer reinforcement roomse Too10AB Rear pila outer reinforcement Gate pillar lower reinforcement 1) 1-10 BODY CONSTRUCTION — Body Construction Characteristics DASH PANEL 1. Dash panel 2! Junction box bracket | 3. Dash panel reinforcement \ 4. Fuel titer reinforcement SIDE BODY SIDE STRUCTURE 19 | 18 | 22 | \ 23 28 | voo2sas |. gran pitar tinge ower renorement 19. Quarter outer comer conter extension 2. Front pila inner, lower 20. Center pillar inner, lower 3. Crossmember bracke, lower 21. Sie panel, outer 4 Grossmember bracket, upper 22. Quarter outer lower extension 5. Front pilar deck cross bulkhead 23. Quarter outer corner lower extension 8 Front pillar hinge upper reinforcement 24, Gate pillar lower reinforcement 7. Front pillar inner, upper 25. Quarter inner lower extension 8. Front pillar reinforcement, upper Fe ore oat 8. Center pila inner 27, Fuel filer neck bracket 10. Genter pllar seat bet reinforcement BZ Fuel ter neck brack 11. Genter pilar outer reinforcement 28. Fue filer nec , 12. Se rool rail, immer 30. eat hee! House panel, inner 13. Quarter pane, inner eld plate front 13 Quarter panel one ont Sf. Contr far Hie tower reinforcement 15. Quarter immer upper extension 18. Second seat belt upper reinforcement 417. Quarter outer upper extension 18. Rear lamp housing BODY CONSTRUCTION - Body Construction Characteristics 1-11 UNDER BODY FRONT FLOOR Backbone reinforcement front Backbone reinforcement Front floor pan Front floor erossmember Backbone reintorcamant extension No. 4 body mounting crossmemoer Fear floor pan No. 4 body mounting bracket Front floor crossmember rear Fear floor side sill inner Eront floor cover Side sil reinforcement, center No. 3 body’ mounting reinforcement No. 3 body mounting bracket ‘Seat bracket Front floor side sil, inner Front floor sidemembar No. 2 body mounting reinforcement No. 2 body mounting bracket Sie sil brace front 1-12 BODY CONSTRUCTION - Body Construction Characteristics REAR FLOOR Second seat reinforcoment Cargo too" pan Fea toor Wont crossmember ear flor center crosemember ear floor erossmember Rear end inner crossmember Rear end outer crossmember Feear gate lock reinforcoment lear Bumper center bracket Carrer sinker bracket Flear bumper bracket 12, Cargo floor gusset 13. Guater inner lower panel, rear 14, No. 5 mount reinforcement 15. Caigo floor sidemomber 16. Cargo box bracket ROOF (Standard roof) Front root rail oom mirror reinforcement Root pane! Fear root rail outer ‘Tailgate hinge reinforcement (Sunroof) Rear root rail, inner Foo! fack reinforcement, rear No.4 root bow Root rack reinforcement, center No. 3 root bow 11. No. 2 roof bow 12. No.1 toat Bow 18, Root rack reinforcement, front 14, Room lamp bracket 15, Roo! reinforcement BODY CONSTRUCTION - Body Construction Characteristics 1-13 DOOR Side door beams have been used inside the doors in order to increase the safety of passengers in the event of a collision. Front door Front door hinge pane! Front door window sash Front door inner panel Font door belling inner reinforcement Front door belline outer reinforcement Front door outer pane! Front door latch ‘einforcement Front side door beam Fear door hinge panel Rear door aos 19 Rear door window sash Rear door inner panel Fear door bettine Inner reinforcement Reear door beltine bracket Rear door belline outer reinforcement Rear door latch reintorcement Rear door outer panel Rear side door beam 1-14 BODY CONSTRUCTION - Silencer Application Locations SILENCER APPLICATION LOCATIONS Silencers (melting sheets) have been attached to the dash panel and the top of the floor in order to reduce vibration and to insulate against the heat from exhaust gases. Passenger compartment side ofthe dashrpane! “Top of floor pan 2 BODY DIMENSIONS GORY DIMENSIONS AND MEASUREMENT METHODS . TYPEA {PROJECTED DIMENSIONS) .. TYPEB (ACTUAL-MEASUREMENT DIMENSIONS) FRAME . 125 UNDER BODY 26 FRONT BODY. SIDE BODY . REAR BODY INTERIOR 21 2-2 Projected dimension _) Height f Probe | ft i + I [Sry Lf wy ci Centerothole 1» Cener of hole * \ Body center point BODY DIMENSIONS - Body Dimensions and Measurement Methods BODY DIMENSIONS AND MEASUREMENT METHODS STANDARD DIMENSIONS INDICATIONS AND MEASUREMENT METHODS (1) Type A (projected dimensions) Indicates the dimension when a measurement location is projected onto a plane. The difference in height of the measurement points should be taken into consideration when measuring, (2) Type B (actual-measurement dimensions) Indicates the actual distance between the measurement points, Measure using a tracking gauge or a measuring tape, etc. NOTES © Make the lengths of the tracking gauge probes the same (A=A)) © Do not bend or twist the measuring tape. (3) Insert the tracking gauge probes securely into the ‘measurement holes. (4) When the standard dimensions in the illustration are enclosed by ©), this indicates that the symmetrical lett and right positions have the same dimensions. (5) When using a notch for dimension measurement, make the measuring point at the center of the notch. BODY CENTER POINT The body center points are shown for the purpose of checking the position of the left and right symmetry locations. BODY DIMENSIONS - Type A (Projected Dimensions) 2-3 TYPE A (PROJECTED DIMENSIONS) mm 1272) — ial ‘Standard measurement pont Ti SE [ No. | Standard measurement pont Cite of No.1 body mounting bracket hole] O-64 | @ | Centre of ear spring bracket hole ‘Centre of stabizer bracket hole ©=16 | 410" Centre of No. 5 body mounting bracket hole| 36x20 No. 7 2 3 | Centre of gearbox inner bracket hole 1 { Centre of towing hook mounting hole 4 | Contre of arm post hole 12 | Contre of gearbox inner bracket hole 5 _| Contre of engine mounting bracket hole 13. Centre of suppor bracket hole {6° | Centre of No. 2 body mounting bracket hole| 14 | Centre of lower arm bracket hole T*_| Contre of No. 3 body mounting bracket hole| "15 | Centre of shock absorber mounting edge = {8° | Contre of No. 4 body mounting bracket hole 16 | Centro ot lateral rod bracket hole ont | NOTE: The * mark indicates the mounting poston forthe frame centering gauge. 2-4 BODY DIMENSIONS - Type A (Projected Dimensions) BODY DIMENSIONS - Type B (Actual-measurement Dimensions) 2-5 TYPE B (ACTUAL-MEASUREMENT DIMENSIONS) FRAME (uaz) 87] No, | Standard measurement point vy 0 —= a td No. | Standara measurement point 1 Cente o No 1 boay mounting backat Fil 2 | Centre of stabilizer bracket hole. 3 | Cone of gator arbacetico | CGenite of No. 3 body mounting bracket hol Cente of No. 4 body mounting bracket hole| Cente of rear spring bracket hole 4 _| Centre of arm post hole '5 | Centre of engine mounting bracket hole Centre of No. 5 body mounting bracket hot CGenire of towing hook mourting hole 6 _| Centte of No. 2 body mounting bracket hole) 2-6 BODY DIMENSIONS - Type B (Actual-measurement Dimensions) UNDER BODY Ne. | ‘Standard messurement pont No. | Standard measurement point 17 | Cenwe tot bey mounting bracket hk 13/20 | Cenwe of No. body mounting cessmembe hele ne cine ey mening cates [Ova | at] ca oer amare 18 [9 centre at No.3 body mounting bracket hole 2 BODY DIMENSIONS - Type B (Actual-measurement Dimensions) FRONT BODY 27 ‘Standard measurement pont ‘No. | Standarg measurement point Cente offender bracket postioning hole Centre of om mounting hole 27 | Cente of rot fender mounting le 28 Conte of garnish mouning hole Centre of ont end upper bar upper hole 29. | Come of side outer panel lower) Centre of front fender mounting hole ‘Body canto port 30. | Con of side outer panel (upper) 2-8 BODY DIMENSIONS - Type B (Actual-measurement Dimensions) 30) Y BODY DIMENSIONS — Type B (Actual-measurement Dimensions) SIDE BODY 2-9 [cant too nae moineg ieee) | Cent of oar finge mung hole fewer 38_| Fron pita positonng natch 34 | Side sit postioning note (rant) ‘Standard measurement point Conte pilar positioning nate (ower) Side 00! ail positioning notch (rear) Sie si postoning notch (ea (Quarter panel postioning notch (upper) 95 | eet pxieerproch =| sense eo 36. Cente par poston rah upp [a caer Fan pne = 27 | Cnet sostorng one as [ carer of ures ur carer cr een | Gane plier poston nth (pen I 2-10 BODY DIMENSIONS - Type B (Actual-measurement Dimensions) REAR BODY mm To. | Sadr messuenent ot TSE [ne | Senses nensuronentaner =e 46 | Comer of roof pane! 47 | Comer of quarter panel TWS2 NW Se BODY DIMENSIONS - Type B (Actual-measurement Dimensions) 2-11 INTERIOR ‘No. | Standard measurement pont ‘Standard measurement point 34 | Side sil positioning note front 41_| Side sil postioning rote (ear) 52 | Cente of rear door striker mounting hole 49. | Cente ol adustabie shader be anchor nountng hole '50 | Cenre of front door striker mounting hole 4 =~ pT] '53_| Cente of quarter panel nner postioning hole 7 poston ae body cee pont 6 Vv [Bt 3 WELDED PANEL REPLACEMENT HEADLAMP SUPPORT .. FENDER SHIELD FRONT PILLAR . SIDESILL ........000065 CENTER PILLAR .. QUARTER PANEL, OUTER .......... 3-10 CARGO FLOOR PAN .. seve 2312 REAR END CROSSMEMBER . : 314 QUARTER PANEL, INNER +316 347 318 seeeseeeeees SAD ROOF . FRONT DOOR OUTER PANEL ...... REAR DOOR OUTER PANEL . No. 1 CROSSMEMBER ... No. 7 CROSSMEMBER ... +321 3-2 WELDED PANEL REPLACEMENT — Headlamp Support HEADLAMP SUPPORT ‘Symbol (Operation description ‘Spot welding MIG plug welding indicates two panels to be welded a indicates three panels to be welded MIG spot welding MIG are welding (continuous) Braze welding Ant-corrosion agent application locations (Use access hols 0 apply ieraly to but-weded joins) aavooes WELDED PANEL REPLACEMENT — Fender Shield 3-3 FENDER SHIELD ‘Symbol Operation description eeee | Spotwelding MIG plug welding #44 mindicates two panels to be welded ‘a indicates three panels to be welded 444+” MIG spot welding ‘winnie "MIG are welding (continuous) Braze welding Anti-corrasion agent application locations | (Use access hols to apy hero bute hts) aa2vooso Note For the weld points for the headlamp suppor, reler to P.3-2 ~ Headlamp Support. 3-4 FRONT PILLAR WELDED PANEL REPLACEMENT - Front Pillar ‘Symbol +ttt en LREPAIR WELDS} By N\ 32v0003 NOTE ~ For the weld points for the front upper frame extension, refer to PS-3 ~ Fender shield ‘Operation description Spot welding MIG plug welding ‘= indicates two panels to be welded A indicates three panels to be welded [MIG spt wong MIG Braze welding ing (continuous) ‘Anti-corrosion agent application locations (Use access holes to apply liberally to but-welded ts.) Front pillar inner reinforcement, center HH [B) roozean Condition with tront Upper frame extension, removed. savoooz WELDED PANEL REPLACEMENT - Front Pillar 3-5 NOTES WITH REGARD TO REPAIR WORK REMOVAL (1) Cut the front pillar 280::20 mm below the reference point (a). (2) Cut only the front pillar inner panel 30 mm above the cut in the {ont pillar. (3) Cut the side outer panel 3020 mm back from the front scuff plate mounting hole, INSTALLATION (1) Apply body sealant to the new front pillar assembly in the places indicated by [ EH) ] in the illustration. (2) When butt-welding the new front pillar inner and front pillar inner reinforcement, center to the vehicle body, grind the panel cuts indicated by (A) and (B) in the illustration into a V shape in order to make it easier to weld two panels together simultaneously. 3-6 WELDED PANEL REPLACEMENT - Side Sill SIDE SILL ‘Symbol Operation description Spot welding MIG plug welding #844 mindicates two panels to be welded indicates three panels to be welded $444 [MIG spot welding ‘in| MIG are welding (continuous) woe Braze welding sow By Ahcoreson agent appation zations (Use acess roles 1 apolyHberaly to but-neldes joints) REPAIR WELDS| WELDED PANEL REPLACEMENT - Side Sil 3-7 Center pitar hinge lower reinforcement NOTES WITH REGARD TO REPAIR WORK REMOVAL. (1) Cut the side outer pane! 3020 mm back from the front scuff plate mounting hole. (2) Cut the side outer pane! 50230 mm below the notch in the rear wheel arch. (8) Cut the side outer panel together with the center pillar hinge lower reinforcement 5020 mm below the rear door hinge mounting hole. INSTALLATION (1) Apply body sealant to the body side of the rear wheel arch (2) Atter welding the side outer panel, securely weld the center pillar hinge lower reinforcement from the inside of the center pillar 3-8 WELDED PANEL REPLACEMENT - Center Pillar CENTER PILLAR [__ Symbor Operation description eee —— Spotwelding MIG plug welding 44 sindicates two panels to be welded A Indicates three panels to be welded | +444 MIG spot welding | eM are welding (ontnvous comme | (Braze worst REPAIR WELDS| Center pitar seatbelt al feinforcement D E| WELDED PANEL REPLACEMENT - Center Pillar 3-9 NOTES WITH REGARD TO REPAIR WORK REMOVAL (1) Separate the weld points shown in the illustration, and then move the center pillar, inner back and pull it out from the cen- ter pillar. a3v006e) (2) Align the upper edge of the center pillar seatbelt reinforce- ment and then cut the side panel outer together with the cen- ter pillar outer reinforcement. Center pitar seat bel, reinforcement Front of (3) Cut the side sill 70:30 mm from the scuff plate mounting hole as vehicle shown in the illustration. 70 mm £30 mm INSTALLATION (1) Align the new center pillar with the upper edge of the center pillar seatbelt reinforcement, and then cut the side panel out- er together with the center pillar outer reinforcement. Center pitar seat belt feinlorcement (2) Securely weld the center pillar outer reinforcement from in- side the passenger compartment, and then weld the side panel outer. 3-10 WELDED PANEL REPLACEMENT - Quarter Panel, Outer QUARTER PANEL, OUTER REPAIR WELDS. [B) sone ‘Symbol wea +ete Operation description Spot welding MIG plug welding ‘ indicates two panels to be welded - indicates three panels to be welded | MIG spot welding MIG are welding (continuous) Braze welding ‘Anti-corrosion agent application locations (Use access holes to apply vera o but- welded joints) WELDED PANEL REPLACEMENT — Quarter Panel, Outer 3-11 NOTES WITH REGARD TO REPAIR WORK REMOVAL (1) Cut the rear pillar section of the side outer panel 100230 mm below the quarter window glass mounting hole, (2) Cut the gate pillar section of the side outer panel 200%30 mm below the comerr of the side outer panel (3) Cut the side outer pane! 50430 mm below the notch in the rear wheel arch, INSTALLATION (1) Apply body sealant to the body side of the rear wheel arch and to the fuel filler neck. (2) Apply body sealant to the quarter outer corner center exten- sion. 3-12 WELDED PANEL REPLACEMENT - Cargo Floor Pan CARGO FLOOR PAN ‘Symbol (Operation description eeee | Spotwelding MIG plug welding #44 | mindicates two panels to be welded 1 indicates three panels to be welded ++++ | MIG spot welding ‘#Hiiit | MIG are welding (continuous) comme | Braze welding B.A corrosion agent appicaton tocations {Use access hoes to apply iberaly to but welded ons) aavors7 WELDED PANEL REPLACEMENT - Cargo Floor Pan 3-13 NOTES WITH REGARD TO REPAIR WORK REMOVAL (1) Use the grooves in the rear floor center cross member to cut the cargo floor pan in the position shown in the illustration Caution Be careful not to damage the rear floor center crossmember when cutting the cargo floor pan. (2) Cut the cargo floor sidemember 50420 mm back from the rear a InsTaLLATION (1) Remove the cargo box bracket from the new cargo floor pan. (2) Make a rough cutting of the new cargo floor pan and then bend the flange upward as shown in the illustration (3) Provisionally attach the cargo floor pan to the body, and then overiap it in the position shown in the illustration and cut it savour] 3-14 WELDED PANEL REPLACEMENT - Rear End Crossmember REAR END CROSSMEMBER REPAIR WELDS| I ‘Operation description | Spotwelcing MIG plug welding s indicates two panels to be welded a indicates three panels to be welded TMIG spotwelding MIG are welding (continuous) Braze welding ‘Anti-corrosion agent application locations (Use access holes to apply lineal to bust welded joints.) al savoraa WELDED PANEL REPLACEMENT —~ Rear End Crossmember 3-15 NOTES WITH REGARD TO REPAIR WORK REMOVAL Cut only the right side of the rear end crossmember outer on the inside 80 + 20 mm from the quarter outer lower extension. 3-16 WELDED PANEL REPLACEMENT — Quarter Panel, Inner QUARTER PANEL, INNER ‘Symbol Operation description eee Spotwelding MIG plug welding == 44 indicates two panels to be welded a indicates three panels to be welded ++++ | MIG spot welding ‘iit MIG are welding (continuous) cmmeme | Braze we ing ‘Anti-corrosion agent application locations sont Ee ece ov buted on) Shield plato rear _ Shield plate ont ay A iB) NOTE For the weld points to the quarter outer, refer to P3-10. WELDED PANEL REPLACEMENT - Root 3-17 ROOF ‘Symbol Operation description eeee | Spotwelding _ MIG plug welding se 44 | mindcates two panels tobe welded ‘indicates three panels tobe welded +444 [MIG spotwelding Hise | MIG arc welding (continuous) cmenoe | Braze welding snort} | a ] Anti-corrosion agent application locations _ (Use access holes to apply liberal o butt nelded joints) 10mm ormore tonm tomm savous saves Bi savorar oi tomm ormore ° savors2: iF) @B_: Adhesive {El avers Fi Adhesive Type Silicon rubber sealer 3-18 WELDED PANEL REPLACEMENT - Front Door Outer Panel FRONT DOOR OUTER PANEL ‘Symbol Operation description Spot welding MIG plug welding 844 | windicates two panels to be welded ‘indicates three panels to be welded ++++ | MIG spot welding ‘wwe | MIG arc welding (continuous) omer Braze welding a {Ant-corrosion agent application locations | (Use access holes to apoly liberally to but welded joints.) REPAIR WELDS| LE) savorse iD) : Adhesive Type Adhesive y Silicon rubber sealer NOTES (1), Weia point * indicates manufacturer's welding joint. (Unnecessary at repair work) (2) After hemming the door outer panel, MIG spot weld the flange fovertap section ata pitch of approx. 50 mm, WELDED PANEL REPLACEMENT - Rear Door Outer Panel 3-19 REAR DOOR OUTER PANEL ‘Operation description Spot welding MIG plug welding =e AA _ mindicates two panels to be welded indicates three panels to be welded +4+++ | MIG spot welding ‘wwii | MIG arc welding (continuous) owweee | Braze welding ‘Anti-cérrosion agent application locations swe (Use aocess holes to apply lneraly to but-welded joins.) REPAIR WELDS! y A asvorst w ° PP ih Ea Adhesive m whos _— resve Silicon rubber sealer ‘ors 1 sa nents mrtcurs wt nt Uacoay at repair work) @) After hemming the door outer panel, MIG spot weld the flange ‘overlap section ata pitch of approx. 80 mm 3-20 WELDED PANEL REPLACEMENT - No. 1 Crossmember No. 1 CROSSMEMBER ‘Symbol ‘Operation description ] eee Spotweiding MIG plug welding = 844 | sindicates two panels to be welded 4 indicates three panels to be welded ++++ MIG spot welding -wuiiite —|-MIG arc welding (continuous) emeoee —_Braze welding ‘Anti-corrosion agent application locations overs Eee ES proaty ota mat oes) WELDED PANEL REPLACEMENT - No. 7 Crossmember 3-21 No. 7 CROSSMEMBER ‘Symbol ett an a Operation description ‘Spot welding MIG plug welding 1 indicates two panels to be welded 1 indicates three panels to be welded MIG spot welding IMIG are welding (continuous) Braze welding ‘Anti-corrosion agent application locations (Use access hoes to apply liberally to butt-welded joins) A ssvorse, 4 CORROSION PROTECTION BODY SEALING LOCATIONS FLOOR . UPPER BODY . SIDE BODY . REAR BODY ANTICORROSION PRIMER LOCATIONS UNDERCOAT APPLICATION LOCATIONS . UNDERBODY ANTICORROSION AGENT LOCATIONS ....... WAX INJECTION LOCATIONS seen 46 4-2 CORROSION PROTECTION — Body Sealing Locations BODY SEALING LOCATIONS NOTES WITH REGARD TO REPAIR WORK In places where the sealant can be directly seen on surfaces such as the drip rails, pillars or clinch, and where the appearance of the paint surface is important, apply sealant or wipe away sealant after application to make the amount of sealant even. Be careful not to cover the drain hole. = Places indicated by thick dashed lines indicate application locations on the underside of the vehicle. FLOOR UPPER BODY SIDE BODY CORROSION PROTECTION — Body Sealing Locations 4-3 REAR BODY 44 CORROSION PROTECTION - Body Sealing Locations Anticorosion Primer Locat CORROSION PROTECTION — Undercoot Appication Locations ANTICORROSION PRIMER LOCATIONS ‘An anticorrosion primer has been applied to the abrasion protection. If any of these panels are side sill outer panel, the lower edge of the front replaced, apply an anticorrosion primer between fender and the lower edge of the outer quarter panel__the under coat and the second coat, as shown in for the purposes of corrosion prevention and the following illustrations. Primer name Recommended primer ‘Coaling thickness: Rockerpane! primer Glasuri! FX89-7330 (polyester basis) or 400 y or more. 780-7103 (water basis} or equivalent UNDERCOAT APPLICATION LOCATIONS In order to provide rust, corrosion, chipping, and certain areas of the underbody. After completing vibration resistance, an undercoat is applied to. body repairs, restore this undercoat if necessary. EBS: Polyvinyl chloride base undercoating ifm thekness of atleast 0.8 mr) 4-6 CORROSION PROTECTION — Underbody Ar UNDERBODY ANTICORROSION AGENT LOCATIONS In order to provide a greater corrosion resistance, Recommended wax: underbody corrosion prevention treatment should + Tectyl 506T, 506 or S be performed after undercoat application. After + Waxoyl completing body repairs, restore this underbody + Dinitrol 4954 corrosion prevention treatment as indicated in the + Terotex Wax illustration it necessary. ‘+ Mercasol NON-DRIP ;orrosion Agent Locations covoors ‘00normoe nore = (1) Take care not to permit the anticorrosion agent to. come in contact with body painting, brake parts, exhaust pipes, bearing seals for rear axle and rubber pats (such as tres and driveshalt boots) (2) Htanticorosion agent gets onto the heated oxygen sensor itwillcause a drop in the performance ofthe sensor. Cover the heated oxygen sensor with a protective cover when ‘applying antcorrasion agents and undercoals CORROSION PROTECTION — Wax Injection Locations 4-7 WAX INJECTION LOCATIONS In order to provide greater corrosion resistance, | NOTES REGARDING WAX INJECTION WORK wax injection has been performed for the lower Be careful that the wax does not get onto other areas of the vehicle, such as the frame, the side parts. Especially if wax is to be injected into sill, and other panels which are a hollow- the lower part of the center pillar and into the construction. If any of these panels are replaced, side sill, first remove the seat belt retractor and wax injection must be performed for the new parts. the door switch. Recommended wax: © For wax injection locations which have a : woe ‘SO6T or ML rubber plug, do not forget to reinstall the rubber plug after the wax injection is © Dinitrol 3122 or 3654-1 completed. ” © Morcasol 831-ML Terotex HV200PLUS or HV300 NOTES (1) me : Nozzle insertion openings (2) For the numbers shown in the figure, refer to detailed iiystrations withthe same numbers on later pages. CORROSION PROTECTION - Wax Injection Locations Application surfaces ‘= : Nozzle insertion openings cn . , ea RS 5 SYNTHETIC-RESIN PARTS LOCATION OF SYNTHETIC-RESIN PARTS ......... 5-2 5-2 SYNTHETIC-RESIN PARTS - Location of Synthetic-Resin Parts LOCATION OF SYNTHETIC-RESIN PARTS The location and material of each of the principal synthetic-resin parts are shown below. 2 \ wooosas SYNTHETIC-RESIN PARTS — Location of Synthetic-Resin Parts 5-3 we | Pan name 7 Rane orean [eaevaio] Raa Radiator grille | foal poke | Aerioni butsene | ggg | 80-110 Fear sae tender yore (i720) Front bumper face side extension EPDM | 150 (302) 1 2 3 4 5 | Front wide fender 6 7 | Non siip cover 8 | Splash shield PE [70-00 158-194) 9 | Front bumper face 10 Rear bumper step 11 Rear bumper face 12 | Rear step cover 13. | Front step cover 14 | Delta cover inner 16 | Inside rear view mirror 16 | Center pillar trim upper 17 | Genter pillar trim lower 18 | Quarter trim upper 18 | Quer um wor 20-120 20 | Tagan spar Potyeroplene Pe te Bre) 3 | alate tn Seer | 22 | Rearend trim | 26 | Bual cago foo box er Bi | Buslearge foo box het BS | Dual argo floor box bi 58 | Rear seat pate 27 | Front scuff plate 38 | Gout sete 28 | Bumper uard contr 30 | Bumper guard side With 19% tai added | PP-TDIS 61 | tin / oemcaaes [PARIS zo aay 3 | Front deck gamih Wit 20% ale aded | pP-7020| 120-190 34 | Front floor console Polypropylene (PPF) | (248-266) 7 | With 30% talc added === PP-TD30| 130 140 | 35 | Instrument pane! Polypropylene (PPF) | (266-284) 36 | Tailgate garish Acrylonitrile styrene acrylate |ASA(AAS)) 90 (194) 37 | Rear mud guard ENVAC an & | Bese med ova Etrylenevinjaceato NAC 5 140 = Polycarbonate + PC-++ PET | 39 | Door outside handle Polyethylene terephthalate |(PC/PET)| 190 (266) Glass fiber-reinforced - 40 | Roof rack (Bracket) polyamide 6 PAG-GF 60 4 | Airinake rood garish Povamie Spoyenyene |PABPPE| 79 Notes (1) tft new material symbols designates by the ISO die from the old symbols, both ate given, wih the ol symbol bemg enclosed in brackets, 180: Itamational Organization for Standard zation. (2) slash (7) te material symbol Indealos that two diferent materials make layer construction. A plus sign (+) indicates thatthe two Gtferent matenale mix each oer (3) The indicated neatesistance tomprature for pats which are composed of two oF more types of maleal isthe valve fer the matral with the lowest heat-esstance temperature (4) The materia symbols for synthetic resin pats are embossed on the pars in hidden places. 6 BODY COLOUR BODY COLOUR CODE BODY COLOUR CHARTS . BODY COLOURING .. 6-2 BODY COLOUR - Body Colour Code BODY COLOUR CODE (1) The body colour code is imprinted on the vehicle information code plate, which is mounted on the headlamp support panel, (2) The information contained in the body colour code is ‘explained in the body colour charts, NOTE For two-tone body colours, the body colour codes are indicated in succession. BODY COLOUR - Body Colour Charts 6-3 BODY COLOUR CHARTS Check the vehicle's body colour code and then use this body colour chart to determine the refinishing paint supplier which the colour can be purchased. [MONO-TONE] Engine compariment and Body Colour luggage compartment colour 3| Colour colour mper Body colour name | Composition of film ~~ 5 code Colour | gy A | number our Z| GRAY | ATI ACIII71 | Hamiton Siver | Metalic GRAY E[ Green | Gi | actia1a | Timber Green | Peat! aci1255 | GREEN Be etue | Tae | ACTI208 | Nares Blue Pea AC11289_ DARK BLUE z) RED | pve | actti7@ | Roanne Red | Poa ‘aci0682 | MAROON ja WHITE w32 AC11032 | Fairy White Solid ‘AC10955 WHITE siack | x08 | Act1008 | Pyreness Black Peas ‘aci0903 | BLACK [TWO-TONE] | ] Engine compartment and Body I int colc luggage compartment colour | | corour | colour | S24 | Body colourname | Composition of fim |-~S8=0® Comeatin cove. Colour Colour | Colour S 'T38, AC11238 | Nares Blue | g r39s74 act1299. | DARK BLUE F [sra| aci1174 | Fraser Beige 2 ja13, Act1219 | Timber Green 2 }e13874{—+—_—_—— ACt1255, Hi Is74) act1174 | Fraser Beige Metalic 3) RED 'P7@| AC11178 | Roanne Red Peat! 3 presage CT ne Ac10692 2) BEIGE 74) AC11174 | Fraser Beige Metalic | i waire Wwia] ACta19 | Fairy White Sola wiasra ——} Acto9ss | WHITE BEIGE i574] AC11174 | Fraser Beige Metalic BLACK |xos| Act11008 | Pyreness Black | Peart ous) = ! actos | aLAck BEIGE 674) ACI1174 | Fraser Beige Metalic 6-4 BODY COLOUR - Body Colouring BODY COLOURING Two-tone body colour 220m | 257mm Co 2 ip) 1: Ac11174 (Fraser Beige) BODY COLOUR - Body Colouring 6-5 BLACK PAINT Headlamp support - [Ac 10431 (Black) Door sash - Wheel house - [sac 1202 (lacy AC 10431 (Black) 7 WIRING AND PIPING DIAGRAM 7-2 WIRING AND PIPING DIAGRAM - Wiring and Piping Diagram WIRING AND PIPING DIAGRAM ‘The construction of the body means that some hoses are routed inside closed-section structures, so that these hoses must be removed before body panels in these places can be replaced. sovorz0 Al Drain hose Drain hose (Wahicies with sunroof) Washer hose 8 REFERENCE MATERIAL BOLTED PANEL FIT AND ADJUSTMENT .......... 82 HOOD seteeesseees 82 DooR sevesseeeeesees BD TAILGATE seeesesees FUEL FILLER DOOR .. OTHER PART ADJUSTMENT ..... FRONT WHEEL ALIGNMENT .......... HEADLAMP AIMING .........0006+6 ‘SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (SRS) . Bolted Panel Fit and Adjustment BOLTED PANEL FIT AND ADJUSTMENT HOOD HOOD FIT ADJUSTMENT ‘Adjust the longitudinal and lateral positions of the hood by utilizing the oblong holes in the hinge. Hood mounting bolt tightening torque: 12 Nem 2, Tum the hood bumpers either left or right to adjust the height of the hood. 3. Loosen the hood latch mounting bolts 4. Adjust the alignment of the hood striker and the hood latch by adjusting the horizontal and vertical position of the latch and height of the hood. Hood latch mounting bolt tightening torque: 9 Nem DOOR DOOR FIT ADJUSTMENT 1 It the clearance between the door and body is uneven, remove the splash shield, loosen the mounting bolt of the body side door hinges from inside the fender, and then move the door to adjust so that the clearance is even. if there is a step betwen the door and the body, loosen the hinge mounting bolts and nuts on the door and adjust, the door fit, Door hinge tightening torque: 26 Nem If the striker and the latch do not mesh properly, move the striker up or down or to the left or right, REFERENCE MATERIAL - Bolted Panel Fit and Adjustment 8-3 TAILGATE ‘TAILGATE FIT ADJUSTMENT 1. If the striker and latch do not mesh properly, move the striker up and down and to the left and right. Striker mounting bolt tightening torqu 9 Nem 2. If the clearance around the tailgate is not even when the litgate is closed, move the tailgate hinge forward and back or fo the left and right 3. Check the fitting of the damper male when the tailgate is closed. If the position is not correct, move the damper male forward and back. FUEL FILLER DOOR FUEL FILLER DOOR FIT ADJUSTMENT If there is a step between the fuel filer door and the body orifthe clearance is uneven, loosen the fuel filler door mounting screws and then move the fuel filer door to adjust so wnat} there is no step and so that the clearance around the fuel filler door becomes even. 8-4 INSIDE, SH THREAD REFERENCE MATERIAL — Other Part Adjustment OUTSIDE: Ut THREAD | zr2s610 OTHER PART ADJUSTMENT FRONT WHEEL ALIGNMENT Measure wheel alignment with alignment equipment on a level surface, The front suspension, steering system, and wheels should be serviced to normal condition prior to measurement of whee! alignment. TOE-IN ‘Standard value: At the centre of tyre tread 0-7 mm CAUTION: Be careful when screwing in the outside of the tie rod end. as it has a left-hand thread. CAUTION: The difference in length between the left and right ends of the tie rod end should not be more than 5 mm. NOTE: The toe will move out as the left turnbuckle is tuned toward the front of the vehicle and the right turnbuckle is tuned toward the rear of the vehicle. 1. If the toe-in is not within the standard value, adjust the toe-in by turing the left and right tie rod turnbuckles by the same amount (in opposite directions). 2. Use a tuming radius gauge to check that the steering angle is at the standard value. CAMBER AND CASTER Standard value: Camber 0°40’ + 30’ (Difference between right and left within 30°) Caster 2°40° + 1°00" (Difference between right and left within 30’) If the standard value is not obtained, make adjustment by the following procedure. NOTE: Remove the shock absorber mounting nut and Prevailing torque nut or jam nut, compress the shock absorber and loosen the upper arm mounting bolts and nuts, 1. Loosen the upper arm mounting bolts and nuts. REFERENCE MATERIAL — Other Part Adjustment 8-5 CAUTION ifference in shim thickness between front and rear must be 4 mm or less. CAUTION: Do not use 4 or more shims at one location. wMgi7e288 OR 2. Increase or decrease shims between upper arm shaft and MB176289 crossmember to adjust the camber and caster. (Refer to Charts for Shim Increase or Decrease.) 1e1132625 OF MALI32526 ‘ADJUSTMENT OF SHIM PART NUMBER THICKNESS mm MR132525 1 1280048 MR132526 2 MB176288 (FRONT SHIM INTEGRAL | 1 WITH REAR SHIM) MB176289 (FRONT SHIM INTEGRAL 2 WITH REAR SHIM) Charts for Shim Increase or Decrease HOW TO USE CHARTS: EXAMPLE Use these charts to calculate the difference in To decrease camber by 30' and caster by 40", ‘camber and caster from the standard values in order _ increase combined front side shim thickness by 3. mm to determine whether shims should be added or and increase combined rear side shim thickness by 2 removed, mm, INCREASE IN FRONT SIDE SHIM THICKNESS mm INCREASE IN REAR SIDE SHIM E THICKNESS rom DECREASE IN REAR SIDE SHIN THICKNESS rom Camber adjusting angle ‘Caster agjusting an DECREASE IN FRONT SIDE ‘SHIM THICKNESS mm 8-6 REFERENCE MATERIAL - Other Part Adjustment HEADLAMP AIMING 1. The headlamps should be aimed with the proper beamsetting equipment, and in accordance with the equipment manufacture’s instructions. NOTE If there are any regulations pertinent to the aiming of headlamps in the area where the vehicle is to be used, adjust so as to meet those requirements. 2. Alternately turn the adjusting screw to adjust the headlamp aiming, 1. Inflate the tyres to the specified pressures and there should be no other load in the vehicles other than driver or substituted weight of approximately 75 kg placed in driver's position 2. Set the distance between the screen and the lamp centre mark of the headlamps as shown in the illustration. 3. Check if the beam shining onto the screen is at the standard value. | distance ot Lamp contre ‘Standard valu vertical direction (Vertical direction) 60 mm below horizontal (H) (Horizontal direction) Position where the 15° sloping section intersects the vertical line (V) REFERENCE MATERIAL - Other Part Adjustment / Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) 8-7 4. Alternately turn the adjusting screw to adjust the headlamp aiming, Horan Section aausiment Vertical Srecton ‘sustment SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (SRS) - AIR BAG (1) Air bag has been installed in this vehicle as an optional equipment (2) The SRS includes the following components: impact sensors, SRS diagnosis unit (SDU), SRS warning lamp, air bag module (squib), clock spring, interconnecting wiring, WARNING (1) Improper service or maintenance of any component of the SRS, or any SRS-related compone! can lead to personal injury or death to service personnel (from inadvertent firing of the or to the driver (from rendering the SRS inoperative). (2) Ifitis possible that the SRS components are subjected to heat over 93°C in baking o after painting, remove the SRS components (air bag module, SRS diagnosis ui sensors) beforehand. (3) Service or maintenance of any SRS component or SRS-related component must be performed only at an autorized MITSUBISHI de: (4) MITSUBISHI dealer personnel must thoroughly review Workshop Manual, GROUP 52B - Supplemental Restraint System (SRS), before beginning any service or m of any component of the SRS or any SRS-related component. UST809007-80

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