IC - Day 4
IC - Day 4
IC - Day 4
Chapters 5 & 6
Identity and intolerance
Instructor: Bui Thu
00 Identity – A story
01 Introduction to identity
Intolerance (stereotypes,
02 prejudice, discrimination,
Outline 04 Solutions
05 Summary
Identity – A story
Who is this man?
Is he a socialist?
Where the #3
Concepts of e.g. shy, individual #1 Role #2 Relational Membership
ourselves as athletic or meets larger identities: identities: in groups:
unique interested in collective work or lovers, family national,
individuals soccer bodies, or professional members, religious,
groups of roles enemies political
affiliation. groups, etc.
What is identity?
4. What are the advantages of being in the dominant group (in terms of ethnics,
finance, education, etc.) in your country or another country you know?
• Prejudice
• Discrimination
• Racism
Definition of stereotypes
• oversimplified attitudes we have toward others
• E.g. You dislike Chinese people because you think many are not honest -> prejudice
and, for this reason you do not select a Chinese woman for a job even though the person is
qualified -> discrimination.
• perception that in which ‘one’s own group is the center
of everything, and all others are scaled with reference
to it’.
4.9% ethnic pay gap between white medical consultants and medical consultants of colour in one
Institutional racism
organisation _____________________________.
In one healthcare centre, large numbers of health workers of colour reported being “bullied and
institutional racism
shamed” into seeing patients, despite having no PPE _____________________________.
Internalised racism
A person hates someone because of their skin colour _____________________________.
A society does not allow black people to occupy leading positions in the Government
Structural racism
What is this kind of intolerance?
Case: Lena phones a holiday company to book a holiday cottage for the first week in June.
They say it is available to let. She explains she has borderline personality disorder. The
company then says that she cannot rent the cottage. On the same day her friend Zelda, who
does not have any mental health problems, phones the same company and is allowed to
book the cottage for the first week in June. The holiday company has refused a service to
Lena because of her mental health problem.
Watch the video
How are the four concepts (stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, racism) illustrated in the
THANK YOU See you next week
Don’t forget your homework (Read chapter 8)