Compendium of Killers - The Homebrewery
Compendium of Killers - The Homebrewery
Compendium of Killers - The Homebrewery
DM's Note: The Wraith's kit is best suited for a hit and run
encounter than direct confrontation. Wraith is at his
strongest when he is dissapearing from sight and
reappearing when least expected to make surprise attacks,
The Hilbilly Tinkerer When The Hilbilly is below 1/4 HP, attack rolls
against him are made with disadvantage. The Hibilly's
Medium Human, chaotic evil
next attack roll is made with advantage
Armor Class 17
Hit Points 175 Actions
Speed 40ft. Multiatack The Hilbilly makes any combination of 2
actions and 1 bonus aciton he knows.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Chainsaw Rev As a bonus action, The Hilbilly revs up his
22 (+6) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) chainsaw, allowing him to use the Chainsaw Sprint
Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing from Chainsaw Sprint The Hilbilly runs up to 80ft. in a
nonmagical sources. straight line and makes a chainsaw attack. Melee
Condition Immunities Frightened, Charmed, Petrified, weapon attack, +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit:
Unconscious, Blinded 20(4d8+4) slashing damage. After using this ability,
Senses passive Perception 10 The Hilbilly can only use actions or a bonus action on
Languages None his next turn.
Challenge - Hammer Melee weapon attack, +8 to hit, reach 5ft.,
one target. Hit: 14(2d8+6) bludgeoning damage.
Lightborn When a creature attempts to blind The
Hilbilly, he knows their exact location and has Lunge Attack The Hillbilly moves forward 5ft. and
advantage on attack rolls against them until the end of makes a lunge attack with his hammer. Melee weapon
his next turn. attack, +8 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 14(2d8+6)
bludgeoning damage.
Enduring The Hilbilly has advantage on saving throws
Grapple The Hilbilly attempts to grapple a creature
against being stunned. within 5ft of him.
The Nurse Stridor Stridor: The nurse is aware of all creatures
hidden and invisible within 10ft. of her.
Medium Human, Neutral evil
Levitation The Nurse is immune to the effects of
Armor Class 17 difficult terrain.
Hit Points 150
Speed 25ft. Quick Blink Creatures can trigger The Nurse's
opportunity attack from up to 10ft. away.
DM's note: While in the original game the Hag has to set all
her traps manually, you can have the area where you intend
to have your players encount the Hag already have traps set.
Additionally, in the original game, Devour Hope allows The
Hag to kill players outright. If you would rather have the
ability do this than just reduce a creature's HP to 0, you can
do that.
The Doctor Madness Tier 1 (One point of Madness) When a
creature makes a saving throw, skill check, or attack
Medium Human, chaotic evil
roll, roll a d4. On a 1, the creature has disadvantage on
Armor Class 17 the roll.
Hit Points 200 Madness Tier 2 (Three points of Madness). When a
Speed 40ft. creature makes a saving throw, skill check, or attack
roll, roll a d4. On a 1-2, the creature has disadvantage
on the roll. Creature's see an illusion that appear as The
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Doctor. Creatures must make a DC16 wisdom saving
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 22 (+6) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) throw to determine if it is an illusion. On a failure, they
believe the illusion is real. The Illusion dissapears for
Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing from this creature after they succeed on the saving throw or
nonmagical sources. take a hostile action against the illusion.
Condition Immunities Frightened, Charmed, Petrified, Madness Tier 3 (Five poins of Madness) Creatures in
Unconscious Madness Tier 3 are unable to make any actions other
Senses passive Perception 14 than the Break Out of It action. When a creature makes
Languages None the Break Out of It action, they must make a Wisdom
Challenge - saving throw with disadvantage. Upon a success, the
creature loses 4 points of Madness.
Monitor & Abuse While not in combat, creatures
further than 25ft. from The Doctor have disadvantage Actions
on perception checks to detect The Doctor's presence
Multiattack The Doctor makes any combination of 2
and Overwhelming Presence's effective range is 25 ft..
actions and 1 bonus action.
While in combat, the effective range of Overwhelming
presence is 35ft. Static Blast (Recharge 5-6) The Doctor blasts all
creatures within a range of him with electricity as an
Overwhelming Presence When a creature within a
action. Creatures in this range must make a wisdom
certain range (see Monitor & Abuse) of The Doctor
saving throw or gain 2 points of Madness, or 1 point
uses an ability that has a limited number of uses per
on a success. While out of combat, this has a 25ft.
day or per long rest, an additional use of that ability is
radius. While in combat, this has a 35 ft. radius.
Shock Therapy The Doctor blasts all creatures in a 10ft.
Overcharge When a creature within 120ft. of The
cone with electricity as a bonus action. Creatures in
Doctor heals another creature, the healer must make a
this range must make a DC16 wisdom saving throw or
Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 lightning
gain 2 points of madness, or 1 on a success.
damage, or half as much on a succesful save.
Metal Stick Melee weapon attack, +5 to hit, reach 5ft.,
Madness The Doctor's abilities inflict creatures with
one target. Hit: 9(2d6+3) bludgeoning damage.
various negative side effects depending on their tier of
Madness. Whenever a creature enters the next tier of Lunge Attack The Doctor moves forward 5ft. and makes
Madness, The Doctor knows their exact location at that a lunge attack with his metal stick. Melee weapon
moment. Creatures can have a maximum of 5 point os attack, +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 9(2d6+3)
Madness at a time. bludgeoning damage.
The Huntress Territorial Imperative The Huntress knows the exact
location of all creatures within a predetermined area
Armor Class 17 with a 20ft radius.
Hit Points 200
Speed 35ft. Actions
Multiattack The Huntress performs any combination of
2 actions or 1 Action and 1 Bonus action that she
18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 8 (-1)
Broadaxe Melee weapon attack, +6 to hit, reach 5ft.,
one target. Hit: 10(2d6+4) slashing damage.
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened,
Unconscious, Petrified, Hatchet Charge As a bonus action, The Huntress
Senses Passive Perception 12 focuses her aim, increasing the range, damage and
Languages Common accuracy of her Hatchet Toss
Challenge - Uncharged Hatchet Toss Ranged Weapon attack, +6 to
hit, range 20ft/60ft., single target. Hit 10 (2d6+4)
Abilities slashing damage.
Huntress Lullaby (Recharge 5-6) When an attack roll Charged Hatchet Toss Must be preceeded by a Hatchet
agains The Huntress misses, she can turn it into a Charge. Ranged Weapon attack, +8 to hit, range
critical failure. 40ft/120ft, single target. Hit 12 (2d6+6) slashing
Beast of Prey Every time The Huntress's turn starts, she
gains an additional 5 feet of movement speed, up to a
maximum of 15 additional movement speed.
The Cannibal Franklin's Demise Creatures hit by The Cannibal's
hammer must suceed on a DC 17 strength saving
Medium Person, Chaotic Evil
throw or drop their equipped weapon as it is knocked
Armor Class 17 15 feet away. On a critical failure, the dropped weapon
Hit Points 200 gains a -1 damage penalty to damage dice rolled.
Speed 40ft
Multiattack The Cannibal makes any combination of 2
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA actions he knows.
23 (+6) 22 (+6) 22 (+6) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 5 (-3)
Hammer Melee weapon attack. +8 to hit, 5 ft. reach.,
one target. Hit: 14 (2d8+6) bludgeoning damage.
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Paralyzed,
Petrified, Unconscious Lunge Attack The Cannibal moves forward 5 ft. and
Languages None makes a lunge attack with his hammer. Melee weapon
Challenge - attack. +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14
(2d8+6) bludgeoning damage.
BBQ & Chili After reducing a creature's HP to 0, The Bubba's Chainsaw (Recharge 4-6) The Cannibal swings
Cannibal has advantage on attack rolls against all his chainsaw back and forth while moving up to 20ft.
creatures until the end of his next turn. All creatures within a 10ft. cone of The Cannibal at any
point during his movement must make a DC 17 Dex
Knock Out Targets hit by The Cannibal's melee attack
saving throw. Creatures takes 26 (4d10+6) slashing
must make a constitution saving throw or be stunned
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
until the end of their next turn.
succesful save.
Grapple The Cannibal attempts to grapple a creature
within 5ft of him.
The Nightmare Fire Up Every time The Nightmare loses 1/4 of his
maximum HP, he may perform one additional attack
Medium Human, chaotic evil
when using the multiattack action.
Armor Class 16 Remember Me When combat begins, choose one
Hit Points 200 creature at random. Every succesful attack against this
Speed 40ft. creature increases the temporary HP gained from
Blood Warden by 10 points.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Blood Warden When The Nightmare would be reduced
to 0 HP, he is instead reduced to 1 HP and gains 10
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) temporary HP.
Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing from Actions
nonmagical sources.
Weaknesses Fire Multiattack The Wraith makes any combination of 2
Condition Immunities Frightened, Charmed, Petrified, actions and 1 bonus action.
Unconscious Dream Snare As a bonus action, The Nightmare can
Senses passive Perception 12 place a dream snare that covers a 5ftx5ft area.
Languages None Creatures in the dream world that step on these have
Challenge their remaining movement speed reduced by 15ft.
Dream Demon The Nightmare is invisible to creatures Dream Pallet As a bonus action, The Nightmare can
further than 35ft. from him. Creatures have place a dream pallet, which creatures in the dream
disadvantage on perception checks to see him when world can attempt to use as cover. However, creatures
he is within 35ft. and 15ft. from them. The Nightmare attempting to use this as cover do not gain bonus AC,
can place dream objects around the world, that can and The Nightmare can move and attack through this
only be percieved by and interacted with by creatures cover as if it did not exist.
in the Dream world. The Nightmare can have up to 6 of Blade Glove Melee weapon attack, +5 to hit, reach 5ft.,
these active at once. Creatures hit by The Nightmare's one target. Hit: 9(2d6+3) slashing damage.
melee attacks must make a DC16 wisdom saving
throw or enter the dream world. Lunge Attack The Nightmare moves forward 5ft. and
makes a lunge attack with his Blade Glove. Melee
Micro-Sleep Every round, creatures within 120ft. of The weapon attack, +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit:
Nightmare must make a DC14 Wisdom saving throw 9(2d6+3) slashing damage.
or enter the Dream World. Grapple The Nightmare attempts to grapple one
creature within 5ft of him.
DM's note: When doing an encounter with The Pig, the area
should include 4 jigsaw boxes, each assigned a number 1
through 4. When a reverse bear trap is placed on a creature's
head, roll a d4 to determine which Jigsaw Box will have the
key to that trap. Creatures can search these Jigsaw boxes as
an action. When a player searches a Jigsaw Box, roll a d4.
The player must make that many sleight of hand checks.
Each failure damages the player for 1d4 piercing damage.
Regardless of the results of these checks, the player will
finish searching the box in that turn.
The Clown Bamboozle While moving, The Clown's AC is increased
to 24.
Armor Class 16
Hit Points 200 Actions
Speed 40ft. Multiattack The Clown makes any combination of 2
Actions he knows.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Madme Butterfly Melee weapon attack, +6 to hit, reach
18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 5ft., one target. Hit: 10(2d6+4) slashing damage.
Butterfly Lunge The Clown moves forward 5ft. and
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Fatigued, makes a lunge attack with his Butterfly Knife. Melee
Petrified, Paralyzed, Unconscious weapon attack, +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit:
Senses passive Perception 10 10(2d6+4) slashing damage.
Languages Common Afterpiece tonic The Clown tosses a bottle of noxious
Challenge - gas up to 50 feet. This bottle creates a cloud with a 15
ft radius that persists until the start of The Clown's
Abilities next turn. The area inside this cloud is considered
difficult terrain. Creatures inside this cloud have their
Afterpiece Bottles The Clown can throw up to 4
vision limited to 10ft. in any direction.
afterpiece bottles of any kind before he needs to reload
his bottles. Additionally, if The Afterpiece Tonic and Afterpiece Antidote The clow tosses a bottle of
Antidote occupy the same space, neither effect is invigorating gas up to 50 feet. This bottle creates a
triggered. white cloud with a 15ft radius that turns yellow at the
start of The Clown's next turn. While this cloud is
Built Immunity The Clown is immune to the effects of yellow, creatures can move through it without using
his Afterpiece Tonic. any movement speed. Once it has turned yellow it
Pop Goes The Weasel When the clown reduces a dissapears at the start of The Clown's next turn.
creature's HP to 0, his next succesful hit deals double Reload The Clown reloads his afterpiece bottles.
Coulrophobia Creatures wthin 35ft. of The Clown
recieve half healing from all healing sources.
The Spirit Passive Phasing The Spirit slips between planes at
random. Roll a d20 at the end of each turn where The
Medium Spectre, Neutral Evil
Spirit is not using Yamaoka's Haunting. On a 15 or
Armor Class 17 above, all creatures have dissadvantage on attack rolls
Hit Points 175 against the spirit.
Speed 35ft.
Multiattack The spirit makes any combination of 2
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA actions and 1 bonus action.
16 (+3) 22 (+6) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 12 (+1)
Katana Melee attack, +8 to hit, reach 5 ft. one target.
Hit: 12(2d6+6) slashing damage.
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Paralyzed,
Petrified, Unconscious Lunge Attack The Spirit moves forward 5 ft and makes a
Senses passive Perception 17 lunge attack with her katana. Melee Weapon Attack. +8
Languages Common to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 12(2d6+6) slashing
Challenge - damage.
Grapple The Spirit attempts to grapple a creature within
Rancor Rancor has 5 charges. As a bonus action, The 5ft of her.
Spirit can use one of these charges. Until the start of
The Spirit's next turn, The Spirit has advantage on Yamaoka's Haunting (Recharge 5-6) As a bonus action,
attack rolls against all creatures in the battle, and the The Spirit enters another plane of existance. While in
Obsession has advantage on attack rolls against The this plane of existance, The Spirit leaves behind a husk
Spirit. Once all charges have been used up one of her body while her true self moves freely. This husk
randomly chosen creature takes double damage from can be attacked, but takes no damage. While Yamaoka's
The Spirit's attacks for the remainder of combat. Haunting is active, The Spirit cannot be targeted by
attacks. The spirit cannot attack or see other creatures
Spirit Fury Every 4th attack that lands on The Spirit and her movement speed is increased to 60
triggers a Katana attack from the Spirit as a reaction. ft.Yamaoka's Haunting ends at the start of The Spirit's
next turn. When Yamaoka's haunting ends, the husk
Hex: Haunted Grounds Once the Spirit's HP falls below
vanishes and The Spirit becomes visible again.
half, her attacks deal double damage for 1 minute.
Armor Class 17 Great Knife Melee weapon attack, +8 to hit, reach 5ft.,
Hit Points 200 one target. Hit: 12(2d6+6) slashing damage.
Speed 40ft. Lunge Attack The Trapper moves forward 5ft. and
makes a lunge attack with his Great Knife. Melee
weapon attack, +8 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit:
12(2d6+6) slashing damage.
22 (+6) 14 (+2) 24 (+7) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 4 (-3)
Trails of Torment As a bonus action, The Executioner
digs his great knife into the ground, leaving a torment
Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing from trail behind him as he moves. This leaves a trail where
nonmagical sources. me moves that inflicts creatures with Torment if they
Condition Immunities Frightened, Charmed, Petrified, walk on it.
Senses passive Perception 9 Punishment of The Damned While using the trail of
Languages None torment, The Executioner can perform Punishment of
Challenge - The Damned in a 15ft line. Creatures in this range must
make a DC16 Dexterity saving throw or take 3d8
Trail of Torment After making a succesful melee attack, necrotic damage or half as much on a success.
attack rolls against The Executioner are made with Downing Strike Melee weapon attack, +8 to hit, reach
disadvantage until his next succesful melee attack. 5ft., one target. Hit: 9(1d6+6) slashing damage.
Creatures hit must make a DC18 saving throw or be
Forced Penance When The Executioner makes a knocked prone.
succesful melee attack while grapling a creature, or
against a creature within 5ft of another creature, that Cage of Atonement As a bonus action, The Executioner
creature cannot be healed by any means until the end digs his great knife into a creature that is both prone
of The Executioner's next turn. and tormented. This puts them into a cage of
atonement in a randome location between 60ft and
Deathbound When a creature heals another creature 120ft from The Executioner. Creatures in a Cage of
further than 30ft from The Executioner, the first Atonement are incapacitated and take 4 piercing
creature has disadvantage on attack rolls for 2 rounds. damage every turn until another creature uses their
action to pull them from the cage.
The Blight Undying When a creature subjects The Blight to a
saving throw of any kind, The Blight has advantage on
Medium Human, neutral evil
attack rolls agains them until the end of his next turn.
Armor Class 16 Once per day, when The Blight fails a saving throw, he
Hit Points 175 can choose to succeed instead.
Speed 40ft. Inhuman Speed When The Blight takes the Sprint
action, and after a Slam, creatures have disadvantage
on opportunity attack rolls against The Blight.
14 (+2) 22 (+6) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) Actions
Cane Multiattack The Wraith makes two attacks with his
Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing from Cane.
nonmagical sources.
Condition Immunities Frightened, Charmed, Petrified, Slam (Recharge 4-6) When taking the sprint action, The
Unconscious Blight can slam into a wall or solid object, repleneshing
Senses passive Perception 10 all his movement speed. He can do this up to 5 times
Languages None per turn.
Challenge TBD Rush Attack After using the slam action, The Blight can
perform a Cane attack or Lunge Attack as a bonus
Dragon's Grip Each round, the first creature to damge action.
The Blight with a melee attack becomes Exposed. You
deal an extra 2d6 damage to exposed creatures. Hittng Cane Melee weapon attack, +8 to hit, reach 5ft., one
an Exposed creature removes Exposed. target. Hit: 12(2d6+6) slashing damage.
Lunge Attack The Blight moves forward 5ft. and makes
Blood Favor When The Blight hits another creature with
a lunge attack with his Cane. Melee weapon attack, +8
a melee attack, the ground surrounding that creature in to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 12(2d6+6) slashing
a 30ft. radius becomes difficult terrain until The
Begining of The Blight's next turn.
Grapple The Blight attempts to grapple a creature
within 5ft of him.
Small human, neutral evil
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 25
Speed 60ft.
Leap Attack Melee Attack +10 to hit, one target. Hit
14 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage. Victor can leap up
to 10ft. upwards and 20ft. forwards, attacking at
the end of his leap. Upon a succesful attack, the
target is grappled. While grappled by Victor,
creatures take an additional 2d6 of damage from all
attacks and cannot be heald by any means.
Creatures grappled by Victor do not lose
movement speed.
The Trickster No Way Out When The Trickster drops below half HP,
he gains 1 AC for every creature he has succesfully
Medium Human, Neutral Evil
attacked this combat. This effect lasts for as many
Armor Class 16 turns as the number of times The Trickster succsefully
Hit Points 175 attacked a creature this combat.
Speed 35ft. Crowd Control When a creature within 100ft. of you
uses the dash action, their movement speed is halved
on their next turn.
16 (+3) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 24 (+7) Actions
Multiattack The Trickster makes 10 Knife Toss attacks
Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing from or a bat/lunge attack/grapple and 5 knife toss attacks.
nonmagical sources.
Condition Immunities Frightened, Charmed, Petrified, Knife Toss Ranged weapon attack +6 to hit, range.
Unconscious 20ft./60ft. Hit: 3 (1d4+1) Piercing damage
Senses passive Perception 12 Main Event After making 20 succesful knife toss
Languages Common attacks, The Trickster can use Main Event as an action
Challenge and makes 5 knife toss attacks. Once activated, Main
Event stays active until the end of his next turn. While
Starstruck When The Trickster grapples a creature, all Main Event is active, The Trickster can make 4 knife
creatures within 30ft. of him are exposed. Exposed toss attacks as a free action at the start of every
creatures take double damage from the next attack that creature's turn.
hits them. After an exposed creature is hit, they
recover from exposed. Bladed Bat Melee weapon attack, +6 to hit, reach 5ft.,
one target. Hit: 10(2d6+4) slashing damage.
Lunge Attack The Trickster moves forward 5ft. and
makes a lunge attack with his bat. Melee weapon
attack, +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 10(2d6+4)
slashing damage.
The Nemesis Undead Master Any defeated undead creatures within
100ft. of The Nemesis are revived at half health at the
Medium Humanoid, nuetral evil
end of his turn.
Armor Class 17 T-Virus The Nemesis's tentacle strike becomes more
Hit Points 200 powerful as it gains points, which are earned by
Speed 40ft. succesfully hitting creatures.
T-Virus Tier-1 (Base) Standard Tentacle Strike
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA T-Virus Tier-2 (3 Points) Tentacle Strike deals an
22 (+6) 16 (+3) 24 (+7) 6 (-3) 10 (+0) 4 (-3) additional 2d6 damage.
T-Virus Tier-3 (6 Points) Tentacles Strike's range is
Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing from increased by 10ft.
nonmagical sources.
Condition Immunities Frightened, Charmed, Petrified, Actions
Senses passive Perception 10 Multiattack The Nemesis makes any combination of 2
Languages None actions.
Challenge - Punch Melee weapon attack, +8 to hit, reach 5ft., one
target. Hit: 15(3d6+6) slashing damage.
Hysteria When The Nemesis hits a creature for the first
time in combat, all creatures below maximum HP have Lunge Attack The Nemesis moves forward 5ft. and
disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of their next makes an lunge attack with his fist. Melee weapon
turn. attack, +8 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 15(4d6+5)
slashing damage.
Eruption When The Nemesis reduces a creature's HP to Grapple The Nemesis attempts to grapple a creature
0, all creatures below maximum HP take 2d8 lightning within 5ft of him.
Tentacle Strike Ranged Attack, 5 by 15ft line. Creatures
Lethal Persuer At the start of combat, The Nemesis has in this range must make a DC16 dex save or take 2d6
advantage on all attack rolls. bludgeoning damage, or half as much on a succesful
save. Creatures must also make a DC16 constitution
saving throw or become poisoned.
This creature has advantage on attack rolls against creatures
that recovered from the prone state up to one round ago.
Creatures within 35ft of this creature have advantage on
attack rolls against it, but its attacks all deal an extra 2d6
If this creature moved 0ft. on it's turn, all creatures have
disadvantage on attack rolls against it until the start of its next
Iron Grasp
Creatures have disadvantage on grapple checks against this
creature and checks to break out of grapple.
Monstrous Shrine
Creatures within 120ft of this creature have disadvantage on
death rolls.
Sloppy Butcher
Creatures hit by this creature's melee attacks must make a
constitution saving throw (DC 8+Strength+Prof) or take 4
bleed damage per turn and recieve half healing from all healing
sources until the end of their next turn.