Fleshweaver Lich
Fleshweaver Lich
Fleshweaver Lich
espite the frail appearance of rotting undead The Lich absorbs essence from the four skeletal pillars and
flesh, the Flesh Weaver Lich has begun to is immune to all damage, cannot move or be moved by
master a strange new tradition growing in the magical or nonmagical means, while the skeletal pillars are
dark recesses of Erenel, Flesh Weaving. Unlike alive. Players will need to destroy the four skeletal pillars
necromantic powers that provide power over before engaging the Lich, who will be able to perform actions
undeath, the Lich’s need to absorb life essence even while immune.
and prevent decay requires a consistent stream Enough! The Flesh Weaver Lich activates Enough! when
of “experiments” to prey upon. falling to half health. The Flesh Weaver encases himself in an
ice tomb, becoming immune to damage. Similar to a butterfly
Villian Actions emerging from a cocoon, the Lich emerges transformed into
A flesh weaver lich, can use certain "Villian Actions" similar a Purple Worm with the following changes. The hit point
to lair actions while in combat. These villian actions activate total is reduced by how much life the Lich lost before being
at certain health total threshholds and cannot be prevented. entombed. The Purple Worm is considered an Undead
Feel free to adjust Villian Actions to fit your parties combat creature with the same Intelligence score as the Lich.
prowess or disregard them altogether. Disregarding Villian Created by Gamingbrew
Actions reduce the Flesh Weaver Lich CR to 15.
Souls of the Fallen. A Flesh Weaver Lich begins combat Visit the Gamingbrew Patreon for more Free 5E content!
surrounded by four skeletal pillars. Skeletal pillars have 40 https://www.patreon.com/gamingbrew
health and 10 armor class but otherwise do not move or Learn more about the Erenel Campaign Setting
perform any actions. https://www.worldanvil.com/w/erenel
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Eldritch Blast. Ranged Spell Attack: +10 to hit, range
300 ft., one target. Hit 10 (1d10 + 5) force damage.
11 (0) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 20 (+5)
Hurl Through The Below (1/day). The Lich targets one
creature it can see within 60 feet. The target must
Saving Throws Dex +8, Int +8, Wis +8 make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the
Skills Arcana +14, Insight +8 target disappears and is paralyzed as it is hurtled
Damage Resistances cold, necrotic through the nightmare landscape of the Below. At the
Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing and end of the Lich's next turn, the target returns to the
slashing from nonmagical attacks same space it previously occupied or the nearest
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed, unoccupied space, and is no longer paralyzed. The
poisoned target takes 55 (10d10) psychic damage when it
Senses passive perception 16 returns.
Languages any languages it knew in life
Challenge 16 (15,000 XP) Legendary Actions
Legendary Resistance (3/day). If the Lich fails a saving The Flesh Weaver Lich can take 3 legendary actions,
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. choosing from the options below. Only one legendary
option can be used at a time and only at the end of
Blessing of Death. When the Lich reduces a target to 0 another creature's turn. The Flesh Weaver Lich regains
hp, the Lich gains 25 temporary hit points. spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Turn Resistance. The Lich has advantage on saving At Will Spell Cast. The Lich casts one of its at will spells.
throws against any effect that turns undead.
Weaving of Flesh. The Lich chooses a damage type,
Innate Spellcasting. The Lich's innate spellcasting ability gaining resistance to that damage type until it chooses
is Charisma )spell save DC18, +10 to hit with spell a different one with this feature.
attacks.) It can innately cast the following spells,
requiring only verbal components: Disrupt Life (Cost 3). Each creature within 30 feet of the
Lich that is not undead must make a DC 18
At will: chill touch, detect magic, eldritch blast, levitate, Constitution saving throw taking 6d6 necrotic damage
mage hand, prestidigitation, speak with dead on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.