Plan A Voyage and Condct Navigation

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1. Rescue boat must be able to be lowered at a speed of ship?

- Up to 5 kn
2. Mention the causes of oil spill in the sea that can cause marine pollution by oil tanker ship
- All answer are correct
3. In what format will an On scene Coordinator report such information as o-scene weather
and operation progress other parties ?
4. Which of the following describes how this appointment will be made several rescue units
are engaged in a search and rescue operation, one of will be designated as the One-Scene
Commander (OSC)?
- The first rescue unit to arrive at the scene will normally assume the role of OSC, until
the unit appointed as OSC by the SAR Mission Co-ordinator at the applicable RCC is
in a position to take control
5. “If someone does not report to their mustering station during a fire what should be done?”
- Conduct a search
6. What measures should be taken immediately on every ship when receiving a danger
message from other ship
- All answers are correct
7. What would the recommended uncorrected track spacing be if the recommended distance
between parallel tracks (track spacing) in a search for a casualty by a surface vessel varies
(amongst other factor) according to visibility and the nature of the target in the IAMSAR
Manual. These distance are then normally adjusted for prevailing weather conditions and if
visibility was 5 nautical miles and you were looking for a six-person liferaft.?
- 3.6 nautical miles
8. What would fulfill the minimum requirements for fire protection if the galley on your cargo
vessel has an area of 2,500 square feet ?
- One B-II extinguisher
9. What type of line is passed by rescue vessel to a vessel in distress?
- Throwing line
10. Which the “Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act” applies when the required
location of the radiotelephone station aboard a vessel ?
- On the bridge or in the wheel house
11. The On-Scene Coordinator will report information such as on-site weather and progress of
operations to other parties. In what format?
12. Until when, records of cargo ship fire fighting system testing and inspections must be kept
on board ?
- for 1 year
13. Each rescue boat shall be lowered and maneuvered into the water ?
- Not less than once in three months
14. Which of the following information shall be specified by the muster list ?
- The muster list has been prepared and approval by the administration before the ship
proceed to the sea
15. The meaning of transverse metacenter is?
- The point to which G may rise and still permit the vessel to possess positive stability
16. Which of the statement is TRUE, when you are on a 30,000 DWT tankship engaged in trade
to another country signatory to MARPOL 73/78?
- The IOPP Certificate is valid for 5 years
17. How will communication be carried out between a ship and a SAR helicopter. According
most circumstances ?
- On VHF ch 16.
18. From where, ships can know hazardous messages and calls from other ships in dangerous
- All answers are correct
19. What would you indicate that it’s a submarine if a yellow signal floating in the air form a
small parachute, about 300 feet above the water ?
- Is about to rise to periscope depth
20. You are standing the wheelwatch when you hear the cry, “Man overboard starboard side”.
You should instinctively
- Give full right rudder
21. According the Rules of the Road. Which single-letter sound signal(s) may only be made in
- All of the above
22. What is an OSC (on-scene commander) In SAR operation at sea
- Is the commander of a rescue unit designed for SAR operation in special areas
23. What is the world-wide system operated by the US Coast Guard exclusively in support of
search and rescue operation ?
- The Automated Mutual-Assistance Rescue (AMVER) System
24. The three volumes of the IAMSAR Manual are ?
- I organization and Management II Mission CO-ordination III mobile Facilities
25. The rescuer can best provide an airtight seal during mouth-to-mouth resuscitation by
pinching the victim’s nostrils and ?
- Applying his mouth tightly over the victim’s mouth
26. The true statement of a gasoline spill ?
- It is visible for a shorter time than a fuel oil spill
27. Is there a difference between Rescue boat and Fast rescue boat?
- The difference is only that of ro-ro passenger ships Rescue boat is called Fast rescue
28. Mention the advantages it does emergency management organization in the ship
- All answers are correct
29. Mention and explain 4 (four) main parts that must be in a management organization
emergency on the ship
- All answers are correct
30. What must he then do, if a master initially responds to a distress but then in special
circumstances decides not to proceed?
- Inform the appropriate search and rescue authorities of his decision and enter the
reason in the ship’s logbook
31. Make sure your air is going into the victim’s lungs when giving rescue breaths by
- Watching the victim’s chest rise and fall
32. Call and explain types of procedure of circumstances Emergency procedures applied in
- All answers are correct
33. As per chapter III SOLAS and resolution A.760 (18) the rescue crafts labels on board a
cargo ship should be:
- Fluorescent
34. What does the AMVER system stands for?
- Automated mutual assistance vessel rescue
35. You are enroute to assist vessel. Vessel A is underway at 5.5 knots on course 033? T, and
bearing 284? T at 43 miles from you. What is the course to steer at 16 knots to intercept
vessel A ?
- 303?
36. What is not a Coast Guard regulation requires that all of the following emergencies be
covered at the regular training on fishing boats ?
- Emergency towing
37. To reduce the risk of a victim vomiting during CPR, you should
- keep the victim’s head turned slightly to one side
38. A “Standard Format for Search and Rescue Situation Report” (SITREPs) should be used by
vessel in distress The SITREP can be compiled as a short form (urgent essential details).
Which of the following information shall be included when using the “short form”?
- Weather on-scene
39. The working mechanism of emergency response on the ship are include
- All answers are correct
40. Launching device of the lifeboats and rescue boats of the dry cargo vessels must provide
- Safe launch, with 150 people and trim up to 15 degrees and heel on each side up to 25
41. At what frequency/band work search and rescue transponder?
- 9 Ghz
42. You are Senior Officer on board a merchant vessel. During the night you have been in
collision with a sail boat and there are no signs of life in the water. What would you do ?
- Alarm the rescue centre and commence searching for any survivors
43. Mention the internal and external resources that can be used in overcoming the event of
emergency conditions that are no longer resolable
- All answers correct
44. Which of the following prevention actions offers the guarantee of an efficient intervention
an emergency
- All the listed answers
45. Which the correct statement about transmitting distress messages by radiotelephone,
except ?
- It is advisable to follow a distress message on 2182 KHZ by two dashes of 10 to 15
seconds duration
1. In a problematic situation, a leader shall make a decision to solve the problem. The steps to
solve the problem consist of the following, except
- to make decisions based on sub ordinates’ inputs
2. Prior to ordering stores for any department;
- The store inventory should be checked so that you order only the items required
3. It is the Master’s responsibility to verify that the specific requirements (procedures and
instructions) regarding the Safety Management System are observed. Who will actually
verifythis on board ?
- The Designated Person
4. In every decision making process there are a number of actions which are calculated,
- To react spontaneously
5. In the search for competent seafarers, every Administration shall ensure the quality of
seafarer’s education and training system. Certificates of Competency (CoC) issued by the
Administrations are listed as follows, except
- Commercial shipping management
6. Problem solving using scientific approach and creative, innovative and intuitive thoughts
should meet certain requirements as follows, except
- Information which is obtained from the 3 rd party resource
7. In order to control the ships’s budget, What should we do:
- Proper and accurate inventory of stores
8. To discover/to develop the alternatives is one of the solutions may be taken. The
importance to do the above matters is as follows, except
- to evaluate all alternatives which are linked with the defined criteria
9. What is “an examination of leadership-related characteristics, such as enthusiasm, verbal
skills, creativity, critical thinking skills, and self-confidence” called?:
- Traits approach
10. What should manager do, in the decision-making process :
- develop as many alternatives as possible
11. Seafarers who intend to serve at foreign ships shall be equipped with the following
documents, except
- National identification Card
12. The best possible treatment for representative of the port authorities should always receive
- For ship’s clearance to take place quickly and without complications
13. What is the best describe for “negligence”?
- Doing what a reasonable person would not do, and not doing what you should do
14. Captain from every vessel must be provide ?
- A link between the shipboard training officer and the company training officer ashore
15. The SMS ( Safety Management System) should ensure, amongst other things, that
applicable codes, guidelines and standards recommended by………..are taken into account.
- All of these
16. What is the following below that not a major management dimension?
- Being the public spokesperson for the organization
17. The social construction of leadership is ?
- What counts as good leadership is a construction of the perceptions of the followers
18. The decision making is always encountered with the probability situation. In order to
increase the execution linkages, it is needed to use the following methods as follows,
- To utilize the leader’s instinct
19. As a source of power in leadership, which of the following has been identified refer to?
- All of the above
20. Organization is a forum to execute the activities, which consists of a number of activities
follows, except
- Who pays the salary of the employees
21. Why the vertical coordination is comparable to horizontal coordination ?
- both involve other departments
22. What attention master should do, if Master finds reason to doubt whether the agent is
giving the vessel’s interest full and proper?
- Investigate the matter carefully and report the findings to the company
23. The referent power in leadership is ?
- Power that stems from a person’s leadership skills
24. Seafarers intend to serve at foreign ships shall be equipped with the following documents,
- Assignment letters
25. Call what information should be required for the next port:
- Procured before departure from a port
26. Understanding, Co-operative, and have respect from both sides is the reason to ?,
- To maintain good relationship among the crew on board a vessel
27. Problem solving relates closely with the decision making. In management there are a
number of characteristic of the process in problem solving, except
- To allow the problematic situation growing
28. What task is more difficult for a manager when he or she coordinates activities is
- securing cooperation
29. The decision making is a complex process, which can be more effective if it is approached
through the following methods, except
- Repeating the previous decisions which have been taken
30. In the process to review various good alternatives, it needs various skills as follows,
- Skill to determine alternatives based on sub ordinates’ spontaneous inputs
31. The conduct of maritime education is based on a number of pillars as follows, except
- Learning to get high salary
32. In defining the problem there are a number of questions to be answered as follows, except
- What has been decided?
33. Why do crew members on board give up their safety roles?
- Lack of leadership
34. Level of leadership/management is categorized as follows, except
- Basic management
35. Most likely to influence changes to emergency plans and procedures??
- The design and layout of the ship
36. Seafarers level of responsibility which are specified in the STCW are as follows, except
- Organization level
37. The implementation of the policy depends on the commitment of the decision maker.
Without a commitment, the efforts made will be in vain. The way to do this through easy-
communication, including:
- Subordinates work by letter
38. Which of the following options is characteristic of a contingency approach to leadership?
- All of the above
39. What we use if we want reported an emergency situation on board to the company ?
- The fastest means available
40. The functional requirements for a Safety Management System is to develop, implement and
maintain a system which includes the following
- a safety and environmental protection policy 2) instructions and procedures to
ensure safe operations and protection of the environment.
41. Under ISM, during assessment for issue and compliance with a DOC the auditor must be
satisfied that the company is in control of…………
- All activities concerning the Safety Management System which have been
42. Bellow is the list of the international conventions which are dealing with marine pollution
prevention, except
- ISPS Code
43. The contemporary management theories discussed in the text have which of the following
in common?
- Recognition of the complexity of the environment
44. What is the two dimensions of leadership which emerged from the Leader Behavior
Description Questionnaire were ‘consideration’ and ?
- Initiating structure
45. to solve the problem effectively can be done by combining appropriately between scientific
and the power of thought, which consist of the following, except:
- conventional thought
46. below is the list of the international conventions which are dealing with marine pollution
prevention, except
- ISPS Code
46. what is the maximum recommended effective temperature for a full workload is an
space taking into account the effects of exposure to heat exhaustion, heatstroke and
- 30,50C ET?
47. A small amount of carbon dioxide will quickly result in:
- Unconsciousness and death
48. A burn may occur when electricity of high current and voltage passes through the body.
Most damage occurs at the points of entry and exit of electricity. What is the treatment of
electrical burns?
- Place sterile dressing over the burn and secure with a bandage
49. Which organs absorb oxygen and part with carbon dioxide?
- The respiratory organs.
50. A strain occurs when a muscle or group of muscles is over- stretched and possibly torn,
violent or sudden movement. Strain can be caused by lifting heavy weights incorrectly. The
treatment of strain may be remembered as the word RICE. What is RICE an abbreviation
- Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
51. What is the rate of inflations given until natural breathing is restored, after checked for
open airway, given the first two inflations and checked the pulse to make sure that the heart
is beating.?
- 12 – 16 times per minute
52. Which organs absorb oxygen and part with carbon dioxide?
- The respiratory organs.
53. There are three levels of burning, namely:*Superficial *Intermediate*Deep burns (also
full-thickness burns) A large burn will almost certainly contain areas of all three grades.
How many per cent of the body may be burned before the danger of shock occurs?
- 15 percent.
54. Asthma is a distressing condition in which the muscles of the air passage go into spasm.
How can the asthma attacks be triggered off ?
- Nervous tension, allergy, or none obvious cause.
55. Which of the following statements concerning the reflection component of the AOR model
is false?
- Leaders are always aware of the value of reflection in leadership development
56. Use a barrier device when giving rescue breaths to:
- prevent transmission of infections
57. What is the muscle which the most persevering one in the body?
- the heart
58. What is the first sign and symptom of a Cardiac Infarction?
- Sudden crushing, vice-like pain in the centre of the chest
59. If a person is unconscious from electric shock, you should first remove him from the
electrical source and then
- Determine if the he is breathing
60. Women leader’s interactive leadership style developed
- Due to their socialization experiences and career paths
61. A diabetic has eaten too little food and the person may feel dizzy and lightheaded. The skin
becomes pale, with profuse sweathing. Limbs may begin to tremble and pulse becomes
rapid. The urine glucose reaction is negative. What kind of medicine will the person need as
- Sugar lump, sugar drink or something sweet
62. Sun rays and light reflected from a bright surface (e.g sea), can use cause damage to the
skin and eyes. What is this type of burn called?
- Radiation burns.
63. According to the text, which of the following statements is true?
- Leadership and management have some unique functions with an area of overlap.
64. A severe blow to or a heavy fall on the upper part of the abdomen (solar plexus) can upset
the regularity of breathing. What is the symptoms and signs?
- Difficulty in breathing in and the casually may be unable to speak
65. According to female executives. Which of the following factors least prevents women from
advancing to corporate leadership?
- Women not being in the pipeline long enough
66. In any major injury to a person, first aid includes the treatment for the injury and
- For traumatic shock
67. What is Hypothermia and how is it cured?
- Body temperature below 35C / Heat the body
68. How long should you flush a victim’s eye with water if a chemical splashes in it?
- 20 minutes
69. This type of medicine is needed if people with symptoms gradually feel more sleepy and
thirsty, the skin and slimhinner become very dry and there is a sweet taste of breath and
the glucose reaction shows positive.
- Insulin
70. What is the highest temperature in water Jel carpet is resistant against?
- 1530 C
71. Severe pains in the chest occur when the coronary arteries, which supply blood to the
heart, become too narrow for sufficient oxygenated blood to reach the muscles of the heart.
Normally these attacks only last a few minutes, and the pain stops if the casualty rests.
What kind of medicine to be taken when an Angina Pectoris attack occurs?
- Nitro glycerine tablets.
72. Medico massages work for ?
- Call an hospital for professional medical assistance by radio when needed
73. You are part of a team of two First Aiders in a resuscitation situation. What is the rhythm of
resuscitation with two First Aiders?
- 5 compressions within every 1 inflations.
74. What are the first signs and symptoms of a Cardiac Infraction?
- Sudden crushing, vice-like pain in the centre of the chest.
75. A person slowly feels more sleepy and thirsty. The skin and slimhinner become very dry
and there is a sweet taste of the breath. The glucose reaction shows positive. What kind of
medicine will the person need as
- Insulin
76. Before CPR is started, you should
- Established an open airway
77. After a person has been revived by artificial respiration, he should be
- Kept lying down and warm
78. In which way may intake of poisoning material occur?
- By inhaling, skin penetrating, skin absorbing and swallowing
79. Burns to the skin and eyes caused by sunlight and reflected light are/
- Radiation burns.
80. To protect yourself against all bloodborne diseases:
- wear a face mask whenever giving first aid
81. Chemical burns in eyes or on the skin can cause severe damage. Some chemicals may be
absorbed through the skin and cause widespread and sometimes fatal damage within the
body. What is the first main treatment if someone is a victim of chemical burns?
- Remove any contaminated clothing and flood the effected area with slowly running
water. Make sure that the contaminated water drains away freely and safety.
82. What is the appropriate treatment for a victim who has a second degree burn on a small
area of the forearm?
- Immerse the arm in cold water for 1 to 2 hours, apply burn ointment, and bandage.
83. Unfortunately an insect has become lodged in the ear. How to remove the insect?
- gently flood the casualty’s ear with terpid water so that the insect will float out
84. What is an indication that someone may be a drug smuggler?
- The individual wears bulky or out of season clothing
85. Water jel is a unique product regarding protection and first aid of burns. Water jel is
delivered in different sizes. Biggest is a carpet with the size 182cm X 152 cm. what is the
highest temperature the water Jel carpet is resistant against?
- 1530 C
86. What describes a kind of learning between the individual and the environment in which
learners seek relatively little feedback that may significantly confront fundamental ideas or
- Single-loop learning
87. In any major injury to a person, first and includes the treatment for the injury and
- For traumatic shock
88. What is highest temperature the Water Jel carpet is resistant against?
- 1530 C
89. A victim has suffered a second-degree burn to a small area of the lower arm. What is the
proper treatment for this injury?
- Immerse the arm in cold water for 1 to 2 hours, apply burn oinment, and bandage
1. A lookout can leave his station
- Only when properly relieved
2. The distance between the surface of the liquid and the bottom in a cargo tank is called
- Innage
3. What does the term “Dead Ship” mean
- “Dead Ship” means that the machinery and boilers are in operational due to lack of
electrical power
4. The local Notice to Mariners is usually published
- Weekly
5. What is a “cargo plan” when applied to a ship
- The plan indicating where cargo is to be loaded and in what quantities
6. In calm weather, putting the engines ahead with the rudder hard left should bring …… when
your vessel is port side to a pier with a spring line led aft from the bow
- The bow in and the stern out
7. The pilot station _____ a call sign
- Requires
8. Which of the following describes the “Responsible Officer”
- A person appointed by the employer or to whom the Master of the ship has delegated
responsibility, empowered to take charge of a specific task
9. What time does your cook get up for preparing breakfast
- He always gets up at 5 am
10. I can’t stand ______ compositions for English class every week
- to have to write
11. What is the first step in any potentially hazardous work task on board
- Risk assessment
12. What are the duties of the bridge during the night, when the vessel is in the middle of the
- The lookout must keep a lookout all-round the ship and report anything sighted, or
heard, to the officer of the watch
13. Which of the options represents the best action to take when an item of machinery, which
normally operates in automatic mode, is operated in ‘manual’ mode
- Keep the Chief engineer informed of machines performance on an hourly basis
14. Notices to mariners _______ Carefully and regularly to avoid grounding
- Should be studied
15. The tugs lines _____ and the vessel the under her own propulsion
- Are let go
16. You should keep clear of ______
- lines that are paying out
17. What is the meaning of the term ‘single up’
- Release all but one
18. Don’t be in _____ of a hurry
- too much
- Check line
20. Your vessel ______ loaded in a sagging condition. Enroute you encounter heavy weather
and notice buckling in the midships deck plating of your vessel. To relieve the strain you
____ pump fuel from midships to the ends of the vessel
- have been – should
21. What is the role of a tug in a port
- A tug assists the ships to moor and unmoor
22. What is the meaning of the term ‘veer/ in ship’s motions
- Turn form a straight course
23. By the term “deratization” means the operation for
- destruction of rodents on boards
24. ‘They secure derricks and batten hatches’ What is the meaning of the word batten
- Fasten down
25. Read the text in the picture before answering the question. What is the fundamental
requirement relating to the older ships, which are still in service
- The older ships must be in good condition
26. Man : Do you think that free education for poor people will be an effective policy?
Woman : ______ because this is what they really need
- I think this will help them a lot
27. Read the text in the diagram and answer the following question: When should training in
personal survival techniques be given
- Before being employed
28. Complete the following sentences. THE WEATHER IS _____ ALL THE TIME
- getting worser
29. What is the synonym of the word determine
- Decide
30. When acting as helmsman, what should be the method of responding to an order
- When receiving an order, the order should be repeated back to the person who gave
it before carrying out the order
31. Why did he study the contract in detail before signing it? Why did he study the contract in
detail before signing it
- He studied the contract in detail before signing it because he wanted to know his
32. When navigating a vessel, you _____ to maintain its exact position
- Should never rely on floating aid
33. To help in the preparations to leave the berth and go to sea, what could the wheelman be
asked to do
- Test the steering by putting the wheel hard over both ways
34. What is a “Fairlead” mean
- A Fairlead is a special device through which is passed ropes or wires to stop them
moving sideward’s and reduces friction and chafing
35. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences:
I hard a _____ cold last month
- Bad
36. Although he felt very _____ he smiled ______
- angry, friendly
- Before port beam
38. Cross bearings _____ an intersection of two bearing lines that have been taken of 2
conspicuous objects
- Form
39. The storm passed _____ us last night
- Over
40. What is the meaning of the term ‘roll’ in ship’s motions
- Side to side rotation
41. Which approved publication should be used by a seafarer to help overcome any
misunderstanding in communications?
- The (IMO) Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMPC) booklet
42. X: Why didn’t you answer my phone last night?
Y: Sorry, I ________ out to meet my lecturer, and I left my mobile phone at home
- Went
43. Wreck sand rock are not easily _______ by the signal
- Detected
44. During the anchoring procedure, what would the 2nd Officer understand by the following
request from the bridge, “How is the chain”?
- The bridge would like to know the direction of the anchor cable from the hawse pipe
45. Man:_______ I’ve booked the table but you give it to other costumers
Woman:_______ I’m sorry, Sir. We’re going to fix it
- This is really a nuisance

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