91. Prior to loading a refrigerated cargo scrupulous preparations are required. The most
vital precaution is:
A. chilling units set to maximum cooling
92. When carrying refrigerated cargo, while on passage the most important monitoring is:
A. regular temperature checks
93. Which of the following is not a primary purpose for using dunnage?
A. To prevent chafage on cargo
94. Which of the following refrigerated cargoes is not compatible for carriage in the same
conditions as the others listed?
A. Butter
95. When loading vehicles for carriage, the fuel tanks should be:
A. carrying a minimum of fuel
99. When Timber Deck cargo has been loaded, the stowage should be such that:
A. access is maintained to the hatches
105. When planning a container cargo, the cargo officer should ensure that:
A. containers carrying dangerous cargo are separated from each other
106. Prior to preparing and cleaning holds in preparation for bulk cargo it is important
A. increase ventilation
109. Cargoes referenced within the IMDG code may be anticipated to be:
A. of a hazardous nature
111. Guideline requirements for the carriage of bulk grain state that:
A. following a cargo shift, the maximum heel must be no ore than 12°
112. The carriage of bulk grain cargo should be carried out as directed under the rules
A. the SOLAS (IMO) Grain Rules
114. During loading of dangerous goods a package is dropped. Despite damaging the
packaging the product can be clearly seen and is not damaged. What should be
A. Reject the package
115. Full reference and details relating to dangerous goods will be found in which
A. IMDG Code
118. Portable lights should be removed from work areas after use. The most important
reason is to:
A. reduce the safety hazard
119. Planning for a heavy lift, the preferred derrick type would be:
A. Velle
122. Rigging a Jumbo Derrick for a heavy lift, which of the following is standard
A. To put winches in double gear
123. What type of vessel is most likely to be fitted with a Ring Main cargo system?
A. Product Carrier
124. Which of the following cargoes would be most likely to be discharged using
positive displacement reciprocating cargo pumps?
A. Gas
125. Eductors are used within oil tanker cargo operations for:
A. cargo stripping
126. The final valve between the ship's side and the onshore terminal is called the:
A. Manifold Valve
127. In a 250,000 tonne VLCC, how many tonnes would typically be discharged by a
single main cargo pump?
A. 2,000 tonnes
128. Threshold Limit Value (TLV) is the maximum concentration of a substance that
should be present in:
A. an atmospheric sample
129. When crew are working in confined spaces that have been cleared of hazardous
materials, ventilation should be provided:
A. continuously
130. Prior to entering a space the oxygen level should be shown to be at least:
A. 21%
133. How much space would 300 tonnes of Tea with a stowage factor of 3.0 take up, if
it had a broken stowage factor of 10%?
A. 990 cubic metres
1271. A bulk carrier has to complete loading at a draft of 10 metres. The current amidship drafts are
9.96 metres (port side) and 9.98 metres (starboard side). The sinkage remaining to maximum draft is:
0.03 metres
1272. A bulk carrier is loading to complete at a draught of 10.00m when in salt water. She is currently
floating in dock water and the Dock Water Allowance (DWA) is 80 mm. Her maximum draught at
completion of loading should be
10.08 metres
1274. After completion of discharge of a dry bulk cargo, the CO2 lines in each cargo hold should be
Blown through with compressed air to ensure that they are clear of any cargo traces
1275. Before a bulk carrier can load a full cargo of grain, what additional stability information is required?
Grain loading conditions must be shown and the vessel is in possession of a Document of Authorization
1277. It is common practice on bulk carriers to fill only one set of ballast tanks at any one time so as to
Ensure that free surfaces in ballast tanks do not become excessive during the ballasting operation
1278. Normally, a vessel sails in salt water and therefore salt water draughts are those which are referred to. If
there is a change in density however, this must be taken into account because the true draughts of the ship
will change. Which of the definitions below is that of this "Fresh Water Allowance"?
The number of millimetres by which a vessel's True Mean Draught changes when she passes from salt
water to fresh water, or vica versa.
1280. The CO2 injection lines into the designated ballast hold of a bulk carrier are sealed Prior to ballasting
the hold
1281. The drain pipe covers fitted on the hatch coamings of a bulk carrier are secured In the event of a cargo
hold fire
1282. The first line of defence against flooding of a bulk carrier is its:
Shell plating
1285. The hatch cover hydraulic system of a bulk carrier can be damaged by
Dust and cargo particles around the piston seals
1286. The perforated plate cover of the cargo hatch bilges are normally covered with burlap, so as
To prevent small particles of cargo draining into the bilges
1288. To withstand flooding of any one cargo hold, a bulk carrier constructed after 1 July 1999 can be loaded
The Summer load line
1291. What facility exists under the ISM Code for the provision of individual control measures for specific
work-related tasks?
The Permit to Work system.
1294. What is of utmost concern when steel cargoes are carried in a bulk carrier?
Bending moments being greatly exceeded in the seagoing condition
1295. What is the name given to the special list of cargo loaded on board a ship that needs to be prepared for
reporting and other administrative purposes?
1297. What kinds of checks must be carried out on slings, wires and other items of lifting equipment before
they are used in routine operations?
They must be visually inspected and ascertained, so far as is possible, as being in good working order and
fit for purpose.
1298. What name is given to the inspection and measurements at the end of a bulk carrier's loading operation,
that determines the weight of cargo lifted based on the observed draughts, any list, hog or sag, the dock
water density and the calculation of ballast and consumables on the vessel?
Draught Survey.
1299. When carrying bulk coal cargo, during the voyage methane and carbon monoxide gases are measure by
Using the approved sampling ports fitted on each hatch coaming
1300. When loading coal on a Bulk Carrier, the vessel should be provided with
Means for measuring cargo temperatures
1305. During Marpol inspections by port state control inspectors ships have been detained because
a. The oily water separator filters were found dirty.
1306. During Marpol inspections by port state control inspectors ships have been detained because
a. An oil film was found in the overboard discharge pipe of the oily bilge water
1307. “Parametric Rollin” on a container ship results in:
A large unstable roll motion suddenly occurring in head or stern seas.
1308. A ‘free flow system’ with reference to an oil tanker means:
A vessel without ordinary bottom lines where the cargo flows from tank to tank through bulkhead
1309. A common cause for the weakening of a turnbuckle on container vessels is:
1312. A loaded VLCC ship is stopped and Not Under Command in open sea and is observed to be drifting
towards the SSE at a rate of two (2) knots. Will the direction and rate of drift be the same for the ship if it
was in ballast condition?
No, the drift in ballast condition may be quite different
1313. A partially loaded ship is steaming slowly ahead in shallow, confined waters as illustrated in the
diagram. Which of the suggested answers are the most critical external influences experienced by the
All of the suggested answers are critical
1314. After completing all pre-starting checks on the flue gas plant, the first thing that the operator would do
is to:
Open the flue gas isolating valve.
1316. As per SOLAS every fast rescue boat shall be provided with:
Thermal protective aids for at least 10% of the persons the boat is permitted to accommodate or two,
which ever is greater
1317. As per SOLAS requirement fast rescue boats shall be constructed in such a way that:
They are self righting or capable of being readily righted by its crew
1318. As per SOLAS the Inert Gas System of an oil tanker must deliver the inert gas with a maximum level of
oxygen of:
Not more than 5% by volume.
1319. At the design phase of a container ship, the loss of strength resulting from the large deck openings are
compensated by:
Large deck beams longitudinally and athwartships at the sides and ends of hatches.
1320. Before departing the berth to ensure the stability of a RoRo vessel which if the following should be
Close all Ramps and hatch covers
1321. By what means can we monitor and control the integrity of the hull?
Automatic detection systems, television surveillance and patrolling of ro-ro cargo spaces
1322. Car decks on board ro-ro passenger ships are nomally closed during sea passage. Why are passengers
not allowed to be on the car-deck during sailing?
In case of an emergency situation it can be difficult for passengers to escape. Vehicles, lorries, trailers
and other cargo are maybe lashed and it is a substantial chance for passengers to get injured. Vehicles
and other cargo might also shift when the ship is rolling.
1323. Container ships without hatch covers are deemed to comply with the International Convention on Load
line Rules after:
An International Load Line Exemption certificate is issued in accordance to Article 6.
1324. During Crude Oil Washing, those areas of the cargo tank which are not directly struck by the oil jet
from the tank washing machines are referred to as:
Shadow areas.
1327. Fast rescue boats shall be stowed and kept in a state of continuous readiness for launching:
In less than 5 minutes
1328. How are the officers informed of the ship's stability in damaged conditions?
By permanently exhibited damage control plans
1329. How are the surfaces of ro-ro vehicle decks and ramps treated?
With non-skid paints
1330. How long should it take to release at least two thirds of the charge of CO2 that is provided for a ro-ro
cargo space protected with a fixed carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing system?
Not more than 10 minutes
1331. How many crews are required to be trained and regularly drilled in all aspects of fast rescue boats in
various conditions, including righting after capsizing?
At least 2
1332. How many fast rescue boats are required to be carried by a passenger ship of 500 GRT and above?
At least one of the rescue boats shall be a fast rescue boat
1334. How should cargo hold ventilation be carried out on a Ro-Ro vessel loading or discharging cargoes?
With the ventilation fans set to ‘exhaust'
1335. How should lashing belts be stowed on board a RoRo vessel? According to their Safe Working Load
1337. If the general alarm is sounding and evacuation of the ship is required. What is the best way to ensure
that all passengers are aware of the situation?
Inform the passengers through Public Address system. Crew with designated emergency duties should
proceed to their cabin section and search all cabins. Guide and evacuate passengers. If the area is
inaccessible report to their superior or the bridge.
1338. In context of cargo oil depth and ullage measurements, the abbreviation UTI stands for:
Ullage Temperature Interface.
1341. It is considered essential that container ships should have a large ballast capacity and high powered
ballast pumps, because:
These are required for trimming the ships and offsetting longitudinal bending moments.
1342. It is not possible to install double stacking cones on container ships which has: Loaded out-of-gauge
1346. OIf container lashings fail at sea, the normal procedure for the vessel would be to: Enter the number and
type of failed equipment into the lashing equipment file on board
1347. On a RoRo vessel carrying no more than 36 passengers, what is the minimum capacity of the ventilation
system protecting standard cargo spaces intended for carriage of motor vehicles with fuel in their tanks for
their own propulsion
6 air changes per hour
1349. On a RoRo vessel why is it important to ensure the vessel is correctly trimmed prior to commencing
cargo operations
To ensure the angle between the Ramp and the Quay are in acceptable limits
1350. On a RoRo vessel, how should additional lashings be applied to vehicles if they do not have sufficient
lashing points? As detailed in the instructions provided by the manufacturer or shipper
1351. On a RoRo vessel, if the Manufacturer and shipper of a vehicle have not provided instructions and the
vehicle does not have fixed lasing points what can be used to secure the lashings
The wheel apertures, or other suitable fixed point on the vehicle
1352. On a RoRo vessel, what danger is associated with damaged expanded metal gratings on loading ramps?
Vehicles' tyres may be damaged during cargo operations
1353. On a RoRo vessel, what is of major concern when a shallow draught ro-ro vessel is in river transit in
high winds ?
Air draught
1354. On a RoRo vessel, when cargo has shifted at sea, what could help in reducing acceleration forces?
Operating anti-heeling devices
1355. On a RoRo vessel, when loading Double Stacked containers on Maffi Trailers how many twist locks
should have used between the 2 containers
One on every corner 4 in total
1356. On a RoRo vessel, where is the best place to find information on loading ramp limitations?
In the loading ramp manual
1357. On a RoRo vessel, where on board a ship will cargoes experience the least accelerations?
At the intersection of the fore and aft, athwartships and vertical axes of the ship
1358. On a RoRo vessel, which of the following can cause an unplanned list at sea? Ballast water exchange
1359. On board a crude oil tanker, guidance on the washing system and equipment along with the applicable
operating procedures, can be found in:
The Operating and Equipment (COW) Manual.
1360. On oil tankers, Cargo tanks can be isolated from machinery spaces by:
All the answers are good
1361. On the bridge of a RoRo vessel, which of the following doors have no open/closed bridge indicator
Doors leading into the engine room
1363. Segregated Ballast Tanks on an oil tanker may best be defined as:
Tanks which are completely separate from cargo or fuel oil systems, being permanently allocated to the
carriage of ballast and fitted with their own pumps and associated piping
1364. SOLAS requires the tank coatings in dedicated seawater ballast tanks on oil tankers to be of:
Preferably any light colour.
1365. Tanks lids and other access points on an oil tanker are usually shaped round so as to:
Avoid localized stress points at any corners.
1366. The ‘buckling’ of strength members of an oil tanker results due to high: Compressive forces
1367. The chemical characteristics of effluent water from an inert gas scrubber and the condensate which
collects in the deck mains would be:
Acidic in nature.
1368. The design features of a container ship with pronounced bow flare, a wide flat transom stern and wall
sided amidships section contribute to:
Parametric Rolling
1369. The first tier of under-deck containers, on a non-cellular container vessel, are usually loaded:
Onto dunnage laid fore and aft over the tank top.
1371. The function of the scrubber within an Inert Gas system is: To quench, cool and clean the flue gas.
1372. The limitations of a Cargo Securing Manual of a container vessel may include the fact that:
They are drafted whilst the ship is still under construction and need to be checked against the ship's 'as
completed' condition in order to be fully reliable.
1373. The longitudinal bending moments caused by cargo distribution on an oil tanker need to be taken into
During loading, discharging and on loaded passage
1374. The main factor when determining the way containers must be lashed is by: Referring to the cargo
securing manual.
1377. The main movements experienced by a container ship, which will create the largest forces exerted on
the container frames and lashings, are:
Rolling, Pitching and Heaving.
1378. The method to avoid adverse effects of free surface on an oil tanker with full liquid cargo would be to
ensure that:
There are at least two longitudinal bulkheads and a large initial GM
1379. The one particular hazard to be taken care against, when using portable steam driven blowers for
ventilating oil cargo tanks is:
That the exhaust does not vent into the cargo tank, in order to prevent possible build-up of static
1380. The primary purpose of the water seal within an inert gas system is:
To prevent the passage of petroleum gases back to the machinery spaces.
1381. The proper funtioning of a bridge fitting on containers is prevented due to:
1382. The purpose of having corrugations in the bulkheads of cargo tanks of an oil tanker is to:
Provide strength, but with clean and clear surfaces within the tank.
1384. The purpose of the decanting line between two slop tanks, where fitted, is:
To enable most of the recovered oil to be retained in the primary slop tank, while the cleaner part of the
water will flow into the secondary slop tank, where it can be re-used as wash-water.
1385. The purpose of the demister unit within the Inert Gas System is
To remove water from the IGS stream.
1388. Twist locks are preferred over cone-based lashing systems on container vessels because:
Cone-based lashing systems are more prone to failure than twistlocks.
1391. What extra precautions should be taken by the officers and crew if some of the passengers are disabled,
i.e. using wheelchair, cane, blind etc.?
All passengers that will require extra assistance, also in case of an emergency situation/ evacuation,
must be registered in order to allocate crew to assist them if needed.
1392. What has a major adverse effect on the manoeuverability of a RoRo car carrier? Wind
1397. What must be ensured immediately after lowering and securing the stern ramp on a RoRo vessel?
Control levers should be locked in the ‘neutral' position
1398. What new stability problems would be caused by having deep double bottom tanks on double hull oil
The Metacentric Height (GM) would have to be considered.
1399. What special requirements applies to fire alarm signalling systems in passenger ships Fail safe,
Centralized in a continuously manned control station, Remote control of fire doors, Indication of open or
closed fire doors, Reactivation of ventilation, Detector status, Back up powered
1400. When cargo discharge reaches stripping levels on an oil tanker, it is necessary to reduce the inert gas
pressure so as to:
Minimise blowback.
1404. When shutting down the flue gas plant, the last step that the operator shall carry out would be to:
Shut down of inert gas blower.
1405. Where and for what are rubber mats used on board a pure RoRo car carrier?
Under the loading ramp flap to prevent vehicle damage
1406. Where on board a RoRo ship will cargoes experience the greatest accelerations? In the highest stowage
positions to each side of the ship
1407. Where shall you be able to activate the ship security alert system on board passenger ships?
From the navigation bridge and in at least one other location
1408. Which of the following appliances are compulsorily in any ro-ro cargo space intended for the carriage of
motor vehicles with fuel in their tanks for their own propulsion?
At least one portable foam applicator unit
1409. Which of these is not a Cargo Transport Unit under the IMDG Code?
Road tank vehicle
1411. Why are all RoRo passenger ships divided into vertical ’zones’?
Vertical zones are fire zones which can be divided from each other with fire doors. In case of fire, all
fire doors in front and aft of the fire will be closed to prevent spreading of smoke/fire.
1413. With reference to oil tanker equipment, the abbreviation VECS stands for:
Vapour Emission Control System.
1414. With reference to the efficiency of cargo pumps on oil tankers, the abbreviation NPSH stands for:
Net Pressure Suction Head.
1723.Yang bertugas tanggung jawab semua peralatan keselamatan yang ada diatas kapal adalah
Mualim III
1726.Manajemen yang cenderung pada pengaturan massa yang banyak dimana kita harus
mampu mengatasinya, disebut :
Crowd Management
1727.Manajemen yang mengatur segala sesuatu keadaan yang susah diatur atau dalam
situasi krisis, disebut :
Crisis Management
1728. Yang tidak termasuk setifikat sesuai dengan ISM Code adalah :
1729.Pihak – pihak mana sajakah yang tidak terlibat dalam pemberlakuan ISM Code ?
1731.Suatu manajemen kapal yang sudah berjalan dengan baik dapat dilihat dari indicator –
Indikator, diantara indicator – indicator tersebut adalah
1732.Suatu proses atau sejumlah aktivitas yang berkesinambungan dan saling berhubungan yang melibatkan
manusia, tekhnologi, metode, modal untuk mencapai suatu tujuan organisasi didalam pengoperasian
kapal disebut :
Shipping Management
1733.During restricted visibility, you are posted as bridge lookout and you hear 1
long blast at intervals of about 2 minutes on your port bow. What will you
report to the OOW (officer on watch)?
a. Fog signal of one long blast heard on the port bow at regular
intervals of about 2 minutes
1734.How is a EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) activated?
a. Most EPIRBs are automatically activated when they enter the water
1735.How will you act if you are helmsman and the OOW (officer on watch) gives
you the order: ”Nothing to port”
a. Don’t allow the ship to swing at all to port
1736.If the relief for the bridge lookout does not appear at the end of the watch,
when required, what should be the actions of the existing lookout
a. He should inform the Officer of the Watch and wait for instructions
1737.If you are the helmsman on duty, what would be the correct action if the
OOW (officer on watch) gives you the order to: "Change over from
Automatic pilot to Hand steering".
a. Apply the controls to disconnect the Automatic pilot and engage
hand steering. Start steering the vessel using the wheel and confirm
with the OOW the change-over is complete and the course you are
to steer
1738.Under what circumstances should gangway nets be rigged under the
a. Whenever the gangway is rigged between ship and shore.
1739.What are the duties of an effective bridge look out?
a. Keeping a constant observation around the ship.
1740.What are the duties of the "Standby Watch keeper" when he is not on the
a. Remain in the expected location, available for immediate call from
the bridge
1741.What does the term "Hard a Starboard" or "Hard to Starboard" mean?
a. Put the wheel fully over to starboard.
1742.What is meant by the term "keeping a proper lookout" as applied to the bridge
a. Keeping a visual lookout all round the ship and also actively
listening out for audio signals
1743.What is the correct way that the lookout should report the appearance of a
light, in clear visibility, on the port side of the ship in a direction half way
between right ahead and abeam?
a. The lookout should state "Light 4 points to port"
a. Inform the bridge of any new lights when they appear over the
horizon or any other items observed which may affect the ship
1744.What is the meaning of the term "Steady as she goes" when acting as
a. While altering the ships head, the instruction "steady as she goes"
means reduce the ships swing as rapidly as possible and steady on
present course
1745.What will you do if you are helmsman and the OOW (officer on watch) gives
you the order: “Port 20” and after a while the order: "Ease to 10"?
a. Apply 20 degrees of rudder towards port and then after the second
command reduce the wheel to 10 degrees of helm.
1746.What will you do if you are helmsman and the OOW (officer on watch) gives
you the order: ”Starboard ten”
a. Repeat the command back and then turn the wheel to make the
rudder turn 10 degrees to starboard of amidships
1747.When acting as helmsman would you expect the reading of the gyro compass
to be the same as the magnetic compass?
a. Very seldom would they be the same
1748.When you are on watch during a stay in port, what should you always ensure
is ready at the head of the gangway?
a. Life buoy with line.
1749.The diagram shows the direction that a rope runs during a mooring operation
and a possible place where it may break. Where would be considered the
safest position to stand?
a. Outside the blue coloured zone.
1750.The diagram shows the lead of a rope during mooring operations and the
possible point where it may break. Where would be considered the safest
place to be standing?
a. Outside the coloured zone.
1751.What is the correct understanding of the term "boat drill"?
a. Practical exercise for the people on board to practice their duties and
be prepared in the case of an emergency abandon ship.
2380. After smoking, cigarettes should be disposed off as follows: Disposed of in an ashtray, ensuring
that it is extinguished
2381. As a fire fighter, what should you always consider when fighting a fire in a confined space?
The confined space always has six sides
CO2 horn
2390. Give the meaning of the following symbol
Fire station
2393. Give the meaning of the following symbol
Flame detector
2394. Give the meaning of the following symbol
Foam installation
2395. Give the meaning of the following symbol
Gas detector
2398. Give the meaning of the following symbol
Heat detector
2399. Give the meaning of the following symbol
Sprinkler horn
2410. Give the meaning of the following symbol
2412. How many separate means of escape are provided from each fire zone above the bulkhead deck?
At least two
2414. In a smoke filled alleyway where will the cleanest air be found, and how should you proceed
Near to the deck, crawl out keeping your face as near to the deck as possible.
2415. In case of a fire on the line of an oxyacetylene gas-welding equipment, what action should be
Close the valves on both bottles, first the acetylene and then the oxygen bottle
2416. In order to extinguish a fire with a portable extinguisher, we must proceed in the following way:
Maintain a safe distance, apply the extinguishing agent to the base of the flames with the wind behind us
2417. In order to extinguish a flammable liquid of the same kind as alcohol, we can use: Anti-alcohol
2418. In the fire fighting of fires of a type C with dry chemical powder extinguishers, the application is
in a continuous way so that the powder spray is in the same direction as the one of the flame
2564. Metode yang lebih efektif untuk menolong orang jatuh kelaut (MOB)
a. Single Turn
b. Williamsun Turn A
c. Double Turn
2565. Semboyan yang menunjukkan bahwa kapal, pesawat terbang atau kendaraan
lain ditimpa kesusahan / marabahaya dan segera membutuhkan pertolongan melalui radio
telephony adalah .......
d. Tidak tahu
2566. Di bawahini adalah life saving appliences, kecuali
a. Life bouy
b. Life boat E
c. Parachute signal
d. Orange smoke signal
e. Axe and crowbars
2567. Rencanapenanggulangansegalakemungkinanakantimbulnyakeadaandarurat di
ataskapal, disebut
a. Master plan
b. Contingency plan B
c. Ship security plan
d. Fire plan
e. Passage plan
2568. Daftarnama-
rurat di kapal. Di sebut
a. Muster list A
b. Crew list
c. Passage plan
d. Escape plan
e. Fire plan
2569. Apakahkeuntunganapabiladibuatorganisasipenanggulangankeadaandarurat ?
a. Tugasdantanggungjawabdapattertulisdenganjelas
b. Semuaindividumerasasalingterkaitdanterggabungdalamsaubentukorganisasi E
c. Dalamsatupimpinan, sehinggaperintah, instruksiakanlebihterarah
d. Tugasdantanggungjawabtidakterlaluberatkarena di pikulbersama
e. Semuajawabanbenar
2570. Bila mendengan bunyi suling kapal sebanyak 7 (tujuh) pendek, dan 1 (satu)
panjang secara terus menerus merupakan isyarat dengan istilah...
a. Man Over Board
b. Grounding
c. Abandon ship
d. Tidak tahu
2571. Apakahkepanjangandari S.O.S
a. Save Our Ship
b. Safe Our Safety C
c. Save Our Souls
d. Tidak tahu
2572. Berikut adalah beberapa alarm signal yang harus di bunyikan berdasarkan
emergency procedure, kecuali
a. Berthing station A
b. Fire and emergency Station
c. Abandon ship Station
d. Tidak tahu
2573. Kapalkandassecaratidaksengajaolehsuatukeadaandarurat
a. Stranding
b. Beaching A
c. Surging
d. Yawing
e. Pitching
2574. Pancaran berita terkait keselamatan (safety) selalu di awali dengan kata ... …..
a. Mayday
b. Securite B
c. Pan Pan
d. Tidak tahu
2575. Beberapasituasi yang dapatmenimbulkankeadaandarurat di kapal tanker, kecuali
e. Fire (kebakaran)
f. Ledakan (explotion) E
g. Muatantumpah (over Flow)
h. Tabrakan (collution)
i. Man over board
2576. Instalasi CO2, fire hydrant, smoke detector, fire detector, hose and nozzle
adalah bagian dari ….
a. Live saving appliances C
b. Ship equipment
c. Fire fighting equipment
d. Tidak tahu
2577. Frekuensi dan channel yang digunakan oleh pelayaran internasional untuk
panggilan marabahaya, keamanan navigasi, dan panggilan regular di saluran VHF
a. 2182 KHz (channel 72) C
b. 121.5 MHz (channel 09)
c. 156.8 MHz (channel 16)
d. Tidak tahu
2578. Pertimbangan pertimbangan seorang nahkoda boleh meninggalkan kapal
(abandon ship), kecuali
a. Stabilitaskapal semakin buruk dan tidak dapat di atasi C
b. Kapal di perkirakanakan meledak,sehingga membahayakan ABK
c. Karena frustasi dan rasa takut
d. Tidak tahu
2579. Faktorfaktor yang menyebabkanpencariantidakberhasiladalah ….
a. Benda yang di cariterlalukecil
b. Salah dalampenentuan datum E
c. Keadaancuacatidakmendukung
d. Keadaanlaut / ombakbesar
e. A,B,C,D benarsemua
2580. Yang tidaktermasukpenyebabterjadinyakeadaandarurat di ataskapal
a. Human error D
b. Kesalahanmanusia
c. KehendakTuhan
d. Kesalahansatelit
e. Pelanggaranperaturan
2581. IAMSAR
a. Penerbangandanpelayaran
b. Pelayarandanperbintangan A
c. Penerbangandanantariksa
d. Penerbangandanpencintaalam
e. Pelayarandanpelayanan
2582. Isyaratkodeinternasionaluntukmenunjukanbahayadanmemerlukanpertolonganad
a. “B.O”
b. “B.U” E
c. “N.U”
d. “U.N”
e. “N.C”
2583. Yang bukantermasukpolapencariandalamoperasi SAR adalah…..
a. Sector search
b. Expanding search D
c. Parallel track
d. Search light
e. Ship and air craft coordinated pattern
2584. Pesan atau berita yang bersifat mendesak yang berhubungan dengan kapal,
pesawatudara dan manusia, di sebut
a. Distress massage C
b. Safety massag
c. Urgency massage
d. Tidak tahu
2585. Safety massage atau Berita/ pesan yang berisi informasi tentang keselamatan
pelayaran, navigasi, dan berita cuaca. Di awali dengan kata …
a. securite A
b. pan pan
c. mayday
d. Tidak tahu
2586. apakahkepanjangandari VHF, dalam system radio
a. very high fuel
b. very high frequency B
c. very high field
d. volatile high frequency
e. volatile high freeze
2587. apakahkepanjangan DSC, dalam system radio
a. digital selective calling
b. differential scanning calorimetry A
c. debt service coverage
d. digital sound call
e. deleted scene cuts
2588. Salah satu alat yang merupakan bagian dari instalasi GMDSS, yang digunakan
untuk mengirim sinyal yang menunjukan sebuah lokasi sekoci, atau perahu darurat, di
d. Tidak tahu
2589. Bunyi alarm kebakaran jika kapal berada dipelabuhan/diterminal adalah...
a. Satu tiup panjang dengan selang waktu 5 detik
b. Satutiuppanjangdenganselangwaktu 10 detik B
c. Satutiuppanjangdenganselangwaktu 15 detik
d. Tidak tahu
2590. Perhatikan gambar berikut !
Penyebutan dari bendera tersebut adalah...
a. Echo
b. Bravo
c. Mike
d. Tidak tahu
2591. Maksud dari simbul peringatan bahaya dari muatan yang diberi label berikut
Maksud dari simbul diatas adalah...
a. Fire alarm panel
b. Sprinkler horn
c. Fire Hose box
d. Tidak tahu
Berapa tahunkah berlakunya DOC[Documen of compliance] ?
.1 Tahun.
2726. Bukti objective yd di temukan menunjukkan kondisi yg tdk memenuhi dl external audit ialah:
Non conformity.
2727. Salah satu keuntungan adanya ISM-Code bagi pelaut adalah?.
Menjadikan kapal sbgai tempat bekerja yg aman bagi pelaut.
2728. Suatu manajemen kapal yg sdh berjln dgn baik dpt di lihat dari indicator” yaitu?.
2729. Suatu proses atau sejumlah aktivitas yg berkesinambungan dan saling berhubungan yang melibatkan
manusia,teknolodi,metode,modal untuk mencapai suatu tujuan organisasi di dalam pengoperasian kapal adalah?.
Shipping Management
2731. Manajemen yg cenderung pd pengaturan masa yg byk dimna kita hrs mampu mengatasinya, disebut?.
Crowd Management.
2732. Manajemen yg mengatur segala sesuatu keadaan yg susah di atur atau dlm situasi krisis di sebut?.
Crisis Management
b. Merencanakan dan melaksanakan pelayaran dan menentukan posisi. (Plan and conduct a passage and determine position )
Before the voyage commences.
c. What is the correct understanding of the term "Isobar"?An "Isobar" is a line joining places of equal pressure.
d. What is the correct understanding of the term "Lapse Rate" when used in Meteorology?The change of the temperature in the
atmosphere with height above sea level.
e. What is the depth of an iceberg below the surface of the sea? The draught of an iceberg varies with the type of berg and its age.
f. What is the direction of wind associated with an anticyclone (area of high pressure) in the Northern Hemisphere?Clockwise
around the high pressure
g. What is the weather associated with being in the centre of an Anticyclone (a region of High Pressure)?Light winds and fair
weather, sometimes fog.
h. What is understood by the term "Dew point" of the air?The temperature at which condensation in the air forms into water
i. When the temperature of the air increases with height it is known as a "Temperature Inversion" and may influence the
performance of some instruments on the ship. What should the bridge Officer of the Watch be prepared to happen?Abnormal
ranges of VHF RT and Second Trace Returns on the radar
j. NGA (NIMA) charts are adopting the metric system in order use the conversion lable found________
All of the above
a. Whit respect to failure warnings and status indicators,GPS received
A warning of loss of position
All of the above
b. What action should the Officer of the Watch (OOW) take if he is forced to make a major deviation from the voyage plan?
a. Inform the Master
c. What are the limits of a passage or voyage plan?
a. From berth to berth
d. What is the shortest distance between two points on the surface of the earth?
a. Great Circle
e. It is masters responsibility to ensure that?.
Concerned personnal carry out the on-board traing progamme effectively.
f. The office phone, fax, telex, and after office hours telephone numbers can be
found in ?.
The ships emergency contingency manual.