Vulnerability Management Datasheet

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Vulnerability Management
as a Service

Any business managing measurable improvements in vulnerability

a complex IT security reduction. We utilize threat intelligence VMaaS includes:
and exploits tracked, focused vulnerability
environment needs to know management efforts on the highest impact
• Managed or Self-Service
where the weak points are in weaknesses in an IT security environment.
the system’s armour. Every In addition, VMaaS integrates with our • Internal and External
regulatory and compliance Threat Detection service. Vulnerability Scanning
framework requires frequent • Qualys-based VM Tools and
vulnerability scanning, followed Scanning Vendor partnership Reports
by detailed reporting and • Policy Templates and
remediation tasks, to effectively Customization

root out these weaknesses, • DHCP Support

and a strong security Our partnership with Qualys utilizes
posture is one that meets their SaaS-based platform to deliver
compliance requirements, robust Vulnerability Management
contractual obligations and risk services. This partnership provides Benefits of VMaaS
self-service scan data and enhanced • 24/7 security monitoring and
management standards.
Vulnerability and Threat Correlation (VTC) management.
Vulnerability Management as a Service services, enabling the identification of • Protect your assets wherever
(VMaaS) provides the flexibility needed malicious activity. they reside (the cloud, data
to create a scanning program specifically
Additional features include: center, on-premise).
designed to fit an organization’s
requirements. Our vulnerability scanning • fully automatic threat correlation for • Service or operational levels to
can scale to any organization’s managed scans suit your business model.
requirements, from small business to • DHCP support • Scalable and consistent to
enterprise-level, correlating scan data manage risk and information
• multiple report options: Exec, Technical,
against monitoring data for advanced security on a worldwide basis.
Scorecard, Patch, Top 20 and more
on/off target correlation and SOC threat • Threat Detection (Enhanced tier)
profiling. This workflow minimizes the Threat Detection integration integration.
number of false positives and frees up VMaaS now integrates with our
inhouse IT staff for other vital initiatives. Threat Detection (Enhanced) service,
Traditional vulnerability management a configuration that allows for real- This integration makes our vulnerability
processes are notoriously time-consuming, time, proactive detection, analysis management service unique in the IT
inefficient, and resource-intensive. They and response from our Security security market. We provide a service that
can focus on the wrong criteria, resulting Operations Centers (SOCs). Fast, precise finds and clarifies your vulnerabilities,
in security and compliance program containment of threats is the result, and while simultaneously working to detect
gaps. VMaaS is specifically designed in so doing, we provide fully end-to-end and preempt the malicious activities
to overcome these issues and see coverage. those systems are likely to face.

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data sheet | Vulnerability Management as a Service

About us
NTT Ltd. is a global technology services company bringing together the expertise of
leaders in the field, including NTT Communications, Dimension Data, and NTT Security.
We partner with organizations around the world to shape and achieve outcomes
through intelligent technology solutions. For us, intelligent means data driven,
connected, digital, and secure. As a global ICT provider, we employ more than 40,000
people in a diverse and dynamic workplace, and deliver services in over 200 countries
and regions. Together we enable the connected future.
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