Rapid7 InsightVM Product Brief

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Live Vulnerability
Assessment & Endpoint
As modern networks evolve, your risk exposure changes Secure Your Modern Network
by the minute. Each year you see the amount of data grow
exponentially, the threat of attacks become more sophisti- Adapt to your modern network with full visibility of your eco-
cated, and the challenges of minimizing risk and optimizing system, prioritization of risk using attacker-based analytics,
operations are becoming more challenging. It sometimes and SecOps-powered remediation. Pair that with unparal-
feels like a never-ending battle, but overcoming risk is leled, ongoing research of the attacker mindset, and you’ll be
possible by understanding it. How? Through shared visibility, ready to act before impact.
analytics, and automation—principles core to the practice
of SecOps.
Collect Data Across Your Ecosystem
Utilizing the power of Rapid7’s Insight platform and the • Continuous Endpoint Monitoring Using
the Insight Agent
heritage of our award-winning Nexpose product, Insight-
VM provides a fully available, scalable, and efficient way The Rapid7 Insight Agent automatically collects data
to collect your vulnerability data, turn it into answers, and from all your endpoints, even those from remote workers
minimize risk. InsightVM leverages the latest analytics and and sensitive assets that cannot be actively scanned, or
endpoint technology to discover vulnerabilities in a real-time that rarely join the corporate network. Pair InsightVM
view, pinpoint their location, prioritize them for your busi- with Rapid7 InsightIDR to get a complete picture of the
ness, facilitate collaboration with other teams, and confirm risks posed by your endpoints and their users.
your exposure has been reduced.
• Liveboards, Not Static Dashboards
Drawing from fresh vulnerability data, InsightVM
Liveboards are live and interactive by nature. You can
easily create custom, tailored cards and full dashboards
for anyone—from sysadmins to CISOs—and query each
“Rapid7 has already card with simple language to track progress of your
security program. Visualize, prioritize, assign, and fix
implemented what VRM your exposures more easily than ever before.
will look like in the future.”
• Cloud, Virtual, and Container Assessment
InsightVM integrates with cloud services, virtual
—The Forrester Wave™: Vulnerability
infrastructure, and container repositories like Amazon
Risk Management, Q1 2018 Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and VMware to make
sure you don’t miss any new instances and Docker
containers that are brought online. You can also correlate
deployed containers to assets, so you can secure both
containers and container hosts—all at no additional cost.

Prioritize Using Attacker Analytics
• Attacker-Based Risk Analysis
Prioritize risk the way attackers would. InsightVM translates decades dashboards
of attacker knowledge into proven analytics. The granular, 1-1000 are the best
Real Risk score takes into account CVSS scores, malware exposure,
exploit exposure and ease of use, and vulnerability age. This makes it view we have
simpler—and more precise than CVSS alone—to prioritize vulnerabilities of our security
for remediation. Rapid7 Project Sonar data and threat feeds translate
to dashboards within InsightVM, so you can understand which external posture, and
network doors you’re missing and which vulnerabilities attackers are remediation
actively exploiting.
• Live Remediation Planning
Once the most critical vulnerabilities are brought to the surface, make it easy
assign and track remediation duties in real time with Remediation for IT to
Workflows. InsightVM integrates with IT ticketing solutions like
Atlassian Jira and ServiceNow, making it easy for IT to take action. incorporate
InsightVM also integrates with Rapid7 InsightConnect, our security remediation
orchestration and automation platform, to bring automation and
prioritization to the patching process. into the rest of
their work.”
Remediate with SecOps Agility
To move faster and more securely, you need to go beyond scanning in silos. - Sierra View Medical
InsightVM is built to enable collaboration with IT operations and developers
through shared visibility, analytics, and automation. Center

What does this look like in practice? InsightVM integrates with IT’s existing
workflows and ticketing systems to provide remediation instructions with
context, thus accelerating remediation, and provides actionable reporting
on program progress for every audience—from IT and compliance to the Ready to get started?
C-Suite. On the development side of the house, InsightVM lets you assess
containers to ensure services are secure before they go into production, Start your free 30-day trial
and the Rapid7 Insight Agent helps infrastructure teams automatically of InsightVM today.
assess new cloud infrastructure as soon as it goes live.

Compliance and Secure Configurations,
Call +1.866.380.8113, or visit our
Without the Headaches
Customer Portal.
Show auditors how your environment has changed over time, demonstrating
how you’re compliant against PCI DSS, NERC CIP, FISMA (USGCB/FDCC), Customer Portal
HIPAA/ HITECH, Top 20 CSC, DISA STIGS, and CIS standards for risk,
vulnerability, and configuration management. Take it one step further and
harden your systems based on industry best practices like CIS and DISA
STIG to get your network in shape.

©RAPID7 2018

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