Journal Review Format Pete
Journal Review Format Pete
Journal Review Format Pete
1. Deadline of Submission: July 21, 2023 – 5:00 PM
2. Submission format:
• pdf file: copy of annotated/commented/reviewed journal paper and your personal
• file name(annotated Journal): Section_Group#_SCI402_annotatedJournal.pdf
• file name(Journal Review): Section_Group#_SCI402_JournalReview.pdf
• review format: A4 size with normal margins (2.54 cm in all sides); Times New Roman
11 pt; 1.15 spacing
4. Peer Review
• Pdf file: Evaluation on each group member (100 being the highest)
• Please provide detailed answers to the following guide questions. Your answers must
be traceable from the reviewed journal paper. Use specific figures, tables, equations,
sections, paragraphs, etc with page numbers to cite and explain your answers. Use
annotations (e.g. comments and highlights) to show me where in the reviewed paper
you get your answers. Your answers to guide questions will not be checked and considered
without the annotations in the journal paper. Guide questions (from Taylorand Francis
Publishing Group):
• Journal Review document includes the following (in order):
• Essay – type answer for the 25 GUIDE QUESTIONS
• Personal Review
• Summary of Annotated comments in the Journal File. (Include the person
contributed for that certain annotation.)
General questions on quality and value, suitability, and presentation
13. Are the data selective? Why have the authors included some results and not others?
14. Are the data adequately explained in the text?
15. Is everything labeled clearly?
16. Are the conclusions drawn from the data reasonable?
17. Is there sufficient justification for using the particular statistical tools?
18. Have the authors explained why they chose certain values (e.g. quantities of
19. Do the authors give enough information about the experiment that it could be
20. What equipment and materials/samples were used? It is important that the authors
be precise.
21. Do the authors use SI (or SI-derived) units?
22. Are the values reported with a sufficient degree of accuracy?
23. Is the paper easy to follow?
Detailed comments
24. Any unclear points in the paper that need further elaboration?
25. How can the author improve the clarity, succinctness, and overall quality of the
presentation of his/her paper?
PERSONAL REVIEW (write anything that YOU can say or Overall Critique from the paper)
Prepared by: