B2 U6 Test Higher Answer Key
B2 U6 Test Higher Answer Key
B2 U6 Test Higher Answer Key
5 Possible answers:
Possible answers: 1 ten/10 hours
1 We’re taking a torch in case it gets dark. 2 her physiotherapist
2 I’ll go to the party as long 3 fractured his foot
as/provided/providing that there’s food. 4 marriage/wife
3 You can go as long as/provided/providing 5 high impact
that you come home on time. 6 is playing/plays sport
7 stress relief
13 Marking criteria
Students’ own answers Use the marking criteria below to give a score
out of 10.
9–10 Full contribution. Basic and some
complex structures, accurate and well-
organised. Pronunciation mostly clear.
14 7–8 Adequate contribution. Basic and some
Sample answer: complex structures, generally accurate
We all want to lead a long healthy life and stay and well-organised. Pronunciation
fit for as long as possible. Some people think mostly clear.
that there is nothing more important than our 5–6 Adequate contribution. Basic structures,
health. However, others believe that there are generally accurate and some
aspects that are just as, if not more important. organisation. Pronunciation mostly
Firstly, if we aren’t healthy and fit, this can clear.
result in problems such as obesity, heart 3–4 Limited contribution. Basic structures,
problems and certain forms of cancer. We often inaccurate but some organisation.
would be unable to do what we would like Pronunciation mostly clear.
because of our health, and this can lead to 1–2 Very limited contribution. Basic
depression and the inability to live life to the structures, mostly inaccurate and little
full. organisation. Pronunciation not always
On the other hand, someone who is always at clear.
the gym and eating salad cannot be said to be 0 Contribution too small or too
having the fullest life. Not only are they incomprehensible to mark.
spending endless hours obsessing about diet
or exercise, but they are also missing out on
exciting opportunities with friends or family.
In my opinion, it’s all about balance. We can
still enjoy the fun things in life like catching up
with friends for pizza or going to the cinema,
while also being aware that exercising a few
times a week is going to help us keep in
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