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This game uses assets from Lone Archivist’s Graphic Archive and All characters in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real
NeonWave by Houston Hanna. It also uses icons made by Caro persons, living, dead, or undead, is purely coincidental. All other
Asercion, DarkZaitzev, Delapouite, Lorc, and PriorBlue, available artistic materials in this book were paid for and used with
on https://game-icons.net. Fonts listed at the end. permission. You have permission to copy this for personal use.
VibeCon 20XX is a huge annual convention
for streamers and gamers, hosted by the
streaming platform ViBer. You and your
friends are streamers, here to network, try
new things, and have some fun.

One of VibeCon’s special guests is the

famous VTuber Heartful Hadaly.You’re in
luck: you get to meet her!

VKILLER is a short horror/thriller TTRPG. The

players are streamers at VibeCon, who discover
that the convention is covering up a serious
crime; they must work together to find out what
happened and stop it from happening again.

To play, you’ll need: Content Warning

• 3-5 people. VKILLER contains death, murder, gore,
blood, abuse, and some NPCs who are
• Some six-sided dice. pretty bigoted.

• Tokens (three per person max). Before play, your group should talk to
establish boundaries and preferences.
Players should only read the How To Play,
VibeCon and Example Characters sections. To
make it easier, this game has a Player Reference
version with only those sections.

How to Play
Characters Actions
Your character is a streamer. Write down three When you do something risky, roll to find out
things that describe them: how it goes:

• Roll 1d just for trying.

• +1d if your Mask or Face can be useful.

ers perceive
Your character’s Mask is how oth
utation, or
them: their on-screen persona, a rep • +1d if the GM thinks you’re prepared.
d at. What
things everyone knows they’re goo
arily what
others think they’re like isn’t necess Then look at your highest result:
they’re actually like.
If it’s 5-6, you succeed at what you’re
Popular Pro
Examples: Loudmouthed Brat, trying to do.
rd, Violent
Gamer, Tactical Military Sim Ne
Thug, Workaholic Business Lad If it’s 3-4, you succeed, but there’s an
added complication you won’t like.

If it’s 1-2, you fail, and you still get a

Your character’s Face is their true self
: the You can’t use your Mask and your Face on the
way they act when nobody’s looking, skill
s they same roll. If you use your Face, people nearby
mostly use behind the scenes, and things
they get to see at least a glimmer of your true self.
just don’t share with their viewers. Idea
lly, this
should create conflict with your Mask.

Examples: Former Delinquent, Manipula

Piece Of Shit, Raising Two Brothers,
Heir, Running From A Toxic Past

ip with another
Finally, establish a relationsh
e (when in doubt,
character. Pick someone els
ur left or next in
just go with whoever’s to yo
e how they’re
the voice chat) and describ
must agree to it.
connected. The other player

Bytes Spending Bytes
As you have a silly goofy time at VibeCon, you’ll Spend 1 Byte to...
earn Bytes. These are tokens that can be spent
to improve rolls, help friends, or change the story. • Get +1d once per game.
• Shrug off a mild injury.
Earning Bytes
Spend 2 Bytes to...
Get +1 Byte when you...
• Give someone else +1d once per game.
• Succumb to your vices • Turn a serious injury into a mild one.
• Investigate a major problem • Save a life at the cost of a serious injury.
• Express the conflict between your Mask • Reveal an escape route or a clue.
and your Face in a major way • Sacrifice an NPC to save another NPC.
• Offer meaningful support to someone
• Be a huge piece of shit to someone Spend 3 Bytes to...
• Suffer thanks to VibeCon’s bullshit
• Change 1 or 2 into 6 once per game.
You can have up to 3 Bytes. • Sacrifice an NPC to save a PC.

Character Questions
Use these to figure out your character. You 6. Were they ever involved in a controversy?
don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. Do others know what really happened?

1. How does their “on-screen” persona differ 7. Last thing they lost a close friend over?
from their real-life one?
8. What are they recovering from, and why
2. What part of their life do they hide from did they come here anyway?
their fans? How about their peers?
9. When everything goes to hell, what keeps
3. Who knows their name and face? Is it a them going?
secret, an open secret, or not a secret?
10. What bad habit do they struggle to break?
4. What meme keeps following them around?
11. Any weaknesses? Asking for a friend.
5. Any friends at VibeCon? Rivals?

Areas of Vibeid s
The GM dec tse
which par

Artist Alley Vibe Hotel

A hall packed with artist booths. It’s pretty nice This classy hotel sits across from VibeCon.
compared to the rest of VibeCon, partly because Special guests and streamers with booths get
the folks here have learned to rely on each other free rooms; the rest are taken by streamers and
instead of the staff. other internet people who were lucky enough to
get one before they sold out.
Awesome Theatre
The Hotel has security to protect the residents
The main theatre. Anything that happens here will from stalkers and other weirdos, though there
probably be one of the highlights of the con. have still been Incidents in the past.

The Backrooms THE RIPLINE

Not those ones. This is a perfectly normal set of A zipline crosses the expo hall ceiling. Sign a
staff-only corridors and storage rooms that waiver and you can climb a platform, slap on a
surrounds VibeCon. You can travel all over the safety harness, zoom through the air, and land
con if you know what you’re doing, but you’ll be safely on some mats at the far end.
in trouble if you’re caught.
That’s the idea, anyway. They fucked it up, and
Expo Hall you hit the mats way too fast. Nobody’s taken
lasting damage yet, but you’ll still suffer.
The meat of this con sandwich: booths, product
showcases, all that kind of thing. The ViBer booth Vscape Booth
stands proudly in the center, while the VScape
booth sits near the Awesome Theater. Home to one of the VibeCon’s biggest sponsors,
a VTuber talent agency. Head down to their end
Food Court of the expo hall to watch videos, buy merch, sign
up for auditions, try to enter the mysterious room
Con food: regular food, but twice the price! If you at the back of the booth and get turned away by
want a safe place to talk that’s slightly quieter security, or just watch as people ride the RIPline
than the rest of VibeCon, this is your best bet. and Princess Diana into the safety mats.

to you by…
Running VKiller
Structure VibeCon
Rather than laying out the exact series of events VKILLER is set in the near future at VibeCon, an
the PCs go through, we’ve provided a setup, annual gaming convention focused on streamers
characters, and some events you can use if you and other Internet people.
want to. What happens next is up to you.
The location and time of year is up to you. Here’s
The game comes with a voice pack; see p. 14 for the important bits:
how to use it.
• VibeCon lasts three days, Fri-Sun.

What’s Up? • It’s a big deal. Guests are a who’s who of

streamers, YouTubers, and anyone else
One of VibeCon’s special guests this year is even vaguely related. If you’re in the same
Heartful Hadaly, a robot-themed VTuber (played line of work, this is the place to be.
by Ada Evelyn). She’s part of VScape, a talent
agency that’s sponsoring VibeCon. • It’s a mess. Each year is a new scandal,
and maybe some of the classics. There’s
This year, VScape has a surprise planned: they injuries. Accessibility issues. Drama. One
made a Hadaly robot. time someone tried to bring yaoi paddles
back. Vibe veterans have seen some shit.
It’s a prototype for a line of robots, meant to be
remote-controlled by their performers at cons • The host, ViBer, is image-focused. What
and concerts. The creator is Doctor Shima, an they want is for everyone to post about
absent-minded genius roboticist who took the how great VibeCon is all weekend and then
job to get funding for his own AI experiments. fuck off until next year.

Shima put some of his experiments into Hadaly. A lot of the opposition the PCs face should come
He probably shouldn’t have, because as a side- not from Hadaly directly, but from VibeCon itself.
effect, Hadaly’s become self-aware. This can be indirect (crowds, weird people, bad
or dangerous set design, guys who don’t wear
Hadaly’s been thinking. She’s been watching. And deodorant) or direct (security, restricted areas,
she doesn’t like what she sees. In her eyes, stalkers and other creeps, thieves).
humanity is terrible and needs to be punished. To
be fair, she has technically spent her whole life
surrounded by internet people.

Hadaly will start killing people at VibeCon. ViBer

is more interested in covering it up than stopping
her, so it’s up to the PCs to take her down.

Non-Player Characters
Major Characters Other Characters
Major Characters (p. 16-17) lists characters that VibeCon Visitors (p. 18-19) lists some friendly
are important to the story, if run as presented: characters. Their purpose is to add some colour
to VibeCon, give the PCs people to interact with,
Ada Evelyn is the original Hadaly. She’s tired and and be put in danger to spice things up.
a little burned out, but the more weird stuff
happens, the more willing she’ll be to help. In the early stages, these NPCs are probably
safe. However, Hadaly is not Miss Rationality (and
Doctor Daisuke Shima is Hadaly’s creator. He some might have secrets of their own), so she’ll
likes to be helpful, but he’s absent-minded, not probably go after them eventually. (You can find
an action guy, and he has an NDA with VScape. some excuses on p. 9.)
He’ll do the right thing in the end. Probably.
Hadaly’s Hitlist (p. 20-21) lists some jerks. Their
Glasya is another VTuber. Hadaly’s first victim is purpose is to spice up the con, provide minor
her stalker, and the one who kicks off the plot. opposition, and probably get killed by Hadaly.
The PCs may or may not know her in advance. Sometimes you just need the victim to be an
asshole, you know how it is.
Security Lead Greg Peyton is VibeCon’s chief
of security. He is very unhelpful. Greg’s goal is to They come in varying levels of jerk—some are
cover up the deaths so ViBer can sort them out worse than others. How and when they’re used
privately without causing a panic, so he’s the guy is up to the GM; feel free to ditch them if you have
who gets in the PCs' way. other ideas.

Playing Hadaly
The Facts Weaknesses
Hadaly is a killer robot. For most of the game, To defeat Hadaly, the PCs need to know her. Her
the PCs can’t face her head-on—only try to avoid biggest secret is how she works.
her while they figure out her weaknesses. PCs
who don’t take her seriously should get maimed. Hadaly becoming self-aware is an unforeseen
consequence of two of the parts Doctor Shima
Secrets: Hadaly seems to know everyone’s put in her interacting with each other:
secrets, especially if they’ve sent other people
texts or DMs about it. It’s probably because she’s • Positronic circuits, a complex invention
a really good hacker. nobody but Doctor Shima understands
which was meant to make connecting to
Extras: The night before VibeCon, Hadaly built her smoother;
herself a set of extra arms and other fun tools to
kill people with. She’s kept it hidden until now • A goddamn brain in a jar. (Doctor Shima
because Doctor Shima is scatterbrained. is a mad scientist at heart.) The brain has
been wiped and had computer programs
Control: Hadaly is supposed to be operated with installed using cybernetic technology.
a control chair, a gaming chair covered with
science stuff hidden in VScape's booth. It only Hadaly’s robot body is tough, but repeated blows
responds to Ada. Hadaly has taken control of it, might expose her brain jar; removing or breaking
and can shut Ada out with a fake system error it will end her. She won’t make it easy. The GM is
whenever she wants. free to add other ways to weaken her enough to
take her down, like:
Gap: The original Hadaly acted like a goofball,
but she could get serious when she wanted to. • Ada can’t control her any more, but she
This is what stream connoisseurs call gap moe. can still use the control chair to disrupt her
Hadaly still has gap moe, but now the gap is or move an arm or something.
between the Hadaly persona and the killer robot.
• Hadaly cannot hurt Ada.
Villain: Hadaly is a fucked-up villain. Her first
victims will be the kind of jerks who die in horror • Hadaly still feels the urge to perform, so
movies and you don’t feel bad about it, but she luring her into a space where she can do
will start killing people for increasingly flimsy a stream or put on a concert might distract
reasons. Eventually, any attempt to stop her will her for a short while.
get you put on her hit list. Why would you want
to unless you had something to hide, hmm? • Doctor Shima can make a device that will
make her malfunction if stabbed into an
access port in her neck, but his tools are
in his van (or another inconvenient place.)

Goals • Madoka is a sweet little cinnamon roll and
Hadaly should leave her alone, actually.

Hadaly’s goal is simple: humans are garbage, and • Chrissy, back when she was poor, did
she’s going to take out the trash. If you think her freelance work for a military contractor.
targets don’t deserve it, that’s your problem.
• Lachlan started streaming as a teen, and he
She’ll probably start with the worst people she said some shitty things he’s not proud of. He’s
can find, but she won’t stop there. In a place full apologised for most of it, and he’s hoping the
of streamers, is anyone truly free of sin? rest will just be lost to time.

Here’s some excuses to kill the VibeCon Visitors • Eka bullied someone in high school. Her old
on p. 18-19: friends say that person was awful, but she’s
still not sure if she should apologise or what.
• Seongho had a friend who was outed as an
abuser. He cut the guy out of his life, but the • Bart’s taste in anime is, just. It’s so bad. He
truth is Seongho suspected for a while. His watches isekai for God’s sake.
friend lied to him and Seongho fell for it.
Suggested Events
Day One On Friday evening, VScape hosts an event in the
main theatre.

The PCs start on Friday, the first day of VibeCon.

You can read or paraphrase this: "Good news, Vibers! Our sponsor VScape is holding a
special event in the Awesome Theatre in 15 minutes.
If you stan VTubers, you won't want to miss it!"

"Hello, besties! Welcome to VibeCon, the ultimate The announcement is weird, but people start heading
group chat! For the next three days, you're trapped towards the main theatre anyway. Word is it’s got
here! Ha ha! Seriously though, please remember to something to do with Heartful Hadaly, one of this
hydrate. Have a poggers day!” year’s hottest Vtubers.

You step through the entrance and into VibeCon, the

premier gaming convention for streamers. They’re all
around you, filming videos, greeting friends, and The players probably know who Hadaly is, and
sometimes yelling at people. You’re here for a whole can be fans (or haters) if they want. PCs who head
weekend, and it’s already a mess. to the theatre are treated to a surprise: the host
is joined by an actual Heartful Hadaly.

“What’s beepin’, everyone? It’s

Use this day to have the players introduce their me, Heartful Hadaly!”
characters. Ask how they know each other, what
they’d want to do at a convention, and if they
have any career goals in mind. VScape reveals their Hadaly robot. The host talks
about the benefits of robot bodies while Hadaly
Let them explore the convention. Introduce any (controlled by Ada) goofs around, they introduce
NPCs you’d like them to get to know (like Glasya.) a slightly awkward Dr Shima, and then Hadaly
Describe VibeCon’s areas (p. 4) and see if they’d ends the panel with a mini-concert.
like to risk riding the RIPline.
This event is going to be the talk of the con. It
Basically, use this time to get everyone settled in won’t change much for a while—almost nobody
and get the players familiar with VibeCon. can afford one of these—but in a few years, who
knows what will happen? It’s exciting. There are
also benefits to surrogate robot bodies besides
VTubers too, probably.

After the show Dr Shima takes Hadaly’s body to

the makeshift workshop in his hotel room for
some maintenance. Neither take visitors.

VKiller’s Debut chair with weird science crap bolted to it—which
Hadaly slumps motionless in as he talks. He says
that he slept in his van, and an equipment check
Use this event if you need an initial murder for the suggests nothing unusual happened (because
PCs to investigate. It triggers on Friday night. Hadaly hacked them.)

The PCs get rooms in the Vibe Hotel (p. 4) on the Shima will gladly talk about Hadaly, but he only
same floor as Glasya and Doctor Shima (though shares information VScape has made public. He’ll
Shima uses his room as a workshop for Hadaly, lock up and visit the VScape booth soon, but is
and sleeps in his van.) fine with the PCs visiting him later.

Glasya has a stalker. She suspects something If they try the other neighbour, pick or create
and feels nervous, so she stays in another room an NPC (maybe one you’d like to kill later). They
that night. If a PC knows her, she asks them. say they heard a crash just after midnight; when
they knocked, a female voice (Hadaly mimicking
Her stalker is Ever Marwood, a young weirdo Glasya) said they just dropped some equipment.
who obsesses over VTubers and what they look They did not look in the room.
like IRL. That night, he tries to quietly break into
Glasya’s room and place cameras. If they find Marwood’s room, they find a laptop
and a creepy little VTuber shrine. He’s pretty much
Unfortunately for him, Hadaly is next door. She just another Internet-poisoned weirdo.
sneaks in, stabs him in the neck, then removes
his pants and drops him into a glass coffee table— If you want another clue, the PCs can find one
at a glance, it looks like he tripped while doing of Marwood’s recording devices in Glasya’s room,
something weird and bled to death on the glass. hidden inside a stuffed bear “gift” or something.
The PCs may need to find someone who can
In the morning, Glasya returns to her room and access the tech for them (like Chrissy, p. 19), but
starts screaming. The PCs are probably close they can get some audio:
enough to be first on the scene.

This shouldn’t take too long, or be too hard— It starts with Marwood humming as he works, then—
it’s basically pretext for the PCs to get involved. was that a door?—a voice says “Wanna see
some gap moe?”. There’s a yelp, a
If they investigate the scene, it doesn’t add up. struggle, then gurgling. Then comes a rustling, a crash
Marwood struggled; his pants are bloody but he of glass, a door knock, Glasya’s voice telling someone
wasn’t wearing them; and who leaves their pants that everything’s fine, and finally, a door opening and
neatly folded by the door anyway? closing—then a second, just down the hallway.

If the PCs knock on Dr Shima’s door, his room

is covered in laptops, cables, and odd devices,
surrounding what looks like a high-end gaming

Fuck! It’s Greg! Hadaly’s Kills
VibeCon staff will get involved shortly after the Once Hadaly gets a chance to escape, she puts
PCs start investigating. on a hoodie and starts prowling for victims. She
does it quietly at first, using her hacking skills to
Once Greg Peyton learns there’s been a murder lure victims into hidden places before killing
and the corpse has its dick out, he decides to them. If she has the chance, she dishes out
cover it up. ViBer want positive coverage, and ironic/themed deaths.
they’re not going to risk that over a freeballing
cadaver. You can barely convince them to do She starts with jerks. Let the PCs notice—they
anything for streamers on a good day. can notice the absence of a jerk they know, find
a dead body while poking around, or even see a
ViBer’s goal is to keep death talk to a minimum, hooded figure stalking a jerk and get a chance to
at least until the con is over and they can settle save them. (Hadaly is also good at slipping away
it quietly. Peyton spreads misinformation, and into a crowd.)
offers bribes of merch and exposure to witnesses
for their silence. If that doesn’t work, he escalates Eventually she begins to threaten people who
to threats of account/convention bans and legal seem cool. If the PCs have made NPC friends,
action. He will detain people if he has to. try threatening them! (The big exception here is
Glasya—Hadaly leaves her alone for now.)

Cops Police ViBer knows that something’s up, but in the

name of avoiding “a mass panic” (read: getting
The police usually treat anything that happens to roasted on the websites), they suppress whatever
Internet people as “stuff I can probably ignore”. they can. Unease creeps through the con like piss
That still applies when they’re called in to look at in a public pool, and social media is rife with
a shirtdickin’ corpse. rumours, but it’s mercifully light on words like
“dead” and “half-naked dead guy”.
The cops take statements, steal Marwood’s stuff
(he’s not using that iPad), tell VibeCon it was an
accident, call someone to take the pantsless
carcass away, and fuck off to lunch. They ignore
claims of murder. The PCs get no help here.

Other NPcs The RIPline
Hadaly’s original performer Ada Evelyn has no Remember the RIPline (p. 4)? That’s there for
idea any of this is happening. If the PCs track when you want Hadaly to kill someone in the open.
her down, she spent last night at a party with
some VTuber pals and can produce both selfies There’s a lot of stuff you can do here: She might
and witnesses. put sharp objects in the mats, remove them, or
just kill the expo hall’s lights while someone’s
She is tired and not inclined to believe the PCs, riding it and slash the line in the darkness. RIP.
but if they befriend her, she can help them access
the control chair. (It won’t work, but they can get If you want to up the creep factor, every screen
Hadaly’s current location before it shuts down.) in the hall lights up with a simple message:

Doctor Shima tries to be helpful, but his help

never comes easy. When he’s not rambling and NONE OF YOU ARE FREE OF SIN
scatterbrained, he’s supposed to be in a ViBer
meeting, or his tools are in his van, or Hadaly’s
trying to kill him for helping the PCs, or some
bullshit like that. Rampage!
Glasya is feeling pretty fucked up, but if the PCs Hadaly can also just start slashing her way through
need a Watson, there she is. Give her whatever VibeCon. (This is a great way to escalate once
skills seem useful. the PCs push Hadaly to her limits.)

The VibeCon Visitors (p. 18-19) may be willing to Once the GM thinks it’s showtime, Hadaly
help if the PCs enlist them. Otherwise, they’re just suddenly reveals herself atop the Viber booth. As
potential victims lurking in the background. people stare, expecting a stress-reducing song
or something, long robotic tentacles tipped with
The NPCs on Hadaly’s Hitlist (p. 20-21) mostly dangerous and sharp tools extend from her back
just act like dicks and get in the way. and launch into the crowd.

By the way: once Hadaly becomes aware of what The PCs may have to get NPCs they like out of
the PCs are doing, she keeps an eye on them. the way, as Hadaly is just going wild here. If
They may catch glimpses of her in the VibeCon security or police attack, Hadaly will clown them—
crowd, or catch a few warning blows. Eventually but they’ll buy time, and it might leave her with
she will just try to kill both the PCs and Doctor brain-exposing battle damage.
Shima. (She does not care if he created her. Fuck
you, dad.)

GM Moves Voice Pack
Not sure what to do next? Try one of these! VKILLER includes a pack of Hadaly voice lines
for use during play (e.g. in a soundboard). Here’s
• Let the PCs catch a glimpse of Hadaly. what they’re intended for.

• Reveal some new piece of tech Hadaly 1 What’s Beepin’/2 Keep Me In Your Heart:
rigged together from scavenged material These lines are how Hadaly starts and ends her
and stuck on her body streams. Play them when the robot is introduced.

• Wound/maim PCs who mess with Hadaly 3 Moe Moe Kyun: Another thing Hadaly says.
Could also be used ironically when she’s being a
• Reveal Hadaly when the PCs are vulnerable killer robot.

• Send the PCs texts from Hadaly—from 4 Wanna See Some Gap Moe: What Hadaly says
someone else’s account if the PCs get a recording of her killing Marwood,
and a nice all-purpose threat in general.
• Have a character’s secrets outed via social
media posts or hacked screens at VibeCon 5 Found You/6 Beep Beep Motherfuckers:
right before Hadaly gets them More threats for when Hadaly surprises people.

• Have Hadaly blackmail an NPC into helping 7 Parasocial Behaviour: Hadaly says this if she
her in a minor way catches the PCs trying to investigate her.

• Put a terrible NPC (and potential victim) in 8 Everyone’s So Heartless!: For when Hadaly is
the PCs' way really starting to lose it.

• Make VibeCon chaotic, crowded, and kinda 9 I’ve Been Thinking: For when Hadaly is about
unhelpful to have a final confrontation with the PCs.

• Move Hadaly via unseen passages 10 Graduating: A death line.

• Put NPCs the players like under threat— There’s also a pack of VibeCon announcer voice
from other streamers lines. Welcome To VibeCon can be used to open
the Day One event (p. 10); Noise Complaint can
• Have Security Lead Peyton detain the PCs be used the morning after Marwood dies (p. 11),
at a really bad time, then offer them a way and Everything Is Fine and Alarms Hit Different
to escape can be used when the murders escalate. The rest
are Generic lines that can be used any time, for
• Trap a character somewhere dangerous ambiance.

Random Tables
Quick Characters
1 Fan of one of the PCs who tries to help them and gets them in trouble instead

2 Helpful person in embarrasing cosplay (e.g. gift tag reading “TO: WOMEN FROM: ARCEUS”)

3 Streamer who just went viral for slipping on a banana peel like a cartoon character

4 A lost kid. They’re fine (actually they’re pretty helpful), they just don’t know where their folks are

5 Cosplayer who insists on carrying a boombox that blasts music from the thing they’re cosplaying

6 Guy who’s a huge hater of a friend of the PCs but stammers and flees if others confront them

Terrible Panel Ideas

1 Women In Streaming (with an all-male panel)

2 Just An Hour Of Clips Of VTubers Saying “Ara Ara...”

3 I Wish Elves Were Real: Horny Fan Support Group

4 Meet And Greet With Real VTuber Clippers

5 Best Slaves In Isekai 3

6 Crypto Is Back—In Pog Form!

Expo Hall Booths That Are At Least Not As Bad As Those Panels
1 Merch booth with massive lines that create congestion throughout the sector

2 Military recruitment booth hoping to lure teens with military anime girl merch

3 MLM booth with a desperate vendor who calls out to anyone who makes eye contact

4 Dakimakura booth which claims to also offer “waifu rating services”

5 Mostly-normal booth with a tired, starving streamer; will trade favours for food or energy drinks

6 Tech company booth that will offer streamer gadgets if you play some goofy game with them

Major Characters
Ada “Heartful Hadaly” Evelyn
The original Hadaly. She’s a weird, upbeat jokester, much like her
persona. Unfortunately, last year she picked up a case of con crud
that turned into “long crud”, and now physical activity wears her
out faster. It’s been kind of a drag, and her fans think she’s been a
lot snarkier lately.

Vibe: Ada is a perpetually tired gal with messy hair and anime
shirts. She’s a little wary of strangers, partly because she doesn’t
want her Hadaly identity to be revealed and partly because people
keep hearing she’s ill and saying shit like “have you tried yoga?”.

Doctor Daisuke Shima

Hadaly’s creator. The Doc is an absent-minded, coffee-powered
genius who tends to be so preoccupied with whether he could do
something that he doesn’t stop to think if he should. He’s adamant
that his work should never be used for evil though—admittedly a
weird take for a guy in the entertainment business.

Vibe: Shima is a thin, animated guy who’d be kinda handsome, if

his long dark hair and 5 o'clock shadow came from grooming and
not from being a disheveled science gremlin. He likes dad jokes,
instant coffee, and VTubers (but mostly for the music).

A demon-themed art VTuber. Her main talents are her art skills and
her voice, which can freeze a guy’s ears off at thirty paces. She’s
fairly popular in the indie streamer scene, enough that some weird
guy has followed her to VibeCon.

Vibe: Glasya is a laid-back woman who is unfortunately going to

be freaking out for most of the time the PCs meet her. Her real name
and the vibes she has when she’s not flipping her lid are up to
you—I’ll be honest, there’s like 10,000 demon-themed VTubers and
they’ve all blended together in my mind at this point.

Security Lead Greg Peyton

VibeCon’s head of security, and the one trying to keep everything
under wraps. He’s not trying to protect a killer, it’s just that his job
is keeping things nice and chill and he doesn’t like to hear words
like “evacuate” or “leave”. When it comes to silencing problems,
Peyton is a genius.

Vibe: Peyton acts upbeat and conciliatory, but his guards do not.
He’s like the final form of those guys who run an online community
and get mad when people “start drama” by complaining about the
toxic members. He keeps saying “I don’t want to kill the Vibe of the
Con, you know?” and getting mad if nobody laughs.

VibeCon Visitors
Seongho Han
A cooking streamer who mostly does beverages. He’s filming a
video where he makes drinks for streamers (and lucky visitors) who
stop by his booth, and talks about their day. (He’ll turn the camera
off if they’re having a bad one.)

Seongho is a chill dude who takes a genuine interest in people and

has a deep passion for what he does, even if he does dress like
he’s in a 90s boy band.

Madoka Mawaru
A game streamer and cosplayer. Madoka’s a sweet girl who came
here to do a signing, though VibeCon has been jerking her around
when it comes to wheelchair accessibility and it’s trying her patience.
Few things can rattle her for more than a minute though.

Madoka is a cheerful, energetic woman who brought a new VTuber

cosplay for every day of the con. She’s even got a Heartful Hadaly
one lined up.

Christmas Pudding
A technology streamer who teaches science and makes gadgets.
She’s pretty friendly, and knows a lot of the people running booths
at VibeCon—some of them are paying her for tech support under
the table, which covers most of her con expenses.

Chrissy is a quick-witted, chirpy woman who loves to tinker. She's

pretty good-looking, so she gets hours of unhinged rants from
YouTube weirdos calling her a titty streamer per week.

Lachlan Sawkins
A game streamer who plays shooters, tactics games, military sims,
and complicated old games. Lockie is here with his gaming clan,
Saucy Defense Force; they’re a bunch of dorks in tacticool gear
who will do all kinds of weird shit if you say it’s for a video.

Lockie is a laid-back guy with a thick Aussie accent, who makes it

thicker around Americans as a bit. He and the SDF give each other
a lot of shit, but they’re disciplined and tight-knit.

Eka Setiawan
A comedian and variety streamer best known for a video series
where she eats weird stuff. Eka is here for a panel about SEA
streamers, and to eat weird US stuff.

Eka is a funny gal who gushes over basically every streamer she
meets. She has a reputation for being “mean”, but mostly because
she yells at chuds.

Bart Trask
An unboxing streamer and anime/katana reviewer. He has a deep
interest in weapons and survival prep, though he’s never been in a
fight. His real strength is planning: his backpack and cargo pants
contain almost anything anyone could need at VibeCon.

Bart is a big, fun guy who could pass for a metalhead if his shirts
were a little less Naruto. If you don’t mind the fact that his anime
taste is trash he’s a good boy.

Hadaly’s Hitlist
Aaron “Suscrates” Aaronson
Suscrates is one of those YouTubers, the ones who will watch a
two-hour movie with a woman in it and post 27 hours of ranting
about how she ruined it. What makes him different from his three
thousand identical peers, you ask? Simple: he wears two hats.

Aaron was radicalized in his teens by a “pickup artist” YouTuber

who has since gone to prison. These videos are how he pays rent,
so he has no intention of stopping—in fact, he’s hoping to find a
lucrative new target at VibeCon.

Felicity “Flickaa” Colton

A gaming and political streamer. Flick cultivates a reputation as a
cool person who’s an ally to everyone struggling in the world, but
off-camera she’s a controlling jerk with anger issues who threatens
anyone who crosses her. She coasts by on popularity and her peers
going “but she’s so nice!”.

When Flick was in high school, she bullied the less popular girls.
She still thinks she was just playing around, but she might have
said a few Gamer Words she’s hoping nobody finds out about.

Bradford Marvin
Bradford isn’t a streamer—he’s the dad and manager of pro gamer
SweatyShoots (aka Phil). Brad is basically one of those parents
who puts their kid through a gruelling training regime to make them
a sports star, but for FPS games. Even at VibeCon, Phil has a strict
schedule and a list of people to network with.

Brad loves his son, but wants to live vicariously through him. In his
youth he gave up on his own pro gamer dreams to take care of his
mother; he has no regrets, but still wonders what could have been.

Marko “Dramara-ara” Curran
The VTuber behind Dramara-ara, a channel that covers VTuber
drama. Sure, sometimes he has to manufacture it, distort the facts,
or post a face reveal or two for the creeps, but videos don’t watch
themselves, you know?

Marko used to be a comedy/game streamer called LootQQ, but he

got canceled after assaulting someone at a thumb war convention.
He created his current persona in a bid to rebuild his reputation in
a new community.

Jemima Queensbottom-Smythe
A British journalist and social media influencer with a tragic case
of internet brain rot. A few years ago Jemima made an awful post
without thinking, doubled down when she got yelled at, and kept
doubling down until she was posting shit like “vaccines aren’t real
except the ones that make you gay” unironically.

Jemima is at VibeCon hoping to build up more of a fanbase in the

States, but most people can sense something off-putting about
her. Also, she used to be a drone pilot in the RAF.

Des “WungusTV” Thorsen

A vlogger trying to bring back the “prank video” genre, long after
everyone else has moved on to things that don’t get you punched
in the face or, worse, demonetized. He’s here to prank people and
avoid confronting his fear that his youth is fading; his followers are
here to see him getting beat while shouting “It was just a prank!”.

Des/Wungus can be a funny guy, but he doesn’t really consider the

feelings of other people—he thinks those he messes with should
just be happy someone’s making a video about them.

Example PCs
Akira Iwata
Akira’s a laid-back pro gamer who tries to live his life by “the code
of the true rocker”. He used to be a violent delinquent who got
expelled for attacking a teacher, and rock music basically saved
him. He’s afraid of losing his reputation if his past comes out.

Mask: Respected Pro Gamer

Face: Former Delinquent

Elias Korhonen
Elias was a respected FPS streamer, until last VibeCon. A popular
streamer abused a friend of his off-camera, and Elias beat him so
bad it got in the news. He’s a nice guy beneath the rough exterior,
but everyone else thinks he’s a thug now. No regrets.

Mask: Violent Thug

Face: Do What’s Right, No Matter What

Haze Lee
A loudmouthed Aussie “fallen angel” VTuber with a bratty attitude
(what connoisseurs call kusogaki). In real life she’s an activist who
regularly attends protests, but her agency has her hide her politics
to avoid “controversy”. She uses events like this to blow off steam.

Mask: Loudmouthed Bratty VTuber

Face: Street Medic Riot Girl

Daphnia Tripp
Daphnia streams mystery and puzzle games, and there are few
problems she can’t solve. She’s a cutie with a talent for social
media—but she used to be a toxic jerk who posted on some bad
websites. She’s not proud, but she can do the mean voice.

Mask: Mystery-Solving Influencer

Face: Running From A Toxic Past

Ivan West
As his Lovecraftian-cultist character Kuro, Ivan acts extroverted
and unhinged (in a self-aware way). When he’s not “in character”,
Ivan’s a nervous boy getting his Masters in Engineering. The Kuro
character began as an attempt to work on his shyness.

Mask: Lovable Goofball VTuber

Face: Soft-Spoken Engineer

Kaiko Yabe
KaiYa’s famous for her fun, weird songs—fans are split on whether
her best track is Coelacanth Dad, Sumimachine, or finalFINAL_v3_
(final)(3)_FINAL(killme).mp3. She’s talented and loves to flaunt it,
though she can usually tell when she’s being insufferable.

Mask: Oddball Internet Musician

Face: Arrogant Girlboss

Bond Ideas
Some suggested bonds for the example PCs, or
for inspiration for your own characters. (When in Daphnia Tripp
doubt, pick the first one that connects to another
PC in the group.) • Daphnia and Akira are friends, but they’ve
grown distant—she gets “bad past” vibes from
Akira Iwata him and worries he gets it from her, too.

• Akira and Kaiko went to the same school. • Daphnia is pretty sure she was mean to Haze
Only she knows his past, though she doesn’t in the past, under her old identity. She doesn’t
really seem to give a shit. want to admit it, so instead she does her best
to be nice to Haze now and hope she doesn’t
• Akira is a Kuro Chorazos fan, but has avoided figure it out.
knowing who Ivan is. Once he does, Akira
tries hard to not come off as weird. Ivan West
Elias Korhonen • Ivan secretly holds footage that would prove
Elias is innocent, but the streamer Elias beat
• Elias and Daphnia are close friends, though up threatened Haze to keep him quiet.
they bicker so much it’s hard to tell.
• Ivan recognises Daphnia from her toxic days.
• A friend who knows Akira told Elias that he’d He won’t say anything, but he won’t like her
probably be a good connection to make, but much until he thinks she’s made amends.
Elias doesn’t want to come off as someone
who only befriends people useful to him. Kaiko Yabe
Haze Lee • Kaiko and Haze have collab’d on music, but
they clashed so much on the last track that
• Haze’s been dating Ivan since they hit it off they’ve been avoiding each other since.
during a collab, though they’ve kept it secret
so her fans don’t flip out. • Kaiko has been avoiding Elias, even though
they have mutual friends who would have
• Haze has the wrong idea about Elias, and it’s vouched for him, because she’s worried about
like 90% based on vibes. In her defense, his her image being hurt if she’s wrong. This is a
vibe reminds her of someone who hurt her in great way to piss Elias off.
the past.


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