Rules of Thumb

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Bulk Material Handling Rules of Thumb

Compiled by R. Todd Swinderman Updated October 28, 2014

Ref # Rule Source Ref.
1 Maximum slope for mine haul trucks 10% Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 1
2 Maximum slope for rail cars 2% Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 2
3 Single conveyor best practices availability 98% (2% unplanned outages) Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 3
4 Multiple conveyor best practices availability 90% (10% unplanned outages) Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 4
5 Dust emmissions from conveyors < 5% of that from truck haulage Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 5
6 Inclinded conveyors use 20% of the energy for moving the belt compared to 60% to move a haul truck Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 6
7 An overland conveyor operation is more economical than truck haulage if the conveying distance exceeds 0.6 miles (1 km). Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 7
8 Beyond 0.6 miles (1 km) distance the ton-mile cost of transport by belt conveyor may be as low as one-tenth the cost by haul truck. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 8
9 Estimated operating maintenance cost per year for a belt conveyor is 2% of the purchase cost of equipment plus 5% of the belt cost. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 9
10 Belt replacement on average is every five years for hard rock applications and up to 15 years for non-abrasive applications. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 10
11 Truck: 3.2 ton-miles/kWh (4.6 metric ton-km/kWh) Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 11
12 Rail: 12.0 ton-miles/kWh (17.7 metric ton-km/kWh) Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 12
13 Conveyor: 15.6 ton-miles/kWh (22.9 metric ton-km/kWh) Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 13
14 Feasibility study will be in a range from 0.5% to 1.5% of the total estimated project cost Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 14
15 3% belt sag between carrying idlers was an acceptable limit while today 2% sag is often specified Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 15
16 Common practice is to allow a minimum of pulley face width plus 4 inches (100 mm) for the inside dimension of the chute. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 16
17 Common spans for box trusses are 40 to 80 ft (12 to 24 m) although spans of over 100 ft (30 m) are not uncommon. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 17
18 Gallery truss spans of up to 200 ft (60 m) are common. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 18
19 For bents in excess of 100 ft (30 m) it is often more economical to use a four-legged tower rather than a two-legged bent. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 19
20 Span to Truss Depth Ratios: Simple Span Trusses 15:1 to 20:1, Continuous Span Trusses 20:1 to 25:1, Cantiliever Trusses 5:1 to 10:1 Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 20
21 Spillage allowance for structural loads 10% of material loading (lbf/ft, kgf/m) Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 21
22 Live load addition for the horizontal projection of piping and conduit runs is typically 25 to 50 lbf/ft (37 to 74 kgf/m). Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 22
23 Start up torque 150 to 200% of motor nameplate torque Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 23
24 Jamming loads can create significantly higher belt tensions, typically estimated by applying 150% to 250% of the nameplate motor torque on the belt Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 24
25 Allowance for structure corrosion - increase thickness 1/8 - inch (3 mm) Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 25
26 Poor access can triple the time needed for maintenance activities. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 26
27 Install a designated crossover or crossunder for every 1000 ft (305 m) of conveyor Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 27
28 The angle of surcharge of a material is usually 5 degrees to 15 degrees less than the angle of repose, it may be as much as 20 degrees less. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 28
29 The amount of settling that occurs during transport can be estimated to be in the range of 10-15% Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 29
30 Belt Width: for a 20-degree surcharge, with 10 percent lumps and 90 percent fines, maximum lump size is one third of the belt width (BW/3) Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 30
31 Belt Width: for a 20-degree surcharge, for all lumps and no fines, the maximum lump size is one-fifth of the belt width (BW/5) Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 31
32 Belt Width: for a 30-degree surcharge, with for 10% lumps and 90% fines, the maximum lump size is one-sixth of the belt width (BW/6). Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 32
33 Belt Wdith: for all lumps and no fines, the recommended maximum lump size is one-tenth of the belt width (BW/10). Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 33
34 The bulk density in the turbulent loading region can be 3 to 40% less (3 to 40% greater volume) than the loose bulk density Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 34
35 The standard CEMA skirtboard width between the skirtboards, W s, is 2/3 of the belt width Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 35
36 The structure should be designed for the dead loads plus the live material load as if the belt were 100% full Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 36
37 CEMA standard capacities reduced by suggested capacity design factors, DF, ranging from 1.00 to 1.25 (100% to 80% of CEMA standard load cross section). Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 37
38 Common practice to use ,DF, of 1.18 (85% of CEMA standard capacity). Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 38
39 A capacity design factor, DF, of 1.25 is often used in handling coal in coal and other dusty or degradable bulk materials. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 39
40 Training idlers are spaced from 100 to 150 feet (31 to 46 m) apart, and at least one training idler should be used on conveyors less than 100 feet (31 m) long. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 40
41 It is preferable that return idlers be mounted so that the return run of the belt is visible below the conveyor frame. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 41
42 Idler pacing is normally varied in 6-inch (150 mm) increments. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 42
43 CEMA class impact idler ratings are no higher than standard idler ratings Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 43
44 For equal roll idlers, a default value of 1/6 of the weight of the belt plus the load, estimates the portion of the load carried by the wing rolls Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 44
45 For return belt plows a value of Cbc= 2.0 lbf/in (0.04 kgf/mm) is recommended as a default value. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 45
46 If annual idler failure is greater than 5%, idler resistances should be increased by a factor of one plus the monthly failure rate in percent divided by 50. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 46
Transient tensions up to 150% of these are allowed if they occur less than 1% of operating cycles or increased by these commonly occurring transient stresses divided by 1.5. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 47

48 The following rules of thumb for shorter, basic conveyors can also be used in lieu of calculating the mass and acceleration of the conveyor:
• The locked rotor torque of the motor should exceed the sum of the torque required to lift the material, plus approximately twice the torque required to over-come total conveyor
• The motor speed-torque curve should not drop below a line drawn from the locked rotor torque requirement to the torque of the running power requirement at full speed. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 48
49 It is recommended that the vertical guides for vertical gravity takeup pulleys be at least 2.5 times the belt width. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 49
50 The extra pull out force from a plugged chute condition is best calculated as if it were a feeder but may be estimated by the weight of material in the chute times a friction factor
between the belt and bulk material of 0.5. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 50
51 The idlers should not be spaced within 20% of critical spacing for belt flap according to equation 6.148. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 51
52 The ratio of T2 to Te must be > 0.5 for the drive pulley to have sufficient traction Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 52

For a belt frequency factor of 4.0 or over (equation 7.8), minimum top cover thicknesses can be considered based on the loading conditions. For a frequency factor of 0.2, the
appropriate top cover thickness should be increased up to twice this minimum amount. For frequency factors between 0.2 and 4.0 increase the top cover thickness proportionally. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 53

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54 The longitudinal (warp-wise) elongation of multi- or reduced-ply belts at the normal tension for the whole belt is usually less than 4 percent. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 54
55 The full transition arrangement is the CEMA preferred arrangement for transitions before loading. The one third transition is the CEMA preferred arragement for transitons at the
discharge. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 55
56 If the material tends to form in slabs the lump weight can be 2 to 3 times that listed in Table 7.33. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 56

57 Crowned-face pulleys should never be used for any pulleys on conveyors using steel-cable belt. Multiple ply belts should not be used on a crowned-face pulley where the tension
will exceed 76 pounds per inch per ply. For all belts with textile carcasses, the best recommendation is that crowned pulleys be limited to locations where the belt will only be
subjected to less than 40 percent of its rated tension. Only straight-face pulleys should be used for all two-pulley drives and for drive snub pulleys. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 57

Pulley face widths and belt clearances.

58 Belts 42 inch and less: Pulley face = BW + 2 inches, clearance between chute walls = pulley face + 3 inches
and minimum return belt clearance from structure = 2.5 inches on each side.
Belts over 42 inches: Pulley face = BW + 3 inches, clearance between
chute walls = pulley face + 4 inches and minimum return belt clearance from structure = 3 inches on each side. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 58
59 It is not recommended to operate Standard Wing Pulleys above a belt speed of 450 feet per minute (2.3 m/s). Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 59
60 Pulley transient loads should not exceed design loads by more than 50 percent. If greater than 50 percent for more than 1 percent of running time Engineered Pulleys are
recommended Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 60
61 Standard pulley TIR allowances: 0.125 in for pulleys up to 24 inch diameter, .188 for pulleys 30 to 48 inch diameter and .250 for pulleys over 54 inch diameter Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 61
62 Engineered pulley TIR 0.030 inches for both steel drum and lagging OD Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 62
63 Depending upon application conditions, dimpled ceramic lagging can provide approximately 2 times higher traction than rubber lagging. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 63
64 Standard Pulleys use a shaft deflection of 0.0023 in/in or 8 minutes. Engineered Pulleys use 0.0015 in/in or 5 minutes. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 64

L10 is a statistically calculated estimation of operational life of the bearing based on the applied load, speed and rated capacity attained by 90% of a statistically similar group. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 65
66 In general, the minimum radius of the vertical concave belt conveyor curve should not be less than 150 feet. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 66
67 A conventional conveyor has approximately 150% to 300% higher capacity than a pipe/tube conveyor for the same belt width. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 67
68 fold belts have a capacity of about 40% of a conventional conveyor of the same unfolded belt width. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 68
69 Use Vy = 2 × Vb as a starting point for chute design. (vertical velocity in the chute compared to receiving belt speed) Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 69
70 The minimum feeder belt width should be 2 times the slot opening at the rear of the hopper or 2 times the diameter of the outlet of the feed hopper. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 70
71 Fluid couplings, due to slip, add from 2 to 6 % energy loss to the drive system. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 71
72 Bearing L10 life is the number of hours at which 10 percent of seemingly identical bearings will experience a spall of 0.01 square inches ( 0.065 cm2). Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 72
73 The backstop torque rating should be no less than the maximum breakdown or stalled torque of the drive motor Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 73
74 Constant speed belts normally have a slippage control set point that trips the conveyor drive when the belt speed is below 80 percent of full speed Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 74
75 Studies have found that between 1/4 to 1% of the material conveyed can end up escaping the conveyor. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 75
76 A belt takeup rate of 240 feet per minute (1.2 m/s) is typical for heavy conveyors. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 76
77 Air supported belt conveyors on new greenfield applications are generally 10 to 20% more costly than idler type conveyors Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 77
78 Generally most bulk solids with moisture contents below 5% are considered “dry” bulk solids Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 78
79 Air supported conveyors average 10 to 15 dB less noise than conventional idler conveyors Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 79
80 When using manual takeups, components should be designed to include the possibility of actual tension to be ±40% of intended design needed for steady state minimum tension
requirements. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 80
81 Traditionally, the safety fabric for fabric belts is 10:1 and for steel cord belts 6.67:1. For steel cable belts in high abuse applications of 10:1 and 12:1. Safety factors of 5.5:1 are
becoming more prevalent for long overland conveyors. Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials 7th ed. Page 81
82 Idler roll diameter in inches x 100 = idler speed limit in rpm CEMA Meeting 2014, Idler Committe
83 Transfer point enclosure should be a least 6 feet from the dump point Mining Association of Canada 1980
84 The velocity iof the exhaust port cone should be kept below 500 fpm Yourt 1990
85 Transfer point enclosures should be designed to have 200 fpm intake velocity at any unavoidable opening USBOM 1974
86 Add 25% to the USBOM 200 fpm guidline Mining Association of Canada 1980
87 the air velocity within the enclosure is below 200 fpm (1 m/sec) Goldbeck & Marti 2010
88 A general rule of thumb is that the chute width should be at least three times the maximum lump size to avoid clogging USBOM 1987
89 Transfer point enclosures with minor air flow should be extended 2 feet per 100 fpm and for major airflow 3 feet per 100 fpm Goldbeck & Marti 2010
90 Air Generated by a Hammermill can be approximated as ft 3/min = π/(4 x D2 x W) x rpm where D is the diameter and W is the width in feet. NIOSH RI 9698 Dust Control Handbook
91 Transfer point enclosure should be a least 5 ft plus 1 ft for every 100 fpm Army Corps of Engineers/NIOSH RI 9698
92 If you have 5 measurements/observations the mean of the total population is the average of the high and low values with 93.75% confidence level How to Measure Anything, Hubbard 2010 Page 30
93 Vibrator Force: Use 1/10th the weight of the volume of the sloped section of the chute as an estimate. Various Vibrator Mfgrs

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