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Guidelines :
A prefix is a group of letters that appears at the front of a word. A prefix affects the meaning of the root (base) word to which it is attached. To determine whether or not a group of letters is a prefix, remove them from the word. The letters are a prefix if a known word remains. For example, remove the letters un from the following words: unhappy, untie, uncle, uninterested. In which word are the letters un not a prefix? Yes, these letters are not a prefix in the word uncle. Make students aware of the following warnings about prefixes.

1. Most prefixes have more than one meaning.

For example, the prefix un can mean not as in unhappy, or do the opposite of as in untie. Teach the multiple meanings of the most common prefixes, and use careful language during lessons such as, the prefix un sometimes means not.

2. Be careful of letter clusters that look like prefixes, but arent. For example, when the letters un are removed from uncle, no recognizable root word is left. In addition, when the letters in are removed from invented, the word that remains has no relation to the whole word. The prefixes that cause the most difficulty are re, in, and dis.

Teaching Phonics & Word Study in the Intermediate Grades Scholastic Professional Books

3. Dont rely solely on word-part clues to determine meaning. Use context clues as well to verify a words meaning. For example, you might think the word unassuming means not assuming/not supposing instead of its actual meaning modest. It is estimated that about 15 to 20% of the prefixed words students will encounter share this complexity (White et al., 1989). Teach only the most common prefixes. The chart that follows shows the most common based on a count of prefixed words appearing in the Word Frequency Book (Carroll, Davies, and Richman, 1971). The prefix un alone accounts for almost one-third of the total. The top three on the list account for over half.


Rank 1.

Prefix un (not, opposite of) re (again) in, im, ir, il (not) dis (not, opposite of) en, em (cause to) non (not) in, im (in or into) over (too much) mis (wrongly) sub (under)

% 26

Rank 11.

Prefix pre (before) inter (between, among) fore (before) de (opposite of) trans (across) super (above) semi (half) anti (against) mid (middle) under (too little)

% 3









5. 6.

4 4

15. 16.

2 1







Teaching Phonics & Word Study in the Intermediate Grades Scholastic Professional Books



All other prefixes (about 100) accounted for only 3% of the words.


Sample Lesson

Word Study
Key Concept: Explain that a prefix is a group of letters added to the beginning of a word, changing its meaning. Teacher Model: Write the word unhappy on the chalkboard. Dont say the word, but give students time to examine its parts. Then model how to use knowledge of prefixes to decode the word and figure out its meaning. Think-Aloud: I know that sometimes a base word contains parts added to it, such as a prefix. In this word I see the prefix un, meaning not. The rest of the word is happy. I can put the two word parts together to get the word unhappy. Since un means not, this word means not happy. Looking for common word parts, such as prefixes, is a good way to read an unfamiliar word and figure out its meaning.
Teaching Phonics & Word Study in the Intermediate Grades Scholastic Professional Books

Blending Practice: Write the following words on the chalkboard. Have students chorally read each word. Provide modeling as necessary. unafraid unpleasant unreal unstuck uncover unprotected unroll uncap unheard unhurt uneven unwrap

Point Out Non-Examples: Explain to students that just because a word begins with the letters un (or any other letters for a prefix) doesnt mean its a prefix. They must look at whats left over when removing the prefix to see if its a real word. For example, write the words unable, unplug, uncle, and under on the chalkboard. Ask students to identify which words begin with a prefix and why.


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