Dai Tu
Dai Tu
Dai Tu
1. Those who have questions concerning 6. The website sponsored by the city
tringe benefits are advised to consult ------- monitoring committee will help you protect
employee handbook. -------- against Internet threats.
(A) their (A) yours
(B) they (B) your
(C) themselves (C) yourself
(D) theirs (D) your own
2. The two divisions have unveiled ------- 7. Considering the failure of ------- system
plan to set aside millions of dollars to to offer adequate support, we might have to
invest in a very lucrative field. provide refunds to our customers.
(A) they (A) us
(B) them (B) ours
(C) their (C) ourselves
(D) those (D) our
3. Mr. Kurt Spienza appears to be the only 8. Our skilled and experienced service
person in our team who can finish the representatives will be able to resolve any
survey by -------. problems you might encounter by -------.
(A) he (A) himself
(B) him (B) herself
(C) his (C) itself
(D) himself (D) themselves
4. It seems that laborers in underdeveloped 9. Ms. Cordova was struggling to
countries would rather have their children
successfully complete the task assigned to
help ------- at work than enroll them in
her by -------.
(A) herself
(A) they
(B) he
(B) them
(C) hers
(C) themselves
(D) she
(D) their
10. Most of the employees are entitled to a
5. Thank you for offering me a position
maximum of one hour for a lunch break,
with the company I wish to work for, and I
depending on ------- assigned work
really appreciate the efforts you've made on
------- behalf.
(A) ours
(A) I
(B) their
(B) my
(C) me (C) theirs
(D) mine (D) ourselves