EDLA599 Lesson 1

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Arabic Year 8 Term 3

Unit topic: Valuing Others Lesson topic: Introduce the Unit lesson no. 1
theme of valuing others in the
(Objectives) By the end of the lesson students should: Assumed knowledge needed for this lesson:
 Understand the meaning of Arabic vocabulary  Basic Arabic sentence structures and
related to valuing others in the community. grammar rules.
 Use the Arabic vocabulary to create sentences  Basic Arabic speaking and listening
related to the topic. skills, including the ability to engage in a
conversation in Arabic.

Language functions/grammar/vocab/script Lesson-specific resources

Language functions:
 Expressing appreciation and gratitude in  Comprehension Worksheet Appendix A
 Describing community values and customs in  Title: ‫قيمة العمل المجتمعي في تطوير المجتمع‬
Arabic (The Value of Community Work in
 Participating in a discussion in Arabic about Developing Society)
community values and respect Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
 Comprehending meaning of a simple Arabic v=5l5jS_5KT5w
texts read to them (related to the topic) This video is in Arabic and discusses the
 Using Arabic vocabulary related to importance of community work in developing
community, respect, and appreciation. society. It highlights the contributions they make
to their communities. It also encourages viewers
Grammar: to value and support community workers and their
 Subject-verb agreement in Arabic sentences work.
 Use of plural and singular forms of nouns in
Arabic sentences
 Use of basic Arabic prepositions (such as min,
fi, ila, 'ala)
 Use of possessive pronouns (such as huwa,
hiya, huma, hum) in Arabic sentences

 Arabic vocabulary related to community
workers (such as muwathaf, masool, shurteey,)
 Arabic vocabulary related to appreciation and
gratitude (such as shukran, jazak Allah
 Arabic vocabulary related to respect and
inclusivity (such as na3am, wihda)
 Arabic vocabulary related to describing
positive qualities in others (such as karam,
 Arabic vocabulary related to describing
negative qualities in others (such as qillat al-
adaab, muz-ej, la-eem, la yakhdom)

For an Arabic language class, the Arabic script is known
as the Arabic alphabet. The Arabic script is a cursive
writing system that consists of 28 letters, and it is

written from right to left. It is important for students to
learn the Arabic script so that they can read, write and
communicate in Arabic effectively. In addition to the
Arabic script, the diacritical marks and vowel marks are
also important for students to learn, as they affect the
pronunciation and meaning of words.

Time What TEACHER will do What STUDENTS will do Skills

Introduction to Lesson
Students are called upon to write
Greet the students in Arabic: their ideas on Interactive
Whiteboard IW Listening
‫ السالم عليكم‬Peace be upon you
Students to copy the concepts, Critical Thinking
Introduce the topic of the day, which is ideas and the vocabulary list onto
valuing others in the community. their workbooks. Activate Prior
‫موضوع اليوم هو قيمة احترام اآلخرين في المجتمع‬ Knowledge.
the topic of today is the value of Students asked to annotate/note
respecting others in the community. what they find relevant from the ICT
10 class discussion. Note Taking
minutes Explain learning objectives:
‫الهدف من الدرس هو استخدام المفردات والتراكيب‬
‫اللغوية الجديدة للتعبير عن قيمة احترام اآلخرين في‬
‫ المجتمع‬the goal of the lesson is to use the
new vocabulary and language structures
to express the value of respecting others
in the community.

Ask the students to brainstorm what
they think valuing others in the
community means and have each
student write their ideas on the board.
This will help the students to activate
their prior knowledge, initiate new
vocabulary and engage them in the
‫يرجى من الطالب أن يفكروا فيما يعنيه احترام‬
‫ اآلخرين في المجتمع‬Please students, think
about what respecting others in the
community means.

Vocabulary Engage in whole class discussion. Writing

Write the following vocabulary on the Write vocabulary on workbooks. Vocabulary
interactive whiteboard and engage in Acquisition
10 explaining and discussing. Communication
minutes ‫ قيمة‬- value
‫ احترام‬- respect
‫ المجتمع‬- community
‫ شكرا‬- thank you
‫ جزاك هللا خيرا‬- may Allah reward you
with goodness
Ask students to name community
workers. The following could be used as
Doctor - ‫طبيب‬

Time What TEACHER will do What STUDENTS will do Skills
Nurse - ‫ممرضة‬/‫ممرض‬
Teacher - ‫معلمة‬/‫معلم‬
Police officer - ‫شرطية‬/‫شرطي‬
Firefighter - ‫امرأة إطفاء‬/‫رجل‬
Garbage collector - ‫جامع النفايات‬
Postman - ‫ساعي البريد‬
Farmer - ‫مزارع‬
Fisherman - ‫صياد‬
Shopkeeper - ‫بائعة‬/‫بائع‬


15 Provide instructions: Activity worksheet with text and Reading

minutes ‫يرجى قراءة النص المقدم باللغة العربية‬ questions distributed to students. Vocabulary
‫ واإلجابة على األسئلة المتعلقة به‬Please Appendix A Grammar
read the Arabic text provided and Comprehension
answer the questions related to it. 10 minutes allocated for individual Cultural
silent reading. Awareness
Encourage participation: Cognitive skills
‫يرجى من الطالب المشاركة الفعالة في الدرس‬
‫وطرح األسئلة في حالة وجود أي استفسار‬
Please students, actively participate
in the lesson and ask questions if
you have any inquiries.

At this stage some students will

look confused fearing not knowing
how to read, teacher advises that
they attempt to read it individually
and then it will be read and
completed as a whole class activity
‫حاول قراءة الجملة بشكل فردي ثم سيتم‬
‫قراءتها واستكمالها كنشاط جماعي للصف‬

Explanation of Text, Questions,

One at a time and in turn students Pronunciation
10 Teacher asks specific students to read attempt to read specific parts of Vocabulary
minutes and pauses to check their understanding text. Public Speaking
and explains complex parts and Comprehension questions all Comprehension
questions. discussed in depth and students Memory
‫اقرأ السطر األول من النص وترجم فهمك له‬ requested to answer individually. Confidence

Whilst students are reading, further

vocabulary should be extrapolated from Additional vocabulary copied into
text, written on board and explained. books.
Teacher asks students to raise their
hands if they need further clarification.
‫ارفع يدك إذا كان هناك كلمة أو جملة ال تبدو واضحة‬
Students write all vocabulary and
meanings into their books. ‫يكتب الطالب كل‬
‫المفردات والمعاني في دفاترهم‬.

Students attempt to answer Reading

Answering Comprehension comprehension questions in Comprehension
10 written form. Vocabulary
minutes Teacher instructs students to use Grammar

Time What TEACHER will do What STUDENTS will do Skills
discussion about text and Critical Thinking
comprehension questions to write Test-taking
answers on worksheet. Strategies
Teacher collects worksheet.
5 Reinforcement of Lesson
minutes Students watch video and write Listening
Lesson is ended with a video about down new info they acquired. comprehension
respecting and valuing community Vocabulary
workers. Pronunciation
Students asked to listen and look for awareness
new information/vocabulary/gestures Critical thinking
etc for discussion in following lesson Note Taking

One activity that could be relevant for a lesson on introducing and valuing community workers in a language
classroom setting is to have students research and create a presentation about a community worker of their
Here are the steps for the activity:
1. Introduce the topic of community workers and discuss the importance of their role in society.
Provide some examples of different types of community workers, such as firefighters, nurses, police
officers, and social workers.
2. Assign each student to choose a community worker that they are interested in learning more about.
Provide a list of options or allow students to choose their own.
3. Instruct students to research their chosen community worker and gather information about their job
duties, responsibilities, and contributions to society.
4. Have students create a presentation about their community worker using the information they have
gathered. The presentation can be in the form of a poster, PowerPoint, or oral presentation.
5. Instruct students to present their presentations to the class and encourage them to share what they
have learned about their community worker.
6. After all presentations are complete, lead a class discussion about the different community workers
and their roles in society. Encourage students to share their thoughts on the importance of valuing
and respecting community workers.
This activity not only provides an opportunity for students to practice their language skills by researching and
presenting in the target language but also promotes an appreciation for community workers and their
contributions to society. It also encourages students to think critically about the role of community workers
and the importance of valuing their work.

Lesson aims were achieved YES NO Students acquired desired knowledge/skills YES NO
Was timing/pace effective? What was too easy? What was too hard? What worked well? Things to change


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