BloodbankProjectProposal Final
BloodbankProjectProposal Final
BloodbankProjectProposal Final
Submitted by:
MUIA ERIC NZIOKA - ENE212-0124/2017
This project proposal is our original work, except where due acknowledgement is made in the text,
and to the best of our knowledge has not been previously submitted to Jomo Kenyatta University of
Agriculture and Technology or any other institution for the Award of a degree or diploma. It was
however presented in the Efficiency for Access design challenge 2021-2022 where it was awarded
bronze medal.
This project proposal has been submitted to the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, with my approval as the University
Blood transfusion is an established part of hematologic patient care. Providing a timely transfusion
service can save life and improve health. According to a Kenyan press release from the Ministry of
Health by the Cabinet Secretary, Mutahi Kagwe, indicated shortage of blood supply. Blood collected
and distributed for transfusion was 17500 blood units against the demand of one million units [1].
Access to safe blood for transfusion as a subset of health care is a universal human right. However, it
Particularly, means of reliably transporting blood while ensuring safety of the blood has proven to be
This paper describes the design of a refrigerated blood carrier unit. The model will be designed to
harness solar energy to power a controlled thermoelectric refrigeration system that maintains the
The system will consist of Peltier device modules that function as heat pumps. When current passes
through the Peltier device, one side cools while the other heats up [3]. The cooler side provides cool
temperatures to refrigerate the blood ensuring it remains viable while a fan is used to propel the heat
away. The interior of the box is made up of aluminum then insulated using polyurethane to minimize
The unit will be designed for the convenience of the end user. It can be mounted and ferried on a
motorcycle or a bicycle depending on the available means to the user. It is flexible enough to be
ferried on very poor roads, densely populated areas and in traffic congested roads.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................8
1.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................8
1.3 Justification................................................................................................................................................8
1.4 Objectives..................................................................................................................................................9
2.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................................................11
2.7 Blood Refrigeration Technologies...........................................................................................................21
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................................34
PROJECT TIMEPLAN..................................................................................................................................53
BUDGET ESTIMATES..................................................................................................................................54
Table of Figures
Figure 4: Platelets..................................................................................................................................12
AC: Alternating Current
CFC: Chlorofluorocarbon
HCFC: hydrochlorofluorocarbon
Rh: Rhesus
Z: Figure of merit
1.1 Introduction
Management of the blood cold chain mainly involves maintenance of appropriate temperatures from
the time of collection, through processing, testing and labelling and transportation, up to when the
[4] Whole blood is usually warm when collected but must be cooled right down to 4 °C and kept at
this temperature until the point of transfusion, the required blood storage temperature range of
4 ±2 ° C .
The common mode of blood transportation between and within blood banks and hospitals is often
determined by the availability of cooler boxes that can maintain temperature over long distances and
Blood is often wasted through the use of inefficient cooler boxes or other containers that lack proper
temperature control. This affects the movement of blood and compromises management of the cold
chain. There is a necessity for an effective and responsive mode of transport which will maintain the
The lack of safe blood transportation boxes critically affects the movement of blood and compromises
management of the cold chain. Consequently, there is a necessity for an effective and responsive
mode of transport which will maintain the integrity (temperature) of the blood components during
1.3 Justification
Blood refrigeration has faced the challenge of coming up with a system that facilitates refrigeration
while on transit to where it is needed. Vapor compression systems are not versatile enough in rugged
terrains. Thermoelectric refrigeration has positively impacted the world of refrigeration as it has
allowed the use of solid-state devices thus no movement therefore related problems are eliminated.
This design also incorporates active tracking of blood in transit which ensures effective and efficient
recording and accountability of blood from the blood banks to local hospitals in remote areas. The use
of solar power gives the advantage that even in off-grid regions, the mobile blood bank will ensure
1.4 Objectives
To design a solar powered blood carrier refrigerator that can function in transit and off-grid for
ccommunities in the suburb regions of Nairobi as well as remote and rural areas in Kenya.
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1.5 Division of roles
Methodology Methodology
4. RFID Circuit
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2.1 Introduction
Blood is a specialized body fluid whose functions mainly include nourishing body tissues with
oxygen and nutrients, forming clots in response to injury, and carrying defensive cells and antibodies
that fight infection. Transfusion of blood and its products is an established part of hematologic patient
care. Providing a timely transfusion service can save life and improve health.
After collection, blood is frozen within 24 hours kept and transported under controlled temperatures.
[4] Whole blood must be cooled right down to 4 ° C , the required blood storage temperature range of
4±2°C. Red blood cells need to be kept at 1 to 6 °C, for platelets its 20 to 24°C and frozen plasma
proteins, waste products, chemical messengers and proteins throughout the body.
Figure 1: Blood Plasma
red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow and are released into the bloodstream after seven
nucleus limits the life of the cells as it travels through the smallest blood vessels damaging the cell’s
membranes. They survive on average of 120 days only. The red blood cells contain a special protein
called hemoglobin which helps carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body and returns carbon
from infections. There are two main types of white blood cells: neutrophil and lymphocytes.
Neutrophil is the immediate response cell. The lymphocytes are of two main populations: T
Figure 3: White blood cells lymphocytes help regulate the function of other
immune cells and directly attack infected cells and tumors, while the B lymphocytes make antibodies
the injury, sticking to the lining of the injured blood vessel and forming a foundation for coagulation.
fibrin clot is formed which covers the wound and prevents blood from leaking out and also an initial
Figure 4: Platelets
scaffolding upon which new tissue is formed.
Blood type is an important clinical factor considered during evaluation for a possible blood
transfusion. There exist multiple blood grouping systems including ABO, Rh, MNS, P1PK, Lutheran,
Kell, Lewis, Duffy and Kidd but the ABO and Rh systems remain the most clinically significant. In
the ABO system, names given to the corresponding blood types are consequent to the combinations of
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antibodies A and B and of the antigens a and b or lack thereof. Antibodies are proteins in the blood
plasma that recognize foreign substances in the body and alert the immune system which in response
destroy them. Antigens are protein molecules found on the red blood cells’ surface. Thus, the ABO
Receiving the wrong ABO blood type can be fatal. For example, giving someone with blood group B
blood from a type A donor, their Anti-A antibodies will attack their group A cells. Since group O has
neither antigen, it can safely be given to any other group. Similarly, group AB has no antibodies thus
The Rh system considers the presence of the D antigen which a person can either possess or lack
translating two possible and respective blood types, Rhesus positive and Rhesus negative as below:
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When exposed to the D antigen, D negative people produce anti-D antibody in a potentially fatal
Blood plasma serves as the liquid base for whole blood. Whole blood without erythrocytes,
leukocytes, and thrombocytes makes up the plasma. Serum is plasma without fibrinogen. Plasma
contains 91% to 92% of water. Mainly comprising of coagulants like fibrinogen, plasma proteins
Blood donation is the voluntary giving of blood or blood components to help save the lives of other
It is the most common type of donation and involves donation of about a pint of whole blood
which is then separated into its components (red blood cells, blood plasma and platelets)
2. Apheresis
In this type of donation, the donor is hooked up to a machine that collects and separates the
blood components and returns the unused components back to the body.
Platelet donation (plateletpheresis) – collects only the platelets which are commonly
donated to people with clotting problems, cancer and also people going to have major
Double red cells donation – donation of concentrated amount of red blood cells which is
Plasma donation (plasmapheresis) – collection of the liquid portion of the blood and is
commonly given to people in emergency and trauma situations to help curb bleeding.
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For one to be eligible to donate blood, there are some requirements such as be in good health, be at
least 16yrs old and has passed the physical and health –history assessments. Before a blood donation,
one must:
Check and consult if any recent medications would prevent you from donating
During the donation, the donor lies in a reclining chair with their arm extended on an armrest. A
blood pressure cuff is placed on the upper arm to fill the veins with more blood. The skin on the
elbow’s side is cleaned and a new, sterile needle is inserted into a vein in the arm. The needle is
attached to a thin, plastic tube and a blood bag. Once the needle is in place, the donor tightens their
first several times to help blood flow from the vein to the blood bag. The blood is initially collected
the arm.
After donation, the donor is supposed to sit in an observation area to rest and eat a light snack. Also:
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If there is bleeding after removing the bandage, put pressure and raise your arm till the
bleeding ceases
95,642 units are collected annually, nearly 80% of the annual demand for blood is not met. To
mitigate the acute deficits in Kenyan blood banks, many hospitals adopt the on-demand donation
model which has often times proved to be cumbersome in ensuring blood quality and safety.
The first successful blood transfusion was carried out in the year 1818 by Dr. James Blundell to treat
postpartum hemorrhage. [6]In Kenya, the National Blood Transfusion Service serves over two
hundred thousand recipients every year. An average of 475,643 units of blood are needed every year
but only 95,642 units are collected annually, nearly 80% of the annual demand for blood is not met.
To mitigate the deficit, many hospitals employ an on-demand donation model which is cumbersome
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Before any blood transfusion takes place, the blood is first screened for any diseases that can be
transferred through unsafe blood such as syphilis and HIV/AIDS. The blood is screened by using
highly sensitive methods to eliminate any risk of getting an infection through a blood transfusion.
The safe blood then proceeds to be transfused. For a blood transfusion to take place, a healthcare
professional places a thin needle into a vein, usually in the arm or hand, and allows blood to move
from a blood bag, through a rubber tube and into the patient’s vein through the needle.
ii. If one is experiencing bleeding in the digestive tract due to an existing condition
iii. Having an illness such as leukemia or kidney disease that causes anemia
i. Fever
iii. Acute immune hemolytic reaction – this happens when the body attacks the red blood cells in
the blood received. Symptoms include having a fever, chills, nausea and pain in the lower
iv. Delayed hemolytic reaction – similar to the acute immune hemolytic reaction but develops
over time
by swelling of the face and throat, shortness of breath and low blood pressure
vi. Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) – caused by antibodies or other substances in
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2.6 The Cold Blood Chain
[7]The blood cold chain can be defined as the process of safely storing and transporting blood from
the collection points to the point of administration on a patient. It is essential to use appropriate
Storage and
compatibility testing
at hospital blood
Transportation to
the clinical area in
correct conditions
and transfusion to
the patient
the time of collection, through processing, testing and labelling and transportation, up to when the
blood is issued for transfusion into a patient. This is often referred to as cold chain management. [4]
Whole blood is usually warm when collected but must be cooled right down to 4 °C and kept at
this temperature until the point of transfusion, the required blood storage temperature range
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of 4±2°C. The common mode of blood transportation between and within blood banks and hospitals
is often determined by the availability of cooler boxes that can maintain temperature over long
distances and in relatively high ambient temperatures. Blood is usually wasted through the use of
inefficient cooler boxes or other containers that lack proper temperature control. The lack of safe
blood transport boxes critically affects the movement of blood and compromises management of the
national blood stock. Consequently, there is a necessity for an effective and responsive mode of
transport which will maintain the integrity (temperature and pH) of the blood components during
to separate collected
preservatives used to prevent clotting and to help maintain cell viability and function during storage.
Due to the fragile nature of blood, components always need to be handled with care and free
from mechanical and thermal traumas. Rough handling will often compromise its viability,
functionality and also damage the collection bags resulting in leakage and exposure to
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[8]Management of blood products is a complex affair even where resources are readily available and
storage, and the unpredictable nature of the need. They can be broadly classified under product waste
via expiration, and irregular patterns in demand. To mitigate product waste via expiration,
Figure 8: Preparing collected blood for dispatch
professionals in this field adopt
elaborate inventory management systems to use available stock while still supporting the varied
needs of patients. To respond to sporadic demand, relatively expensive modes of transport such as
ambulances, police patrol units or helicopters are used to deliver emergency products or to move
patients to hospitals better equipped with the needed blood products. These challenges are magnified
[9] In recognition of the documented recommendations (by the World Health Organization, the
Regional Commonwealth Health Ministers, the International Society of Blood transfusion and
International Federation of Red Cross Society), Kenya has made the provision of safe blood to the
people a national priority. The national blood transfusion service was established in the year 2001 as
a better alternative to the pre-existing hospital-based blood transfusion services. A national blood
management service has many advantages including providing a common base to pool together the
scant resources in expertise, finances, equipment and the blood itself. The united front is much more
robust and efficient but it also requires near absolute dependence on communication and transport
infrastructure. Though the country has developed over the years it is still far from sufficient, there is
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need to embrace more efficient technology in providing health care to those living in fairly
inaccessible areas where communication and transport networks are poorly developed.
Safe and stable blood supply is dependent on blood voluntarily donated by low-risk groups.
[10]WHO strongly discourages paid donations, this is because often times paid donors can be easily
replaced by family and other voluntary donors. Donor education, selection and deferral, donor care,
notification, counselling and referral, and confidentiality are all programs specifically designed to
protect the health and safety of blood donors and to encourage repeat blood donation from non-paid
Strict hygienic conditions are required for the storage and circulation of blood and other components
in order to avoid contamination. They should also look good and have no signs of contamination
Basic requirements and Design features for blood bank refrigerator include:
1. Heavy insulation to enable it to hold for long periods even in the event of a power failure.
2. Cooling air vent that allows for even air distribution in the cabinet.
3. Temperature monitoring equipment, including external temperature display area and alarm
5. It should have sufficient reserve capacity to cool the refrigeration compartment sufficiently
and efficiently.
6. The shelving design should be positioned to allow for free air flow and circulation.
7. The interior and exterior of the refrigerator should be made of material that is easy to clean
8. Should be well lit to enable easy identification of contents, numbers and labels.
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Figure 9: Cross-section of a transport container [11]
In Kenya, the common mode of blood transportation between and within blood banks and hospitals
is often determined by the availability of cooler boxes that can maintain required temperatures over
Figure 10: Cooler box movement of blood and compromises management of the
national blood stock. Consequently, there is a need for an effective and responsive technology which
will maintain the integrity of blood components during transport. C Stein et al, on their study in
specialized equipment for blood transportation concluded that specialized transport boxes which
allow for accurate temperature control for longer periods of time were required, at an associated
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2.7.2 Vapor Compression
to its low first cost, superior efficiency (low operating cost), and
Figure 11: AC Vapor compression refrigerator refrigerants, halogenated alkanes, have been implicated as
contributing to destruction of stratospheric ozone and global climate change, which has necessitated
an examination of different cooling technology options [13]. One of the most thorough studies on
alternative cooling options was performed by Fischer et al. [14]. They investigated ten alternatives
that were emerging or were being developed at the time of their report, and which they believed were
potentially able to replace vapor compression technology, thus eliminating the need for
Vapor compression refrigerators are however, fragile when exposed to rough handling. In addition,
they are also bulky and include moving parts as opposed to solid and compact parts. The
refrigerators are not easy to transport, especially using Motorbikes and bicycles (the preferred
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two junctions. One of the junctions becomes colder while the other one hotter, thus acting as a heat
The Peltier effect phenomenon converts current flowing through a thermoelectric device to a
temperature difference [3]. This effect directly depends on the direction of electric current thus an
interdependence between the electric current and the temperature difference between the hot and
Figure 12: Peltier effect
cold ends of the thermoelectric device.
[15]A Peltier module can be mathematically modeled and a numerical equation is developed. TEC
performance is widely affected via Peltier cooling heating, Joule’s heating (I 2R), and conduction heat
(from module’s hot to cold face), followed by the Thomson’s effect. The following equation brings
about the quantum of heat absorbed in the cold face of the module.
ΔT = Temperature difference between the cold side and hot side of the TEC module.
In the above equation, ‘SmTCI’ denotes Peltier cooling, ‘0.5I2Rm’ denotes Joules heating owing to
current passage across the semiconductor material, and ‘K mΔT’ refers to quantum of heat conducted
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In the above equation, ‘SmThI’ represents heating as result of Peltier effect, ‘0.5I 2Rm’ refers to joule
heating as a result of current flow via thermoelement, and ‘K mΔT’ accounts to the quantum of lost
heat by conduction from hot to cold face of the module. Taking into account that the system stays
isolated and considering 1st law of thermodynamics, the quantum of heat released in the hot side of
the module is the resultant of totality of quantum of absorbed heat at cold face and the power
P¿ =Qh−Qc (3)
The thermoelectric cooler performance depends greatly on ‘S m’ (Seebeck coefficient of module) and
‘Rm’ (electrical resistivity of module), followed by ‘Km’ (module’s thermal conductivity) which are
all temperature dependent. The following equations bring out expressions to evaluate the S m, Rm,
Km, Qmax, and ΔTmax in a phased manner. Seebeck coefficient of module (Sm):
( S2 T 2 ) ( S3 T 3 ) (S T )
S1=1.3345 ×10
S2=−5.37574 ×10
S3=7.42731 ×10
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S4 =−1.27141 ×10
‘STh’ and ‘STc’ are evaluated and then ‘S’ of module can be determined as follows:
S T h−S T c
S= (6)
( )( )( )
2 3 4
R2T R3 T R4 T
R=( R1 T ) + + + … ( For ΔT > 0 ) (8)
2 3 4
R2=−1.98763 × 10
R3=8.53832× 10
R4 =−9.03143 ×10
‘RTh’ and ‘RTc’ are evaluated and ‘R’ (resistance of module) can be determined as follows:
R T h−R T c
R= (9)
( )( )( )
2 3 4
K2 T K3T K 4T
K= ( K 1 T ) + + + … ( For ΔT >0 ) (11)
2 3 4
K 1=4.76218 ×10
K 2=−3.89821 ×10
K 3=−8.64864 ×10
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K 4 =2.20869 ×10
‘KTh’ and ‘KTc’ are evaluated and the thermal conductivity of module is found as:
K T h−K T c
K= (12)
Sm =S × ( 1071 )(13)
Electrical Resistance of module is;
K m =K × ( 1071 ) × ( 6I )(15)
The Peltier coefficient, S, is defined as the amount of heat developed or absorbed at the junction of
the thermocouple when one ampere current passes through the junction for one second.
Energy indicators used for the design and performance analysis for TECs are the cooling capacity,
rate of heat rejection, the input electrical power, the dimensionless figure of merit ZT and the
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depending on the voltage referring to the Seebeck effect according to the following equation:
V = ( α NP × ∆ T ) + RI (16)
P¿ =Qh−Qc =( α NP × I ×∆ T ) + R I (17)
The figure of merit depends on the transport parameters (Seebeck coefficient of the thermoelectric
α NP
Z= (18)
The thermal performance of a thermoelectric cooler is given by ZT. The absolute temperature T is
the mean device temperature between the hot and cold sides of the TEC:
T c +T h
T= (19)
A higher figure of merit gives superior cooling power. To achieve this, a thermoelectric material
optimization is required by maximization of the power factor which depends on its material
properties such as electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient as well as minimization of thermal
conductivity [3].
The cooling capacity of a thermoelectric module depends on thermal and electrical contact
resistances and the thermoelement length of the module as in the equation below:
k . ( ∆ T m ax −∆ T )
Q̇ c = −1
l+2. r . l c + r .l c .COP
Where l c =thickness of the cont act layers , r=thermal contact parameter ( ratio between the thermal conductivity of
29 | P a g e
∆ T m ax =m aximumtemperature difference
The maximum cooling capacity and maximum COP are used in design to find the operating
conditions. The maximum temperature difference obtainable between the hot and cold sides always
occurs at I m ax , V m ax ∧Q̇c =0
The coefficient (COP) of performance represents ratio of the heat absorbed at the cold junction
][ ]
mopt −
P ele T h−T c
mopt +1
( 21)
mopt = 1+ Z ( T +T2 )=√ 1+Z T
h c
ave (22)
The COP is influenced by the characteristics of the material on the Thompson effect, temperature,
thermal and electrical resistances. TE coolers have COP’s below 1; 0.4-0.7 is a typical range. Below
are values plotted versus the ratio of input current to the modules I max specification. Each line
corresponds with a constant .
dT m ax
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The main components of a thermoelectric refrigeration system are:
The heat sinks to facilitate the transfer of heat from the hot side of the TECs to the
Fan(s) which transfer heat through convection and allow the dissipation of heated or cooled
Due to their dominant characteristics, such as: Noise and vibration free operation. Orientation
independent operation, light weight, portable, and compact. Long life with low maintenance and
capability for reverse operation by simply reversing polarity, Peltier devices outperform conventional
3. Scalability, these systems can be scaled from less than one watt to kilowatts thus have a much
wider range of market share opportunities and have reduced manufacturing and design costs.
4. Efficiency can be maximized depending on the application and design. Further efficiency
gains can be obtained by using the devices for spot or distributed cooling rather than cooling
an entire enclosure.
7. Silent operation.
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Limitations of thermoelectric cooling
The following cooling technologies are not widely used because of lower energy efficiencies or
higher costs, or both. They were under research and development thus considered not applicable for
1. Magnetic cooling
2. Thermoacoustic cooling
3. Sorption cooling
Hemovigilance encompasses surveillance procedures covering the whole transfusion chain, aimed at
collection and assessing information on unexpected or undesirable effects resulting from the
therapeutic use of blood products and to prevent their occurrence or recurrence [17]. Errors in
transfusion serve a problem to clinical use of blood [18]. These errors might arise due to poor
documentation within the cold chain. Hemovigilance is thus intended for detecting and tracking such
occurrences to correct their cause and prevent recurrence. IOT and ICT are crucial tools for both
[19] Improving efficiency of the cold chain process is crucial. The key is in managing the ever-
growing volume of information. Efficiency in blood stock management can be achieved by reducing
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2.9 Battery choice
For decades, electrochemical energy storage technology, particularly rechargeable batteries, have
found use as portable electronic device energy sources, promoting the booming proliferation of
have been achieved to meet the ever-increasing demands. These rechargeable batteries have included
lead-acid, nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd), nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH), lithium-ion (Li-ion), and lithium-
Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are now widely considered as a viable choice for storing energy in
portable devices. Compared to lead–acid and Ni–MH batteries, these batteries have higher power
(800–2000 W/kg) and specific energy (100–250 Wh/kg) [21] . Poor cell integration in modules and
packs, on the other hand, frequently results in poor performance, life, and safety. In order to achieve
the desired performance in a low-temperature environment and the intended life in a high-
Lithium-ion batteries are environmentally beneficial since they contain a fraction of the harmful
heavy metals present in lead-acid and nickel-cadmium (NiCd) batteries. Cadmium, lead, and
mercury have long been used in batteries, but extended exposure to these metals, as well as improper
disposal, can be dangerous to humans, animals, and plants. Despite the fact that Li-ion batteries are
safer than many other types of batteries, appropriate recycling is still required.
Lightweight and compact: Lithium and carbon electrodes, which are typically used in lithium-ion
batteries, are lightweight on their own, resulting in batteries that are significantly smaller and lighter
The higher the energy density, the more powerful the punch: Lithium is a highly reactive element
with the ability to release and store huge amounts of energy, allowing lithium-ion batteries to have a
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Maintenance-free: Older rechargeable batteries, such as nickel-cadmium or nickel-metal hydride
batteries, had a "memory effect," or "lazy battery effect," which meant that if they were repeatedly
partially discharged before being recharged, the battery would eventually only deliver the amount of
energy used during the partial discharges before the voltage dropped. To avoid this, NiCd and NiMH
3.1 Blood carrier parts and components
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Figure 14: Chest design
Peltier tile
Insulation Air gap
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3.1.1 Chest housing, material and shape.
Polystyrene of 1mm thickness will be used to construct the rectangular double walled cabin.
Rubber sealing will be used to prevent heat leakage through the sides of the top door panel.
The outside of the cabin will be painted white to prevent radiation heat transfer and to improve
surface finish.
Slabs with a thickness of 50 mm and a density of 50 kg /m3 will be used to achieve the required
thermal insulation.
Aluminum fins with attached electrically driven fans will be used to construct the heat sinks.
Rectangular Aluminum blocks will be used to conduct heat from the chest interior walls to the
exterior with Peltier devices being placed between the end of the block and the heatsink.
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PV Array
Solar panel 240 V AC Motorbike’s
battery /
Charge Step-down
controller transformer
12V Battery
Buck converter
Electronic Speed
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Power on
Set temperature
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3.2.1 Heat load calculation
The primary goal of a TE system is to keep the thermal load colder than the ambient temperature .
The volume capacity is estimated to be 20 L ( 20000 cm3 ) with dimensions 40 cmby 20 cm by 25 cm . First,
we must determine the highest temperature differential that can exist between the thermal load and
the ambient environment. The temperature differential, ΔT . This is usually the worst-case scenario.
Q=mΔT C (23)
Q=Quantity of heat
ΔT =Temperature differential
Average Minimum
Table 2 Densities
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Thermal mass due to air inside the cabin when totally empty is:
Density= (24)
3 3
Mass of air=density × volume=1.225 kg /m ×0.02 m =0.0245 kg
−1 −1
Q=0.0245 kg ×26 ℃ × 1004 J kg ℃ =639.548 joules of heat .
Thermal mass due to whole blood being cooled at full capacity of of cabin volume :
3 3
×20 L=15 L=0.015 m
3 3
Mass of blood =density × volume=1060 kg/m ×0.015 m =15.9 kg
Whole blood can survive without refrigeration for up to 24hrs after which refrigeration is required.
Heat flow rate to cool the bring the temperature down to 4 ℃ in 30 minutes:
Q 149526.78 J
Q̇c =Q̇blood = = =830.704333 J / s
Time taken ( 30 ×60 ) s
P peltier = =69.225361 W
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1 2
Q̇ c =α T c I − I R+k (T c −T h )
1 2 −3 −1
69.225361= (53 mV / K ×277 K × I )− I × 2.3+1.5 ×10 W K ( 277−303 ) K
69.225361=14.681 I −1.15 I −0.039
1.15 I −14.681 I +69.264361=0
The heat emitted on the hot side of the TEC is given by:
Q̇h=αI T h +0.5 I R−k (T h−T C )
Q̇h=( 53 mV K−1 ×7.760791 A ×303 K ) + ( 0.5× ( 7.760791 A )2 × 2.3Ω )−( 1.5 × 10−3 W K−1 × 26 K )
Q̇h=193.855901 W
R k th
( 53 mV / K )2
Z= −3 −1
=0.81042 K−1
2.3 Ω × 1.5× 10 W K
Q̇c Q̇c
COP= =
P ele Q̇ h−Q̇c
69.225361W 69.225361 W
COP= = =0.5554
193.855901 W −69.225361W 127.630540 W
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Cooling capacity that will be required to maintain the blood temperature at 4 ℃ for 24hours :
Ki Ai ∆ T i
Q̇=∑ (25)
i=1 di
Where S is the set of refrigerator surfaces with their associated areas Ai. Each of these surfaces will
be characterized by thermal conductivity Ki, thickness di, and temperature gradient, ∆Ti.
( )( )(
0.035 W 2 0.035 W 2 0.035 W 2
S ×0.1925 m × 28 K × 0.22 m ×28 K ×0.14 m ×28 K
Ki Ai ∆ T i mK mK mK
Q̇=∑ = ×2 + ×2 +
i=1 di 0.075 m 0.075 m 0.075 m
Using the Peltier equation (2) to determine the current needed to overcome these insulation losses
1 2
Q̇loss=α T c I − I R+k (T c −T h )
1 2 −3 −1
12.6093 W = ( 53 mV / K ×277 K × I )− I × 2.3+1.5 ×10 W K ( 277−303 ) K
12.6093=14.681 I −1.15 I −0.039
1.15 I −14.681 I +0.039=0
I 1=0.002657 A
I 2=12.76343 A
TEC Selection.
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It will be required to choose a TEC module that not only has sufficient cooling capacity to maintain
the proper temperature, but also meet the dimensional requirements imposed by the housing.
The TEC module will be selected by considering few factors such as dimensions, Q C, and current
requirements. The model number of the module is TEC1-12706. TEC1-12706 operates with a
43 | P a g e
From the TEC1-12706 datasheet
DeltaT max 70
I max ( Amps ) 6
V max ( Volts ) 12
−3 −1
Thermal conductivity , k =1.5 ×10 W K
The values that will be obtained in the preceding analysis will be used to assess overall system
feasibility. The efficiency of the heat sink has a significant influence on the heat pumping capability
of the thermoelectric module. The hot side of the module must interface with an efficient heat
removal system in order to achieve a useful temperature differential across the thermoelectric
Each Peltier module dissipates a maximum 69.225361 W , and for efficient operation of the unit, the
resistance is assumed a typical value of 0.1 ℃/W . For the design purposes, the interfacial and
44 | P a g e
contact thermal resistances are ignored. To keep the temperature at 4 ±2 ℃ , a heat sink with an
Rc−s =thermal interface material used between TEC ∧aluminium block∧between TEC∧heat sink
COP= (27)
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T a is the ambient temperature ,
T hs =T a+ ( Rh + Rc−s ) 1+ ( 1
Q (29)
Assuming a thermal resistance of 0.2 ℃/W ,reasonable for a high-performance heat sink with forced
air cooling and thermal resistance of the thermal interface material (grease) is 0.01 ℃/W , then
∆ T TEC=48.15+
∆ T TEC =48.15+ =74 ℃
This temperature is lower than the maximum operating temperature which is 90 ℃ thus the solution
will work. However thermal resistance can be improved by using forced convection.
T op, max −T A
PD = (30)
R total
46 | P a g e
where P D −maximum power dissipated
T A− Ambient temperature
T op ,max −T A
Rtotal= (31)
90 ℃−30 ℃
Rtotal= =0.2597 ℃ /W
The total thermal resistance is a sum of thermal resistance of junction-to-case, thermal resistance of
Using the table below, T670 thermal grease is chosen having a thermal conductivity of 3.0 W /m−K
47 | P a g e
Therefore, the heat sink thermal resistance is
Rhs=0.1597−0.01=0.1497 ℃ /W
Estimating the overall volume of the heat sink required to cool the TEC module [22],
(Q × R v ) 3
Volume= where R v is the volumetric thermal resistance(80℃−cm /W )
136 × 80 3
V= =181.3 cm
48 | P a g e
2. Sizing of the solar panel, battery and charge controller
Depth of Discharge=0.8
Days of Autonomy=1
49 | P a g e
Power Brushed
Supply ESC
Power Supply
Control Leads
50 | P a g e
3.2.7 Peltier coolers’ connection topologies
Peltier modules will be connected in parallel in order to ensure they operate on the same voltage
We will use RFID module to identify blood bags. RFID tags shall be affixed to the bags. The RC522
RFID reader/writer module is a low power, low cost, extremely durable, and simple to interface with
3.2.9 Display
An HD44780-based character LCD display and I2C LCD adaptor make up a standard I2C LCD
display. A regular LCD is substantially more difficult to connect than an I2C LCD. Instead of 12,
only 4 pins are needed. GND pin connected to ground and the VCC pin to the Arduino's 5V output.
The I2C communication pins to be linked appropriately. The SDA (data line) and SCL (clock line)
51 | P a g e
3.2.10 Internal Temperature and Humidity sensor
The DHT22 sensor has its temperature measuring range from -40°C to +125°C and humidity
52 | P a g e
1. Blood carrier refrigerator mountable on a motorbike or a bicycle.
53 | P a g e
Proposal Writing
Testing and
Final Report
Final Presentation
54 | P a g e
Unit Price
Index Item Number Total
55 | P a g e
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