KidsBox - ActivityBook1 - TeachingNotes - Unit 1

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Downloadable Activity Book Teaching Notes

Unit 1 Hello!


Look and match. Listen and write the number.

• Say Open your Activity Books at page 4, please. Look • Say Open your Activity Books at page 6, please. Show
at Activity 1. Who can you see? Show page 4 on the Activity 1 on the whiteboard. Say Listen and cup your
whiteboard and point to and say the example (Suzy). hand behind your ear. Play the example audio and trace
Pupils work individually and match the other five pictures. the example 6 with picture 1. Tell pupils to use a pencil.
Pupils check in pairs by pointing and naming. Check on Play the audio. Pupils listen and write the ages. They
the whiteboard by saying the name and pointing. check in pairs. Play the audio again. Check with the class.
Ask questions, e.g. Number 1. How old is he? Write the
Key: 2 Mr Star, 3 Monty, 4 Simon, 5 Mrs Star, 6 Stella
correct answer on the whiteboard for each one.

AB4. ACTIVITY 2 Key: 2 = 3, 3 = 5, 4 = 9, 5 = 7, 6 = 10

Listen and circle the tick or cross. 3

• Say Look at Activity 2, please. Point to the picture on 1 I’m six.
the whiteboard and to the tick and then the cross. Say 2 I’m three.
Listen and circle the tick or cross. Play the example and 3 I’m five.
trace the circle around the tick. Play the rest of the audio. 4 I’m nine.
Pupils listen and circle. Pupils check in pairs. Play the 5 I’m seven.
audio again. Check with the class by playing the audio 6 I’m ten.
and pausing after each one to check answers on the
whiteboard. AB6. ACTIVITY 2

Key: 2 , 3 , 4 Draw and write.

• Show Activity 2 on the whiteboard. Point to Paula.
2 Say Who’s this? How old is she? Pupils respond. Tell
1 Simon: Hello. I’m Simon. pupils to draw (mime drawing a picture in the air) a
2 Monty: Hello. I’m Monty. picture of themselves in the other frame and to write
3 Suzy: Hello. I’m Suzy. their information. Elicit a few examples from pupils: I’m
4 Stella: Hello. I’m Stella. (name). I’m (age).
• Encourage pupils to show each other their drawings.
Look, match and say. • Coloured pencils or crayons
• Say Open your Activity Books at page 5, please. Look
and match. Show Activity 1 on the whiteboard. Point AB7. ACTIVITY 1
to the characters from left to right. Elicit the names
each time. Say them clearly as groups of four (Marie, Listen and colour
Maskman, Maskman, Monty ... Marie, Maskman, ...). • Say Open your Activity Books at page 7, please. Listen
Follow the line to Maskman and Monty with your finger. and colour. Show the activity on the whiteboard. Point
Elicit Maskman, Monty. to and elicit the numbers. Tell pupils to place the seven
• Pupils work in pairs to complete rows 2 to 4 by drawing coloured pencils on their desks (blue, green, pink, purple,
lines to the correct characters. Pairs check with other red, orange, yellow). Pupils mark the number with a dot
pairs. Pupils say the names of the characters in the rows in the right colour. Play the audio. Pupils listen and mark
as they check. Check with the class. the numbers. They will not need to use all seven colours.
They colour the number in fully after the listening. They
Key: 2 Simon, Simon, 3 Stella, Simon, 4 Monty, Monty
check in pairs. Play the audio again. Check with the class
by asking, e.g. What colour’s number 1? You can invite
AB5. ACTIVITY 2 pupils to the whiteboard to point to the numbers and say
the colours.
Join the dots.
• Say Look at Activity 2, please. Point to the puzzle on the Key: 8 red, 1 purple, 7 blue, 9 yellow, 4 orange
whiteboard and hold up a pencil. Say Use a pencil and
join the dots. Count the numbers aloud with the class. 4
One, two, three, ... Elicit what the picture is (a star). 1 Look at number 8. Colour it red.
Yes, colour number 8 red.

Kid’s Box New Generation Level 1    ©

© Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023
Downloadable Activity Book Teaching Notes
Unit 1 Hello!

2 Look at number 1. Colour it purple. • Show Activity 2 on the whiteboard. Say Write and draw.
OK. Number 1 is purple. Point to the gapped words and write the letter r in the
3 OK. Look at number 7. Colour it blue. gaps. Point to and read the two words. Pupils repeat
Blue? with you.
Yes, number 7 is blue. • Pupils write the letter r in the gaps. They draw a rainbow
4 What colour’s number 9? and colour it red.
It’s yellow. Number 9 is yellow.
5 Look at number 4. Colour it orange. • Coloured pencils or crayons
OK. Number 4 is orange.

MATERIALS Find and stick.

• Coloured pencils or crayons • Say Open your Activity Books at page 9, please. Look
at the picture dictionary. Pupils prepare the stickers.
AB8. ACTIVITY 1 Show Activity 1 on the whiteboard and point to and elicit
the numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Pupils point to the correct
Look, circle and colour.
sticker. Say the numbers in a different order. Pupils
• Say the sound /r/ and trace a large letter r in the air. point to the correct number in their books. Pupils stick
Pupils copy and repeat. the stickers in the correct place. Remind them to check
• Say Open your Activity Books at page 8, please. Look, with each other or with you before sticking them in their
circle and colour. Show Activity 1 on the whiteboard, books. Monitor around the class to check.
point to the first picture and ask What do you see? Say it
with me! Do the same for the other three pictures. Pupils AB9. ACTIVITY 2
say the words rainbow, ball, two, robot.
• Point to the letter r in the middle of the pictures and Say the words. Colour the stars.
elicit the sound /r/. Pupils look, find and circle the • Show Activity 2 on the whiteboard. Point to the numbers
pictures of the words that start with the sound /r/. Check and ask Can you say these words? Elicit the words in
their answers on the whiteboard. Then ask pupils to take chorus. Ask pupils to repeat if necessary. When a pupil
a red pencil and to colour the pictures that they have doesn’t say the number correctly, elicit the number from
circled red. another pupil who can and then ask the first pupil to
• Pupils point to the two pictures they have coloured in repeat.
and say, e.g. a red rainbow. • Pupils work in pairs. They take turns to point to a number
in their books and to say it.
Key: Pupils circle and colour in red: rainbow, robot
• Say Colour the stars. Demonstrate the activity on the
whiteboard. Point to and elicit a number. Say Good.
AB8. ACTIVITY 2 Now colour the star. Pupils choose colours to colour
Write and draw. their stars.

• Use a red pen to colour a red splodge on the board. Draw

three short lines underneath and write e d on the last two:
_ e d. Ask pupils what letter is missing and elicit r.

Kid’s Box New Generation Level 1    ©

© Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023

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