Artigo Opiniao Alema
Artigo Opiniao Alema
Artigo Opiniao Alema
• of the German Cancer Society, Working Group Prevention and Integra- In the context of hematologic stem cell trans-
tive Oncology (PRIO) plantation (HSCT), the immune system is se-
• the German Society for Hematology and Medical Oncology, Working verely weakened by chemotherapy [1]. The-
Group Nutrition, Metabolism, Exercise; refore, for more than three decades, patients
• the German Association of Dietitians an the undergoing HSCT have been significantly
• Professional Association of Oecotrophologists restricted in their food choices by a so-called
neutropenic diet [1]. By avoiding numerous
foods and special instructions for prepara-
The neutropenic diet has been a dietary regimen prescribed in many centers tion, the risk of food infection is to be reduced
to patients undergoing intensive chemotherapies and/or hematologic stem by the immunosuppressed patients [2]. This
cell transplantation for decades. However, evaluation of the scientific data
seems rational at first, as infections are in-
on the low-germ diet shows that this diet has no benefit but considerable
deed associated with increased morbidity and
risks for patients. Therefore, this form of nutrition is not indicated.
mortality in affected individuals [3]. Nevert-
The undersigned professional societies and working groups therefore call
heless, there is a lack of scientific evidence as to
on all physicians, nurses, nutrition therapists and dieticians to provide com-
whether adherence to a neutropenic diet pre-
prehensive nutritional medical advice to patients undergoing and after in-
tensive chemotherapy. This includes detailed information and training of vents infections [1]. This is relevant because
patients and relatives on hygiene measures in the kitchen and when con- strict limitation of dietary options may affect
suming food. quality of life and compromise body weight
Key words: neutropenic diet, chemotherapy, hematologic stem cell trans- maintenance.
plantation, immunosuppression, malnutrition, hygiene training, cancer, According to the definition of the Robert Koch
nutritional medicine, nutritional therapy Institute (RKI), a neutropenic diet is an "Expli-
Both authors share the first authorship
Ernaehrungs Umschau international | 3/2022
Professional society, year [reference] Opinion
German Cancer Society, 2014 [9] Recommendations are made that can be assigned to a strict neut-
ropenic diet. This involves talking about "bacterial-free" nutrition
in the neutropenia phase and "bacterial-reduced" in the leukocyte
regeneration phase.
German Society for Nutritional Medicine Neutropenic diets are not explicitly mentioned, but "dietary restric-
(DGEM), 2015 [10] tions that limit food intake in patients with (impending) malnutri-
tion can be ... potentially harmful and should be avoided."
German Society for Hematology and The diet of patients with a weakened immune system should be
Medical Oncology (DGHO), 2017 [11]. decided on a more individual basis. In addition, evidence-based
education programs are recommended by all stakeholders.
European Society for Clinical Nutrition and A neutropenic diet is not recommended due to the lack of evidence.
Metabolism (ESPEN), 2021 [12]
Robert Koch Institute, 2021 [4] The strict implementation of a neutropenic diet is explicitly rejected
"because its benefits are unproven and such a diet significantly
impairs patients' quality of life."
Tab. 1: Opinions by several professional societies and the Robert Koch Institute on neutropenic diets
cit avoidance of any food that may cause infections in immuno- a significantly reduced survival prognosis of
compromised patients via contamination with and transmission patients [14].
of facultative pathogenic or opportunistic microorganisms." [4] This is particularly critical as 35% of patients
In practice, this is done in different ways. In 2006, Moody et al suffer from malnutrition after autologous
[5] defined a diet as "low-bacterial" (neutropenic diet) if it excluded HSCT [15] and up to 60% after allogeneic
raw fruits that cannot be peeled and if it did not include raw vege- HSCT [16]. This is due to the side effects of the
tables, aged cheese, cold cuts, fast food, or food prepared away therapy such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
from home. In their study published in 2018 [6], nuts and yogurt and mucositis, which can also lead to reduced
were additionally excluded for this dietary pattern. Van Thiel et al food intake and thus to malnutrition and an-
[7], in a clinical trial published in 2007, investigated a "low bacte- orexia [13, 17, 18]. Another relevant aspect is
rial diet“ without raw vegetables, lettuce, soft cheeses, raw meats, that the changes in the intestinal microbiome
fresh fruits, tap water, and spices that were not heated. In 2012, (dysbiosis) triggered by chemotherapy already
Trifilio et al [8] reported a "low bacterial" diet (neutropenic diet) impair the functionality of the intestinal mu-
that did not include fresh fruits or vegetables, black pepper, raw cosa as a defense barrier [19, 20] and that dra-
or undercooked meat, undercooked cheese products, cold-smoked stic restrictions induce further disturbances in
fish, non-pasteurized dairy products, raw miso products, raw ce- the microbiome [21, 22]. A critical examina-
real products, or brewer's yeast. tion of the evidence on a neutropenic diet and
Due to the restricted selection of foods and the intensive prepara- a clear definition of the patients for whom this
tion, the dietary form of a neutropenic diet can promote malnutri- is necessary is essential in order to minimize
tion [13]. In addition, food prepared according to the regulations the risk of malnutrition.
is not very appetizing and is visually and tastily inadequate, so
that food intake is additionally restricted as a result. These fac-
tors can exacerbate malnutrition. Malnutrition is associated with
While the use of such a low-germ diet has been largely maintained in many transplant centers, the opinions of
relevant professional societies have changed over the past decade and have recently come out against the strict
implementation of a neutropenic diet ( Table 1). In contrast, decisive importance is attached to reliable adherence
to basic hygiene measures in the purchase, storage, and preparation of food (safe food handling). Foods with a high
risk of bacterial contamination by pathogens should be furthermore avoided [4].
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Peer Review | Opinion
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• Accordingly, all-inclusive education begins with purchasing and
ends with consumption [33, 34]. Patients should learn the pro- Conflict of Interest
per selection of intact foods, their refrigeration, transportation, Opinions and position papers reflect the viewpoints and
assessments – including the interests – of the organizati-
and storage. They should be aware of sources of infection such
on(s) named in the author line. The authors declare that
as raw foods (e.g. minced meat, fish, eggs). In this context, cle- there are no further conflicts of interest in connection with
aning of hands, surfaces and kitchen utensils should also be the contents of this publication.
taught to avoid cross-contamination.
• For appropriate food preparation, the importance of washing,
peeling and blanching, as well as the assessment of adequate
Luca Schmidt1
heating and cooling, should be explained. Dr. rer. biol. hum Nicole Tonya Erickson, RD2
The usefulness of these measures as opposed to extensive heating Christine Reudelsterz
was confirmed in a laboratory study. In this, the microbiological Julia von Grundherr MPH, B. Sc. 3
load of one SD and one ND hospital food was examined. Of 36 Prof. Dr. med. Diana Rubin4
Dr. Andrea Lambeck5
samples, two each of the SD and ND were contaminated with B.
Uta Köpcke6
cereus and one of the ND with coagulase-positive Staphylococcus Dr. Jann Arends7
(p = 1.00). Furthermore, this was found in one dish that had Prof. Dr. med. Jutta Hübner1
undergone a cooking process. This emphasizes the importance of [email protected]
hygiene of food and its preparation [35].
Universitätsklinikum Jena; Klinik für Innere Medizin II
Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC München LMU),
LMU Klinikum München
Universitäres Cancer Center Hamburg (UCCH)
Conclusions Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Vivantes Klinikum Spandau
BerufsVerband Oecotrophologie e. V. (VDOE)
In the context of evidence-based care for patients with intensive 6
Verband der Diätassistenten – Deutscher Bundesverband
chemotherapy regimens, including patients with HSCT, a neutro- e. V.
penic diet is not indicated because it provides no benefit but carries (VDD)
significant risks for patients. 7
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Universitätsklinikum
The undersigned associations, professional societies and working Freiburg, Klinik für Innere Medizin I
groups therefore call on all physicians, nurses, nutrition thera-
pists and dieticians in hospitals and practices to provide com-
prehensive nutritional advice to patients undergoing and after
intensive chemotherapy. This includes detailed information and
training for patients and relatives on hygiene measures in the kit-
chen and when eating food. Any weight loss must be countered
by appropriate nutritional medical measures. Qualified nutritional
counseling is the first priority here.
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