Assessment Task 1 - Questioning
Assessment Task 1 - Questioning
Assessment Task 1 - Questioning
4. Explain why it is important that health services assistants communicate information in a manner that is clear
and easily understood?
So that it is easy and clear to be understood by clients.
5. Health services assistants should confirm that a person understands the message they are communicating.
Briefly explain why?
Repeat, Paraphrasing
6. Why is it important for health services assistants to listen to requests, clarify the meaning of requests (where
required) and respond appropriately to requests?
As a health service assistant, one of your responsibilities is to assist clients in his/her individual needs and
to give them satisfactory service.
7. Describe, in your own words, why health services assistants should exchange information:
a. Clearly?
b. In a timely manner?
c. Within confidentiality procedures?
Health services assistants should exchange information clearly, in timely manner and within confidentiality
procedures to obtain the best possible health care outcomes between clients.
8. Explain why health services assistants should listen to, clarify and agree on timeframes for carrying out
instructions in the workplace.
Active listening and clarification are both integral in having effective communication.
9. a. Describe why it is important for health services assistants to use industry terminology correctly in
verbal, written and digital communications?
using industry terminology correctly helps to ensure communication is professional, that the meaning of complex
concepts is clear, and that a message is received in the manner intended by the sender (particularly between
b. In the following table is a list of terminology commonly used in the health and community service sector.
Write a brief sentence using each term correctly and provide an example:
Access All clients should have equal access to health and community services.
Activities of daily living Activities of daily living – including hygiene, toileting and ambulation – are important
(ADLs) aspects of a client’s wellbeing.
Advanced care planning It is important that clients engage in advanced care planning prior to them becoming
mentally incompetent and losing the ability to make decisions for themselves.
Advocate Health and community services workers must advocate for the client’s best interests.
Ambulatory care Health and community services workers are important providers of ambulatory care.
Care plan It is important for health and community services workers to follow a client’s care plan.
Case management Case management is important to ensure that a client’s best interests are met.
Chronic disease A chronic disease is a long-term disease which may have significant impacts on a client.
Compliant It is important to support a client to be compliant with cares, including medications.
Consent A client must give consent, or permission, before a health or community services
worker can perform any cares.
Dignity Health and community services workers must respect a client’s dignity at all times.
Discharge Planning for a client’s discharge is important if they are to be independent in the
Empower Health and community services workers must empower a client towards positive
Independent living The term independent living describes a client who lives in the community with little
help from others.
Key worker A key worker, also called a ‘case manager’, is the person responsible for coordinating
the overall care of a client.
Lifestyle The term lifestyle describes how a person chooses to live their life.
Outreach Outreach services are designed to reach clients who may be unaware of the services
available to them.
Personal care One of the most fundamental aspects of the health and community services worker’s
role is to provide personal care to clients, including assisting them with ADLs.
Provider A provider is an individual, group or organisation which delivers health or community
Quality of Life Quality of life describes the general wellbeing of a person.
Respite Care Respite care involves services to provide relief temporary to informal caregivers (e.g.
Supported Health and community services workers are often employed in supported
accommodation accommodation settings where clients are encouraged to live as independently as
Terminal illness The term terminal illness describes an illness, disease or condition which is life-limiting.
Target group Services must be designed and delivered with the needs of the target group in mind.
Wellbeing The term wellbeing describes how well a client is on the physical, mental and social
10. In your own words, state why health services assistants must follow communication protocols (e.g.
guidelines, policies, procedures) that apply to interactions with different people and different lines of authority?
following communication protocols applicable to interactions with different people and different lines of authority
helps to ensure that communication takes place in an ordered, structured way consistent with organisation
11. a. What are some of the early signs of potentially complicated or difficult communication situations?
Give three (3) examples.
Emotionally-charged situations
Patients who are ‘difficult’, abusive, non-compliant
Sensitive topics (e.g. palliation, death, etc.)
Impairments to communication (e.g. language, disability, etc.)
Cultural differences
b. Why should health services assistants report these early signs of potentially complicated or difficult
communication situations, according to organisation procedures?
In this case, it will help prevent possible occurrence of same situations into happening again.
12. List three (3) constraints to effective communication. Then, for each, give one (1) communication strategy or
technique you may use to resolve this constraint and promote effective communication.
CONSTRAINTS TO EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION: language, disability, highly-emotional situations, use of jargon in
the medical context, distance, cultural diversity, gender differences, status differences, etc●
COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES: using communication aids (e.g. telephone, language book, translator, diagrams,
etc.), verbal communication techniques (e.g. speaking clearly, using correct grammar / pronunciation, slowing
speech, using simpler words, etc.), non-verbal communication techniques (e.g. ensuring congruency of body
language, open body language, gestures, eye contact, etc.).
13. Identify three (3) examples of communication skills which may be used by a health services assistant to
avoid, defuse or resolve conflict situations.
Demonstrate that you are listening to the client, don’t interrupt
Maintain eye contact, get on the same level as the client
Be aware of personal space and non-verbal communication (e.g. open, relaxed posture)
Don’t rush or coerce the client
Use a calm, quiet voice
Remove physical barriers
Avoid arguing
14. a. Provide one (1) example of a legal responsibility with which a health services assistant must comply.
o Privacy and confidentiality
o Duty of care ‘mandatory reporting
b. Provide one (1) example of an ethical responsibility with which a health services assistant must comply.
o Beneficence – to do good
o Non-maleficence – to do no harm
c. If a health services assistant encounters difficulties in complying with their legal or ethical responsibilities, why
should they discuss these difficulties with their supervisor?
Privacy and confidentiality
Duty of care ‘mandatory reporting
Infection control
Occupational health and safety (OHS)
Accident and incident reporting
15. a. Explain why it is important for a health services assistant to refer any breach or non-adherence to standard
procedures, or an adverse event, to appropriate people.
reporting such issues to appropriate people is both a legal and ethical requirement, and that this helps to facilitate
an appropriate response to the issue.
b. Identify and list who the ‘appropriate people’ are that a health services assistant should report a breach or
non-adherence to standard procedures or an adverse event to? Give three (3) examples.
o Supervisor
o Supervisor’s supervisor
o Service manager
o Department of Community Services (as per mandatory reporting legislation)
o Senior colleagues
16. a. Briefly state why a health services assistant should refer issues impacting on others’ rights and
If you have awareness of your role then you will know how to respond in certain cases and know what is expected
of you.
b. To whom might a health services assistant refer issues impacting on others’ rights and responsibilities? Give
three (3) examples.
o Supervisor
o Supervisor’s supervisor
o Service manager
17. In your own words, briefly explain why a health services assistant should refer unresolved conflict situations
to their supervisor.
. Your supervisor will have an appropriate response to resolve conflict and prevent from happening again.
18. a. Provide three (3) examples of techniques a health services assistants can use to complete
documentation according to their legal requirements and organisation procedures?
o Ensuring documentation is legible, signed, dated
o Ensuring documentation is contemporaneous
o Ensuring documentation is accurate, complete, unaltered
b. State why it is important for health services assistants to complete documentation according to their legal
requirements and organisation procedures?
19. Identify why health services assistants must read workplace documents relating to their role, and clarify their
understanding of these documents with their supervisor if required?
Role awareness and responsibility
20. Briefly state how health services assistants can complete written and electronic documents to organisation
standards? Note one (1) example.
Important thing to consider in regards to recordkeeping is to maintain confidentiality. All staffs must
secure that electronic files are password protected.
21. Give three (3) examples of organisation communication policies and procedures for using digital
media in the health and community services sector.
o ‘No social media at work’ policy
o Policies preventing employees from ‘friending’ clients on social media
o Using social media for professional development opportunities
22. Why should health services assistants use clear, accurate and objective language when documenting events?
using clear, accurate and objective language when documenting events ensures that the record of events is clear,
unbiased and easy to understand, that there are no judgements of the client, that there are no unfounded
conclusions, and that there are no opinions expressed (allowing the reader to form their own view).
23. Briefly define and explain the following legal and ethical considerations relating to communication:
Privacy, Health and community services have a legal and ethical responsibility to ensure the privacy and
Confidentiality confidentiality of their clients, colleagues, others attending their service and the service itself.
and disclosure This includes, for example, ensuring that records are kept safe (e.g. in a locked filing cabinet),
ensuring that records are only shared appropriately and with relevant people, ensuring that
records are shared with the consent of the client, ensuring that records are not discussed in
public spaces (e.g. tea-rooms), informing clients of what is done with the records the service
collects, and only using records about a client in a way that is reasonable / expected, etc.
However, there are situations where disclosure of confidential information without their
consent is legally mandated – such as where abuse is suspected. The student may mention the
Privacy Act 1988 and the Privacy Amendment Act 2000.
Discrimination Discrimination refers to the unfair treatment of someone on the basis of an aspect of
difference – such as sex, race, age or other category. A person may discriminate against
another in communication either directly (e.g. by labelling or name-calling) or indirectly (e.g. by
excluding someone from a conversation). Discrimination is illegal in Australia under the Age
Discrimination Ace 2004, the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986, the Disability
Discrimination Act 1992, the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 and the Sex Discrimination Act
1984 and state / territory equivalents.
Duty of care Duty of care is owed – in legal and ethical terms – to any person who may be affected by a
health and community services worker’s actions, advice or omissions. A breach of duty of care
occurs when a community services worker fails to provide the service expected (that is, they
fail to do what ‘a reasonable person’ would do in a similar situation, or they do what ‘a
reasonable person’ would not do). If this results in damage, a health and community services
worker may be deemed negligent and responsible for civil and criminal legal action.
Mandatory Many professionals in Australia – including, in many jurisdictions, health and community
Reporting services workers – are mandatory reporters. This means they are legally and ethically required
to report situations of actual or suspected abuse to appropriate authorities (usually the
relevant government department). A worker must have ‘reasonable grounds’ and ‘reasonable
suspicion’ on which to base a report of abuse; they are not obliged to ‘prove’ the abuse has
taken / is taking place.
Translation Translators or interpreters are useful in assisting with communication with people who speak
English as a second language. However, to ensure the client’s privacy and confidentiality is
maintained, relatives and friends should not be used as translators or interpreters. Instead,
professional translating and interpreting services (often via the telephone), with trained
professionals bound by privacy and confidentiality legislation, should be employed. This is
particularly important in situations when legal consent is to be obtained.
Informed Informed consent means that patient is provided with sufficient information (including relevant
consent benefits and risks) to make an appropriate decision about whether to go ahead with the
proposed examination or procedure. This is a legal and ethical requirement in Australia.
Work role Work role boundaries (including responsibilities and limitations) are defined by a person’s
boundaries scope of practice. Scope of practice refers to providing the level of care you have been trained
(responsibilities and deemed competent to provide. This is a legal and ethical requirement in Australia.
and limitations)
b. What is ‘ethical decision making’, and why should health services assistants use ethical decision making to
resolve conflict of interest situations?
ethical decision-making involves using the ethical principles (outlined in Q14b) to balance competing
choices when choosing among alternatives. Ethical decision-making can assist in finding the best resolution to a
conflict of interest situation – that is, one which effectively balances the interests of a person with the interests of
their organisation or their client..
25. a. Briefly define and explain the following principles of effective communication:
Open-ended Open-ended questions are designed to elicit a full and meaningful answer, rather than just a
question ‘yes / no’ response.
Affirmations Affirmations are positive thoughts and statements which seek to offer emotional support
and encouragement
Reflections Reflection involves looking back on practice (including communication) to identify what was
done well, and what could be done better next time.
Summaries Summarising involves making a brief statement covering the most important points.
b. In your own words explain the difference between motivational interviewing and a coercive approach.
motivational interviewing involves assisting a client to improve their motivation to achieve a goal by resolving their
ambivalence, whilst coercion involves persuading a person to achieve their goal through force, threats or other
inappropriate behaviour
Encodes Decodes
29. Provide examples of how organisations in the health and community services sector have used the following
digital media :
Web Website to communicate information on services, provide health promotion information.
Email Email newsletters and factsheets.
Social media Tips for good health, engagement in healthy initiatives.
Podcasts and videos Health promotion.
Tablets and Activity and food trackers, weight loss monitoring, exercise monitoring.
Newsletters and Communicate organisation activity, provide health promotion information.
Intranet Repository of organisation policies, procedures.
b. Demonstrate respect?
Verbal Communication Apologises to the client for delay
Asking permission that she will speak with the supervisor
Informing that she will be right back
Non-verbal Communication Listening carefully
Avoid interrupting
Open body language
Faces her supervisor
Eye contact
Assist the client to the toilet
2. Identify the other verbal and non-verbal communication strategies Brittany could use to enhance understanding and
demonstrate respect? Give three (3) examples.
Repeat What Terrie said
Explaining the procedure step by step to the residents
Checking understanding / getting feedback
d. In a timely manner.
Brittany excuse herself momentarily and went immediately to her supervisor
c. Responded appropriately.
Following the instructions given
Case Study 3
5. Explain how Mark listened to, clarified and agreed on timeframes for carrying out his supervisor’s instructions.
He quickly act on the client concern by approaching his supervisor with information from client
He made sure to confirm if he can carry out the instruction by asking "should I work on this today"
He immediately identified a local aged care facility as soon as his supervisor confirmed that it is a good idea to
refer Mr Baker to go into a nursing home per client's request for extra support
6. Identify the lines of communication between Mark’s organisation and the aged care service.
Key worker - - - - - - - - - Supervisor (face to face)
Key worker - - - - - - - - - - Local aged care facility (telephone)
8. Provide an example of how Mark has followed standard communication protocols in interacting with different people
and different lines of authority.
Mark has demonstrated following the standard communication protocols by reporting to his supervisor about
the client's concern.
Case Study 4
9. Explain how Damien has:
a. Identified the early signs of potentially complicated or difficult situations.
The client is confused
Shows aggressiveness
Having trouble understanding Damien’s accent
b. Reported these signs to his supervisor according to organisation procedures.
Damien has IMMEDIATELY reported those signs to his supervisor
11. Explain how Damien has used communication skills to avoid, defuse and resolve the conflict situation.
By being calm
He avoided the client by rushing or coercing him to take his lunch
He adopted an open and relaxed posture when talking to Damien.
Case Study 5
12. Identify how Paola has contributed to identifying and voicing improvements in work practices?
She raises the issue with her colleagues she works with, and they agree that mealtimes are a problem.
Paola then speaks with her supervisor about this issue, who encourages her to discuss it at the next
staff meeting. Following the staff meeting, the facility’s manager puts a new mealtime policy and
procedure in place
13. State how has Paola promoted and modelled changes to improved work practices and procedures, in
accordance with her organisation's requirements?
Paola implements this policy and procedure, ensuring that mealtimes are staggered and only two
clients are at the buffet at any one time, and assists other staff members to do the same. Paola enjoys
this experience and the positive outcomes it has for her clients
14. Identify why it is important for Paola to seek feedback and advice from appropriate people on areas for
skill and knowledge development?
It is important to seek feedback to the higher priority such as the facility manager in order to find the
best corresponding solution and to address the certain issues in such a way that can make the
workplace more organize and to ensure everything will be well arranged and will be able to meet the
criteria of what the workplace should be. In that way, it will have a good outcome and will avoid or
lessen such issue.
15. Briefly describe why it is important for Paola to consult with her manager regarding options for accessing
skill development opportunities, and initiate action?
In every organization it is vital to consult or seek help to the supervisor regarding options for
accessing skill development opportunities because it is part of the policy and procedure. So what
Paola did is to talk to her supervisor about the issue, and disseminated the information and discussed
it at the next staff meeting.
Case Study 6
16. Provide a response to the following:
a. What is a multidisciplinary team?
A multidisciplinary team is a group of health care workers who are members of different professions (e.g.
Health assitants, registered nurse, respiratory specialist, speech pathologist, palliative care team, etc.), each
providing specific services to the client. The team members independently treat various issues a client may
have, focusing on the issues in which they specialise.
c. Explain the different roles and responsibilities of the members of Francis’ multidisciplinary team.
Health assistant provide Francis her general household assistance, emotional support, individual care needs
and companionship to people in her home.
Registered nurse responsible for ongoing care and care coordination, specialise nurse in motor neurone
disease for symptom management, treatment modifications and medications
Respiratory specialist specialises in disorders of the lungs and breathing. Provides information and advice about
breathing and motor neurone disease including timely access to non-invasive ventilation.
Speech pathologist helps in the management of communication and swallowing reflexes. They can advise about
appropriate communication aids and devices, swallowing techniques and modify food
Palliative Care Specialist specialises in interventions that can improve quality of life for people with life limiting
conditions. They provide emotional support and can assist Francis organise plan for future
Neurologist specialises in disorders of the nervous system. They coordinate tests Francis' need for
diagnosis and monitors her disease progression and help in the management,