LK Promises

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Little kids

can know God

His promises

Original text: Shirley Person

Adapted for Europe: Rachel Ball
(With additional ideas
from the original text)

The visuals for this series can be purchased from most CEF offices and online shops.
For a list of CEF offices and online shops in Europe, please visit
and click on "Locations".

Text published by: CEF® of Europe

4438 Langenbruck

Copyright © 2004, 2011 Child Evangelism Fellowship® Inc.

All rights reserved. Used by permission. May be reproduced
for personal, nonprofit and non-commercial uses only.
Visit for full details of permission.
Little kids can know God through His promises

Table of contents

Lesson Page
Why teach young children? 3
What young children are like 3
How to use this series 4
Tips on teaching young children 4
Teaching 2s and 3s 6
Why lead young children to Christ? 7
Young children and salvation 7
Play dough, clay, instruments and costumes 8
Planning your class time 9
Overview 10
Memory verse actions and music 13
Song lyrics and actions 14
Action rhyme 16

Lesson 1 God helps Noah build an ark 17

Lesson 2 God saves Noah and his family 29
Lesson 3 God blesses Abraham and Sarah with a son 41
Lesson 4 God blesses Isaac with a wife 53
Lesson 5 God helps David win over Goliath 63
Lesson 6 God helps David keep his promise 75

Memory verse symbols (lessons 1 and 2) 86

Memory verse symbols (lessons 3 and 4) 87
Memory verse symbols (lessons 5 and 6) 88
Nametag patterns (lessons 1-6) 89
Draw my face (lesson 1) 90
Edible animals ark (lesson 1) 91
Into the ark (lesson 1) 92
“God always keeps His promises” booklet (lesson 2) 94
Finger puppets (lesson 2) 96
Find the jewel (lesson 4) 96
Gospel keys (lesson 3) 97
Put the sheep in the fold (lesson 5) 98
David’s harp (lesson 5) 99
When I trust Jesus as my Saviour (lesson 5) 100
God made everything and He made me (lesson 6) 101

How to lead a child to Christ Back cover

Little kids can know God through His promises

Why teach young children?

Whether you are a new teacher or one who is well seasoned, you have chosen to invest your time in one of the most
fruitful ministries: teaching young children! Why teach young children? According to specialists, the first five or six
years of a child’s life are his most sensitive, receptive and crucial period of development. These years, in which he
develops his will to learn, his creativity and his ability to perform, affect all of his subsequent learning. If intellectual
development is half over by age five, then teaching the Bible to young children has the potential of laying some very
important spiritual and intellectual foundations.

What young children are like

Physically, young children’s large muscles are developing. These growing muscles can actually
cause discomfort if they sit still for too long. They need time to play and plenty of space to move

around in. They need variety and activity in every learning situation. Let them role-play Bible
stories and play-act situations and applications to allow movement and reinforce the lesson. In
this series you will find dramatic activities, action rhymes and movement woven into the Bible
lessons, songs and memory verse teaching to help you meet this need.

Mentally, young children are questioning, observing and learning all the time. They enjoy
learning and do so through all five senses. It is important to use a variety of methods and
materials that appeal to their senses and maximise learning. Young children are also literal-

minded and need simple, clear terminology - words that mean what they say. This does
not mean you should never use more challenging words. It is important to expose them to
Bible words they may not learn anywhere else, such as “sin”, “Saviour” and “worship”. This
series makes use of carefully chosen words and explanations, as well as a variety of sensory

Socially, young children see the world as revolving around themselves and their needs.
They are limited to their own viewpoint. Avoid competition but reward them for
individual effort. The welcome ideas, review games, creative and enrichment activities
in this series give young children opportunities to succeed without competition.

Emotionally, young children are easily hurt and their feelings are often “on the surface”. Provide

security and a sense of love and belonging. Seek to build self-esteem with positive comments
about their character and ways they are growing and learning to do more. Young children are
trusting, so be accurate and truthful. Build trust by keeping your word and being consistent.
The teaching objectives, main teachings and applications in this series direct them to their
ultimate source of security and love - a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Spiritually, young children eagerly accept Bible truth and are capable of learning basic
doctrine in broad, simple terms. Some may also be ready to receive Christ as Saviour. Be

sure to teach through repetition and give opportunities for response. Always keep in mind
that their relationship with you, their teacher, will influence their relationship with God.
Prayerfully commit your teaching ministry to the Lord and let His love for the children
flow through you. This series provides a solid foundation of basic Gospel truths, relevant
examples of sin and biblical applications repeated in words, actions and songs.

Little kids can know God through His promises

How to use this series

This volume is one in a series produced by Child Scriptures are quoted from the New King James Version
Evangelism Fellowship® for use with young children. It is of the Bible. If desired, you may easily substitute another
our conviction that little kids can know God! translation. The verse explanations and memory verse
symbols are adaptable for any translation or language.
This book contains all the information you will need to
teach your class. You will find the following symbols throughout these
materials. Each indicates an activity.
The complete lesson text is included in this book.
Try not to read from the book but keep eye contact
with the children. A lesson that is taught, not read, is
more believable and interesting for the children. More Activity symbols
experienced teachers may want to display the visuals on
an easel at eye level to the children and teach from an
open Bible. This allows the teacher’s hands to be free for
the variety of activities woven into the lessons.
Dramatic Action
Each lesson includes many opportunities for active activity rhyme
involvement through dramatic activities, action rhymes
and songs. Be sure to evaluate the needs of your group
and choose the ideas that will work best and fit within
your class time.

Tips on teaching young children

Be prepared and organised Plan a pre-session time
Planning a pre-session, of course, assumes you will be
w Study your lesson and class schedule thoroughly. in the classroom and ready before the first child arrives!
w Plan your time well. This not only helps you be better prepared to teach,
it also provides a sense of security for the children.
w Prepare a written programme and follow it. Have nametags available. These may be created with
w Organise your materials. coloured card or fun foam and attached with a safety
pin or double-sided tape. Also provide pictures to colour,
w Be flexible to meet the needs of your class. storybooks to look at and recorded stories or music to
w Be prepared for interruptions - and surprises! listen to. These activities could be organised into “interest
centres” around the room. Activities you choose should
reinforce the lesson aim for the day, or provide a review
of previous lesson aims. The suggestions in the welcome
segment are designed to be used in pre-session time.
These ideas are effective yet simple and require little
preparation. It is good always to have a planned activity
but sometimes the best pre-session activity is just to sit,
and talk with the children as they arrive.

Little kids can know God through His promises

Have a routine w Smelling - Use lesson-related items that have an

aroma (eg foods, spices, perfumes, incense). Also let
It is important to establish a routine and state expectations the children pretend to smell aromas that would have
for each area of the room and each teaching segment. The been present (eg food cooking, flowers, animals).
children will feel secure when they know what to expect.
A suggested class schedule is given at the beginning of w Tasting - Let the children taste foods mentioned or
each lesson to use as a guide. Try to follow the schedule implied in the lesson and sample foods from different
you decide on, but be sensitive to how children respond cultures.
to each activity and adapt accordingly. Routines that w Touching - Provide safe lesson-related objects the
provide security and interest may include regular opening children can touch. Include different shapes and
and closing songs; carpet squares to sit on; areas of the textures and nature items. Also let the children help
room designated for certain activities (eg story area, you hold flashcards, song visuals and memory verse
song area, craft area); rhymes or action rhymes to signal symbols.
certain activities.

Use a variety of visuals

Involve the children
Use pictures and objects of various shapes, sizes and
w Helping - Let children hold songs or other visuals, colours. The verse and song visuals can be presented in
and hand out materials. several different ways:
w Role-plays - Children enjoy acting out events of the w Mount them on craft sticks.
w Add magnets to the back to use on a baking tray.
w Prayer - Have the children pray aloud in class for
specific requests. w Use clothes pegs and clip them to a string.

w Action songs and rhymes - Sing songs with actions w Slide them in a pocket chart.
and include action rhymes. w Add flocked paper, paper towel scraps or sandpaper
w Questions - Ask questions while you teach as well to the back for use on a flannelboard.
as in a review time. Allow children time to ask their
own questions. Teach with music
Music provides opportunities for movement and captures
Engage the senses the interest of distracted listeners. It is not necessary to
Because young children learn through their senses, an teach the songs word by word to the children. Just sing
effective teaching session will include experiences with them. Children will learn the songs simply by listening.
all five: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching. Even if you are not musically inclined, try to include
When planning your lesson and class hour, put yourself plenty of songs. Young children often learn songs more
in the story. What would have touched your senses if quickly than any other part of the teaching.
you were one of the characters? What would you have
seen or heard? What might you have smelled or tasted? Review often
Are there objects or textures you would have touched?
Asking yourself these questions will help you think Reinforce your lesson in a variety of ways. Use review
creatively about what to bring to class for the children games, songs, role-plays, crafts and object lessons. You
to experience. Here are a few examples: can also let the children retell the lesson using your
w Seeing - Talk about the visuals you use and ask
children questions about what they see.
Be friendly
w Hearing - Use your voice creatively to depict
Smile often. Speak to the children at their eye level. Be
characters in your lesson. Let the children use their
personal and try to always use the children’s names. Show
voices to imitate sounds or repeat dialogue. Include
interest in each child as an individual. Be patient and be
songs to reinforce the lesson.
generous with praise and encouragement.

Little kids can know God through His promises

Discipline consistently
Be loving yet firm in your discipline and realistic in Teaching 2s and 3s
your expectations. Remember that young children need Two- and three-year-olds are very teachable. Some
lots of movement and opportunity for response. When even refer to these years as the “age of discovery.”
discipline problems do occur, be careful to discipline Because there is a wide range of maturity levels
the behaviour, not the child (ie, the problem is not the within this age group, you need to be sensitive
child himself but his inappropriate behaviour). Keep in to each child on his individual level.
mind that being well prepared and providing plenty of
interaction will eliminate most problems.
Class schedule
w Have well-defined rules and be consistent in
Include an activity after every two or three
upholding them. Review the rules verbally and
minutes of teaching time.
possibly with a visual reminder at the start of every
class. Designate how many children can be at each
centre or activity. Bible lesson
w Give positive guidance by telling what a child should Use lots of repetition. This age group thrives on
do, not just what he should not do. Say, “Do this,” hearing the same lesson many times (at least two
instead of, “Don’t do that.” to four times) before going to a new one!
w When a child misbehaves, ask if he needs time to
think about appropriate behaviour. If thinking time is Songs
needed, have him sit alone for one minute per year of Choose two or three songs to use throughout the
age. When the time is up, ask if he is ready to behave series. Sing each song several times during the
appropriately. If so, he may rejoin the activity. class time. When using a visual for a song, have a
w Plan to have a helper sit close to a child who different child hold the visual each time you sing
consistently causes a disturbance in class. Often a it. Keep singing the same song until all who want
touch on the arm will help refocus the child. to hold the visual have had a turn.

Memory verse
Repetition is the key to teaching a memory verse
to these little ones. Say one short phrase at a time
and have the children repeat it after you. With a
small group of children have one child at a time
repeat the verse. You may want to use stickers to
encourage or reward them. Continue to work on
the same verse during the series until the children
have it memorised.

Gospel spotlight
Use the same Gospel tool throughout the series.
Explain each symbol (whether it is a colour,
picture or shape) using a simple description and
have the children repeat it back to you. Review
the Gospel at the beginning of each class. Repeat
the Gospel, when appropriate, while singing a
song or reciting the memory verse. Conclude
each session with a Gospel presentation.

Little kids can know God through His promises

Why lead young children to Christ?

Can a young child be saved? The Lord Jesus said, “Unless eight. It is clear that we need to reach children early and
you are converted and become as little children, you will there is an advantage in doing so. Many Christian leaders
by no means enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew were saved as preschool children. For example, Corrie
18:3). Jesus gave His promise of salvation to “whoever ten Boom was saved at age five, Dr James Dobson at age
believes” (John 3:16) without any other limitation. He three and Amy Carmichael at age three.
spoke of little ones who believe in Him and the danger Most children who are converted at a very early (ie
of offending them (Matthew 18:6). preschool) age have had the privilege of a Christian
Shirley Wisner, who for many years served as a teacher upbringing.
trainer and a columnist for Evangelizing Today’s Child® It is important that our first goal is to evangelise the
magazine, based the accountability of a child on James children. As Dr Howard Hendricks stated, “To expect
4:17 - “Therefore, to him who knows to do good and a child to live the Christian life when he does not
does not do it, to him it is sin.” Mrs Wisner stated, “Any possess it is to mock him. Until the Holy Spirit takes
normal child knows right from wrong long before he is up residence in a person’s heart he cannot live [a life]
five. He learns early that there are certain things he is not pleasing to God.”
to do because they are wrong and that if he does them
In Mark 16:15 the Lord Jesus commands us to preach
he will be punished. This same child can easily be taught
the Gospel to “every creature.” This includes children.
that God calls such wrongdoing sin and that there is a
David Livingstone, famous Scottish missionary and
remedy for sin.”
explorer, said, “Our business is to teach children about
Statistics show that eighty-five percent of those who sin and the Saviour, without even a hint about a certain
make decisions for Christ do so between the ages of four age to accept Christ. The Holy Spirit will, in due time,
and fourteen. Josh McDowell, a renowned speaker and convict them of sin.” God is able to draw a child to
author, spoke about this statistic and said, “It’s probably Himself. If you doubt the child’s ability to communicate
going to be ninety-five percent within five years.” He also with God, do not doubt God’s ability to communicate
predicted the age span would likely decrease to four and with the child!

Young children and salvation

As we work with preschoolers we endeavour to build If a child has questions, answer them on the child’s level;
Bible truths into their understanding, “block by block”. if he is not satisfied with the answer he will ask again,
Each teaching session will aim to lead them to understand or he may have another question. Let the child set the
a Bible truth or to deepen their understanding of a pace and be very careful not to put pressure on a child
truth they have already learned. In this way they will to make a profession of faith. If a child is very clear
be taught the basics of the Gospel and much more. about the Gospel and clearly wants to trust the Lord,
As you teach, depend on the Holy Spirit to give them you may find “Key questions for counselling” (see back
spiritual understanding and to draw them to Christ. cover) useful.
Be mindful, however, that preschoolers really want to
please their teacher so we must avoid professions made
on that basis.

Little kids can know God through His promises

Play dough, clay, instruments and costumes

Below are some staple items for fun and learning. For a creative activity children can use play dough or clay to form
lesson-related objects as you review the lesson. Rhythm instruments are great for providing active participation in
a rhythm band or praise parade. Costumes allow children the fun of “dressing up” as they role-play various parts
of the lesson.

Play dough w Biscuit tins or cardboard boxes for drums.

1 cup plain (all-purpose) flour w Sets of two sticks or dowels for rhythm sticks.
½ cup salt
w Bells on leather straps or ribbons for jingle bells.
2 tablespoons cream of tartar
2 tablespoons vegetable oil w Disposable plastic containers with holes punched
1 cup water with food colouring added around the edges and bells attached with wool or
ribbon for tambourines.
Optional: food colouring; vanilla, cinnamon, or other
fragrance; glitter. w Sets of two sanded wooden blocks with sandpaper
Put all the ingredients into a large saucepan, and stir over glued to one side for rhythm blocks.
a medium heat until the dough forms into a ball. Allow
to cool, and then knead until smooth. Bible costumes
Store in an airtight container (a zipped plastic bag with This toga costume can be used for both male and female
the air pressed out is good). Bible characters. Use any material, but be sure to hem
all the raw edges. Make three sizes for children: small
Craft clay (60 x 120 cm / 24” x 48”), medium (70 x 152 cm /
28” x 60”) and large (75 x 160 cm / 30” x 64”). (For
200 g cornflour adults and youth, experiment to determine the desired
2¼ litre water dimensions.) Create a rope or fabric belt for each toga.
400 g baking soda For simpler costumes, paper grocery sacks may be used.
Mix all the ingredients together in a medium saucepan. Cut arm and head openings in each.
Cook and stir over medium heat until thickened to a
dough-like consistency. Turn the mixture onto a flat
surface lightly dusted with cornflour and knead. Cover
with a damp cloth or keep in a plastic bag. The clay may
be used for crafts or “models”, which can be painted
when dry.

Rhythm instruments
120 cm (48”)

Make simple rhythm instruments from household items Fold Fold

and decorate them with stickers, coloured tape, glitter,
markers, crayons or other materials. (Do this before class
or as a creative activity with the children.) Be sure to

securely glue or tape the lids on instruments containing

rice or beans.
w Small plastic boxes (each with a lid) filled with a few 60 cm (24”)
beans or rice for shakers.

w Small boxes open on one side with rubber bands

stretched over the opening for harps.

w Tubes for horns.


Little kids can know God through His promises

Planning your class time

Below is a suggested schedule to help you plan a fun-filled 30-minute, 1-hour or 2-hour teaching time, presented
once a week or daily. If you are teaching once a week, you will find there are many activities to choose from - and
not enough time to use all of them! In a daycare setting these additional ideas and materials could be passed on to
the daycare provider as a way to reinforce your teaching throughout the week. In a church setting these ideas would
work well in a midweek service or other meeting.
To teach these materials in a Monday to Friday setting, choose one of the three plans according to the time available.
If you have only 30 minutes, divide the memory verse and Bible lesson and Gospel spotlight between the five days
as indicated below. A review time can be given daily or in place of the Gospel spotlight at the end of the week.
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Memory verse Bible lesson part 1 Bible lesson part 2 Bible lesson part 3 Gospel spotlight

Time schedule
(Unless otherwise noted, time segments are given in minutes.)

Class segment 30 minutes 1 hour 2 hours

Welcome Pre-session Pre-session Pre-session

Worship - 5 5

Memory verse 5 5 10

Stretch* 5 5 5

Bible lesson** 15 15 20

? Review 5 5 10

Gospel spotlight - 5 5

Snack - - 10

Creative activity - 15 20

Enrichment activity - - 25

Going home*** - 5 10

* Use the suggested stretching activities or sing action songs.

** Include or omit dramatic activities as time allows.
*** While waiting for parents, have children help to tidy up, review the memory verse and sing songs.

Memory Gospel Creative Enrichment
Lesson Central truth Welcome Worship Stretch Review and action
verse spotlight activity activity
(Action rhymes
(Choose one) (Choose one)
are italicised)
God helps God always Draw my “I can “For I can see Pick an Romans “God Edible Into the
Noah build does what face know God” ‘whoever colours animal 10:13 made the animals ark ark game
an ark He says calls on the mountains
Prayer Student Animal
name of the high”
Genesis activity charades
“Oh be Lord shall be
1:1,31 “Three sheets
careful” saved’”
in one”
Genesis Play dough
Offering (Romans
6:5 - 7:9 “I will trust”
Acts 17:24 “I believe

Verse with
the Bible”
2 Peter 2:5 actions
Mr Noah
had an ark

God saves God Listening “I can Review Follow Build a Romans “I will trust” God always Finger
Noah and his promises to game know God” Romans the leader rainbow 10:13 keeps His puppet play
“Oh be
family save those 10:13 (review) promises
Prayer careful” Make an
who believe
Genesis Verse with Student altar of
Little kids can know God through His promises

in Jesus “Oh be Mr Noah

6:5 - 8:22 actions activity praise
careful” had an ark
Acts 17:24
Offering “I believe
Play dough
2 Peter 2:5 the Bible”
“I can
know God”
in one”
Memory Gospel Creative Enrichment
Lesson Central truth Welcome Worship Stretch Review and action
verse spotlight activity activity
(Action rhymes
(Choose one) (Choose one)
are italicised)
God blesses God See my “I can “The Lord Head and Going Gospel keys “I will trust” Gospel keys Let’s make
Abraham promises hands know God” is good … shoulders, on a trip the ‘O’ in
and Sarah to bless and He knees and obey
Prayer activity
with a son the world knows those toes
sheets Red light,
through “Oh be who trust in
Genesis green light
Abraham’s careful” Him” Play dough
Offering (Nahum
Sing a verse

God blesses God Puppet says “I can Review Head and Water the Gospel keys Making Please and
Isaac with a promises to nice words know God” Nahum 1:7 shoulders, camels (review) jewellery thank you
wife guide those knees and
Prayer Sing a verse Student Find the
Overview (continued)
Little kids can know God through His promises

who ask toes
Genesis 24 activity jewel
Him “Oh be
Play dough
Memory Gospel Creative Enrichment
Lesson Central truth Welcome Worship Stretch Review and action
verse spotlight activity activity
(Action rhymes
(Choose one) (Choose one)
are italicised)
God helps God See my feet “I can “Whenever God made Put the Gospel in “Have you David’s harp When I trust
David win promises to know God” I am afraid, my feet sheep in pictures any fear?” Jesus as my
over Goliath help those I will trust the fold Saviour
Prayer “I will trust” activity
who trust in in You”
1 Samuel sheets David and
Him “Oh be “I can
17:1-52 (Psalm 56:3) Goliath
careful” know God” Play dough
Verse with
Offering 1, 2, 3 -
None did
David fear

God helps God keeps God made “I can Review God looks at Set the table Gospel in “I will trust” Make a Have a
David keep His promises everything know God” Psalm 56:3 me and loves pictures crown banquet
“Oh be
his promise and He me (review)
Prayer Verse with careful” Student Showing
Overview (continued)

made me
1 Samuel actions activity kindness
Little kids can know God through His promises

“Oh be “I can pray”

18:1-5 sheets
“I believe
1 Samuel Play dough
Offering the Bible”
1 Samuel
2 Samuel 4:4
2 Samuel
2 Samuel 9
Little kids can know God through His promises

Memory verse actions and music

Lessons 1-2 Romans 10:13
Verse with actions “For ‘whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved’”

“For whoever” “calls”

Point to people around the room. Cup hands around mouth.

“on the name of the Lord” “shall be saved”

*Touch right middle finger to left palm; Cross wrists in front of chest,
touch left middle finger to right palm. then twist and separate.

* You may need to explain that this reminds of how Jesus died on the cross for us.

Lessons 3 and 4 Nahum 1:7

Sing a verse “The Lord is good … and He knows those who trust in Him”

Lessons 5 and 6 Psalm 56:3

Verse with actions “Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You”
(Instructions for actions are included with both lessons.)

Little kids can know God through His promises

Song lyrics and actions

The following songs are included in the Little kids can know God - songbook and CD which is available from your CEF
National Office. If you need an address, contact the European Headquarters (address at the front of this book).
The CD notation indicates the vocal and accompaniment only track numbers on the CD.
(CD: 4/25) God made the mountains high 4 (4) Jesus died for sinners. (repeat)
(4) Jesus died for sinners; Jesus died for me.
(1) God made the mountains high
(2) And God made the trees. 5 (5) Jesus Christ is risen. (repeat)
(3) God made the fish that swim (5) Jesus Christ is risen; He arose for me.
(4) And God made the seas. 6 (6) Will you now receive Him? (repeat)
(5) God made the birds that fly (6) Will you now receive Him and be saved today?
(6) And God made the bees.
(7) But the best of it all, the thrill of it all: Actions: (1) Hold hands like an open Bible. (2) Point up.
(8) God made me! (3) Point to others then to self. (4) Make cross
with index fingers. (5) Raise hands, palm up.
Actions: (1) Touch fingertips together in a point above (6) Fold hands as if in prayer.
head. (2) Raise hands over head to form treetop By Hubert Mitchell. © 2001 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. All rights reserved.
and sway from side to side. (3) Place palms
together as a pretend fish and make it swim away
from you. (4) Wiggle fingers, palms down, moving
(CD: 9/30, 10/31) I can know God
hands from right side of body to left.
(5) Flap arms as if flying. (6) Tuck hands under 1 (1) I may not be big (2) like the mountains so tall
arms, lean forward and rapidly move elbows (3) But I can know God, (4) Who made them all.
up and down. (7) Raise right fist then left fist (5) I may not be strong (6) like the rivers that flow
victoriously. (8) Bow or curtsy. (3) But I can know God, (6) Who makes them go.
(CD: 6/27) Have you any fear? (7) Yes, I can know (3) God. He’s (5) big and
(Tune: Baa, baa, black sheep)
(7) Yes, I can know (3) God and (8) sing His song.
(1) Baa, baa, black sheep, (2) have you any fear? (9) God loves me so much (7) and wants me to be
(3) No sir, no sir, (4) God is near. (10) A child in His own (11) forever family.
(5) He is the Shepherd Who watches the sheep.
(6) He never slumbers and (7) He never sleeps. 2 (12) I could not be there (13) to see Jesus die
(repeat first two lines) (3) But I can know God (14) and understand why.
(1) I may not be big or tall (15) or so wise
Actions: (1) “Pet” fist with other hand. (2) Clench fists (3) But I can know God (16) made Jesus alive.
close to chest and shake arms as if in fear. (3)
Shake head “no” and wave index finger. (4) Point Actions: (1) Stretch tall. (2) Touch fingertips together in a
up. (5) Shield eyes with hand. (6) Lay head on point above head. (3) Point up with index fingers.
hands and pretend to sleep. (7) Lay head on hands (4) Move hands, palms up, from in front of you
on opposite side. to each side. (5) Flex muscles. (6) Wiggle fingers,
palms down, moving hands from right side of
body to left. (7) Point to self. (8) Cup hands
(CD: 8/29) I believe the Bible around mouth. (9) Hug self. (10) Hold hands low.
(Adapted) (11) Look up while lifting outstretched hands.
1 (1) I believe the Bible. (repeat) (12) Shake head “no” and wave index finger.
(1) I believe the Bible is the Word of God. (13) Make cross with index fingers. (14) Hold
hands like an open Bible. (15) Point to head.
2 (2) I believe in Jesus. (repeat) (16) Raise hands, palms up.
(2) I believe in Jesus; He’s the Son of God. Verse 1 by James L. Swindle. © 1986 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc.
Verse 2 and adapted chorus by Shirley Person. © 2001 Child Evangelism Fellowship
3 (3) You and I have sinned. (repeat) Inc. All rights reserved.
(3) You and I have sinned and that makes
God sad.

Little kids can know God through His promises

Song lyrics and actions (continued)

(CD: 11/32) I can pray (CD: 17/38) Oh be careful
(Tune: Oh be careful)
1 (1) Oh be careful, little eyes, what you see. (repeat)
1 (1) I can pray every day (2) when it’s light. (2) God the Father up above is (3) looking down
(1) I can pray every day (3) when it’s night. in love.
(1) I can pray every day; (1) Oh be careful, little eyes, what you see.
(4) God will hear what I say.
(1) I’ll remember to pray every day. 2 (4) Oh be careful, little ears, what you hear.
2 (5) Sometimes God answers (6) yes when I pray. (2) God the Father up above is (3) looking down
(5) Sometimes God answers (7) wait when I pray. in love.
(5) Sometimes God answers (8) no (4) Oh be careful, little ears, what you hear.
(9) Just because He loves me so.
(5) But I know God always answers (1) when 3 (5) Oh be careful, little hands, what you do.
I pray. (repeat)
(2) God the Father up above is (3) looking down
Actions: (1) Fold hands as if in prayer. (2) Move hands in love.
apart while spreading fingers, palms out. (3) Lay (5) Oh be careful, little hands, what you do.
head on hands and pretend to sleep. (4) Cup hand
around ear while looking upward. (5) Point up. 4 (6) Oh be careful, little mouth, what you say.
(6) Raise right fist victoriously. (7) Hold hand up, (repeat)
palm out. (8) Shake head “no” and wave index (2) God the Father up above is (3) looking down
finger. (9) Hug self. in love.
(6) Oh be careful, little mouth, what you say.
Verse 1 by Shirley Person. © 2001 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. All rights
reserved. 5 (7) Oh be careful, little feet, where you go. (repeat)
(2) God the Father up above is (3) looking down
(CD: 12/33) I will trust in love.
(7) Oh be careful, little feet, where you go.
(1) When I am afraid, (2) I will trust in You,
(2) Trust in You, (2) I will trust in You.
(1) When I am afraid, (2) I will trust in You Actions: (1) Point to eyes with index fingers. (2) Point up
(2) For You are (3) my Saviour (4) and my Lord. with index fingers. (3) Shield eyes with hand and
Actions: (1) Clench fists close to chest and shake as if in look down. (4) Cup hands behind ears. (5) Hold
fear. (2) Point up with index fingers. (3) Make out hands. (6) Point to mouth with index fingers.
cross with index fingers. (4) Place hands on heart. (7) Walk on the spot.
By Cynthia L. McClurg. © 1999 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. All rights

(CD: 21/42)
Three in one
(Tune: Are you sleeping?)

1 (1) God the Father, (repeat)

(2) God the Son, (repeat)
(3) God the Holy Spirit, (repeat)
(4) Three in one. (repeat)
2 Praise the Father …
Actions: (1) Point up with index fingers. (2) *Touch right
middle finger to left palm; touch left middle finger
to right palm. (3) Place hands over heart. (4) Hold
up three fingers then one.
* You may need to explain that this reminds of
how Jesus died on the cross for us.
Tune © 2000 Hal Leonard Corp. International copyright secured. All rights reserved.
Used by permission.

Little kids can know God through His promises

Action rhyme
Mr Noah had an ark 1, 2, 3 - None did David fear
(Tune: Old MacDonald)
(1) One - it was a lion.
1 “Mr Noah had an ark, E–I–E–I–O. (2) Two - it was a bear.
(1) And on the ark he had two dogs, E–I–E–I–O. (3) Three - it was a giant.
With a woof, woof here and a woof, woof there, (4) But none did David fear.
Here a woof, there a woof, everywhere a woof,
woof. Actions: (1) Hold up one finger; roar like a lion. (2) Hold
Mr Noah had an ark, E–I–E–I–O.” up two fingers; growl like a bear. (3) Hold up
three fingers; stand and thrust arms up. (4) Sit;
2 (clean animals) shaking head and finger “no.”
“Mr Noah had an ark, E–I–E–I–O. © 1984 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. in Teach Me Now Vol. IV (Lesson 7).
(2) And on the ark he had seven sheep, All rights reserved.
With a baa, baa here and a baa, baa there,
(3) Here a baa, there a baa, everywhere a baa, baa.
Mr Noah had an ark, E–I–E–I–O.”
Actions: (1) Hold hands like paws each time children sing
the words dog or woof. (2) Hold up seven fingers,
stand and thrust arms up. (3) Nod heads side to
side as if feeding in a pasture.
You may substitute other animals if you wish, but
make sure to use clean animals (as mentioned in
the Bible) for verse two each time.

Lesson 1
God helps Noah build an ark

Scripture for teachers Genesis 1:1,31

Genesis 6:5 - 7:9
Acts 17:24
2 Peter 2:5
Central truth God always does what He says
Application Unsaved and saved: Believe what God says in the Bible
Memory verse “For ‘whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved’” (Romans

Class schedule What you need What to do

Welcome w Music CD and CD Welcome Have soft music playing. Greet the children by
player name and give them their nametags.
w Nametags (page 89), one Activity “Draw my face”
per child Give each child a sheet of paper with an oval.
Have them draw their faces with their eyes the
w Oval for face (page 90),
actual colour that theirs are. After the pictures
one per child
are drawn, add each child’s name to “God
w Crayons or markers loves ___.” Talking about their pictures will help
you get to know the children.
Worship w Music CD and CD Song (CD: 10/31) “I can know God” chorus (twice)
player; songbook or lyrics Prayer Lead the children in prayer: “Dear God, thank
(pages 14-15) You that You love us. Thank You for Your
w “I can know God” promises. Thank You for eyes to see. In Jesus’
visualised song name. Amen.”
Song (CD: 17/38) “Oh be careful” (verse 1)
w Offering basket or bank
Offering (Optional.) Pass around a basket or bank and let
children give an offering. (Be sure to inform the
parents how the money will be used.)
Memory w PPRO-e, PPRO-f, Verse Romans 10:13
PPRO-g and PPRO-h Repetition “Verse with actions”
(page 86)
w Instructions (page 20)
w Actions (page 13)
w Cord or fabric belt at
least 150 cm (60”) long

Little kids can know God through His promises

Class schedule What you need What to do

Stretch Activity “I can see colours”

Have children follow these instructions:
Walk to something red.
Jump to something blue.
Hop on one foot to something yellow.
Run to something brown.
Tiptoe to something green.
Bible lesson w Lesson text (page 23) Lesson “God helps Noah build an ark”
w PPRO1-1, PPRO1-2, Teach the entire lesson, or one part each session.
PPRO1-3, PPRO1-4, To allow your hands to be free for the activities
PPRO1-5 and PPRO1-6 within the lesson, you may want to display the
flashcard visuals on an easel that is at eye level
w PPRO-a, PPRO-b,
to the children.
PPRO-c and PPRO-d
w PPRO-e, PPRO-f,
PPRO-g and PPRO-h
(page 86 - optional)
w Music CD and CD
player; songbook or lyrics
(pages 14-15)
w “I believe the Bible”
visualised song
w Cloth bag filled with
plastic/wooden toy
w Carrots, bananas, apples
and olives

? Review w
Animal crackers
Noah’s ark (page 91)
Lunch-size paper bag
Game “Pick an animal”
Place animal crackers (one of each kind) on the
ark. Put more animal crackers in the bag. When
a child answers a question correctly, he may
w Questions (pages 26-27) take an animal from the bag and lay it beside
the matching animal on the ark while the class
makes the sound or action of the animal.
Gospel w Instructions (page 22) Spotlight “Romans 10:13”
spotlight w PPRO-f, PPRO-g and
and PPRO-R4 (page 86)
w PPRO-a, PPRO-b,
PPRO-c and PPRO-d
Snack w Snack of your choice (be Break Take a toilet break, allowing the children to wash
sensitive to food allergies their hands.
the children may have) Prayer Lead in prayer, thanking God for the food.
Snack Guide conversation to review the lesson. (Note:
foods may be sampled during the lesson to
enhance learning, but these should be very small
portions and should not replace the regular snack

Little kids can know God through His promises

Class schedule What you need What to do

Creative w Arks (page 91), one per Craft “Edible animals ark”
child Glue animal crackers on the ark. Use icing for
activity the “glue.” Use craft sticks as knives.
w Animal crackers
(choose one) w Icing
Activity sheet* “God helped Noah build an ark”
Assist the children in painting the roof of the ark
w Craft sticks with thin glue as “pitch”. Glue may be coloured
w Student activity sheets, with a few drops of yellow food colouring.
one per child* Play dough “Two of a kind”
w Glue Guide the children in making various animals,
w Paint brushes or cotton two of each kind.
w Yellow food colouring
w Play dough or clay
(page 8)
Enrichment w Animal squares (page 92), Activity “Into the ark” game
one sheet per child Have the children colour the animals, cut them
activity apart then glue them in any order onto the sheet
w Blank squares (page 93),
(choose one) one sheet per child of blank squares. To play, the teacher draws an
animal picture from the bag and shows it to the
w Crayons or markers
children. Each child finds that animal on his
w Scissors sheet and covers it with an animal cracker. When
w Glue a child gets three in a row in any direction, he
w Animal crackers shouts, “Into the ark”. The children remove their
w Bag with one of each of crackers and start over.
the animal pictures Game “Animal charades”
Act like a particular animal and have the children
guess which animal you are. Children may take
turns acting out animals as the rest of the class
*Available online at

Little kids can know God through His promises

Teaching the memory verse

Memory verse
“For ‘whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved’”
(Romans 10:13)

Imagine you are tangled up in a long cord.
Demonstrate with cord (or fabric belt) wrapped around your own
You might need to call on someone to help you break free. The
Bible tells us Who you can call on to free you from sin.

The words written in the Bible are in what are called verses. Each
verse in the Bible has an address to help us find it. Today’s verse
lives at Romans 10:13.
Say the address together three times: first with wrists crossed, then
uncrossed, then arms raised in exuberance.
Have a child help you find the verse by opening your Bible to a marker
placed at Romans 10:13. Read the verse then show PPRO-e, PPRO-f,
PPRO-g and PPRO-h; or PPRO-R1, PPRO-R2, PPRO-R3 and

For whoever - You, me, whoever chooses to call.
calls - “Call” means to talk or speak to someone. You do not need
a telephone for this call. You make this call by talking in prayer
to God.
on the name of the Lord - “Lord” is talking about the Lord Jesus.
To call on the name of the Lord Jesus means to believe (trust) in
Him as your own Saviour, the One Who saves and sets you free
from sin.
shall be saved - Those who choose to call on the Lord Jesus as their
Saviour will be saved and set free from sin. Sin causes trouble and
sadness. God must punish sin. All people deserve to be punished
for their sin by being separated (away) from God forever. It would
be very sad to be away from God forever. But God promises to
save people (set them free) from that punishment if they call on
the name of the Lord Jesus as Saviour.

Unsaved: God wants to save you. Jesus was punished for your sin
when He died on the cross. He came alive again and is

Little kids can know God through His promises

the only Saviour. If you know you have sinned and are
sorry, and believe in Jesus as your Saviour, you will be
saved and set free from sin.
Saved: If you have already believed in Jesus as your Saviour,
you can thank God for His promise to love you and
save you.

“Verse with actions”
Repeat the verse phrase by phrase while doing the actions (page
13). Then use the symbols to recite the verse.

Little kids can know God through His promises

Gospel spotlight
Romans 10:13
Show flashcard PPRO-f (or PPRO-R2).

Do you know Who made the world and all the people in it? (God.)
Yes, God is the Creator (maker) of all things. God made each child
and God made you. The Bible tells us that God loves the world (John
3:16). God knows everything about you. God knows about the bad
things you do, which He calls sin. You were born knowing how to sin,
and you do it! You think, say and do things that do not please God.
Talk about flashcards PPRO-a, PPRO-b, PPRO-c and PPRO-d.

All people sin (Romans 3:23). But God still loves you.
Because of God’s great love, He made a way for you to be forgiven.
Show flashcard PPRO-g (or PPRO-R3).

God loved you so much, He sent His own Son, the Lord Jesus, down
from Heaven as a baby. Jesus grew to be a boy, then a man. He was
perfect - He never sinned, not even one time. But He was willing to
die on a cross to pay for your sins. That was the punishment God gave
Jesus for all the sin of all the people in the world. Jesus was buried
in a tomb (cave), but three days later He came alive again! God was
showing His great love for you and me. The Bible says, “While we were
still sinners, Christ [Jesus] died for us” (Romans 5:8). God knew we
could never be perfect like Jesus. Jesus loved you enough to die so you
could be saved from your sin.
Show flashcard PPRO-h (or PPRO-R4).

Sometimes chains are used to keep prisoners from getting free from
the police. But if the police decide the prisoner did not do the bad
thing, the chains are taken apart and the prisoner is set free. Being
set free from sin is even better! Jesus is the Saviour, the One Who
was punished by God for your sin. When you believe in Jesus as your
Saviour, God says the bad things you do (sins) are forgiven - you are
saved and set free from sin.
Recite Romans 10:13.

If you would like to call out to God and be saved today, I would be
happy to help you (designate time and location).

Little kids can know God through His promises

Lesson - part 1
(CD: 4/25) “God made the mountains high”.

Flashcard PPRO1-1
God is the great Creator of all things. God made the mountains and
trees. God made the water and fish that swim in it. God made the dry
land and plants that grow on it. God made all the animals that fly and
all the animals that walk. Let’s name some.
Have a cloth bag filled with toy animals. Each child picks out one and names it. Be
prepared to help with the names.

God created people to live on Earth and enjoy all the wonderful things
He had made! You and I can make things, but we cannot create things
out of nothing, like God did.

Flashcard PPRO1-2
The Bible tells us that there was a time before God made the world - a
time when there was only God.
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit together are God.
He is one God in three Persons. God is holy (perfect) and complete
in every way. God always knows the right thing to do and always does
what is right. We can count God’s three names on our fingers.
Repeat the names together, counting them on your fingers as you say each name.
(CD: 21/42) “Three in one” (verse 1).

God had a wonderful plan to fill the world with people. God’s plan is
for babies to be born and grow up in families who love and care for
them. When the children are grown up, they can get married and have
families of their own. God loves each one.
When the world was new God looked at everything that He had made
and He saw that it was good. Everything was perfect. But the first man
and woman, Adam and Eve, sinned against God and the world was
perfect no more. Adam and Eve had children and they had children
and soon there were lots of people living in the world, but none of
them were perfect. All of them were born with a “want to” to sin. You
and I were born with a “want to” to sin too. The Bible says, “There is
none righteous, no, not one” (Romans 3:10). Not one of you can do
everything that is right all the time. You were born with a “want to”
to sin and so you do sinful things.
Share the following examples of sin or discuss flashcards PPRO-a, PPRO-b, PPRO-c
and PPRO-d.

When you are playing with your friends, do you sometimes cheat (not
follow the rules) to win a race or a game? Do you sometimes sneak
a piece of cake or some sweets without asking first? God calls that
stealing. Cheating and stealing are sin. When you sin, your parents
might punish you by taking away something you like. God must punish
sin also. Because of sin you and I deserve to be separated (away) from

Little kids can know God through His promises

God forever. Because of God’s love you can be forgiven and be saved
from this punishment.
Part 2
Flashcard PPRO1-3
Do you think God knew that people were sinning against Him? God
sees everything that happens in the world. The Bible tells us that He
saw how bad people had become. God was very sad that the people
He had made were ignoring Him and being cruel and unkind to each
other. God watched all the people. He saw the grown-ups and the
boys and girls.
Let children describe the action in the picture.

God saw that they disobeyed Him and were mean to each other. God
saw them choosing to sin against Him. God was very sad about all the
sin He saw in the world.
Make a sad face.

The people did not want to love God. The people did not want to obey
God. God decided it was time to punish those sinful people and the
whole world in a very unusual way.
But God saw that Noah was different from the other people.
Make a glad face.

Even though Noah sinned sometimes, Noah loved God and tried
to obey Him. The Bible says, “Noah found grace in the eyes of the
Read Genesis 6:8 from your Bible.

God would not need to punish Noah because Noah’s sins were

Flashcard PPRO1-4
God told Noah to make an ark (boat) of wood with a first floor, second
floor and third floor.
Use hands to indicate levels of the three floors.

God told Noah just how to build this big boat. He told him how long
and wide and high it should be.
Stretch arms to show.

God told Noah what kind of wood to use and how to paint it to keep
the water out. God told Noah about the door and the window and
the rooms for this very big ark!
Pretend to chop trees, saw logs and hammer boards together.

God told Noah that He would punish sin in a very unusual way. He
would send a flood of water to destroy the sinful people. But God
also told Noah that his family and many animals would be safe in the

Little kids can know God through His promises

ark. Noah and his family chose God’s way. They were to take many
animals with them.
Noah and his family had never seen a flood before. The water at that
time stayed in the rivers and seas. The water had never overflowed and
covered all the land with a flood. Noah may have never even seen a boat!
But Noah believed God’s Word and obeyed God. Noah and his family
built the ark and gathered food, just like God told them to do.
You and I should believe God’s Word too. God always does what He
says He will do. He is so powerful that He can always keep His promises.
Today we find out what God has said by reading the Bible and hearing
people explain it and tell true stories from it. When you come to club
(insert the name of your group here) you hear what God has said. You should
believe Him because He always keeps His promises.
(CD: 12/33) “I will trust”.
Part 3
Flashcard PPRO1-5
Noah and his family (his wife, three sons and their wives) trusted in
God as they worked on the ark. They must have warned the other
people about their sin and the punishment that was coming soon.
Noah told others the truth about God’s way, so people could know
God and have their sins forgiven. God wants all people to be saved
(rescued and protected) from the punishment for sin.
You can be saved from the punishment for your sin.
Recite Romans 10:13 together if you have already taught the verse. You may wish to
use the visuals (PPRO-e, PPRO-f, PPRO-g and PPRO-h; or PPRO-R1, PPRO-R2,
PPRO-R3 and PPRO-R4).

God loves you so much He sent the Lord Jesus Christ to be punished
for your sin. Jesus is God the Son. He came from Heaven to Earth. He
was born as a baby and grew to be a man. Jesus always did everything
that was right. He never sinned. Jesus was willing to be punished for
your sin and mine by dying on a cross. The Bible says, “While we
were still sinners, Christ [Jesus] died for us” (Romans 5:8). After Jesus
died, He was buried in a tomb (cave), but three days later He came
alive again! Jesus is the Saviour - the only One Who can save (rescue)
you from sin. Because of Jesus the Saviour, you can be saved from the
punishment you deserve. Your sin can be forgiven so you will not be
separated from God now or ever!
(CD: 8/29) “I believe the Bible” (verses 1-5). Stand to sing.

Noah and his family believed God’s promise to save them from the
flood that was about to come. They obeyed God and did what God
told them to do.
Maybe they said something like this as they worked, “Thank You God
for loving us! Thank You God for telling us how to build this ark! Thank
You God for Your promise to keep us safe from the flood!”

Little kids can know God through His promises

Noah believed God’s promises. The Bible says Noah did all that God
told him to do (Genesis 6:22 and 7:5). Noah was trusting in God to
save his family!
If you have believed in Jesus as your Saviour, thank God for His
promises. Thank God for His promise to forgive your sins. Thank
God for His promise to save you from the punishment for sin - being
separated from God forever.

Flashcard PPRO1-6
Noah did all that God told him to do. The ark was finished. The rooms
were ready for the animals, the food and Noah’s family. They finished
bringing the food into the ark.
Taste foods Noah may have brought (eg carrots for rabbits, bananas for monkeys, apples
for horses and olives for his family).

God told Noah to bring two (a mummy and daddy animal) of each
kind into the ark. God said to bring seven of some kinds of animals
and birds. God created all the animals. God is the ruler of the animals
and God could make all those animals come into the ark without
fighting each other or hurting Noah or his family. God has the power
to always keep His promises.
“Mr Noah had an ark” (Tune: “Old McDonald”).

Noah and his family would be completely safe in the ark when the
flood came. Noah could thank God for His promise to love him and
to save his family from the flood. We can thank God for the promises
that He has made to us in the Bible. We should believe everything
that God has said, just as Noah believed God when He said He would
flood the Earth.
(CD: 8/29) “I believe the Bible” (verses 1-6). Stand to sing.
Review questions
Memory verse
1 Who can call on the name of the Lord and be saved? (You, me,
whoever chooses to call.)
2 Who is the Lord Who can save you? (Jesus.)
3 What can the Lord Jesus save you from? (Sin and the punishment
for sin.)

Lesson (parts 1-3)

1 Name something God created (made). (Answers will vary.
Examples given in the lesson include the mountains, trees, water,
dry land, plants, fish and animals.)
2 God has three names. What are they? (God the Father, God the
Son, God the Holy Spirit.)
3 Who made you and loves you? (God.)

Little kids can know God through His promises

4 How did God feel about all the sin in the world? (Sad.)
5 What did God tell Noah to build? (Ark, boat.)
6 What was God going to send to punish the people? (A flood.)
7 Who believed God’s promise to save them from the flood? (Noah
and his family.)
8 What did Noah and his family bring into the ark? (Food; two of
each kind of animal and seven of others.)
9 If you have believed in Jesus as your Saviour, what are some
promises you can thank God for? (Loving you, and saving you
from sin and the forever punishment for sin.)

Gospel spotlight
1 Who has sinned? (You, me, all people.)
2 Who died as punishment for your sin? (Jesus.)
3 What do you need to do to be saved and set free from your sin?
(Believe in Jesus as your Saviour. Review: Tell God, “I know I have
sinned and I am sorry. I believe Jesus died for my sin and came alive
again. Please forgive my sin and make me Your child.”)

Little kids can know God through His promises

Lesson 2
God saves Noah and his family

Scripture for teachers Genesis 6:5 - 8:22

Acts 17:24
2 Peter 2:5
Central truth God promises to save those who believe in Jesus
Application Unsaved: Trust Jesus as your own Saviour
Saved: Thank God that you are safe in His family
Memory verse Review Romans 10:13

Class schedule What you need What to do

Welcome w Music CD and CD Welcome Have soft music playing. Greet the children by
player name and give them their nametags.
w Nametags (page 89), one Activity “Listening game”
per child The teacher starts by making or playing a sound
of an animal, object or action. The children try
w Tape with different
to guess what the sound is. The children may
sounds recorded
take turns making a sound.
Worship w Music CD and CD Song (CD: 10/31) “I can know God” chorus (twice)
player; songbook or lyrics Prayer Lead the children in prayer: “Dear God, thank
(pages 14-15) You that You love us and can save us. Thank You
w “I can know God” for ears to hear the good news about Jesus. In
visualised song Jesus’ name. Amen.”
Song (CD: 17/38) “Oh be careful” (verses 1-2)
w Offering basket or bank
Offering (Optional.) Pass around a basket or bank and let
children give an offering. (Be sure to inform the
parents how the money will be used.)
Memory w PPRO-e, PPRO-f, Verse Romans 10:13
PPRO-g and PPRO-h Repetition “Verse with actions”
(page 86)
w Instructions (page 32)
w Actions (page 13)
Stretch w Music CD and CD Activity “Follow the leader”
player When the music plays, follow the actions of the
leader (eg walk on the spot, jump, hop on one
foot, hop on the other foot, run on the spot,
tiptoe on the spot). When the music stops, stand
very still.

Little kids can know God through His promises

Class schedule What you need What to do

Bible lesson w Lesson text (page 35) Lesson “God saves Noah and his family”
w PPRO2-1, PPRO2-2, Teach the entire lesson, or one part each session.
PPRO2-3, PPRO2-4, To allow your hands to be free for the activities
PPRO2-5 and PPRO2-6 within the lesson, you may want to display the
flashcard visuals on an easel that is at eye level
w PPRO-a, PPRO-b,
to the children.
PPRO-c and PPRO-d
w PPRO-e, PPRO-f,
PPRO-g and PPRO-h
(page 86 - optional)
w Music CD and CD
player; songbook or lyrics
(pages 14-15)
w “I believe the Bible”
and “I can know God”
visualised songs
w Small boat
w Soil or play dough
w Baking tray or cake tin
w Cups and water

? Review w Strips of construction

paper in rainbow colours,
backed with flocked
Game “Build a rainbow”
When a child answers a question correctly, he may
add a strip to the rainbow on the flannelboard.
paper or paper toweling
w Questions (pages 38-39)
Gospel w Instructions (page 34) Spotlight “Romans 10:13” (review)
spotlight w PPRO-f, PPRO-g and
and PPRO-R4 (page 86)
w PPRO-a, PPRO-b,
PPRO-c and PPRO-d
Snack w Snack of your choice (be Break Take a toilet break, allowing the children to wash
sensitive to food allergies their hands.
the children may have) Prayer Lead in prayer, thanking God for the food.
Snack Guide conversation to review the lesson. (Note:
foods may be sampled during the lesson to
enhance learning, but these should be very small
portions and should not replace the regular snack

Little kids can know God through His promises

Class schedule What you need What to do

Creative w Booklet (pages 94-95), Craft “God always keeps His promises” booklet
one per child Have the children colour the pages in their
activity booklets. Talk about which of God’s promises is
w Crayons or markers
(choose one) w Student activity sheets,
shown on each page.
Activity sheet* “God saved Noah and his family”
one per child*
Have the children add animal stickers to the
w Animal stickers scene.
w Play dough or clay Play dough “Make a rainbow”
(page 8) Guide the children in making a rainbow.
Enrichment w Finger puppets (page 96) Drama “Finger puppet play”
Let the children use the puppets to act out the
activity w Small brown paper bags,
Bible lesson.
one per child, filled with
(choose one) packing chips and stapled Activity “Make an altar of praise”
closed Have children build an altar with paper bag
“stones”. As each child adds a stone to the altar,
have him praise God for Who He is or for
something He has done.
*Available online at

Little kids can know God through His promises

Teaching the memory verse

Memory verse
“For ‘whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved’”
(Romans 10:13)

Let’s pretend we are hiking in the woods. Step high over a log to be
saved from tripping. Step around a hole to be saved from falling in.
Duck down to be saved from hitting a branch. Being saved from
falling or getting hit is good, but the Bible tells how to be saved
from a greater danger!

You can read about it in Romans 10:13.
Say the address together three times: stepping over a log, around a hole
and ducking under a branch.
Have a child help you find the verse by opening your Bible to a marker
placed at Romans 10:13. Read the verse then show PPRO-e, PPRO-f,
PPRO-g and PPRO-h; or PPRO-R1, PPRO-R2, PPRO-R3 and

For whoever calls on the name of the Lord - You can call to the Lord
Jesus without a telephone by praying. To call on the name of the
Lord means you know He is the Saviour, the only One Who can
save you from the danger of sin’s punishment. It means you believe
He died for your sin then came alive again.
shall be saved - Those who choose to call on the Lord Jesus as their
Saviour will be saved and set free from sin. Sin causes people to
be separated from God now and forever. It is sad to be away from
God. But God promises to save people (set them free) from that
separation if they call on the name of the Lord Jesus as Saviour.

Unsaved: God wants to save you. Jesus was punished for your sin
when He died on the cross. He came alive again and is
the only Saviour. If you know you have sinned and are
sorry, you can trust in Jesus as your Saviour and you
will not be separated from God. You will be saved and
set free from sin.
Saved: If you have already trusted in Jesus as your Saviour, you
can know God has saved you because God keeps His

Little kids can know God through His promises

“Verse with actions”
Repeat the verse phrase by phrase while doing the actions (page
13). Then use the symbols to recite the verse.

Little kids can know God through His promises

Gospel spotlight
Romans 10:13 (review)
Show flashcard PPRO-f (or PPRO-R2).

w Tell me something God created. (The world and all the people;
you and me.)
w Who does God love? (The world - John 3:16.)
w What does God know about you? (Everything; that you sin.)
w What is sin? (Anything you think, say or do that does not please
God. Share examples or discuss flashcards PPRO-a, PPRO-b, PPRO-c
and PPRO-d.)
w Who sins? (All people - Romans 3:23.)
w What is the punishment for sin? (Being away from God
w What does God want to save you from? (Sin and the punishment
it brings.)
Show flashcard PPRO-g (or PPRO-R3).

w Who did God send to Earth because He loved you? (His Son, the
Lord Jesus.)
w How was Jesus punished for your sins and mine? (He died on the
cross - Romans 5:8.)
w What happened to Jesus on the third day after He was buried in
a tomb (cave)? (He came alive again.)
Show flashcard PPRO-h (or PPRO-R4).

w If the police decide the prisoner did not do the bad things, what
happens to his chains? (They are taken apart and he is set free.)
w What do you and I need to be set free from? (From the power of
w How can you be set free from the power of sin? (By trusting in
Jesus as your Saviour.)
w When will God say your bad things (sins) are forgiven? (When
you trust in Jesus as your Saviour.)
w When will you be saved from sin? (When you trust in Jesus as
your Saviour. When you call on the name of the Lord - Romans
If you would like to ask any questions about calling out to God to be
saved, I would be happy to help you (designate time and location).

Little kids can know God through His promises

Lesson - part 1
Give a weather report about impending storms, adapted for your climate, eg “Severe storm
warning: strong winds, heavy rain, loud thunder and lots of lightning!”

Have you ever felt afraid when you heard warnings about a bad
Allow response.

Everyone is afraid sometimes! What should you do when you are

afraid? (Trust in God!)
(CD: 12/33) “I will trust”.

Flashcard PPRO2-1
God gave Noah a warning about a terrible storm that was coming.
Noah believed God because everything God says is true. Noah loved
and trusted the Lord God. As Noah built the ark, he warned the people
about the flood that was coming.
“There’s going to be a flood,” Noah may have told the people. “It is
because of your sin. You must believe in God and obey Him or you
will all drown!”
God saw that the people in Noah’s time were very sinful. They did
not want to love and obey God. God decided to send a very unusual
thing - a worldwide flood. Water would cover everything on the whole
Earth. The flood was a punishment for the sin of all those people who
did not believe in God.
The Bible warns you and me about the punishment for sin - separation
from God forever. Sin is anything you think, say or do that does not
please God. You and I have sinned. In fact the Bible says, “There
is none righteous, no, not one” (Romans 3:10). None of us is ever
perfectly good.
Share the following examples of sin or discuss flashcards PPRO-a, PPRO-b, PPRO-c
and PPRO-d.

Girls, do you ever look at your mummy’s special make-up and want
to play with it, even though mummy said not to touch it?
Show flashcard PPRO-b.

Maybe you put the lipstick on your lips. Maybe you open a bottle of
mummy’s perfume. Maybe when you hear mummy coming, you run
and hide! When mummy finds you, you say, “I didn’t do it!”
Show flashcard PPRO-c.

Boys, do you ever pinch your sister when you think no-one is looking,
even though you know mum and dad have told you to be kind?
Disobeying your parents is sin because God says, “Children, obey your
parents” (Ephesians 6:1). You were born knowing how to sin and so
you do sinful things with your eyes, ears, hands, mouth and feet!
(CD: 17/38) “Oh be careful”. Stand to sing.

Little kids can know God through His promises

God loves you very much, but God must punish sin. You and I deserve
to be separated (away) from God forever because of our sin, but God
promises a way for you and me to be saved from that punishment.
God promises to save those who believe in Jesus.

Flashcard PPRO2-2
God promised to save Noah from the flood. God promised that every
person and animal in the ark would be safe. Noah finished building
the ark just the way God told him. There were rooms for Noah’s family
and the animals. They put the food they would need into the ark. Then
two animals of every kind and seven of some kinds entered the ark, just
as God had said. Noah and his family believed and obeyed God.
“Mr Noah had an ark” (Tune: “Old McDonald”).

Because Noah and his family believed and obeyed God, they would
be safe in the ark when the flood came.
Part 2
Flashcard PPRO2-3
After Noah, his family and the animals were in the ark, God shut the
door. Noah believed God’s promise. Noah was trusting in God to save
him from this unusual punishment for sin - a worldwide flood.
You can trust in God to save you from the forever punishment for sin
(being away from God forever). God sent Jesus Christ, God the Son,
to Earth to be the Saviour. Jesus was born as a baby, then grew to be
a man. Jesus always did everything that was right - He was perfect in
every way. When Jesus was a man, He showed God’s great love for you
and me. The Bible says, “While we were still sinners, Christ [Jesus]
died for us” (Romans 5:8). Yes, Jesus died on a cross as punishment
for your sins and mine. Jesus was buried in a tomb (cave). But on the
third day Jesus came alive again! Jesus is the Saviour - the only One
Who can save (rescue) you from the forever punishment for sin. God
promises to save those who believe in Jesus.
(CD: 8/29) “I believe the Bible”(verses 1-5). Stand to sing.
Recite Romans 10:13 together. You may wish to use the visuals (PPRO-e, PPRO-f, PPRO-g
and PPRO-h; or PPRO-R1, PPRO-R2, PPRO-R3 and PPRO-R4).

God promises to save those who believe in Jesus.

Noah and his family were not perfect. They had sinned. But they
believed in God. The Bible says, “Noah found grace in the eyes of the
Read Genesis 6:8 from your Bible.

God did not need to punish Noah, because Noah’s sins were forgiven.
Noah and his family were trusting in God to save them from the flood
that was about to come. The other sinful people did not believe in or
obey God.

Little kids can know God through His promises

After Noah waited seven days in the ark (count to seven), God sent the
rain. It rained and rained and rained. Water came down from the sky
and up from the ground. The rivers and seas overflowed and spread
over the land.
Do hand actions of rain coming down.

Flashcard PPRO2-4
It rained for forty days and forty nights. Water covered the Earth
everywhere. The water was so deep and so high it filled the valleys and
covered the trees and the mountains. This flood covered the whole
world! But the ark floated on top of all that water!
Place a small boat on a thin layer of packed soil or play dough in a baking tray or cake
tin with high sides. Let the children pour cups of water into the pan until the “Earth” is
covered and the boat is floating. (Make sure you test this before class!)

Everything on the land, outside the ark, died in the flood. But everyone
inside the ark was safe! Noah, his family and the animals with them in
the ark were safe. The flood did not hurt them at all!
Noah was safe in the ark because he trusted God. If you have believed in
Jesus as your Saviour, you can know God has saved you. You are saved
from something worse than a flood. You are saved from the forever
punishment for sin. Your sin is forgiven. You will not be separated
from God now or ever. You are safe as a child in God’s family. Thank
Him that you are safe in His family.
(CD: 10/31) “I can know God” (chorus).
Part 3
Flashcard PPRO2-5
The ark floated safely on the water during the forty days and nights
of rain. After the rain stopped, the ark kept floating as the water dried
up little by little. After one hundred and fifty days of floating (a very
long time) the ark rested on a mountain.
One day Noah opened the window and let out two birds - a raven and
a dove. The raven was a big strong bird that could fly and fly without
stopping to rest. But the little dove flew around, then came back to
Noah. Noah waited a week then sent the dove out again. This time the
dove came back with a little olive tree leaf. That was good news! Plants
were growing on the Earth again! After another week Noah sent the
dove out again and it did not come back.
Pretend to be big ravens or little doves flying out of the ark.

After Noah and his family were in the ark for more than a year, God
told them it was safe to go out of the ark. Everyone in the ark was a
year older! They had been living with all the animals in the ark for a
very long time, waiting for the water to dry up so they could go out.

Little kids can know God through His promises

Flashcard PPRO2-6
They were very happy to step on that dry land! Let’s pretend we are
with Noah.
Use this monologue or ad-lib with children’s ideas.

“Look, there are flowers blooming. The birds are so happy to fly free.
I’m so glad to breathe fresh air! Thank You, God!”
The Bible tells us Noah showed his happiness by worshipping God!
Noah knew it was God Who saved him from the flood. Noah built
an altar (a special pile of stones).
As he worshipped God, maybe Noah said something like this, “God,
You are the all-powerful One. You have saved us from the flood! Thank
You for loving me and saving my family!”
God deserved worship because God is the almighty Creator. God
created the world and everything in it - the rain, the animals, the plants
they eat for food, the people who can enjoy the sunshine He put in the
sky. Our God is holy (perfect) and everything He does is right. God
had promised to keep Noah and his family safe inside the ark and He
had! God always keeps His promises!
God put a beautiful rainbow in the sky - the very first rainbow ever!
God said the rainbow was to show His promise never again to destroy
the whole Earth with a flood. There are floods sometimes when a river
overflows or a place gets lots of rain, but what happened to Noah and
his family has never happened again and it never will. God is keeping
His promise!
Noah knew it was God alone Who had saved him!
(CD: 21/42) “Three in one” (verse 2).

If you believe in Jesus as your Saviour, you can know God has saved
you. You can be sure you are safe in God’s family. Thank Him that
you are part of His family. If you do not know that you are in God’s
family make sure today.
A - Admit that you have sinned against God.
B - Believe that Jesus died to save you.
C - Call to God in prayer. Say sorry for your sin and ask Jesus to be
your Saviour.
God has promised to save everyone who trusts in Jesus as their Saviour.
God always keeps His promises.
Review questions
Memory verse
1 To be saved from being hurt is good, but what is a greater danger
to be saved from? (Sin and the punishment for sin.)

Little kids can know God through His promises

2 Who is the only One Who can save you from sin? (The Lord
3 How do you call on the name of the Lord? (Pray to God and tell
Him you are trusting in Jesus as your Saviour.)

Lesson (parts 1-3)

1 Why did God send a flood over the whole Earth? (To punish the
sin of the people who lived at the time of Noah.)
2 What is the punishment for sin? (To be separated from God
3 Who does God promise to save from sin? (Those who believe in
Jesus as Saviour.)
4 When it rained for forty days and forty nights, what happened to
the ark? (It floated on the water.)
5 Who kept Noah, his family and the animals safe in the ark during
the flood? (God.)
6 If you trust in Jesus as your Saviour, what will God do for you?
(Save you from sin; keep you safe as a child in God’s family.)
7 After more than a year in the ark, what did Noah do when he got
out? (Worshipped God.)
8 What did God put in the sky to show His promise to never again
flood the whole Earth? (A rainbow.)
9 If you have believed in Jesus as your Saviour, what can you know
for sure about God and His promises? (God keeps His promises
to love and save you.)

Gospel spotlight
1 What is sin? (Anything you think, say or do that does not please
2 How was Jesus punished for your sin? (He died on a cross.)
3 What do you need to do to be saved and set free from your sin?
(Trust in Jesus as your own Saviour. Review: Tell God, “I know I
have sinned and I am sorry. I believe Jesus died for my sin and came
alive again. Please forgive my sin and make me Your child.”)

Little kids can know God through His promises

Lesson 3
God blesses Abraham and Sarah with a son

Scripture for teachers Genesis 12:1-9

Genesis 15:1-6
Genesis 17:16-19
Genesis 18:1-15
Genesis 21:1-7
Central truth God promises to bless the world through Abraham’s family
Application Unsaved: Believe that Jesus came to be your Saviour
Memory verse “The Lord is good … and He knows those who trust in Him” (Nahum

Class schedule What you need What to do

Welcome w Music CD and CD Welcome Have soft music playing. Greet the children by
player name and give them their nametags.
w Nametags (page 89), one Activity “See my hands”
per child Trace each child’s hands on a sheet of paper.
Let the children colour their hands. Talk to the
w A4 sheets of paper, one
children about things they can do with their
per child
w Crayons or markers
Worship w Music CD and CD Song (CD: 9/30) “I can know God”
player; songbook or lyrics Prayer Lead the children in prayer: “Dear God, thank
(pages 14-15) You that You love me. Help me to obey You
w “I can know God” with my hands and all of me. In Jesus’ name.
visualised song Amen.”
Song (CD: 17/38) “Oh be careful” (verses 1-3)
w Offering basket or bank
Offering (Optional.) Pass around a basket or bank and let
children give an offering. (Be sure to inform the
parents how the money will be used.)
Memory w PPRO-R5, PPRO-R6, Verse Nahum 1:7
PPRO-R7 and PPRO-R8 Repetition “Sing a verse”
verse (page 87)
w Instructions (page 44)
w Music (page 13)
Stretch Activity “Head and shoulders, knees and toes”
The following may be spoken or sung to the tune
of “London Bridge” while doing the actions:
Head and shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes, knees and toes,
Head and shoulders, knees and toes,
Clap your hands and praise Him.

Little kids can know God through His promises

Class schedule What you need What to do

Bible lesson w Lesson text (page 47) Lesson “God blesses Abraham and Sarah with a son”
w PPRO3-1, PPRO3-2, Teach the entire lesson, or one part each session.
PPRO3-3, PPRO3-4, To allow your hands to be free for the activities
PPRO3-5 and PPRO4-2 within the lesson, you may want to display the
flashcard visuals on an easel that is at eye level
w Music CD and CD
to the children.
player; songbook or lyrics
(page 15)
w Plastic crockery

? Review w Small suitcase

w Items for a trip (eg
clothes, snacks, toiletries)
Game “Going on a trip”
When a child answers a question correctly, he
may put an item into the suitcase.
w Questions (pages 50-51)
Gospel w Instructions (page 46) Spotlight “Gospel keys”
spotlight w Gospel keys - PPRO-i
w PPRO-a, PPRO-b,
PPRO-c and PPRO-d
Snack w Snack of your choice (be Break Take a toilet break, allowing the children to wash
sensitive to food allergies their hands.
the children may have) Prayer Lead in prayer, thanking God for the food.
Snack Guide conversation to review the lesson. (Note:
foods may be sampled during the lesson to
enhance learning, but these should be very small
portions and should not replace the regular snack
Creative w Gospel keys (page 97), Craft “Gospel keys”
one set per child Have children colour their keys, cut them out,
activity punch holes and put them on the ring.
w Crayons or markers
(choose one) w Scissors
Activity sheet* “God blessed Abraham with a son”
Guide the children in gluing a small piece of
w Hole punch fabric to the tent floor as a rug.
w Key or notebook ring, Play dough “Let’s make the ‘O’ in obey”
one per child Talk about the importance of obeying parents,
w Student activity sheets, teachers, etc as you guide the children in rolling
one per child* out play dough like a snake and connecting the
w Small piece of fabric, one ends to make Os.
per child
w Glue
w Play dough or clay
(page 8)

Little kids can know God through His promises

Class schedule What you need What to do

Enrichment w Red play dough Activity “Let’s make the ‘O’ in obey”
Say, “Obey means to do what is right and good.
activity w Yellow play dough
The Bible, God’s Word, is an ‘obey book’. It tells
w Green play dough
(choose one) you what is right and wrong. God wants you to
follow what is right. We spell obey with a big O.”
(Make a red, yellow and green O. Place them in
a row to make a traffic light.) “When you ride in
a car with your mum or dad, they must obey the
traffic lights so you do not get hurt. Red is for
stop. Yellow means slow down - you may need to
wait. Green means go. Sometimes your parents
tell you to stop doing something, sometimes they
tell you to wait and sometimes they say you may
go ahead and do it. You need to obey them. God
gave us the Bible to be a kind of traffic light. The
Bible helps us know what to do at the right time.
God wants you to obey His Word.”
Game “Red light, green light”
Stand 7 or 8 metres (25 feet) from the class.
When you say, “Green light,” the children must
hop, run, skip or crawl toward you. When you
say, “Red light,” they must stop wherever they
are. The aim is for all the children to obey you.
*Available online at

Little kids can know God through His promises

Teaching the memory verse

Memory verse
“The Lord is good … and He knows those who trust in Him”
(Nahum 1:7)

Do you know who made your breakfast this morning? Do you
know what you will eat for dinner tomorrow?
Allow responses.
I know Someone Who knows everything. The Bible tells about
something He knows!

Today’s verse from the Bible lives at Nahum 1:7.
Say the address together three times: first while looking one way, then
the other way, then upwards.
Have a child help you find the verse by opening your Bible to a marker
placed at Nahum 1:7. Read the verse then show PPRO-R5, PPRO-R6,
PPRO-R7 and PPRO-R8.

The Lord - This verse is talking about the Lord God. Lord is a
title for God or for Jesus. It reminds us that He is the ruler over
everything! The Bible tells us about the Lord God.
is good - Yes, the Lord God is good! He always does everything that
is right! He is perfect in every way. The Lord God knows all there
is to know about everything and everybody.
and He knows those who trust in Him - The Lord God knows who
is believing in Him and depending on Him. The Lord knows if
you are trusting in Him to save you from sin. He knows if you are
trusting in Him when you are sad or afraid. He knows if you are
depending on Him to help you love other people and obey Him
every day.

Unsaved: If you know you have sinned but have not yet believed
(trusted) in God to save you, you can today. Jesus is the
Saviour, Who was punished for your sin. If you believe
on Jesus as your own Saviour, you can be sure God will
save you. You will be forgiven for your sin and become
God’s child.
Saved: If you have already believed on Jesus as your Saviour,
you can trust God for everything else too! Trust God

Little kids can know God through His promises

when you are sad or afraid. Trust and depend on God

to help you love other people and to obey God every

“Sing a verse”
Point to the symbols in sequence as everyone sings the verse several

Little kids can know God through His promises

Gospel spotlight
Gospel keys
Keys are used to open doors so you can enter your house, your car -
even the gate around a special place. I have some keys in colours that
will help you understand how to enter Heaven!
Show gold key.
This gold key helps us think about Heaven, God’s home. Heaven
is wonderful. The Bible describes it as so special that it is like a city
made of pure gold (Revelation 21:21). Everything in Heaven is perfect
because God is holy (perfect). God always does everything that is right.
The Bible tells us that God created (made) the world and that “God
so loved the world” (John 3:16). That means God loves the people in
the world. God loves you! God wants you to be able to enter Heaven
and live there with Him someday.
Show dark key.
This dark key helps us think about sin. You and I sin against God when
we disobey God’s law. You were born wanting your own way and so you
do sinful things. The Bible says, “All have sinned” (Romans 3:23).
Share examples of sin or discuss flashcards PPRO-a, PPRO-b, PPRO-c and PPRO-d.
Sin cannot be in Heaven and people cannot go to Heaven with their
sin. You and I deserve to be punished for our sin.
Show red key.
This red key helps us think about Jesus the Saviour. Jesus came to
Earth, was born as a baby and grew to be a man. Jesus had no sin of
His own, but He took the punishment that others deserve when He
died on the cross. The Bible says, “Christ [Jesus] died for our sins”
(1 Corinthians 15:3). After Jesus died, He was buried in a tomb (cave).
Then the Bible says, “He rose again the third day” (1 Corinthians
15:4). Jesus, the Saviour, is alive today! He is the only One Who can
save you from your sin.
Show clean key.
This clean key helps us think about being saved from sin. The only
way to be saved and made clean from your sin is to believe (trust) in
Jesus as your own Saviour. The Bible says, “Believe on the Lord Jesus
Christ, and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31). If you would like to believe
on Jesus as your own Saviour and be saved from sin, I would be glad
to help you (designate time and location). Then you can be a child in God’s
forever family and enter Heaven to live with Him someday!
Show green key.
This green key helps us think about growing as God’s child. God the
Holy Spirit lives in each of God’s children. He will help you obey God
and do the good things God wants you to do. But sometimes you will
still choose to disobey God. When that happens, you are still God’s
child but you need to talk to Him about your sin. Then thank God
for forgiving your sin and ask Him to help you obey.
Little kids can know God through His promises

Lesson - part 1
Flashcard PPRO3-1
God spoke to a man called Abraham.
“Leave the place where you are living and go to a land that I will show
you” (from Genesis 12:1).
Abraham lived a long time ago. He had a wife called Sarah. How do
you think he felt when God told him to move? The Bible tells us that
God did not just tell Abraham to move, He also made a promise to
God said to him, “I will bless you and make you into a great nation
and through you all the countries of the world will be blessed” (from
Genesis 12:2-3).
This was a very special promise.
How was God going to bless the whole world through Abraham? God
had promised to make Abraham into a great nation and that nation
would be Israel. Many years later Jesus, God the Son, was born to
a woman from Israel named Mary. He was sent from Heaven to be
the Saviour of the whole world. Why does the world need a Saviour?
Everyone has sinned against God. We have all disobeyed Him. When
you do not do what your parents say you are disobeying God, because
He has said you should obey your mum and dad (Ephesians 6:1). You
and I need a Saviour and God has sent Jesus to be that Saviour. That
was how God was going to bless the whole world through Abraham.

Flashcard PPRO3-2
Abraham listened to God and he did what God had told him to do. He
packed up all his things and he and Sarah got ready for their journey
to the land that God was going to show to them. They gathered their
animals and their servants. They chose food to take along, maybe
cheese, biscuits, raisins and other dried fruits. They packed their tents
and clothes and everything they needed for the journey. It was a lot
of hard work.
Pretend to pack for the journey.

If Abraham’s and Sarah’s friends and relatives said, “Where are you
going?” they probably answered, “We don’t know exactly where we
are going.”
But they did know that they could trust God. He had made a special
promise to them. They trusted God to show them the way - and He

Little kids can know God through His promises

Flashcard PPRO3-4
As they travelled God met with Abraham and He promised him,
“I will give this land to your children” (from Genesis 12:7).
(CD: 12/33) “I will trust”.
Part 2
God had made a very special promise to Abraham. Do you remember
what it was? God had promised to give the land to Abraham’s children
and to bless the whole world through his family.

Flashcard PPRO3-3
But although Abraham and Sarah had been married for a very long
time, they had no children of their own. Many years had gone by -
and still no children. Was God going to keep His promise? Abraham
was worried.
One night he said to God, “You have given me no children” (from
Genesis 15:3).
So God told Abraham to go outside and look up at the sky.
Everyone look up at the “sky”.

It was a clear, dark night. The sky was full of shining bright stars.
“Look up,” God said to Abraham. “Count all the stars, if you can. That’s
how big your family will be one day” (from Genesis 15:5).
God had reminded Abraham of His promise. But still time went by
and Abraham and Sarah had no children. Do you find it hard to wait
for something you really want? Abraham and Sarah found it hard to
wait. They were getting very old and still they had no children of their
God spoke to Abraham again. He said to him, “Sarah and you will
have a son” (from Genesis 17:16).
Do you know what Abraham did? The Bible tells us that he laughed
(Genesis 17:17). He thought it was too good to be true. Abraham was
now almost one hundred years old.
“I’m too old. How can I have a son now?” he asked God (from Genesis
“You will have a son and you will give him the name Isaac” (from
Genesis 17:19).
Have the children repeat the name.

Then one day Abraham was sitting outside his tent when three visitors
came by. Abraham rushed to organise food for them to eat and
something for them to drink.
Pretend to prepare food together. You could use plastic crockery and pretend

Little kids can know God through His promises

It was an odd time of day for three men to be out walking - it was
very hot.
Everyone fan themselves with their hands.

They were not ordinary men - they were God’s messengers. They told
Abraham that in a year’s time Sarah would have a baby boy. Who do
you think was at the entrance to the tent listening? Sarah. She heard
what was said and she laughed. She thought it was too late for her to
have a baby boy because she was now very old.
The messengers said, “Is anything too hard for God to do?” (from
Genesis 18:14).
We can be sure that God can always do what He wants to do. He
promised to give Abraham and Sarah a son - it was not too difficult
for God to do. He promised to bless the world through Abraham’s
family - it was not too difficult for God to do. If you have trusted in
Jesus as your Saviour, remember that God is always able to keep His
Part 3
A whole year had gone by since the very special visitors had come to
see Abraham.
Have a brief pause before the next section.

What’s that I can hear?

Pretend to be listening for something in the distance.

It’s a sound coming from Abraham’s and Sarah’s tent. I can hardly
believe my ears - it’s a new baby gurgling and I can hear some laughter.
What can have happened?
Let children respond.

After all this time baby Isaac has arrived!

Flashcard PPRO3-5
He has eight tiny fingers and two tiny thumbs (count them), ten tiny
toes (point to toes), two little ears (point to ears) and a tiny nose (point to
nose). Abraham and Sarah have their promised son. God has kept His
promise. How do you think Abraham and Sarah feel? The Bible tells
us that Sarah was so happy that she laughed. Neighbours who came
to see the new baby laughed too - it was a very happy time.
Abraham and Sarah had left their home and gone off on a long journey
to a new country. God had promised to give this new country to their
children and to bless the whole world through their family.

Flashcard PPRO3-3
Abraham believed God’s promise that someday his son Isaac would
have the new country. There would be many, many people in their
family. Abraham’s family would be part of God’s special plan to bring

Little kids can know God through His promises

Jesus, the Saviour, to the world. God had kept His promise to show
them the new country and to give them a family. But how would He
bless the whole world through them? Many, many years later Jesus was
born into Abraham’s and Isaac’s family. He was sent from His home
in Heaven to Earth to die on the cross to save people like you and me
from the punishment that we deserve.

Flashcard PPRO4-2
God is able to bless the whole world through His Son Jesus. Have you
trusted in Jesus as your Saviour? You can ask Him to be your Saviour
and forgive you for your sin.
God always keeps His promises. God has blessed the whole world by
sending Jesus.
End with a prayer thanking God for sending Jesus to save people from the punishment
they deserve.
Review questions
Memory verse
1 Who knows everything? (The Lord God.)
2 How good is the Lord God? (He is perfect in every way.)
3 What special word in our verse means to believe and depend on
God? (Trust.)

Lesson (parts 1-3)

1 Who could Abraham trust to take him to a new place to live?
2 How was God going to bless the world through Abraham? (By
sending Jesus.)
3 Why does the world need Jesus? (We need a Saviour because we
have sinned.)
4 What did Abraham see when he looked into the night sky? (Many
5 Who came to visit Abraham? (Three messengers sent by God.)
6 Who was at the entrance to the tent, listening to the men? (Sarah,
Abraham’s wife.)
7 After many years of waiting, what special blessing did God give
to Abraham and Sarah? (Baby son, Isaac.)
8 What promise did God give Abraham about Isaac? (He would
have Abraham’s land and many people in his family.)
9 Who always keeps His promises? (God.)

Little kids can know God through His promises

Gospel spotlight
1 Where does God want you to live with Him someday? (In Heaven,
His home.)
2 What did Jesus, the Saviour, do so you can be clean from sin? (He
died on a cross.)
3 What do you need to do to be saved (made clean) from your sin?
(Believe in Jesus as your own Saviour. Review: Tell God, “I know I
have sinned and I am sorry. I believe Jesus died for my sin and came
alive again. Please forgive my sin and make me Your child.”)

Little kids can know God through His promises

Lesson 4
God blesses Isaac with a wife

Scripture for teachers Genesis 24

Central truth God promises to guide those who ask Him
Application Unsaved: Ask Jesus to be your Saviour
Saved: Ask God to guide you
Memory verse Review Nahum 1:7

Class schedule What you need What to do

Welcome w Music CD and CD Welcome Have soft music playing. Greet the children by
player name and give them their nametags.
w Nametags (page 89), one Activity “Puppet says nice words”
per child Have the puppet say nice words (eg “Please,”
“Thank you,” “I love you,” “You look very
w A large-mouthed puppet
pretty”). Let the children use the puppet to say
nice words.
Worship w Music CD and CD Song (CD: 9/30) “I can know God”
player; songbook or lyrics Prayer Lead the children in prayer: “Dear God, thank
(pages 14-15) You for our eyes, ears, hands and mouth. Help
w “I can know God” us to use them in the best way. Thank You for
visualised song being our guide. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
Song (CD: 17/38) “Oh be careful”
w Offering basket or bank
Offering (Optional.) Pass around a basket or bank and let
children give an offering. (Be sure to inform the
parents how the money will be used.)
Memory w PPRO-R5, PPRO-R6, Verse Nahum 1:7
PPRO-R7 and PPRO-R8 Repetition “Sing a verse”
verse (page 87)
w Instructions (page 55)
w Music (page 13)
Stretch Activity “Head and shoulders, knees and toes”
The following may be spoken or sung to the tune
of “London Bridge” while doing the actions:
Head and shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes, knees and toes,
Head and shoulders, knees and toes,
Clap your hands and praise Him.
Bible lesson w Lesson text (page 58) Lesson “God blesses Isaac with a wife”
w PPRO4-1, PPRO4-3, Teach the entire lesson, or one part each session.
PPRO4-4, PPRO4-5 and To allow your hands to be free for the activities
PPRO4-6 within the lesson, you may want to display the
flashcard visuals on an easel that is at eye level
w Mats, parachute, table
to the children.
w Snacks

Little kids can know God through His promises

Class schedule What you need What to do

? Review w Two containers, one filled Game

with water
w Soup ladle
“Water the camels”
When a child answers a question correctly,
he may come up and transfer water from one
container to the other.
w Plastic drop cloth
w Towel
w Questions (pages 61-62)
Gospel w Instructions (page 57) Spotlight “Gospel keys” (review)
spotlight w Gospel keys - PPRO-i
w PPRO-a, PPRO-b,
PPRO-c and PPRO-d
Snack w Snack of your choice (be Break Take a toilet break, allowing the children to wash
sensitive to food allergies their hands.
the children may have) Prayer Lead in prayer, thanking God for the food.
Snack Guide conversation to review the lesson. (Note:
foods may be sampled during the lesson to
enhance learning, but these should be very small
portions and should not replace the regular snack
Creative w Fruit loops or noodles Craft “Making jewellery”
Let the children make a necklace by lacing fruit
activity w Shoelace, wool, elastic
loops or noodles onto a shoelace, wool, elastic
thread or liquorice lace
(choose one) w Student activity sheets,
thread or liquorice lace.
Activity sheet* “God blessed Isaac with a wife”
one per child*
Assist the children in gluing sequins or gem
w Sequins or gem stones stones to Rebekah’s camel saddle.
w Glue Play dough “Make a camel”
w Play dough or clay Guide the children in making a camel.
(page 8)
Enrichment w Box or basket with several Activity “Please and thank you”
objects children can hold The children must ask, “Please, may I hold ___
activity (eg stuffed animals, dolls, (add the name of the object),” and then they must
(choose one) cars, balls, etc) say, “Thank you.” The teacher then asks in the
w Jewel (page 96) same way for the toys to be returned to the box
or basket.
Activity “Find the jewel”
Choose two children - one to hide the jewel and
one to find it. To help the child find the jewel,
the children sing “I will trust” quietly if the child
is far away from the jewel and loudly as the child
gets closer to it. Choose more children as time
*Available online at

Little kids can know God through His promises

Teaching the memory verse

Memory verse
“The Lord is good … and He knows those who trust in Him”
(Nahum 1:7)

Who holds your hand when you cross the street? Who can take
you to Grandma’s house and not get lost? If your eyes were covered,
who would you trust to guide you around this room?
Allow responses.
Trusting these people to help you is good. The Bible tells about
Someone Who is perfectly good. You can trust Him all the time,
for everything!

Nahum 1:7 tells Who that Someone is.
Say the address together three times: first while walking on the spot,
then running on the spot, then hopping.
Have a child help you find the verse by opening your Bible to a marker
placed at Nahum 1:7. Read the verse then show PPRO-R5, PPRO-R6,
PPRO-R7 and PPRO-R8.

The Lord is good - Yes, the Lord is good, perfectly good, all the
time! The Lord God always does everything that is right! The Lord
knows what is good for you. The Lord does what is good because
He is good.
and He knows those who trust in Him - Because the Lord knows
everything, He knows who trusts Him. He knows who depends
on Him for help. The Lord God is the One you can trust all the

Unsaved: If you know you have sinned but have not yet believed
(trusted) on God to save you, you can today. Jesus is the
Saviour, Who was punished for your sin. If you believe
on Jesus as your own Saviour, you can be sure God will
save you. You can trust and depend on the Lord God
to forgive your sin and make you God’s child.
Saved: If you have already believed on Jesus as your Saviour,
you can trust God for everything else too! Trust the Lord
God to know and do what is good for you. Ask God
to guide you in growing as His child. Trust the Lord
to guide you to people who can teach you more about

Little kids can know God through His promises

Him. Trust the Lord to guide you to understand what

the Bible says. Trust the Lord God to guide you in all
your choices in life.

“Sing a verse”
Point to the symbols in sequence as everyone sings the verse several

Little kids can know God through His promises

Gospel spotlight
Gospel keys (review)
These keys are made of paper and will not really open any door. But
their colours will help you remember how to enter Heaven!
Show gold key.
w What does this gold key remind us of? (Heaven, God’s home.)
w Why is everything perfect in Heaven? (Because God is perfect.)
w Who created the world we live in? (God.)
w Who does God love? (All the people in the world including you
and me - John 3:16.)
w Who does God want to live in Heaven with Him someday? (You
and me.)
Show dark key.
w What does this dark key remind us of? (Sin.)
w Why do you sin? (You have a “want to” to sin.)
w What is something you might do that God calls sin? (Answers will
vary. Share examples of sin or discuss flashcards PPRO-a, PPRO-b,
PPRO-c and PPRO-d.)
w Who has sinned and deserves to be punished for it (be away from
God forever)? (You, me, all people - Romans 3:23.)
Show red key.
w What does this red key remind us of? (Jesus, Who died on the
w Whose sin was Jesus punished for when He died on the cross?
(The sins of other people - 1 Corinthians 15:3.)
w Why could Jesus be punished for your sin? (He was perfect, had
no sin of His own.)
w What happened to Jesus on the third day after He died and was
buried? (Jesus came alive again - 1 Corinthians 15:4.)
Show clean key.
w How can you be saved and made clean from your sin? (Believe/
trust in Jesus as Saviour - Acts 16:31.)
w If you are saved from sin, Whose child will you be? (God’s child
and still your parent’s child too.)
Show green key.
w Who lives in God’s children to help them grow? (God the Holy
w What will God the Holy Spirit help you do? (Obey God, do the
good things God wants you to do.)
w When God’s children disobey Him, what should they do? (Talk
to God about the sin; thank Him for His forgiveness; ask God to
help them obey.)

Little kids can know God through His promises

Lesson - part 1
Pretend to guide the children through the mountains, leading them around rocks,
over streams and under branches. You could have physical obstacles such as a
path of mats, a parachute to crawl under, a table to go around. Frequently say,
“Follow me - I am your guide. I will lead you in the right way.”

God had been Abraham’s guide. He had shown him where to live. God
had kept His promises to Abraham and had given him and his wife
Sarah a son. Do you remember his name? They had called him Isaac.
Ask children to repeat this name.

Abraham and Sarah were very happy to have a son at last. God had
kept His promise to them.
Use the visuals from lesson 3 to remind the children of Abraham, Sarah and Isaac.

God always keeps His promises. He has the power to do exactly what
He says He will do. God never lets people down. He can always be

Flashcard PPRO4-1
Now Isaac was grown up. I expect that Abraham had taught him a lot
about God and how God had led Abraham on his journey to the land
of Canaan. He had told Isaac about the promises God had made - to
give the land to Abraham and his family, to make them into a great
nation and to bless all the people of the world through that nation.
But you cannot have a nation from just one son - it was time for Isaac
to marry and have a family of his own. Do you think that God could
help find the right woman for Isaac to marry? Let’s find out!
Abraham asked for his chief servant to come and see him. He had a
very special task for him to do. He asked him to promise to go back
to the land where Abraham had come from and find a wife for Isaac.
It was a very important task and a difficult one!
The servant had a few doubts about it. He was not sure if he would be
able to find the right woman. Then what if she did not want to leave her
home and marry someone who lived far away? But Abraham knew that
God would guide the servant to the right place and the right family.
God is able to guide people. He can show them the way to live. Today
we can find out about how God wants us to live from His Word, the
Show the children your Bible.

The Bible tells us that God wants people - people like you and me - to
trust in Jesus as our Saviour. We all need a Saviour because all of us
have disobeyed God. We sin against Him. When we tell a lie or hurt
someone we sin against God. But God loves you and me and He sent
Jesus to die on the cross to take our punishment. You can trust in Jesus
as your Saviour and know that God has forgiven you.

Little kids can know God through His promises

Abraham trusted God. He was sure that God would guide his servant
on this very important journey.
Part 2
Flashcard PPRO4-3
Abraham’s servant got ready to go on his long journey. He took other
servants with him and ten camels. He took lots of beautiful jewellery
and gifts from Abraham. It was a very long journey. They spent many
days travelling and camping along the way.
Bounce up and down slowly as if riding a camel.

When the servant finally arrived it was evening time. He stopped

outside the town near a well of water where the women would come
to get water to drink and cook with. (They did not have taps of water
in their houses in those days.) He prayed to God and asked Him to
guide him to the young woman who should be Isaac’s wife. God loved
Isaac and planned for a good wife for him. God knows everything, so
He knew which young woman would be happy to be Isaac’s wife. God
had the power to guide the servant to the right young woman.
The servant talked to God about a plan to find the right wife for Isaac.
He asked God to send a woman who would offer to fetch water for
the ten camels. That would be very unusual.
Before he had finished praying Rebekah, the granddaughter of
Abraham’s brother, came to the well. She was very beautiful and was
not married to anyone, but lived at home with her parents.

Flashcard PPRO4-4
The servant hurried to meet her and said, “Please let me drink a little
water from your jar” (from Genesis 24:17).
Rebekah said, “Drink,” as she handed him the jar of water. “I’ll get
water for your camels too,” she said (from Genesis 24:18-19).
Do you remember how many camels there were? There were ten. That
meant that she had to get a lot of water! Do you remember what the
servant had prayed to God? He had asked for a woman to come to the
well and offer to get water for the camels!
Rebekah worked hard to fetch enough water for the ten camels. She
showed a lot of kindness and she worked and worked till the job was
Pretend to water ten camels.

The servant gave Rebekah some gifts and asked her about her family.
Rebekah’s grandfather was Abraham’s brother. God had guided the
servant right to Abraham’s own family. The servant praised God for
guiding him.

Little kids can know God through His promises

Part 3
Rebekah ran home and showed her family the gifts and told them
what had happened.

Flashcard PPRO4-5
Her brother Laban (ask children to repeat the name) quickly went to the well
and invited the servant back to their house.
“Why are you out here? Come to our house and bring all the camels
too. We have room for them” (from Genesis 24:31).
The servant and the camels and the other helpers went to the house.
There was straw for the camels and the servant’s helpers could wash
their hot and dirty feet. Abraham’s servant was given a lovely meal,
but he would not eat!
“I won’t eat until I’ve told you why I have come here,” he said (from
Genesis 24:33).
Have some snacks ready for the children, but placed on a table. Ask them to wait until
after the servant has spoken. A helper in costume could act out the monologue.

“I am Abraham’s servant. The Lord God has blessed my master with

great riches. One day his son Isaac will own it all. Abraham sent me
to find a wife for Isaac. He said that God would guide me to the right
family. I prayed to God and asked Him to guide me. I would ask
a woman for a drink and if she offered to get my camels water, she
would be the one. Rebekah came to the well. She did exactly what I
prayed. Will you let Rebekah go with me and be the wife of Isaac?”
(from Genesis 24:34-49).
Let the children enjoy their snack. Make sure it does not take too long (or continue the
story while they are eating).

Rebekah’s family understood that God had guided the servant. They
believed that God’s plan would be the best for Rebekah.
Bravely Rebekah said, “I will go” (Genesis 24:58).
Abraham’s servant worshipped God. He praised and thanked God for
guiding him all the way. Rebekah’s family celebrated with a big meal and
the servant gave them the many beautiful presents from Abraham.
The next day Rebekah set out with the servant and his helpers and
the camels.

Flashcard PPRO4-6
She took her own maid servants with her too. It was a long way.
The Bible tells us that when they arrived back at Abraham’s home
Isaac married Rebekah and that he loved her (Genesis 24:67). God
had guided Abraham’s servant to choose the right wife for Isaac and
the right husband for Rebekah.

Little kids can know God through His promises

If Jesus is your Saviour ask God to guide you. Ask Him to give you
good friends and to help you to obey your mum and dad.
Isaac and Rebekah had children and so the family of Abraham grew.
Do you remember the promise? God had promised to bless the whole
world through their family. Many years later Jesus was born into that
family. He came to die on the cross, to be the Saviour. He is able to
save you.
Review questions
Memory verse
1 What does the Lord God know? (Everything; those that trust in
2 Why does the Lord do what is good? (Because He is good.)
3 What does “trust in Him” mean? (To believe and depend on God
to save you and help you.)

Lesson (parts 1-3)

1 What does a guide do? (Leads you; shows you the way to go.)
2 Who promised to guide Abraham and make him the father of a
great nation? (God.)
3 Who is the Saviour, born to a young woman from that nation?
(Jesus, God the Son.)
4 Who needed a wife so he could start his family? (Isaac.)
5 How did Abraham know God would guide the servant to the right
wife for Isaac? (God promises to guide those who ask Him.)
6 What did Rebekah do that showed the servant she was the woman
God guided him to? (She gave him a drink and gave water to all
his camels.)
7 What did Rebekah’s family say about her being Isaac’s wife? (Yes;
they understood it was God’s plan.)
8 Who did the servant thank for guiding him to Rebekah? (God.)
9 If Jesus is your Saviour, what are some ways God will guide you
when you ask Him? (Help you be friendly, obey your parents,
listen to your teachers, etc.)

Gospel spotlight
1 Who has sinned and deserves to be away from God forever? (You,
me, all people.)
2 How was Jesus, God the Son, punished for your sin? (He died on
a cross.)

Little kids can know God through His promises

3 What do you need to do to be saved (made clean) from your sin?

(Believe/trust in Jesus as your own Saviour. Review: Tell God, ”I know
I have sinned and I am sorry. I believe Jesus died for my sin and came
alive again. Please forgive my sin and make me Your child.”)

Lesson 5
God helps David win over Goliath

Scripture for teachers 1 Samuel 17:1-52

Central truth God promises to help those who trust in Him
Application Unsaved: Trust Jesus as your own Saviour from sin
Saved: Trust God to help you
Memory verse “Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You” (Psalm 56:3)

Class schedule What you need What to do

Welcome w Music CD and CD Welcome Have soft music playing. Greet the children by
player name and give them their nametags.
w Nametags (page 89), one Activity “See my feet”
per child Trace each child’s feet or shoes on a sheet of
paper. Let the children colour their feet. Talk to
w A4 sheets of paper, one
children about different places they can go.
per child
w Crayons or markers
Worship w Music CD and CD Song (CD: 9/30) “I can know God”
player; songbook or lyrics Prayer Lead the children in prayer or let them pray with
(pages 14-15) you, phrase by phrase: “Dear God, thank You
w “I can know God” that You love us. We trust You to help us. Help
visualised song us use our feet to go places that please You. In
Jesus’ name. Amen.”
w Offering basket or bank
Song (CD: 17/38) “Oh be careful”
Offering (Optional.) Pass around a basket or bank and let
children give an offering. (Be sure to inform the
parents how the money will be used.)
Memory w PPRO-R9, PPRO-R10, Verse Psalm 56:3
PPRO-R11 and Repetition “Verse with actions”
verse PPRO-R12 (page 88)
w Instructions (page 66)
Stretch Activity “God made my feet”
As you say the following, have the children follow
your lead and do the actions:
I can walk. (Walk on the spot.)
I can jump with both feet. (Jump on the spot.)
I can hop on one foot then the other. (Hop on
the spot.)
I can run. (Run on the spot.)
I can tiptoe. (Tiptoe on the spot.)

Little kids can know God through His promises

Class schedule What you need What to do

Bible lesson w Lesson text (page 69) Lesson “God helps David win over Goliath”
w PPRO5-1, PPRO5-2, Teach the entire lesson, or one part each session.
PPRO5-3, PPRO5-4, To allow your hands to be free for the activities
PPRO5-5 and PPRO5-6 within the lesson, you may want to display the
flashcard visuals on an easel that is at eye level
w PPRO-a, PPRO-b,
to the children.
PPRO-c and PPRO-d
w PPRO-R9, PPRO-R10,
PPRO-R11 and
PPRO-R12 (page 88 -
w Music CD and CD
player; songbook or lyrics
(pages 14-15)
w “I can know God”
visualised song
w Stuffed lamb
w Tape measure or metre

? Review w Lions, bears and sheep

(page 98), in a lunch-size
paper bag
Game “Put the sheep in the fold”
After the child answers a question correctly, he
pulls one animal from the bag. The children
w Piece of string/wool in a all make the correct sound of that animal. He
circle on the floor then places the animal in the “fold” (string/wool
circle) if it is a sheep and outside the fold if it is
w Questions (pages 72-73)
a lion or bear.
Gospel w Instructions (page 68) Spotlight “Gospel in pictures”
spotlight w Gospel pictures -
PPRO-l and PPRO-m
w PPRO-a, PPRO-b,
PPRO-c and PPRO-d
Snack w Snack of your choice (be Break Take a toilet break, allowing the children to wash
sensitive to food allergies their hands.
the children may have) Prayer Lead in prayer, thanking God for the food.
Snack Guide conversation to review the lesson. (Note:
foods may be sampled during the lesson to
enhance learning, but these should be very small
portions and should not replace the regular snack

Little kids can know God through His promises

Class schedule What you need What to do

Creative w Harp and strip, one per Craft “David’s harp”

child (page 99) Using paper fasteners, attach points A and B of
activity strip to points A and B of harp. Attach about
w Paper fasteners
(choose one) w Rubber bands, five per
five rubber bands (as shown on pattern) to form
harp strings. Decorate with music stickers.
Activity sheet* “God helped David win over Goliath”
w Music stickers Assist the children in gluing small stones cut
w Student activity sheets, from aluminium foil to the shore of the brook.
one per child* Play dough “Make lions and sheep”
w Small stones cut from Guide the children in making lions and sheep.
aluminium foil
w Glue
w Play dough or clay
(page 8)
Enrichment w Posters (page 100), one Activity “When I trust Jesus as my Saviour”
per child Give each child a poster. Talk about the situations
activity when they can trust God.
w Simple costumes (page 8)
(choose one) Drama “David and Goliath”
Let the children role-play the story of David and
Goliath. Remind them that David trusted God
to help him. Repeat the actions several times so
each child can be David or Goliath. The other
children will be the Philistines and Israelites.
*Available online at

Little kids can know God through His promises

Teaching the memory verse

Memory verse
“Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You” (Psalm 56:3)

Everyone is afraid sometimes. If what I suggest makes you afraid,
show me your scared face.
Make suggestions until almost all children have acknowledged being
afraid. Include spiders, loud thunder, bees buzzing around you, etc.
The Bible tells you the best thing to do when you are afraid.

Psalm 56:3 is the verse and we will find it in the middle of the
Say the address together three times: first while pretending to swat at
a bee, then while stomping on a big spider and finally while covering
your ears in a thunderstorm.
Have a child help you find the verse by opening your Bible to a marker
placed at Psalm 56:3. Read the verse then show PPRO-R9, PPRO-R10,
PPRO-R11 and PPRO-R12.

Whenever I am afraid - All people are afraid sometimes, even the
biggest, strongest, smartest people. But God is never afraid.
I will trust in You - This verse is like a prayer to God, so the word
“You” means God. To trust in God when you are afraid means you
know God is with you and loves you, so you depend on Him to
help you. He may help you by having you tell a grown-up what
you are afraid of.

Unsaved: Being separated from God forever because of your sin
would be something to be afraid of. But you can trust
God to take away your sin. Receive Jesus as your Saviour
and be a child in God’s forever family.
Saved: If you have already received Jesus as your Saviour, you
can trust God to help you when you are afraid. Tell
God you are trusting in Him each time you are afraid.
You can say it out loud. You can pray the words. You
can even sing them to God. God promises to help those
who trust in Him, so trust God to help you!

Little kids can know God through His promises

“Verse with actions”
Repeat the verse phrase by phrase while doing the following
Whenever - arms stretched out wide.
I am - point to self.
afraid - shake.
I will - point to self.
trust - hold own hands together.
in You - point upwards.
Say the verse several times together.
Song: “I will trust” (CD: 12/33).

Little kids can know God through His promises

Gospel spotlight
Gospel in pictures
Show sin picture (PPRO-j).

What are these children doing?

Allow response.

People sin when they do not respect God or obey Him. When you
know the right thing to do but do not do it, you sin. The Bible says,
“To him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin”
(James 4:17).
Share examples of sin or discuss flashcards PPRO-a, PPRO-b, PPRO-c and PPRO-d.

Because of your sin, you deserve to be separated (away) from God

forever. Sin must be punished. But God loves you and is willing to
forgive you for your sin and make you His child.
Show Gospel picture (PPRO-k).

God sent Jesus, God the Son, to Earth to be the Saviour. Jesus was
born as a baby and grew to be a man. Jesus was perfect in every way.
He always did what was right. Jesus did not deserve to die but He was
willing to die on a cross as punishment for the sins of others. The Bible
says, “Christ [Jesus] died for our sins … He was buried … He rose
again” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Jesus, the Saviour, is alive today!
Show picture with believing children (PPRO-l).

Any person who tells God, “I know I have sinned,” and receives Jesus
as Saviour can be forgiven. Jesus has already been punished for the
sin of those who believe in Him. The Bible says, “As many as received
Him [Jesus], to them He gave the right to become children of God”
(John 1:12). So if you receive (trust in) Jesus as your Saviour, you will
become God’s child. You will be your parents’ child and God’s child!
While God’s children are still living on Earth, God the Holy Spirit is
living in them. God the Holy Spirit helps them understand God’s Word
and obey God. As God’s children trust in Him, God promises to bless
them. Then someday they will enjoy the blessings of Heaven.
Show picture of Heaven (PPRO-m).

Heaven is God’s perfect home. All of God’s children will live with Him
there. It will be the most wonderful place you could ever live because it
is where God is. There is no sickness or hurt, no sadness or loneliness!
Everything in Heaven will be perfect and good. And best of all, we will
be with God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ forever. God loves
you. The Bible says, “We love Him because He first loved us” (1 John
4:19). Because God loves you, He wants you to be His child starting
right now. And He wants you to live in Heaven with Him someday!

Little kids can know God through His promises

Lesson - part 1
Have you ever had a big job to do and you thought it was too hard
for you? Maybe Mummy said, “You are big enough to get dressed all
by yourself now.” Maybe Daddy said, “Clean up all the toys in this
room.” Maybe your teacher said, “I want you to learn to tie your shoe
laces.” Did you ever have a big job to do that you were afraid was too
hard for you?
Discuss this together.

Flashcard PPRO5-1
Hold a stuffed lamb as you describe a shepherd’s job.

David was a young boy with a big job to do. David took care of his
father Jesse’s sheep. David was a shepherd. He led the sheep to grassy
places to eat. David had to find clean, quiet water for the sheep so they
could drink without being afraid. He had to protect the sheep from
snakes and lions and bears. He stayed with the sheep day and night,
camping out with them on the hills and fields away from his home.
The little lambs and even some of the big sheep would be afraid if they
heard strange noises or got lost or were chased by wild animals. They
needed David to be a good shepherd!
(CD: 6/27) “Have you any fear?”

David was not afraid. He was a brave shepherd boy. He could be brave
because he knew he was not alone. God was with him all the time.
David knew God promises to help those who trust in Him (believe in
Him and depend on Him).
God can help you because God is all-powerful and holy (perfect).
Everything He does is right. God created animals and people, and He
is more powerful than any of them. You can trust God. He is always
good. If Jesus is your Saviour, trust God to help you each day.

Flashcard PPRO5-2
God helped David care for his father Jesse’s sheep. David trusted in God
to help him find good fields with safe food and water. David trusted
in God to help him be strong and brave day and night. When a lion
or bear attacked the sheep, God helped David protect them. David
learned to trust in God to help him do his job as a shepherd.
If you believe in Jesus as your Saviour, trust God to help you. If you
have to get dressed all by yourself, trust God to help you remember
what goes first. God can help you find the sleeve in your shirt and pull
your socks on just right. If you have to clean up all the toys, trust God
to help you figure out what to do first and where to put each thing.
Ask God to help you keep working until the job is finished.
Pretend to put on clothes and pick up various categories of toys.

You can depend on God to help you be brave when you speak or sing
in front of other people. God made your brain and He can help you

Little kids can know God through His promises

remember things. God promises to help those who trust in Him. So

when you are afraid something is too hard for you, trust God to help
you. Believe that God is with you; depend on God to help you.
Recite Psalm 56:3 together if you have already taught the verse. You may wish to use the
visuals (PPRO-R9, PPRO-R10, PPRO-R11 and PPRO-R12).
(CD: 12/33) “I will trust”.
Part 2
David was not the only one who needed to trust in God. Far away
from David and the sheep, three of his older brothers were busy being
soldiers in King Saul’s army. They were part of the army of Israel, God’s
chosen people who tried to obey Him. God wants all of His people
to trust in Him.

Flashcard PPRO5-3
The army of Israel had a strong enemy, the Philistines. The Philistines
had a very big soldier named Goliath.
Have the children repeat the name.

The Bible says Goliath was more than 2.7 metres (9 feet) tall - a
Use a tape measure or metre stick to compare children and tallest adult to 2.7 metres
(9 feet) height or length.

The army of Israel was afraid of him. Every day Goliath dared them
to try to win against him.
“Send a man to fight with me,” he shouted (from 1 Samuel 17:8-10).
Goliath did not believe in the one true God. He was huge. He wore a
helmet and armour, and had a massive spear.
Point to the helmet, armour and spear in the picture.

He was very scary! Goliath laughed at the Israelites. He laughed at God.

He did not believe that the God of the Israelites was real. He thought
it did not matter if he laughed at God. But it did matter.
Laughing at God is wrong. People sin when they do not honour and
respect God. You and I are born wanting to sin. The Bible says, “To
him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin” (James
4:17). That means if you know something God wants you to do but
you do not do it, you sin!
Share the following examples of sin or discuss flashcards PPRO-a, PPRO-b, PPRO-c
and PPRO-d.

God says people should respect and worship Him (Exodus 20:1-7).
If you act silly, use a funny voice or make faces when you sing songs
about God, you are not showing respect for God. If you use God’s
name as a swear word, you are not showing respect for God. Because
of sin you deserve to be punished by being separated (away) from God
forever. But Jesus, God the Son, loved you so much He was willing to

Little kids can know God through His promises

be punished for your sin and mine. Jesus left Heaven and was born as a
baby and grew to be a man on Earth. Jesus was perfect - He always did
all the good things God wanted Him to do! Jesus did not deserve to be
punished for anything. But Jesus died on the cross as punishment for
your sin and mine. “Christ [Jesus] died for our sins … He was buried
… He rose again” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Jesus is in Heaven now. He
is the Saviour, the One Who can save you from being separated from
God. God wants you to trust in Jesus as your own Saviour.
(CD: 9/30) “I can know God” (verse 2).

But some people refuse to trust Jesus and do not believe in God. By
fighting against the army of Israel, Goliath and his army showed they
did not believe in God. It was time for them to be punished. Even
though the army of Israel believed in God, they were afraid of Goliath.
They were forgetting that God was stronger and more powerful than
any man. They were not choosing to trust in God to help them fight

Flashcard PPRO5-4
When David came to visit his soldier brothers and bring them some
food, he heard Goliath laughing at God and the army of Israel. David
put the food down and started talking to the soldiers.
David said, “Who does that giant think he is to fight the armies of the
living God?” (from 1 Samuel 17:26).
Many soldiers heard David talking so bravely. Finally they took him
to King Saul.
“I’ll fight Goliath,” David said (from 1 Samuel 17:32).
“But you’re only a boy - you’re not big enough to be a soldier,” King
Saul said (from 1 Samuel 17:33).
David answered, “When I was taking care of my father’s sheep, I killed
a lion and a bear with my hands! My strength comes from God! God
will help me kill the giant Goliath!” (from 1 Samuel 17:34-37).
Action rhyme “1, 2, 3 - None did David fear”.

King Saul offered his armour to David. David tried on the big helmet
and breastplate of metal. He fastened on the king’s big sword. But
David could hardly walk with all this armour! David said no - he did
not need the king’s armour. He trusted in God. David knew God was
stronger than Goliath. He could depend on God to help him fight
and win over Goliath because David knew God!
(CD: 10/31) “I can know God” (chorus).
Part 3
Flashcard PPRO5-5
David knew God was stronger than Goliath. David also knew what
God wanted him to do. He left the king’s armour and headed for the

Little kids can know God through His promises

giant. He took his shepherd’s bag and sling. David chose five smooth
stones from the brook (little river). David put them in his shepherd’s
bag and bravely walked toward Goliath.
Pretend to pick up and count five smooth stones and put them in a shepherd’s bag.

When Goliath saw David coming, he laughed. Goliath made fun of

David and the Israelite army and God.
“Am I a dog that a boy comes to fight me with sticks? I’ll feed you to
the birds,” Goliath boasted (from 1 Samuel 17:43-44).
But David said, “I come to you in the name of the Lord God of Israel”
(from 1 Samuel 17:45).
David trusted God. God promises to help those who trust in Him. If
Jesus is your Saviour, trust God to help you. If you have an important
job to do, trust God to help you. When you are afraid, trust God to
help you. Remember the things that can scare little lambs - noises,
wild animals? What things scare you? Strange noises in the night? Big
barking dogs? The little lambs learned to trust their shepherd, David.
You can depend on God to care for you like a shepherd. Believe in
God - trust God to help you.
(CD: 6/27) “Have you any fear?”

Flashcard PPRO5-6
David trusted God to help him use his sling and stone. David put a
stone in that sling and twirled it fast, then let it go. God made the
stone hit Goliath right in the forehead. Goliath fell down on his face.
Imagine the big thud as he hit the ground!
Pretend to use a sling like David did.

David killed Goliath. The Philistine army ran away. The army of Israel
won the victory because God helped David. David trusted in God to
help him and God kept His promise to help.
Finish with a simple prayer - “Thank you God that You always keep Your promises.
Review questions
Memory verse
1 What is something you are afraid of? (Answers will vary.)
2 Who is never afraid? (God.)
3 What should you do when you are afraid? (Trust in God.)

Lesson (parts 1-3)

1 What are some things David did as he cared for his father Jesse’s
sheep? (Find grassy places for food; find clean, quiet water; protect
sheep from danger; stay with them day and night; camp out with

Little kids can know God through His promises

2 Who was always with David so he did not need to be afraid?

3 If Jesus is your Saviour, Who is always with you and will help you
when you are afraid? (God.)
4 Who were David’s brothers and the other soldiers of Israel afraid
of? (Goliath; the Philistine army.)
5 What are some ways children show disrespect for God? (Act silly,
use a funny voice or make faces when singing about God; use
God’s name as a swear word.)
6 Who did David trust to help him fight Goliath? (God.)
7 Instead of using the king’s armour, what did David use to fight
Goliath? (Sling and smooth stone.)
8 What happened to Goliath? (The stone hit him in the
9 If Jesus is your Saviour, when are some times you can trust God
to help you not be afraid? (Answers will vary.)

Gospel spotlight
1 What do you deserve because of your sin? (To be separated/away
from God forever.)
2 What did Jesus do so you could be God’s child? (Jesus died as
punishment for your sin and came alive again.)
3 What do you need to do to become a child in God’s forever family?
(Receive Jesus as your own Saviour. Review: Tell God, “I know I
have sinned and I am sorry. I believe Jesus died for my sin and came
alive again. Please forgive my sin and make me Your child.”)

Little kids can know God through His promises

Lesson 6
God helps David keep his promise

Scripture for teachers 1 Samuel 18:1-5

1 Samuel 20:14-17
1 Samuel 31:1,6
2 Samuel 4:4
2 Samuel 8:15
2 Samuel 9
Central truth God keeps His promises
Application Unsaved and saved: God wants you to keep your promises
Memory verse Review Psalm 56:3

Class schedule What you need What to do

Welcome w Music CD and CD Welcome Have soft music playing. Greet the children by
player name and give them their nametags.
w Nametags (page 89), one Activity “God made everything and He made me”
per child In each of the sections labelled “God made”, let
the children draw something God made. Have
w “God made” sheet (page
them draw themselves in the section labelled
101), one per child
“God made me”. Let the children tell about their
w Crayons or markers pictures.
Worship w Music CD and CD Song (CD: 9/30) “I can know God”
player; songbook or lyrics Prayer Lead the children in prayer or let them pray with
(pages 14-15) you, phrase by phrase: “Dear God, thank You
w “I can know God” that You made the Earth. Thank You that You
visualised song made me. Help me use my eyes, ears, hands,
mouth and feet to please You. In Jesus’ name.
w Offering basket or bank
Song (CD: 17/38) “Oh be careful”
Offering (Optional.) Pass around a basket or bank and let
children give an offering. (Be sure to inform the
parents how the money will be used.)
Memory w PPRO-R9, PPRO-R10, Verse Psalm 56:3
PPRO-R11 and Repetition “Verse with actions”
verse PPRO-R12 (page 88)
w Instructions (page 78)

Little kids can know God through His promises

Class schedule What you need What to do

Stretch Activity “God looks at me and loves me”

As you say the following statements, have the
children follow your lead and do the actions:
When I stand, God looks at me and loves me.
When I clap my hands, God looks at me and
loves me.
When I walk, God looks at me and loves me.
When I hop, God looks at me and loves me.
When I run, God looks at me and loves me.
When I sit, God looks at me and loves me.
Bible lesson w Lesson text (page 81) Lesson “God helps David keep his promise”
w PPRO6-1, PPRO6-2, Teach the entire lesson, or one part each session.
PPRO6-3, PPRO6-4, To allow your hands to be free for the activities
PPRO6-5 and PPRO6-6 within the lesson, you may want to display the
flashcard visuals on an easel that is at eye level
w PPRO-a, PPRO-b,
to the children.
PPRO-c and PPRO-d
w Music CD and CD
player; songbook or lyrics
(pages 14-15)
w “I believe the Bible”
visualised song
w Wrapped sweets in a
variety of flavours, one
piece per child plus two
w Tray of fruit and cheese

? Review w Plastic plates, cups and

w Questions (pages 84-85)
Game “Set the table”
After a child answers a question, he may place one
plate, cup or a piece of cutlery on the table.
Gospel w Instructions (page 80) Spotlight “Gospel in pictures” (review)
spotlight w Gospel pictures -
PPRO-l and PPRO-m
w PPRO-a, PPRO-b,
PPRO-c and PPRO-d
Snack w Snack of your choice (be Break Take a toilet break, allowing the children to wash
sensitive to food allergies their hands.
the children may have) Prayer Lead in prayer, thanking God for the food.
Snack Guide conversation to review the lesson. (Note:
foods may be sampled during the lesson to
enhance learning, but these should be very small
portions and should not replace the regular snack

Little kids can know God through His promises

Class schedule What you need What to do

Creative w Ribbed paper plates, one Craft “Make a crown”

per child Fold each plate in half and cut from the centre
activity to the edge as if cutting a pie, but stop at the
w Scissors
(choose one) w Crayons or markers
ribbed edge. Open the plate and, holding it
upside down, fold each “pie piece” up to form
w Stickers the points of a crown. The children can decorate
w Glue their crowns with stickers, stars, markers, glitter
w Glitter or glitter glue or glitter glue spread with cotton buds.
w Student activity sheets, Activity sheet* “God helped David keep his promise”
one per child* Assist the children in dipping a cotton bud in
orange flavouring and touching it to the fruit on
w Orange flavouring
the table.
w Cotton buds Play dough “Make plates and cutlery”
w Play dough or clay Guide the children in making plates and
(page 8) cutlery.
Enrichment w Plastic plates, cups and Activity “Have a banquet”
crockery Have the children wear their crowns for a pretend
activity banquet during your regular snack time.
w Fancy napkin for each
(choose one) child Activity “Showing kindness”
Let the children role-play ways they could be kind
w Tablecloth
to each other. Have a team of children demonstrate
w Crowns, one per child an action while the group guesses what they are
(made during creative doing. Below are some suggestions:
activity time) w Give a hug to someone who is sad.
w Lead someone who cannot see to a chair.
w Hand a toy to someone who cannot walk.
w Open a door for someone who needs help.
w Offer to carry something for someone with
w Tell someone about Jesus.
*Available online at

Little kids can know God through His promises

Teaching the memory verse

Memory verse
“Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You” (Psalm 56:3)

Suppose you bravely promise, “I can go down that big slide all
alone,” but when you get to the top, you feel afraid. Daddy says,
“Slide down. Trust me, I’ll catch you.” But you still feel afraid.

Psalm 56:3 tells you the best thing to do when you are afraid.
Say the address together three times: while covering eyes, peeking
between fingers, then moving hands away from eyes.
Have a child help you find the verse by opening your Bible to a marker
placed at Psalm 56:3. Read the verse then show PPRO-R9, PPRO-R10,
PPRO-R11 and PPRO-R12.

Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You - The man who wrote these
words in the Bible was afraid sometimes. But he says to God, “I
will trust in You,” so “You” means God. To trust means to depend
on (believe in). Trusting in God is the best thing to do when you
are afraid, and any other time too.
Let’s try trusting the person next to you.
Have children stand just close enough to touch each other with
outstretched arms.
With your right hand, hold on to your neighbour’s shoulder and
say, “I promise not to squeeze hard.” Now keep gently holding on
and lift up one foot. Keep holding and hop a little on the other
foot. You are trusting your neighbours to not squeeze you hard
while they hop and your neighbours are trusting you.
Because of sin, people you trust sometimes disappoint you. But
God is perfect and always keeps His promises. You can always
trust in God.

Unsaved: God promises to forgive your sin and make you His
child when you trust in Jesus as your Saviour. Receive
Jesus as your Saviour and trust (believe) in God to keep
His promise to forgive you.
Saved: If you have already received Jesus as your Saviour, you
can trust God to help you when you are afraid.

Little kids can know God through His promises

“Verse with actions”
Repeat the verse phrase by phrase while doing the following
Whenever - arms stretched out wide.
I am - point to self.
afraid - shake.
I will - point to self.
trust - hold own hands together.
in You - point upwards.
Say the verse several times together.
Song: “I will trust” (CD: 12/33).

Little kids can know God through His promises

Gospel spotlight
Gospel in pictures (review)
Show sin picture (PPRO-j).

w What are these children doing? (Allow response.)

w What are some good things God wants children to do? (Answers
will vary.)
w What is sin? (Not doing the good things God wants you to do
- James 4:17. Share examples of sin or discuss flashcards PPRO-a,
PPRO-b, PPRO-c and PPRO-d.)
w What is the punishment you and I deserve because of our sin? (Be
separated from God forever.)
Show Gospel picture (PPRO-k).

w When Jesus, God the Son, lived on Earth how was He different
and special? (Jesus was perfect.)
w Why did Jesus die on the cross? (As punishment for your sin.)
w What happened to Jesus three days after He was buried? (He came
alive again - 1 Corinthians 15:3-4.)
Show picture with believing children (PPRO-l).

w Who can have their sin forgiven? (Anyone who tells God “I have
sinned” and receives/trusts Jesus as Saviour - John 1:12.)
w If you receive Jesus as your Saviour, Whose child will you be?
(God’s child and still your parents’ child.)
w Who lives in God’s children to help them understand God’s Word
and obey God? (God the Holy Spirit.)
Show picture of Heaven (PPRO-m).

w Where will God’s children live someday when they are finished
living on Earth? (In Heaven, God’s perfect home.)
w What are some things that will not be in Heaven? (Sickness, hurt,
sadness or loneliness.)
w What will be the best thing about Heaven? (Being with God
w Why does God want you to be in Heaven? (Because He loves you
- 1 John 4:19.)
If you would like to receive Jesus as your own Saviour and become
God’s child, I would be glad to help you (designate time and location).

Little kids can know God through His promises

Lesson - part 1
Do you have a best friend? Have you ever promised to do something
with your best friend, or give him or her something? Maybe you said,
“Daddy, if you let me have my friend come over, I promise to be really
nice.” Then to your friend you said, “I’ll let you pick first when we
choose a snack. I really will - I promise!”

Flashcard PPRO6-1
The Bible tells about some best friends. After David killed the giant
Goliath, he became a soldier in King Saul’s army. King Saul’s son, Prince
Jonathan, was a soldier too. David and Prince Jonathan became best
friends. They liked to be together and have fun together. They were
good soldiers together! Prince Jonathan even gave David his own robe
(coat), armour and weapons - a sword, a bow and a belt! David was
happy to have such a good friend as Prince Jonathan. Prince Jonathan
really cared about David.
God loves and cares about you more than a best friend ever could. The
Bible tells us that God loves the whole world (John 3:16). God created
you and He loves you just the way He made you. God promises to love
you now and forever, and He will. God is holy (perfect). Everything
He does is right. God keeps His promises!
Prince Jonathan really cared about David. David and Prince Jonathan
were best friends for a long time. But then David moved away from
Jonathan and stopped being a soldier in King Saul’s army. Prince
Jonathan was sad to see David move away. He promised to always care
about David and be kind to him. David promised too. They promised
to be kind to one another’s children forever.

Flashcard PPRO6-2
Mephibosheth was only five years old when his daddy, Prince Jonathan,
went off to war.
Say “Mephibosheth” together then count to five on fingers.

He had a special nurse (like a babysitter) to take care of him. He

probably had many friends and fun things to do - trees to climb and
toys to play with. Maybe he liked to play soldier because his daddy
was a soldier.
Pretend to climb trees and march like a soldier.

But Mephibosheth must have missed his daddy. Prince Jonathan was
often away from home doing his soldier work. Maybe Mephibosheth
was even afraid sometimes because his daddy was away. What does our
verse say to do when you are afraid?
Recite Psalm 56:3 together, using the actions.
(CD: 12/33) “I will trust”.

Little kids can know God through His promises

Part 2
One day sad news came to Mephibosheth’s family - King Saul and
Prince Jonathan had died in the war. There would be a new king. Who
would it be? What would he do? What would happen to the people
in the palace?

Flashcard PPRO6-3
Mephibosheth’s nurse was afraid. She thought the new king might try
to hurt Mephibosheth. She picked him up and ran. She wanted to hide
him. She thought a new king might be Mephibosheth’s enemy.
The Bible says you are an enemy to God because of sin. When you
do not do the good things God wants you to do, you sin. The Bible
says, “To him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is
sin” (James 4:17).
Share the following examples of sin or discuss flashcards PPRO-a, PPRO-b, PPRO-c
and PPRO-d.

If you will not let a friend wear your extra jacket even though your
Mummy says you can, you sin. If you see someone drop some money
in the shop and you keep it instead of returning it, you sin. We are
all born wanting to sin. Because sin must be punished, you deserve to
be away from God forever and never live in Heaven as His child. But
God does not want you to be His enemy. He has made a way for you
to be His friend.
Would the new king want to be a friend to Mephibosheth? His nurse
was afraid he would not. Since the new king might be Mephibosheth’s
enemy, the nurse ran to hide him.
Run on the spot.

The nurse ran, trying to carry five-year-old Mephibosheth. Maybe he

was too heavy or maybe she tripped and stumbled. The Bible says she
dropped Mephibosheth. His feet got hurt. He probably cried and cried.
It was a sad time for Mephibosheth. His feet did not work properly
and his daddy and grandpa (Prince Jonathan and King Saul) were
dead. As he grew up, no-one was able to fix his feet and he was never
able to walk right again.
Flashcard PPRO6-4
Soon David, Prince Jonathan’s best friend, became king. David was a
good king. David loved God and was God’s friend. David remembered
how God helped him save his sheep from a lion and a bear. David
remembered how God helped him fight and kill the giant Goliath
before he even became a soldier. David also remembered that God had
promised that David would one day be the king! Now that time had
come! David was the king. God had kept His promises to David.
Now there was a promise David needed to keep. David remembered
his promise to his friend, Prince Jonathan. David promised that he

Little kids can know God through His promises

would be kind to him and even to Jonathan’s children forever. David

loved God and wanted to please God. David knew that since God
keeps His promises, David should keep his promises too!
If Jesus is your Saviour, God wants you to keep your promises. God
is watching all the time. He knows what you do with your eyes, ears,
hands, mouth and even your feet. God loves you. He will help you
keep your promises to do what is right and good. If you ever do not
manage to keep a promise, you can say sorry to God and He will
forgive you.
(CD: 17/38) “Oh be careful”.

When your friend comes over, do you remember your promise to play
nicely and share? Do you even let your friend pick first when it is time
to choose a snack? Let’s practise the promise to let a friend pick first.
Give each child one wrapped sweet from an assortment. Let the first child take one more
from two that you offer him. The next child chooses one sweet from the first child and so
on. The last child offers you a choice then each child eats his one sweet.

All of God’s promises are right and good. Because God is perfect and
knows everything, God can always keep His promises. God wants you
to keep your promises too. Sometimes you might make a promise you
cannot keep - to buy something or go somewhere. Or maybe something
happens that you did not expect and you cannot keep a promise. You
need to be careful about what kinds of promises you make. Pray that
God will help you make right and good promises and pray that God
will help you keep the promises you make.
(CD: 11/32) “I can pray” (verse 1).
Part 3
Flashcard PPRO6-5
Just as God wants to help you keep your right and good promises, God
helped David keep his promise to Jonathan.
King David started asking, “Does Jonathan have any family I can
help?” (from 2 Samuel 9:1).
A servant of King Saul told King David about Mephibosheth, the son
of his friend Jonathan.
Right away King David sent for Mephibosheth to come to him. David
wanted to be kind to Mephibosheth because David loved Jonathan.
God shows kindness to you because He loves you. The Bible says,
“But God demonstrates [shows] His own love toward us, in that while
we were still sinners, Christ [Jesus] died for us” (Romans 5:8). God
showed His great love by sending Jesus Christ, God the Son, down
from Heaven to Earth. Jesus grew up like other children, but Jesus
always did everything that was right! Then Jesus kept His promise to
be the Saviour by dying on the cross for your sin and mine. Jesus was
buried, but He did not stay dead. Jesus kept His promise to come alive

Little kids can know God through His promises

again the third day and is in Heaven now. God wants you to receive
Jesus as your own Saviour and become God’s child. You can put your
trust in Jesus as your Saviour.
A - Admit that you have sinned against God.
B - Believe that Jesus died to save you.
C - Call to God in prayer. Say sorry for your sin and ask Jesus to be
your Saviour.
(CD: 8/29) “I believe the Bible”. Stand to sing.

God keeps His promises to you and will help you keep your promises
to others. God helped David keep his promise to Jonathan.

Flashcard PPRO6-6
Mephibosheth was a grown man now. He had never met King
David before. Mephibosheth was probably a bit afraid, coming to
the palace after all these years, but he came. He was surprised when
David promised to give him all the land that belonged to King Saul
and his family. David said servants could take care of the land and
Mephibosheth could stay at the palace. He could eat at the palace for
the rest of his life as part of King David’s own family.
Have children look at, smell and taste fruit and cheese from a tray.

What a kind and loving promise! God helped David keep his old
promise to Jonathan and his new promise to Mephibosheth.
But even more importantly, God always keeps His promises. We can
praise and thank Him for that.
Review questions
Memory verse
1 What is the best thing to do when you are afraid? (Trust in
2 What does trust mean? (Depend on, believe in.)
3 Tell about a time you trusted in God. (Answers will vary.)

Lesson (parts 1-3)

1 Who became best friends with Prince Jonathan? (David.)
2 Who loves you more than any best friend ever could? (God.)
3 What promise did David and Prince Jonathan make to each other?
(To be kind to each other and their children.)
4 Why did Mephibosheth’s nurse try to hide him when she learned
that King Saul and Prince Jonathan died in the war? (She thought
the new king might be Mephibosheth’s enemy.)
5 What happened to Mephibosheth when his nurse dropped him?
(His feet were hurt.)

Little kids can know God through His promises

6 Since God keeps His promises, what should you do when you
make a promise? (Keep your promise.)
7 How did Jesus keep His promise to be the Saviour? (He came
from Heaven to Earth, died on the cross for sin and came alive
8 How did King David keep his promise to Prince Jonathan? (He
brought Mephibosheth to the palace to live as part of King David’s
family; was kind to him; gave him King Saul’s land.)
9 If Jesus is your Saviour, how will God help you with the promises
you make? (To make good and right promises and keep them.)

Gospel spotlight
1 What is sin? (Not doing the good things God wants you to do;
anything you think, say or do that does not please God.)
2 Who lives in God’s children to help them understand God’s Word,
obey God and keep their promises? (God the Holy Spirit.)
3 What do you need to do to become a child in God’s forever family?
(Receive Jesus as your own Saviour. Review: Tell God, “I know I
have sinned and I am sorry. I believe Jesus died for my sin and came
alive again. Please forgive my sin and make me Your child.”)

Little kids can know God through His promises

Memory verse symbols

Lessons 1 and 2
Photocopy, colour and cut out the verse symbols. For suggestions on usage, see tips under “Use a variety
of visuals” (page 5).


“Romans 10:13” “For whoever calls”


“on the name of the Lord” “shall be saved.”


Little kids can know God through His promises. © 2004, 2011 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. Permission is given to photocopy this page for club or class use.
All other rights reserved.
Little kids can know God through His promises

Memory verse symbols

Lessons 3 and 4
Photocopy, colour and cut out the verse symbols. For suggestions on usage, see tips under “Use a variety
of visuals” (page 5).


“Nahum 1:7” “The Lord is good …”


“and He knows those” “who trust in Him.”


Little kids can know God through His promises. © 2004, 2011 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. Permission is given to photocopy this page for club or class use.
All other rights reserved.
Little kids can know God through His promises

Memory verse symbols

Lessons 5 and 6
Photocopy, colour and cut out the verse symbols. For suggestions on usage, see tips under “Use a variety
of visuals” (page 5).


“Psalm 56:3” “Whenever I am afraid,”


“I will trust” “in You.”


Little kids can know God through His promises. © 2004, 2011 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. Permission is given to photocopy this page for club or class use.
All other rights reserved.
Little kids can know God through His promises

Nametag patterns
Lessons 1-6
Photocopy the patterns below and cut out enough nametags to allow one per child and plenty of extras.
The nametags may be created with coloured card or fun foam, and attached with a safety pin or double-
sided tape.

Ark (lessons 1 and 2)

Camel (lessons 3 and 4)

Crown (lessons 5 and 6)

Little kids can know God through His promises. © 2004, 2011 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. Permission is given to photocopy this page for club or class use.
All other rights reserved.
Little kids can know God through His promises

Draw my face
Lesson 1
Photocopy one per child.

God loves ___________________.

Little kids can know God through His promises. © 2004, 2011 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. Permission is given to photocopy this page for club or class use.
All other rights reserved.
Little kids can know God through His promises

Edible animals ark

Lesson 1
For the review game, make one copy on card. For the creative activity, photocopy one per child.

Little kids can know God through His promises. © 2004, 2011 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. Permission is given to photocopy this page for club or class use.
All other rights reserved.
Little kids can know God through His promises

Into the ark

Lesson 1
Photocopy one sheet per child. For the teacher: make one copy on card, cut apart and place in paper

Little kids can know God through His promises. © 2004, 2011 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. Permission is given to photocopy this page for club or class use.
All other rights reserved.
Little kids can know God through His promises

Into the ark (continued)

Lesson 1
Photocopy on to card, one sheet per child.

Little kids can know God through His promises. © 2004, 2011 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. Permission is given to photocopy this page for club or class use.
All other rights reserved.
Little kids can know God through His promises

"God always keeps His promises”

Lesson 2
Photocopy one per child. Cut along the solid lines, put the four pages together and staple to make the
His promises
God always

Little kids can know God through His promises. © 2004, 2011 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. Permission is given to photocopy this page for club or class use.
All other rights reserved.
Little kids can know God through His promises

"God always keeps His promises”

booklet (continued)

Little kids can know God through His promises. © 2004, 2011 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. Permission is given to photocopy this page for club or class use.
All other rights reserved.
Little kids can know God through His promises

Finger puppets
Lesson 2
Photocopy on to card. Cut out and glue or tape a strip of paper to the back of each. Make enough puppets
for each child to have one - two of each animal and three of each person, if possible.

Find the jewel

Lesson 4
Use one jewel, photocopied on to card.

View from the back

of the finger puppet.
Little kids can know God through His promises. © 2004, 2011 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. Permission is given to photocopy this page for club or class use.
All other rights reserved.
Little kids can know God through His promises

Gospel keys
Lesson 3
Photocopy one set of keys per child.

God loves you!

“For God so loved the world …”
John 3:16

You have sinned.

“All have sinned.”
Romans 3:23

Jesus died for your sins.

“Christ died for our sins … and … rose again …”
1 Corinthians 15:3-4

Believe in Jesus as your Saviour.

“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Acts 16:31

Grow as God’s child.

“Ask God to help you obey.”

Little kids can know God through His promises. © 2004, 2011 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. Permission is given to photocopy this page for club or class use.
All other rights reserved.
Little kids can know God through His promises

Put the sheep in the fold

Lesson 5
Make three photocopies on card.

Little kids can know God through His promises. © 2004, 2011 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. Permission is given to photocopy this page for club or class use.
All other rights reserved.
Little kids can know God through His promises

David’s harp
Lesson 5
Photocopy on to card or mount on cardboard, one sheet per child. Cut out and punch holes at points
“A” and “B”.



Little kids can know God through His promises. © 2004, 2011 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. Permission is given to photocopy this page for club or class use.
All other rights reserved.
All other rights reserved.
Lesson 5
Photocopy one poster per child.

I can tell others what I can talk to God I can thank God for

Jesus has done for me. at any time. all the things He has made.

When I trust Jesus as my Saviour

obey your
Col. 3:20
Little kids can know God through His promises

I can know what is right

I don’t need to be afraid I can serve God
and what is wrong
because Jesus is with me. by helping others.
as I learn God’s Word.
When I trust Jesus as my Saviour

Little kids can know God through His promises. © 2004, 2011 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. Permission is given to photocopy this page for club or class use.
Little kids can know God through His promises

God made everything and He made me

Lesson 6
Photocopy one sheet per child.

God made God made

God made God made me.

Little kids can know God through His promises. © 2004, 2011 Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. Permission is given to photocopy this page for club or class use.
All other rights reserved.
How to lead a child to Christ
The following symbols represent key parts of the Gospel message. Sample truths and verses that may be
used with each are listed below. You may want to photocopy and cut out “Key questions for counselling.”
Place it in your Bible to use when counselling a child for salvation.

God’s Person and love for the

w God is the Creator; He made you.
Key questions for counselling
w God is holy (sinless, perfect). The need
w God loves you. w I think I know why you came to
w The Bible says, “God so loved the world” (John talk to me, but would you tell
3:16). me?
w Why do you need the Lord
The child’s problem or condition Jesus?
before God as a sinner
w What is sin? Who has sinned?
w Sin is anything you think, say or do that (Romans 3:23.)
displeases God.
w Can you think of something you
w You were born with a “want to” to do things have done that God calls sin?
your own way.
w You sin by ___ (give examples on a preschool The remedy
level). w Why did God send the Lord Jesus
w The Bible says, “All have sinned” (Romans to Earth?
3:23). w Who is the Lord Jesus?
w The punishment God gives for sin is death - w What did Jesus do about your sin?
separation from God forever. (1 Corinthians 15:3-4.)
God’s remedy: forgiveness of sin w What happened three days after
through Jesus Christ Jesus died and was buried?
w Jesus is God the Son. The way
w Jesus never sinned. w (Show, read and let the child say
w Jesus willingly bled and died on the cross to after you one condition/promise
take God’s punishment for sin. verse; eg John 3:16, John 1:12
w The Bible says, “The blood of Jesus Christ His or Acts 16:31.) What does God
Son cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). promise to do for you?
w Jesus died and after three days came back to w What do you want God to do
life (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). for you now? (If the child is clear
w Jesus is now in Heaven. on his need, let him pray. Helps for
guiding prayer: tell God about the
The way to trust Christ as Saviour sin problem between you and Him;
w Be prepared to say “no” to sin. what you believe Jesus did because
of your sin; what you want Him to
w Thank the Lord Jesus for dying on the cross do for you today.)
for you.
w Ask Him to forgive all your sins and to give Assurance and growth
you everlasting life. w What did God just do for you?
w The Bible says, “God so loved the world, How do you know? (Show same
that He gave His only begotten Son, that condition/promise verse.) Thank
whoever believes in Him should not perish God for saving you.
but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). (Quote w Will God ever leave you? (Hebrews
this condition/promise verse or another, such as 13:5.)
Acts 16:31 or John 1:12. A condition/promise
w God will help you say “no” to sin.
verse gives a condition that must be met for God
to fulfil a certain promise. In John 3:16 the
If you do sin, what should you do?
condition is belief in Jesus and the promise is
(1 John 1:9.)
everlasting life. Tell the children when and where w Allow the child to say a “thank
they can talk with you during the next activity if you” prayer.
they would like to trust Christ.)

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