a) The new scientific knowledge is built over the previously learnt knowledge.
b) Students learn the scientific contents provided by scientists.
c) Students are encouraged to ask questions and formulate their own tentative
d) Teaching and learning are just a transmission of knowledge form the teacher
to student.
7. Students were asked to build a Sundial For the city of Caceres (latitude 39º). What
value should the angle ´´A`` have?
a) 39º
b) 51º
c) 141º
d) 45º
8. In order to use the quadrant to measure the height of tree (H), we have to keep in mind
11. A unit of concentration commonly used in chemistry is the weight percent. Which of
the following correctly represents weight percent?
a) (Weight solute) / (weight solution) x 100%
b) (Weight solution) / (weight solvent) x 100%
c) (Weight solute) / (weight solvent) x 100%
d) (Weight solute) / (weight solution + weight solute) x 100%
12. Knowing that the saponification index of the olive oil is 0.134. What amount of NaOH is
needed to saponificate 250 grams of oil?
a) 0.134g of NaOH per every mL of oil.
b) 0.134g of NaOH per every gram of oil.
c) 1/3 of the grams of oil used.
d) 6.67 grams of NaOH.
13. An egg is introduced in a glass of water observing that the egg sinks. In a second
experiment, the egg is place in a glass containing unknown homogenous solution
observing that the egg floats. We conclude that:
a) The density of the egg is lower than the density of both liquids.
b) The density of the water is lower than the density of the unknown fluid.
c) The density of the egg is higher than the density of the unknown fluid.
d) The density of the egg and the unknown fluid is the same.
15. When a compound in the liquids state vaporize and become a gas, which of the
following characteristics of the compounds remains the same?
a) Distance between the molecules.
b) Chemical composition of the substance.
c) Kinetic energy of the molecules.
d) Density of the substance.
17. An outdoor iron railing rusts after several years. The rust on the railing is due to:
a) The elemental iron that has separated from the railing as the results of the
temperature fluctuations.
b) The oxidation reaction that has taken place between the railing with the
oxygen of the air.
c) The product of broken chemical bonds between iron and oxygen atoms that
make up the railing.
d) The chemical reaction of water in the atmosphere with the railing.
18. A child rubs a balloon against a wool sweater on a dry winter day. The child then finds
that the balloon sticks to a wall for several minutes before fallowing. Which of the
following diagrams best represents the charge distribution on the surfaces and the
c) Neutrons and electrons.
19. Several lights are connected in a parallel circuit and one of the lights burns out. Which
of the following describes how the burning out of the light affects to other lights in the
parallel circuit?
a) Charge still flows through the burned-out light, providing the lights in the
other branches of the circuit with electricity.
b) The other lights continue to draw the same current since nothing is affected in
those branches of the circuit.
c) Current is increased in the other branches of the circuit so the light will
brighten as a result of the increased flow of charge.
d) The branches of the circuit draw less charge overall because the burned-out
light no longer draws a charge, reducing the brightness of the lights.