CSTE Mock Test - Part 4 - QuestionsAnswers
CSTE Mock Test - Part 4 - QuestionsAnswers
CSTE Mock Test - Part 4 - QuestionsAnswers
• Answers provided in this sheet are all marked in blue.
• Should be used as reference material for the CSTE Mock Test - Part IV.
• The evaluator needs to check the assumptions made by the participants, so as to give a proper
marking to the respective answer.
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CSTE Mock Test - Part IV – Questions Along with Answers
5. Customer has reported severe defects in Daily balance report. The customer
is unhappy that the problem is not fixed even after a week. What action you
as a PM will take to restore confidence of customer and ensure that this will
not happen in suture? [10 Marks]
Conflict resolution – Get on your customer wavelength. Get the facts and ask
questions, get detail info and take notes listen carefully. Establish and initiate an
action program(admit error if it is there, negotiate satisfactory solution, state the
solution and get agreement, take action and follow up with customer). Finally
establish proper daily problem review process to prevent such problems in future.]
6. It’s observed that the testers in your organization are performing tests on the
deliverable even after significant defects have been found. This has resulted
in unnecessary testing of little value because re-testing needs to be done
after defects have been rectified. You are the test manager and going to
update the test plan with recommendations on when to stop testing. List the
recommendations you are going to make. [10 Marks]
Following steps need to be taken .
a) Acceptance criteria should tighten
b) Test cases should be re-evaluated (preferably peer review)
c) If possible more test cases should be added. With boundary value and
equivalence class partition cases.
d) More test cases with invalid condition should be added
e) Stop criteria needs to be modified]
7. You are newly appointed as a test lead in an organization which uses manual
testing. Your boss wants you to put forth three testing tools and their features
to create awareness about the testing tools in the top management. Suggest
any three testing tools for your test Environment and why do you suggest
them? [10 Marks]
The third question is very important one. You can write about test Director, Win
runner/Load runner, McCable or any other coverage tool. Test director is useful to
track defect. WR or LR to do functionality/Load testing, Coverage tool to check the
code coverage thereby helping in White box testing.]
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CSTE Mock Test - Part IV – Questions Along with Answers
Smoke Sanity
Smoke testing is a shallow and wide
Sanity testing is usually narrow and deep.
approach to the application. You test
That is they look at only a few areas but all
all areas of the application without
aspects of that part of the application.
getting too deep.
A smoke test is scripted--either using
A sanity test is usually unscripted.
a written set of tests or an automated
Validation Verification
Am I building the right product Am I building the product right
The review of interim work steps and interim
Determining if the system complies
deliverables during a project to ensure they
with the requirements and performs
are acceptable. To determine if the system
functions for which it is intended and
is consistent, adheres to standards, uses
meets the organization’s goals and
reliable techniques and prudent practices,
user needs. It is traditional and is
and performs the selected functions in the
performed at the end of the project.
correct manner.
Am I accessing the right data (in Am I accessing the data right (in the right
terms of the data required to satisfy place; in the right way).
the requirement)
High level activity Low level activity
Performed after a work product is Performed during development on key
produced against established criteria artifacts, like walkthroughs, reviews and
ensuring that the product integrates inspections, mentor feedback, training,
correctly into the environment checklists and standards
Determination of correctness of the Demonstration of consistency,
final software product by a completeness, and correctness of the
development project with respect to software at each stage and between each
the user needs and requirements stage of the development life cycle.
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CSTE Mock Test - Part IV – Questions Along with Answers
10. “X” wants to develop online trading system in 2 months with no increase in
team size. Online transactions has to be complete within 2 seconds and online
search should not take more than 5 seconds. How “X” should approach this to
get the software developed/tested with best quality and within time.
[20 Marks]
a) The critical success factors have been spelled out
b) In the very beginning of the project spell out the assumptions and constraints
c) If number of people and schedule is constrained, plan accordingly to deliver
the product with above CTQ’s (Critical To Quality)
d) It has been given the team size remains constant. The resource loading
pattern in any project is the bell curve. Initially it is minimum, planning phase
it increases, execution phase it is maximum, closure phase it again reaches
minimum. Since I have more people available I can plan for parallel activities
to overcome the shortage in execution phase.
e) Plan for quality assurance activities more than the QC activities.
f) Spend more resources and time during planning. This will help bringing
effectiveness and efficiency in the entire process thereby ensuring optimistic
utilization of time with respect to testing and development.
g) The success of the project depends on how well you have plan and control the
10) a. List any 5 Risk associated with software Testing – KD4
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