Test Questions
Test Questions
Test Questions
2. You have run all your tests and they all pass. Is this good news or bad 2
3. What would you do if you were asked to test a system which is unfamiliar 4
to you has out-of-date or inadequate documentation?
4. In running a test you find the actual result does not match the expected 3
result – what would you do?
As you can see the screen consists of three text fields and a single
button. The user is expected to enter an integer value into each of the
three text fields. Upon hitting the OK button the program will print a
message in a separate dialog box stating whether the triangle is scalene
(all sides are different lengths), isosceles (two sides are the same
length), or equilateral (all three sides are the same length).
Write a set of test cases (i.e. specific sets of data) that you feel would
adequately test this program. Write the tests so that someone other than
you can run them.
No. Question Score
8. In testing the above application you identify what you believe to be a fault 3
– instead of printing the message concerning the type of triangle in a
separate dialog box the application is printing the message in the space
between the 3 text fields and the OK button. What should your next step
be (answer and state why)?
a) Continue testing to the end of the script, and then report the bug.
b) Stop testing, report the bug immediately, then continue alternative
c) Stop testing, report the bug and await a fix.
d) Continue testing and report the bug later, along with those found in
other scripts
9. You have raised a fault, but Development are unable to reproduce it. 3
What should your next step be? (Give answer and state why)
10. Scenario: 6
You have two sets of tests to run on the new version of the software.
Test Set 1: a test set to provide confidence that software has not
regressed from the previous version.
Test Set 2: a detailed test set to investigate potential faults in the new
release of software.
Having run test set 1 you discover a number of faults in the new version
of software – what do you do?
11. Draw and explain the ‘V’ Model and how testing fits into the Development 6
Lifecycle. Indicate on the model where you would design your tests.
12. Describe the stages of testing and what the objectives are at each stage. 10
14. Scenario: 5
You have planned to run 600 tests on your own. Each test will take
approximately 10 minutes to run. Your manager has told you that you
must complete these tests within one week. What would you do?
No. Question Score
15. Do you consider testing tools to be valuable during the testing process – 4
why/why not?
16. List 3 test tool categories and describe what each can do. 9
21. Describe what you understand about the term “Static Testing” and list 3 4
static testing techniques.
23. Scenario: 4
You are testing 2 programs and have 3 weeks to test them both. Having
run all of your tests on both programs you finish testing within 2 weeks.
You need to decide which of the 2 programs you would re-visit and run
further tests against. Choose which program you would re-test (can
choose only one!) – and state you reasons:
Program A
Programmer: A
Complexity Level: 2
Lines of Code: 2000
Number of tests: 100
Number of bugs found: 10
(1 high severity, 3 medium & 6 low)
Program B
Programmer: B
Complexity Level: 2
Lines of Code: 2000
Number of tests: 100
Number of bugs found: 50
(10 high severity, 25 medium & 15 low)
Enter a card and if the card is invalid reject the card and exit system. If it
is a valid card then enter a PIN number. Check to see if the PIN is invalid
– if it is then display a message ‘invalid pin number, please re-enter’. If 3
attempts are made with an invalid pin then the machine keeps the card. If
it is a valid PIN then the user can select one of the following transactions:
• Cash Withdrawal without receipt
• Cash Withdrawal with receipt
• Balance Enquiry
• Statement request
• Cancel
What tests would you produce to test this application? State any
assumptions when testing
No. Question Score
25. The following is an extract from a fault log, write down any potential 10
problems or omissions with this:
Fault Log
When I log on to the screen DF342 I should be able to delete
records. However when trying to delete records an error message
appears telling me that I am not authorised.
25 Aug: Programmer - Security needs to be set up allowing you
access to the delete facility – No error.