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EXPERIM ENT NO. 02 Date: ......

TITLE: Analyse basic and Acidic Radicals of known salt solution-1 (Conti
Test) using qualitative analysis method .


• Prelimina ry Test:

Sr.No. Test Observation Result

w mPe.o

ii) Confirmation Test Basl'hRadi;al:

Confirmation Test for ... f..b.i .......... basic radical detected.
Sr. no Test Observatio n Result


Chemistry Practical (17)

EXPERIMENT NO. 05 Date :dJ/lal.~.J
Name of Experiment: Find the quality of alloy by determining the percentage of Iron in given
steel sample by redox titration

Exercise: You are given

1) N/10 Ferrous Sulphate solution.( FeS04 .7H 20)
2) KMnO4 Solution
3) Ferrous Alloy Soluton ( Prepared by dissolving 1.5 gm Fe alloy in
250 ml of its Solution )
Calculate the Percentage of Iron in the Ferrous Alloy
Steel Sample is dissolved in semi concentrated sulphuric acid where
iron present is converted to Ferrous sulphate
Fe + H2SO4 ➔ FeSO4+ H21'
This Ferrous sulphate is titrated against KMnO 4to determine the
Strength of Fe
Part 1 : Titration between FeS0 4.7H 20 Vs KMn04)
Burette : K.MnO 4 solution
Pipette : 10 ml of FeSO4,7H 20 solution+ 1/2 test tube dilute H 2SO4
Indicator : K.MnO4 itself
Colour change : Colourless to Faint pink.
2K.MnO4+ 3 H2SO4 ➔ K2SO4 + 2 MnSO4 + 3H2O +5[0]
10 FeSO4 +5 H2SO4+ 5[0] ➔ 5 F~(SO4)3 + 5H2O

Standardisation of KMn04 >
Titration between FeS04 .7H 20 Vs KMn04

Burette : KMn04 solution

Pipette: 10 ml ofFeS04}H 2o+ solution +1/2 test tube dilute H2SO4
Indicator : KMn04 itself
Colour chan2e : Colourless to Faint pink

Observation Table Vol. Of (FeSO4 Burette Reading Constant vol of

+H20) Initial Final Diff KMnO4sol.
1 10ml -
0 3.-3 3.3
0 ~ !-1 x=4
0 I, 1
Chemistry Practical
Observation Table
part 2 Determination of Fe In Ferrous Allo
Titration between Fe Alloy Solution Vs K.MnO,
Burette : KMnO4 solution
Pipette : 10 ml of Pc Alloy Solution +1/2 teat
Indicator : K.Mn04 itself
Colour change : Colourless to Faint pink. Vol. of Fe Alloy Burette Reading

Solution Initial Final
1 10ml a
2 10ml D
3 10ml 0

Calculation: For Part I

FeSO4. Vs KMn04
N1 V1 = N2V2
0.1 X 10 = N2 XX

N2 =
For Part II KM n04 vs Fe alloy

Normality of Ferrous Alloy solution N3 = .....

Weight of Iron in 250 ml ofFe -Alloy solution
Weight of Iron in 250
Percentage of Iron =

- ••••••••••••••••• %.

Result Percentage of Iron in given alloy is found to

Chemistry Practical (29)

EXPERIMENT NO. 07 Date: ...........
Aim : Analyse total hardness (permanent and temporary) of given sample of water by
EDTA method, for various industries.

l) Standard solution of Calcium chloride prepared by dissolving

l gm of CaC03 in dil HCl and making volume to 1 lit.
2) Ethylene Diamine Tetra acetic acid solution.(EDTA)
3) Water sample.(Tap water)
Find out total hardness of water sample (in ppm.)
Theory :Diasodium salt of EDTA has remarkable property to exchange its positive ions with
metal ions. (Ca2+ ,Mg2+ etc) present in hard water.With metal ions it forms stable complex in
alkaline medium.To make medium alkaline ,buffer solution of PH=lO is added. If more
EDTA is required ,it indicates the presence of greater strength of metallic ions in water ,
which indicates the hardness of water. Indicator used in this titration is Erio Chrome Black T
which is a good dye .It forms a wine red unstable complex with metallic ions. With EDTA
solution ,it loses metallic ions and regenerate to form blue colour.
Part 1 : Standardisation of EDTA solution

Titration between standard CaCh and EDTA solution.

Burette : EDTA solution
Pipette : 10 ml of CaCh solution +1/2 test tube buffer solution (PH= 10)
Indicator: 2-3 drops ofErio-chrome black T
Colour change :Wine red to sky blue.
Equation: Ca2++ itiii}nminn : -r Me1'1 i'-i:i + Indicator ? (M+- Indicator)
(blue dye) (unstable wine red complex)
( Ca-lhdiimtlJJ)- EUmT~ ~ ~a:a EDTA)+ Indicator
wine red colour (Stable colourless (Blue dye)
Observation Table Vol. Of CaCli Burette Readin:?; Constant vol
sol. Initial Final Diff ofEDTAsol.
1 10ml ( (b st
2 10ml ll · i V1 = / / · L-
3 10ml I I· 2-
Part 2Estimation of total hardness
Titration between EDTA and Sample of Water
Burette: EDTA Solution.
Pipette: 10ml of water sample +1/2 test tube buffer solution
Indicator :2-3 drope of EBT indicator
Colour change: Wine red to sky blue.
Equation Metal ion + Indicator ➔ ~ _ Jadicatm)) + EDTA ➔ (M
(blue dye) (unstable wine red complex)
{M!-Indicator) + ~DTA ➔ (M+ - EDTA)+ Indicator (blue dye)
Chemistry Practical

Observation Table Vol. Of Water __ B___;

urette Reading
Sam le Initial Final Diff
:....::::;::..,.__+-- --=
1 10ml
!J '(v ,_..
2 10ml 3 .·1-- t.
3 10ml r/i;1

1ml of CaCli = 1 mg of CaCO 3

V1 ml ofEDTA = 10 ml ofCaC1 2 sol.
V 1 ml ofEDTA = 10 mg ofCaCO 3
V 2 ml ofEDTA =l0Nl XV2 mg ofCaCO 3

Now 10 ml of water sample = lONl XV2 mg of CaC0]

1000ml of water sample

J<S !,'. 1 I
Total hardness of water= _,________ mg of CaCD.3/ lit

25f',;- .q ppm
Result : Total hardness of water is found to be --lllliii

Chemistry Practical
Kxpt'rlmcnt No. JO
Ahn : De•cct th~ ma•urc of given 1ol11Uou In flndha,t lf f' 1J'vst1uu hy

Theory: · "t'l10 1, v_o1uo Or II NOlth1on rn u innthctn{lticu.l tc,m, which

j • •

alkalinity of u solution. (p • Potonz 1 =- Strongth )

pll 1:11 -los1ol)·l I j
whcro ll I1] - ..Concentration of 11 1 ions in gm iom

0 - 7

7 - 14 Alkaline in nature

It is important to measure P value of water used in industries in order to control

or alkalinity of water. Its measurement is also essential before use of water for cii,.

Procedure: -
• Zero mark of pHmeter is adjusted at room temperature.
• Glass bulb of electrode is washed with distilled water.
• Then it is dipped in the solution of which P8 value is to be determined.
• Steady reading of P8value is noted.
• Before measuring P 8value of next solution, every time glass bulb is Wit~
with distilled water.

Observation & Result: -

Solution no. Observed plivalue

D7 t0 ,6

P" value of the given solutions are found as per the above table.

Chelll.iatry Practical (47)

Experiment No. 12 Date : .. .........

AIM : Compare the rate corrosion (Al-strip) with respect to given

media for prevention of
meter corrosion.

Proce dure:
( A ) : Corr osion of Aluminum in acidic medi um :
• Take Alum inum strip and weigh accur ately on electr onic balan ce
say x gm or
• Take lN HCl in 100 ml beaker.
• Dip it comp letely in 1 N HCl and wait for four minut es.
• Dry the Alum inium strip and weigh it again.
• Imme rse the strip again in 1 N HCl and keep it for 4 minu tes and
allow it to
react with acid.
• Wipe it, dry with filter paper and weigh it accurately.
• Repe at this proce ss and note down 6- 8 reading.
• Calcu late the loss of weight.
• Draw the graph time ( t ) against weigh t ( w ) in mg
( B ) : Corr osion of Alum inum in basic medi um :

Carry out the same exercise with 1 N NaOH to study proce ss of chem
ical corro sion of
A lnmin ium in basic mediu m
Obse rvati ons :
Weig ht of an Alum inium Strip = .... 1::.~1.-:::-..... gm
= ........ ........ .mg
Table to recor d corro sion of Alum inium in acidic medi um.

Sr.No. Time in minutes ( t ) Weight of strip in mg ( w ) Loss of weigh t in mg

1 0 2-o CZ 2-
2 4 0_ o 6 I
3 8 t"'),~')_
4 12 Q. 2 0
5 16 2 · l If
6 20 -
'1- o I o
7 24 ~ ID ~

8 28 ---
2-• 07

Chem istry Practical (5Z)

Table to record corrosion of Aluminium in basic medium.

Sr.No. Time in minutes ( t ) Weight of strip in mg ( w ) Loss

1 0
2 4
3 8
4 12
5 16
6 20
7 24
8 28

Calculation :

( A )Loss of weight in acid medium ( w 1 ) = Final weight - Initial weight

( B )Loss of weight in basic medium ( w2 ) = Final weight - Initial weight

Plot the graph of time ( t ) against the weight of strip ( w ) .


From the graph, it is observed that as time increases the weight of metal decreasea
creases and rate of corrosion decreases/ increases

Chemistry Practical (53)

Pr oce du re
I.W eig h cle an and dry em pty sili ca
cru cib le wi th lid ( wl ) . .
2.W eig h abo ut 1 gm of the po wd ere
d air dri ed co al sam ple in previousl
we igh ed sill ca crucible ( w2 ) y
3 .Ke ep cru cib le wi th coa l sam ple wi tho
ut lid in Mu flle fur nac e at 750c-800c
on e ho ur or unt il com bus tio n comple fi
4.T ake ou t cru cib le fro m furnace and
coo l it in des sic ato r at room temper
an d we igh wi th lid (w3 ) atu re
5 .Re pea t the pro ced ure of step 3 and
4 till yo u ge t con sta nt we igh t of ash
6.T he we igh t of the residue rem ain ing .
in the cru cib le cor res pon ds to the ash
con ten t of coal.

Ob ser va tio n Table

Sr.No. Observation Sv mb ol Value

1 Weight of empty silica crucible wit h
lid Wl ~ '--t
- I
2 Weight of crucible with coal sample
cov ere d wit h lid (Before heating ) . .z. iO,.,
3 Weight of crucible with ashl sample t7

covered with lid ( After heating )

4 Weil!ht of coal sample taken
\ s Weight of ash formed after combustio
W 2-W l U, {
n W 3-W l
Ca lcu lat ion
Weight of ash for me d
Pe rce nta ge of ash = ------------------
Weight of air dri ed coa l s~;i~---- X 100

Pe rce nta ge of ash =

---------------· ·---
··· · ·· · · · · · · · · · ·· · ··
--------- ---------
....................... ...............
X 100

Pe rce nta ge of ash = ........%

Re sul t:
Pe rce nta ge of ash content in coal sam

p1e 1s •••••• °lo
Th e giv en coa l sam ple is of .
¾0 (
•••••••• good I better / po or )qu ali ty.

Ch em istr y Pra ctic al

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