Adobe Scan Nov 03, 2023
Adobe Scan Nov 03, 2023
Adobe Scan Nov 03, 2023
TITLE: Analyse basic and Acidic Radicals of known salt solution-1 (Conti
Test) using qualitative analysis method .
• Prelimina ry Test:
w mPe.o
Standardisation of KMn04 >
Titration between FeS04 .7H 20 Vs KMn04
Observation Table
N2 =
For Part II KM n04 vs Fe alloy
- ••••••••••••••••• %.
Observation Table
J<S !,'. 1 I
Total hardness of water= _,________ mg of CaCD.3/ lit
25f',;- .q ppm
Result : Total hardness of water is found to be --lllliii
Chemistry Practical
Kxpt'rlmcnt No. JO
Ahn : De•cct th~ ma•urc of given 1ol11Uou In flndha,t lf f' 1J'vst1uu hy
0 - 7
7 - 14 Alkaline in nature
Procedure: -
• Zero mark of pHmeter is adjusted at room temperature.
• Glass bulb of electrode is washed with distilled water.
• Then it is dipped in the solution of which P8 value is to be determined.
• Steady reading of P8value is noted.
• Before measuring P 8value of next solution, every time glass bulb is Wit~
with distilled water.
P" value of the given solutions are found as per the above table.
Proce dure:
( A ) : Corr osion of Aluminum in acidic medi um :
• Take Alum inum strip and weigh accur ately on electr onic balan ce
say x gm or
• Take lN HCl in 100 ml beaker.
• Dip it comp letely in 1 N HCl and wait for four minut es.
• Dry the Alum inium strip and weigh it again.
• Imme rse the strip again in 1 N HCl and keep it for 4 minu tes and
allow it to
react with acid.
• Wipe it, dry with filter paper and weigh it accurately.
• Repe at this proce ss and note down 6- 8 reading.
• Calcu late the loss of weight.
• Draw the graph time ( t ) against weigh t ( w ) in mg
( B ) : Corr osion of Alum inum in basic medi um :
Carry out the same exercise with 1 N NaOH to study proce ss of chem
ical corro sion of
A lnmin ium in basic mediu m
Obse rvati ons :
Weig ht of an Alum inium Strip = .... 1::.~1.-:::-..... gm
= ........ ........ .mg
Table to recor d corro sion of Alum inium in acidic medi um.
8 28 ---
2-• 07
Calculation :
From the graph, it is observed that as time increases the weight of metal decreasea
creases and rate of corrosion decreases/ increases