Happiness Coach Ebook

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The ultimate toolkit to discover the
science and magic of Happiness Coaching


This eBook has been written with an intent to take the reader
on a journey to discover happiness. This book presents various
ideas about the concept of happiness but none of these ideas
will be of any importance if they don’t lead you to experience
a boost in your own happiness.

The culture of reading books to gain knowledge has led to a

reverse trend of wisdom. Everyone seems to know everything
but very few are able to practice it.
There is a saying in Sanskrit Language :

"Gyanam Bandhah, Agyanam Bandhah"

Knowledge is Bondage, ignorance is also bondage.

To overcome the bondage of ignorance, we started exploring

knowledge but now we as humanity have come to a point
when knowledge has also become a bondage for us.

When you know what is good for you and you still don’t bring
it forth in life, it starts bothering you from inside.

In Gospel of Thomas, there is a quote:

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth
will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you,
what you do not bring forth will destroy you”.
To understand it better, let us say, you know exercising is good
for you but you still don’t do that - how does it make you feel?

You know what is healthy eating but when you still eat junk
food - how do you feel?

You read a book that tells you every benefit of being happy
but it still does not make you happy. Now the frustration has
grown a bit more than before.

We have aimed to write this book in such a way that it

empowers you with experience, understanding and tools
such that you feel a little more in control of your own

Seems too good to be true?

Yes, it is too good to be true if you expect it to work at its best

but you don’t give your best.

So let us understand what can be your best?

If you want to grow a flower, the most important element in

the whole process is not seed, manure, or even water but
fertile land. As human beings, our willingness is what fertility
is to the ground.

Are you willing to go beyond your existing ways of acquiring


Are you willing to explore new ideas and possibilities that

might exist outside the realm of your current

Are you willing to learn something that may question your

existing ideas and beliefs?
If you are willing, life can open up to you in ways that are
beyond your imagination.

We expect our readers to not accept or reject any idea in this

book but to question and seek a solution that will benefit
them. So to get the best use of this book, readers should
implement the ideas that are presented here in order to see
the change and get results.

So let us get on to this roller coaster journey of experience

and knowledge!

With Grace & Gratitude,

Founder & Chief Happiness
Officer - Happiitude

Lets explore Happiness!!

(P.S: That’s the actual reaction of people who take this

journey with us ;)


Who is this ebook For

Why Happiness?
Happiness Exercise
Do we know Happiness?
Introduction to Happiness
Do people really want to be Happy?
Who is a Happiness Coach?
Happiness Coaching Journey


Your 7 Days Journey of Magic

Daily Activity 1 - Gratitude for NO reason
Daily Activity 2 - Gratitude without words
Daily Activity 3 - Smile without a reason
Daily Activity 4 - Nourish a Life
Daily Activity 5 - Contradictions of my Life
Daily Activity 6 - Tathastu
Daily Activity 7 - Parikrama



If you are the one who often feels bad when you see others:
not showing enough compassion,
struggling in their life all the time,
not being grateful for what they have,
then you are going to love us!

So congratulations on listening to your inner calling and

downloading this book. The pandemic has left people
emotionally and mentally more drained than ever before. So
by showing interest in learning Happiness, you have already
taken your first step in the direction of helping the world.

This year, we have chosen to directly reach out to one million

people through our courses, toolkits, keynotes, videos, etc
because this is giving purpose to many people across the
world. Our true belief is that the world would need more and
more Happiness Coaches, experts, and practitioners than ever
before to overcome the after-effects of the pandemic.

This belief comes from our global tribe of thousands of

Happiness Coaches from 50 countries that are inspiring us
with their amazing work. Some of the examples are as below:

Many of them are already helping companies to build

happiness initiatives,
Many of them are delivering online training to hundreds of
happiness champions in their own organization
Many are working with individuals & teams to boost and
sustain their happiness at such tough times

Few are designing complete courses on Happiness for

their schools & colleges
Some of them are helping medical professionals, patients,
and families
Some are empowering women from across the globe
Some are just enjoying Happiness for their personal lives
and families.

Whatever you are doing, this book should enhance your own
life and give you the tools to start spreading it to others.

But before you begin reading this, it’s important to know

whether you really need this or not! The next chapter will help
you understand that little more.

We are not going to talk about the benefits of being happy

that various researchers are pointing towards. If you google it,
you will find hundreds of different benefits of being happy, so
there is no point mentioning that here.

Our intention is that through this book we provide you with

learning and experience that helps you on your journey to be
happier or helps others toward that.

Let us explain that a bit more by asking you a question:

Which is your favorite fruit?


Just think of this:

Let’s say your favorite fruit is mango (being Indian, we love

Please google the benefits of eating mangoes.
This is the first information that shows up:

Packed with nutrients

Low in calories
May help prevent diabetes
High in healthy plant compounds
Contains immune-boosting nutrients
Supports heart health
May improve digestive health
May support eye health
May help lower your risk of certain cancers
Versatile and easy to add to your diet


You will be surprised to see that a sweet fruit like mango can
have so many benefits. It will help you lower your certain
cancer risks as well.

But our question to you is:

Do you eat a mango for all these benefits?

Or you eat it because you love it?


Look at little kids eating mangoes, they don’t care what

benefits they get, they just relish their favorite fruit.

Similarly you may learn about happiness because it just feels

good when you are happy.

People around you feel great when you are happy.

You tend to be more productive on the days when you are


There are many benefits but the biggest reason for you should

Isn’t it?

You know, we have been working on experiencing,

understanding and teaching happiness to people from across
the globe for the last 10 years.

That means that we care about happiness.

But today for the very first time we are making this confession
that we don’t really care about happiness!

Yes, we don’t care about it.

Then why are we giving 24x7x365 hours of our life in a year to

this subject?

Similarly you may learn about happiness because it just feels

good when you are happy.

It’s because we care about who we become when we are

happy, what we do when we are happy, and how much
impact we make on the world when we are happy. This is
enough for us.

Is this reason enough for you?


There is a simple exercise that we do in our sessions to talk

about why of happiness

Can you spread your arms sideways?

Just spread them fully. Look up to the ceiling or the sky.

And try to be sad. Yes, seriously please try to do that.

Can you be sad?

Bring your arms closer to your chest. Close them. Look down
at the floor.

Can you be sad now?

Which one is easier? The first one or the second one?

I am sure, it’s the second one.


If you observe that when you expand your body, it’s easier to
be happy.

It’s also the other way around. When you are happier you
expand everything.

You expand the number of people you interact with, the

number of tasks you are involved in, the number of things you
can do, the capacity of your brain, your focus, everything
expands. You become more forgiving as well.

But when you are sad, you start to shrink everything. The
number of people you want to interact with, the number of
things you can do, your focus, brain capacity, everything
shrinks. You become a little more emotionally unavailable and

In fact you just go back to your own shell and close yourself to
the outside world.
Have you wondered how on certain days when you are joyful,
you don’t mind interacting or smiling at strangers but when
you are miserable, you want to avoid all of this?

Happiness expands your life, unhappiness shrinks it.

We as human beings share what we have. So happier people

share their joy, love and compassion whereas unhappy people
share their anger, sadness and hatred.

Oh so are unhappy people bad?

They can be bad if they are a different set of people but

fortunately they are not.

They are the same people who can be very very happy at
times, and very unhappy at another time.

The question is do they have a choice on which side they want

to fall on today?

If not then this book is to break this myth and help you with
the possibility that happiness can be a choice.

But before we answer this, it’s important to know that do we

really know what happiness is?


oh well, you could've come to us..




How do we define Happiness? This is the first question that

needs to be answered before we start understanding
methods, framework and roadmap of happiness coaching!

When we ask people to define happiness, most of the people

relate it to peace, calmness, laughter, contentment and so on.
If only positive emotions are happiness, then why do people
feel happy after running a marathon or trekking or helping a
friend in shifting his house?

If we think a little more deeply, we will see that many people

don’t feel happy in the comfort of their salaries and want to
go beyond to take risks. If we look at youth then why young
adults don’t like to join established family businesses and
want to try something unconventional?

There is something deep within us, which always wants to

expand, but there is another side that always wants to hold on
to something familiar. On one side, we want to expand and on
the other side we don’t want to move out of our comfort zone.

So how do we feel happy in such a conflict?


Let’s do a quick exercise to understand this more deeply.

Before our sessions, we usually ask people to rate their

happiness on the following scale:
I am Very Happy
I am Happy
I am Good
Looking Forward

More than 70% of the respondents select “I am Happy”. This is

fine but with the next question, a lot of confusion begins.

The next question we ask them is:

On a day to day basis, which of the following negative

emotions do you face quite often?
None of the Above

Here Anger, Fear or Anxiety is the most preferred choice. If

these are the dominant emotions on a day-to-day basis, then
“I am Happy” does not look like the most appropriate answer
to the first question.
So either people don’t know what happiness is or they don’t
want to admit that they are not happy. So is happiness all
about absence of negative emotions?

We don’t agree with that (and we will explain you later why)
but initial work of research on happiness seem to believe this:

In scientific literature, happiness is referred to as hedonia

(Ryan & Deci, 2001), the presence of positive emotions and
the absence of negative emotions.

Before we accept or reject this idea, let us understand more

about the positive emotions.

Pleasure, Positive Emotions & Happiness

Can you differentiate between the above? If your answer is

Yes, please try the following exercise.
Even if your answer is No, give it a try.

Please, write a short definition of the following words:


Positive Emotions:


So let us now see what we know as concepts, do we also

know that in our day-to-day experiences?

It seems like a difficult task. Still, let us give it a try.

Write an example of the following from your day-to-day life:


Positive Emotions:


Looking at the above, which one seems to be true for you?

I know what is Happiness
I don’t know what is Happiness
If you are in category 2, you will get the best value from this
book, so continue reading! :)



Being happy is one of the most fundamental aspirations of

human beings. Since the beginning of civilization we have
been inventing, discovering, developing tools and techniques
to improve our way of living for the sole purpose of attaining
However in this rat race of acquiring and accumulating
wealth and luxuries we have lost track of what really
constitutes happiness.

To understand happiness, it is important to study human

behavior, emotions and beliefs. The most common question
people ask us is “what does happiness really mean”?

We have tried to define it but have not found any text,

research or poetry that has satisfied us with a definition. So,
even after 10 years of work in the space of happiness and
training more than 2500 Happiness Coaches and Chief
Happiness Officers from 50 countries, we are still curious and
passionate about helping others discover what happiness
means to them and how it can make a positive impact on
their lives.

We embark on our journey to know happiness not by

examining happiness as something we know, but as
something we don’t know yet, but wish to explore. The place
of not knowing is the best place to start with any new
discovery. This keeps us non judgemental and curious like a
child (and a true scientist).

We live in a world where you can ask a 10 year old child to

write an essay on “Pollution” and they would do that easily.
But if we ask them to write about “Clean Air”, they would find
it much challenging. Isn’t it?

Because his or her experience of pollution is more real than

their experience of clean air. If you try to search for content on
pollution, you will find a lot of information but if you try to find
about clean air, you will end up knowing more about
pollution again.

When we search mental health, we discover more about

depression, anxiety and anger than about meditation, exercise
and happiness.

And that is why humanity can describe “Unhappiness” very

easily, and can feel lost when it comes to answering the
question “What is Happiness?”


I bet this is what you must be thinking right now ;)

For this reason we will start our exploration of understanding

happiness by defining first what is unhappiness?

Is it anger or fear, irritation or jealousy? Or all of the

“unpleasant emotions”? Let us look a little deeper.

For example, if you are walking on a lonely street at night and

someone comes up from behind you and points something
sharp at your back and tells you to keep walking. How would
that make you feel? Scared, right?

Luckily, this event is short lived since two policemen coming

from the other side changes everything. Before you can turn
back to see the perpetrator, the person has disappeared.

Does this signal unhappiness?


We asked this question to many of our participants and the

response we got was a one sided “it is not unhappiness”.

Then what is it? It is fear. And we consider fear as a negative

emotion. So with this inquiry, we can say with surety that
negative emotions do not necessarily equate to unhappiness.
With the same level of surety, can we also say that positive
emotions do not imply Happiness?

Does that mean laughing and smiling is not happiness? Well,

with this example this seems to be true. So why do we feel
otherwise? It may be because it is part of the experience of
happiness, but not complete happiness.

Similarly what we term as negative emotions, may contribute

to unhappiness, but it does not define unhappiness.

If this is so then what is happiness or unhappiness?

Isn’t it confusing? Why are we not giving a simple and straight


ss unhapp

A simple answer can easily satisfy your intellect and give you a
feeling that you understand what it is but will you be able to
experience that?

It’s like what is honey and we tell you :

“It’s a sticky, thick and sweet liquid that is collected by honey

Will this give you a taste and experience of honey?

Similarly, a simple definition of happiness can be:

1. Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the
whole aim and end of human existence. – Aristotle
2. Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what
you do are in harmony. – Mahatma Gandhi
3. Happiness in an intelligent person is the rarest thing I
know - Ernest Hemingway's

Which one will we agree to? If we agree with Ernest

Hemingway, you need to be dumb to be happy. What would
you choose?

Don’t worry, we won’t make it so difficult for you. Let us look at

scientific definitions.

In 2007, positive psychology researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky

described happiness in her book as “the experience of joy,
contentment, or positive well-being, combined with a sense
that one’s life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile.”

Current research and studies*

There are many studies pointing towards happiness, here are

the most prominent ones.

Recent studies have shown us that:

Money can only buy happiness up to about $75,000 – after
that, it has no significant effect on our emotional
wellbeing (Kahneman & Deaton, 2010).

Most of our happiness is not determined by our genetics,

but by our experiences and our day-to-day lives
(Lyubomirsky, Sheldon, & Schkade, 2005).

Trying too hard to find happiness often has the opposite

effect and can lead us to be overly selfish (Mauss et al.,

Pursuing happiness through social means (e.g., spending

more time with family and friends) is more likely to be
effective than other methods (Rohrer, Richter, Brümmer,
Wagner, & Schmukle, 2018).

The pursuit of happiness is one place where we should

consider ditching the SMART goals; it may be more
effective to pursue “vague” happiness goals than more
specific ones (Rodas, Ahluwalia, & Olson, 2018).

Happiness makes us better citizens – it is a good predictor

of civic engagement in the transition to adulthood (Fang,
Galambos, Johnson, & Krahn, 2018).

Happiness leads to career success, and it doesn’t have to

be “natural” happiness – researchers found that
“experimentally enhancing” positive emotions also
contributed to improved outcomes at work (Walsh,
Boehm, & Lyubomirsky, 2018).

There is a linear relationship between religious

involvement and happiness. Higher worship service
attendance is correlated with more commitment to faith,
and commitment to faith is related to greater compassion.
Those more compassionate individuals are more likely to
provide emotional support to others, and those who
provide emotional support to others are more likely to be
happy (Krause, Ironson, & Hill, 2018). It’s a long road, but a
direct one!
(*reference https://positivepsychology.com/)

So if you want to only know what happiness is, the above

should satisfy your intellect. If not, there are thousands of
books and scientific papers written on it but if you want to
discover the deeper and personalized experience of
happiness, you will have to work with the curiosity of a child
and intelligence of a scientist.

If you are ready to go ahead with the second approach, let us

continue our discovery!



Of course, yes. If this is what you are thinking then let us give
you two examples:

Example 1:

Imagine yourself taking your morning walk in a beautiful park.

After sometime you sit down on a bench to relax. You look

around and see the beautiful flowers. Suddenly, you notice a
kid on your right hand side. He seems to be happily playing
with mud, enjoying his imagination and giggling. You look at
him and then look around. He seems to be alone in the park.

Now you look around and you observe there is a child sitting
at a little distance on your left.

You look at that child closely and see that he seems a little
disturbed and is also crying.

Tell me what would be your instant response?

Which kid would you quickly reach out to?

The happily playing kid on your right side or the crying kid on
your left?

As a human being, it’s very natural to approach the crying

child and try to find ways to help him. Isn’t it?

Now let’s look at another example.

Example 2:

It's 6:30 pm and you are in a hurry to leave your office as it’s
your kid’s birthday and you have to be in time for the
celebrations. Just then you get a call from your boss asking
you to get some work done immediately. You look out of your
cabin and see two of your colleagues still at their desks.

One of them always seems to be complaining and worried

about something. He is always under pressure to meet
deadlines and targets and so on.

There is another one who is a pleasant person and always

seems to be happy and joyful despite all his work pressure.

Now our question is, which of these colleagues will you

approach with a request to help you with the task?

And in case you are their boss, whom will you assign this
urgent task?

Isn’t it a no brainer – of course to the happy and pleasant


Now remember your answer for both the examples.

In the first example, Who got the attention? The happy one or
unhappy one?

In the second one, who got to work more? The happy one or
unhappy one?

If this continues, what will this happy person learn? If I show

my happiness, I will have to stay longer in the office, work
more and may not even get an appreciation. Why appreciate
someone who seems happy doing the work, isn’t it?

Doesn’t it look like being unhappy is somehow rewarded?

Rewarded with attention, pity and motivation.

As a parent also, we tend to give more attention to our kids

when they are sad, unhappy or not feeling well.

But when they are doing good, seem happy and pleasant, you
may not pay much attention to them.

A sick child gets more attention, love and care than a healthy

Is it wrong? You must be thinking.

It’s not about right and wrong, it’s like we give them
something that they want (our love, care and attention) when
they are NOT OK.

Unknowingly, what is being rewarded in our society?

Happiness or Unhappiness?

When you come back home from the office joyfully, you are
expected to do some extra chores but when you come back
home complaining about work, you may be invited for a nice
meal, a glass of wine or relaxing TV time.

So why let anyone know that you are happy. In fact, why be
happy then?

A little child who is observing all this is getting a lesson in life.

And probably that is why a joyful and happy 5 year old
becomes an unfulfilled, anxious and unhappy 30 year old man
or woman.

So ask yourself :
Do I give myself permission to be happy?

If your answer is YES, ask one more question:

If I am happy, what will be the cost I need to pay?

Maybe there is no cost but just for a second think that if you
are really happy, what could be the cost?

Usually, we get to hear answers like:

“Oh! Then no one will take me seriously. (actually if we want

people to take us seriously, we can try getting admitted in a
hospital, everyone will take us seriously” :-)

“Life will be so dull”

“People will think I am unreal”

“No one will appreciate me”

“I get to work more and listen to more people’s problems”

There can be many, what is your answer?

Whatever your answer is, are you ready to pay that cost?

If your answer is YES then great, you have started your journey

And if your answer is NO, let us tell you it may be because your
idea of happiness itself is questionable.

Is Happiness all about smiling, laughing and dancing?

If happiness is all about that then it’s better not to be happy

because then we can look really ridiculous in many of the
situations in our social life.

Imagine you meet a friend who tells you how much pain he or
she is going through and you start to laugh. What do you
think will happen to your friendship?
Forget about friendship, what kind of person you will become
if you can’t even shed a tear looking at someone in pain?

And that is why empathy and compassion is one of the most

important elements of happiness studies and research.

You can’t talk about happiness without talking about

empathy and compassion.

People always talk about happiness as some kind of positive

emotion but if this is so then why do people feel happy when
they run a marathon, climb a mountain or go out of their
comfort to help someone in distress.

Out of the following two statements, what sounds logically

more correct to you?

1. Positive emotions are happiness

2. Positive emotions can be expressions of happiness


We are sure your answer is #2 because this is what sounds

more correct to thousands of people who have answered this
question to us.

If positive emotions are expressions of happiness, what we are

trying to say is that there is happiness and it can be expressed
through positive emotions. Isn’t it?

This means happiness comes first and then comes positive


It’s like someone pointing their finger towards the moon and
you are looking at the finger and thinking that this is the

No, finger is not the moon. It’s pointing towards the moon.

But for a very long time, many consumer product companies

used dreams, imaginations and hopes (instead of the finger)
to point towards happiness. And we have been buying their

When a pizza company says, "Our pizza is the key to your

happiness!" We buy that pizza.

A cosmetic company says that "Our products are the key to

your perfect self and that is the key to your happiness!" We
buy their products.

A soft drink company puts a lot of sugar in their can and they
say, "Open your happiness." You tried opening it..
And after doing all that, we got positive emotions but then in
the very next moment (day or month), it’s gone.

Our journey to run behind the finger continues for our whole
life and then someone comes and says that you have now
only a few months to live (not in such a dramatic way but
something like that).

It’s not that you didn’t know this. You always knew this.

But somehow this seems like an acceptable norm to live in a

society. Everyone is doing this, so maybe this is what it is.


It's true. This really was our reaction...


Do you think anyone in that asylum thinks that they have

problems? They must be thinking the doctor has a problem,
not them :-)

So whenever someone tries talking about something

different, the mind shuts down (just like your mind is shutting
down after reading this). It’s not easy to question the status
quo. But once you have done that, you have begun a journey
to inspire the world. So congratulations, you are on the right

We suggest if you have read so far, take a break. This book is

not a competitive race that you need to complete in a record
time, it's a fun run.

Just be with these ideas that:

Happiness can be there inside of you without a reason

You can access it by bringing a smile on your face without a


You can access it by helping someone without any


You can access it by dancing without an occasion

You can also access it by crying your heart out


Because at Happiitude, we say that those who

can sing, dance, laugh and cry without shame
or hesitation are the ones who purify this

And this is the true essence of a


Let us first understand who is not a happiness coach.

Someone who makes people laugh, no that can be a clown,

comedian or a laughter yoga teacher but not a happiness

Someone who does something that makes other people

happy can be a Samaritan but not a happiness coach.

Someone who teaches others how to be happy, can be a fool

but not a happiness coach. Because a happiness coach knows
that people don’t need to learn how to be happy because
that’s their true nature.

Then who is a Happiness coach?

A Happiness Coach is someone whose PRESENCE brings

happiness to others and he or she is equipped with tools and
methods to help others in becoming such a presence.

Let us understand this a little more.

Have you met such people when they WALK INTO a room,
every face brightens up?

If your answer is yes then we are sure you have also met the
kind of people, when they WALK OUT of a room, every face
brightens up.

What kind of person are you?

People love when you come or people love when you leave.

What kind of a boss are you?

What kind of a spouse are you?

What kind of a parent are you?

Do people love your presence or your absence?

Because when we meet someone, our actions come later. First

and foremost, people feel something about us that is beyond
our skin, clothes or perfume.
It’s that subtler dimension of who we are. Some people like to
call it energy but we don’t like to use such words that can not
be understood or measured.

But yes, though this can not be understood or articulated very

clearly, we know something about people when we meet
them even for the first time.

This happened to us a few times when we asked people in our

courses what made you join our course. They say they met
someone on the plane or someone at their client’s office, who
was a very pleasant, cheerful and happy being. They
introduced us to Happiitude.

We know they are not using the right description because

they don't know how to articulate that. Initially we also did
not know how to articulate this but over the years, we have
learnt something about this.

What these people experienced about some of our happiness

coaches is not their cheerful personality but that inner
alignment and resonation that they have.

There is no inner conflict in their way of being. They are 100%

YES to life.

They are not just in acceptance of their strengths but also

their weaknesses.

Not just their positive experiences of life but negative

experiences as well.

Not in acceptance of their dreams but also of their fears.

Seems very simple and obvious, isn’t it?

But just ask yourself is it really possible to embrace both? If

you go to any Indian temple, you will see statues of Goddesses
with multiple hands. They are carrying swords in one hand
and flowers in another.
This is so profound because if you see a person who is very
strong and powerful in their head, they often do not give
space to the softness of love and compassion in their heart.

People who know how to be compassionate usually don’t

know how to fight.

Those who are logical and rational usually do not like to show
their emotions.

And those who find it easier to show their emotions do not

know how to give much significance to logic and rationality.

If you look at the whole idea of the creation, it’s always

masculine and feminine. It’s also called Yin-Yang, Prakriti-
Purush and so on. In fact in most Indian homes, we find a
picture of a God who is Half Man and Half Woman. It’s called
Ardhanareeswara. Indian culture presents profound
messages with coded images, characters and stories. This
points toward the same idea that a complete human being is
an equal balance of masculine and feminine dimension.



It’s not about two different genders in two separate human

beings but as different dimensions in the same human being.

We need goals, strategy and planning to be successful in this

world but if we develop intuitiveness, creativity and a sense of
aesthetics, it will make our journey to success much easier.

Without this, happiness is just a talking matter not a

sustainable living reality.

But how is it possible? It’s such a long and tedious process. If

this is what you are thinking, let us tell you that it took many
weeks for Columbus to reach from Europe to America
because he didn’t know how to reach there.

But now you can reach it in a few hours. Has the distance
been reduced? No, we have found better ways and methods
to reach there. It took us 8 years to discover and create the
right set of language, models and frameworks to create our
first Happiness Coach course but now it takes a few weeks to
experience and learn all that.

No, we are not selling you a promise.

We are not a marketing company selling dreams and

promises to people. Our intention is to let people see another
possibility that exists. People thought only birds could fly but
white brothers showed another possibility to the world.

We feel it’s our responsibility to let the world see that we can
be happy and successful at the same time. We can be great
coaches and make good money at the same time. We don’t
need to choose one over the other and live an incomplete life.

This is why Happiness Coaching is a process to breach

boundaries between Head and Heart.

In the next chapter, we would like to give you a taste of that

with a process.



Happiness Coaching Journey - A step by step process to

breach boundaries between head and heart

To begin your journey, we would like to take you through a

step by step process.

Step One is to create a space where others feel ok to be who

they are.
It’s a space where others feel ok to be vulnerable.

The problem with the word vulnerability is that a lot of people

don’t like this (especially in the organizations). It’s because
they think of vulnerability as a sign of weakness. And the
reason for that is that for ages we have been raised by society
to be stronger.

And being stronger means being brave, confident and not

feeling the pain.

Yes, in the past being brave meant physically brave. You go

and fight with the world and if you can not tolerate physical
pain, you can’t be a good fighter. If you are not a good fighter,
you are weak. If you were weak, this world was not a nice
place for you.
How would you go out and hunt or protect your family from
wild animals? In south india, a really powerful person used to
mean someone who could kill 100 elephants with bare hands.
In today’s world, such a person is not a brave person but a
hardcore criminal. Isn’t it?

As a fighter or a warrior, you were not supposed to cry. And

most of these warriors would be men and of course, they were
told (by other men) that tears are for women only.

This was considered as a sign of weakness.

But are you still a warrior and a fighter?

The world has changed, our lives have changed, our survival
process has changed but our mindset has not.

It is still the same reptilian brain looking for survival. The same
warrior looking for a war (now it’s psychological). But now the
rules of the game have changed.

So here is the first rule of Happiness coaching, if you can’t

shed tears without shame or hesitation whenever you feel the
pain, you can’t open your heart for other human beings.

If you can’t open your heart for other human beings, you don’t
know love, compassion or gratitude. Life will not yield to you
anything worthwhile. People with closed hearts may earn
money but live a worthless life.

And without love, compassion and gratitude, happiness is a

far fetched dream.

So being vulnerable and being authentic are considered as

just the same in our work. You can’t be inauthentic and
vulnerable, this will be an emotional drama.

Whenever we go for an unknown journey or experience, we

allow ourselves to be vulnerable first because we don’t know
what’s coming our way. This uncertainty of the outcome
makes us adventurous or anxious depending on how much
willingness we have in accepting our own self.

So you tell us - is vulnerability for the weak or for the strong?

Only a strong person can put oneself into a situation or

experience where outcome is not guaranteed.

For example, if you are a boss of an organization and you

discover that one of your mistakes is proving costly for the
company. What is easier for you- to go and admit your
mistake with your team and ask for solutions. Or continue
with the mistake and secretly struggle for a solution to come
out of it.

Most people would continue with the second because the first
one needs bravery, isn’t it?
So vulnerability is for the brave, not for the weak.

If you still think why leaders don’t admit that it’s for the brave
then let me remind you of a little 10 year old kid who is very
scared of going on a roller coaster ride but also very ashamed
of admitting that. So he would say, "Oh, I don't like that. I like
the one which is more adventurous and dangerous. So I will
skip this."

Smart, isn't it?

Smartness is about not letting the world know what’s inside

you. But madness is letting everyone peep in.

If this is madness then why be one?

If you have finally come to this point in this book, you are
already falling into this category just like us :-). Because we
feel that smart people make deals, mad people create magic.

Smart people look for reasons and live a reasonable life but
mad people go beyond reasons and live a magical life.

Smart people want to take more and give less, mad people
want to give it all and still have it all.

Smart people operate from the space of lack, mad people

operate from the space of abundance.

So who are you?


A smart one or a mad one?

It does not matter even if you are a smart one, now this seed
of madness has already touched you. You can’t escape it
now ;)

For us, MAD means Making A Difference.

Are you ready to be a part of our MAD tribe?

Let us give you an experience of this.


Well well.. We're just getting started :)

Understanding Happpiness

Start your 7 Days Journey of Magic

We are sure you must have read many books but this must be
the very first book that is asking you to stop reading. Yes, we
don’t want you to finish this book like a race.

We are giving you seven days of activities for the next seven
days. Here is what we expect from you.

You open one activity everyday and read it. You complete that
activity within that particular day. You come back in the
evening and write your experience about the activity.

Then you come on Day 2 to read the activity and so on.

Do this for 7 days. If you think this has made any difference to
you, you can write to us at [email protected]. We will
give you free access to videos and podcasts on Forgiveness,
Authenticity and Vulnerability.
We will also give you access to a super powerful Disabling
Apps Meditation that will give you a powerful experience of
breaching boundaries between your head and heart.

Sadhna - A tool to go beyond B.M.W

How do I need to participate in these 7 days activities?

There is a Sanskrit word called Sadhna. 'Sadhna' means

practice with devotion and commitment.

Usually in India, people think of this as a spiritual word but it is

not. If we want to create anything in life, we need to bring a
sense of devotion and commitment to that practice.

Devotion is not about a God or a deity, if you are a

sportsperson, you put your sports above your own personal

As a teenager when your friends are enjoying the pleasures of

the world, you are busy honing your skills. You don’t give
much significance to your mind, body and the world.

Your mind tells you to sleep for an extra hour but you don’t

Your body tells you it's tired but you don’t listen. You stretch it
a little more every day.

The world tells you that there is so much competition in this

sport or you should be involved in social activities but you
don’t listen.

You constantly keep going beyond your body, mind and the
world. In short, you go beyond your BMW to actually own a
BMW ;)

To create anything worthwhile in the world, you need to

constantly go beyond your B.M.W.

If you are a business owner, you let go of your comforts, short

term pleasures and social commitments to make something

If you are an artist, you go beyond other people’s opinions,

regular career choices or financial needs to create something

This is their Sadhna and they are all Sadhaks (one who
practices Sadhna). The common thread in all this is that they
put their practice as their top priority without having a
guarantee of the outcome. Nothing else can come in their

So for the next 7 days, you need to take this up as your

Sadhna, otherwise nothing worthwhile can happen.

Let me tell you one thing with 100% surety that if you really do
this, this will touch your being in such a way that something
about you will be transformed forever.

So are you ready to take up your Sadhna?

DAY 1 :

The word gratitude is derived from the Latin word gratia,

which means grace, graciousness, or gratefulness.

There is so much research around Gratitude that tells us that

this is the most important factor to our happiness.

But no one tells us how to bring this into our life. There is only
one thing that everyone talks about is to write a gratitude

The problem with writing a gratitude journal is that it’s very

easy for people to fill up a list with things and experiences
that they are grateful for, for the first few days but later they
feel challenged when the list gets reduced or becomes
repetitive. In fact, we have also met people who were feeling
pathetic because they had to fill their gratitude journal in the

People are capable of feeling pathetic about anything.

This activity is a very powerful activity to overcome this


Why not remove the reasons from your list. Let your gratitude
be without a reason.

Remember smart people are reasonable and have reasons,

mad people are unreasonable and have magic ;).
DAY 1 :

Here is what you can do today

Step 1 : Select a signal for this activity. The signal can be

pulling your right ear, tapping your left hand index finger
thrice or just folding your hands in Namaskar position and
bowing down. You can choose any sign and this will be your
Gratitude Signal.

Step 2 : Throughout the day whenever you remember this

activity, you use your Gratitude Signal.

Step 3 : Every time you use your gratitude signal, you say
Thank you to anything that is in front of you. It can be a
person, a tree, even a wall. Do not go out selecting something
special but whatever is there, just give a signal and say Thank
You can do it as many times as you want but it will be good, if
you do it at least 21 times today.

Your mind might find a reason after saying thank you, that is
fine. But don’t try to find a reason first.
At the end of the day, share your experience of doing this
activity in the space below.

Please see the next activity after you complete this one. This will build
your journey in a very powerful way.


Name of the Activity...














DAY 2 :

How was your experience of saying Thank you without a

reason? It must have felt good (and stupid as well ;).
Let’s take our next step and make it even more powerful.

Has this happened to you that you felt so overwhelmed with

pleasant emotions that you found yourself at loss of words?

It may be when you saw or experienced something incredibly

beautiful, got a surprise or held a new born baby for the very
first time.
All such great moments have one thing in common, it makes
us speechless.
Words seem to have no power at such moments, it feels only
silence can absorb this beautiful experience.

This is the power of gratitude. When it is overwhelming, it fills

your heart with joy which is difficult to express.

And when you fill this in your heart, you express it with each
and every cell of your body. When this happens, others can
feel it too without you telling them about it.

Have you met people who hold grudges, hatred or jealousy for
you? They try to be very nice, speak very well and pretend to
be your well wishers but you can feel what they hold in their
heart. Isn't it?

What if someone holds gratitude in their heart instead of

hatred or jealousy, can you not feel that as well?
DAY 2 :

So once your gratitude becomes overwhelming people will

feel it in your presence. This is why holding on to your
gratitude without a reason and without words is the most
powerful practice of a happiness coach.

This is what you can do today:

1. Continue with Gratitude for No reason activity
2. Today you won’t use any word for expressing your
3. No Thank you (except in social situations)
4. Every time you use your signal, instead of expressing
gratitude with words, focus on your heart and let it
blossom there.
5. Let people experience your expression of Gratitude
through the brightness in your eyes and vibration of your

To begin this, just close your eyes and focus on your heart. You
can feel the expansion of your heart with every breath.
Imagine with every breath, it’s expanding with Gratitude.

Do this for 21 times and start your day with today’s activity.

At the end of the day, share your experience of doing this

activity in the space below.

Please see the next activity after you complete this one. This will build
your journey in a very powerful way.


Name of the Activity...














DAY 3 :

As we all are here to explore happiness, let us explore a quite

simple way to start spreading happiness – “SMILE”

The simple act of smiling brings down our stress and boosts
our immune system.

As per a study- on an average, an adult smiles 20 times a day

because he/she is searching for reasons to smile while a child
smiles 400 times a day out of sheer joy, for no specific reason.

Even ultrasound technologies and researches tell us that we

have been smiling in our mother's womb as well. Do you think
there is a reason for that smile? Our reasoning brain is also not
developed at that time ;).

Today let us use this smile to change the chemistry of our

body and spread cheer and joy around.

But there is a catch in this activity.

The catch is that you don’t have to smile at others (that’s

again a social decision) but at yourself.

Yes, at your own self.

DAY 3 :

Here is what you can do today

1. Be aware of the times when you get too serious about

2. Every time you catch yourself being very serious, you smile
at yourself.
3. This smile is a reminder that you are not the one who is
driving this universe.
4. Keep a count on your smiles.

Many times, we start to believe that this whole universe is

revolving around us. It seems a very effortful process but many
times, it’s important to remind ourselves that there are many
more who were here before us and even after they left, the
world didn’t stop. In fact it is doing better without them.

So today, you smile to lighten up everything.

At the end of the day, share your experience of doing this

activity in the space below.

Please see the next activity after you complete this one. This will build
your journey in a very powerful way.


Name of the Activity...














DAY 4 :

What happens when you are passionate about something?

You give yourself fully into it without worrying about your own
comforts or discomforts. You lose track of time. Nothing else
matters to you. You are emotionally involved and charged.

Isn't it?

What if this act of passion is not about you but about all!

What do you call such an act?

Yes, this is compassion.

Passion is about you but compassion is about all.

If the secret intent of your action is "what will I get or how will
I benefit from it?" then it's Pretending Compassion, not
compassion in itself.

Nowadays, you find so many people claiming to be

compassionate and soon feel tired and exhausted of it. In fact
such people have coined a new term "Compassion Fatigue".

There is no fatigue in compassion, there is surely a lot of

fatigue in pretending.
DAY 4 :

This is what you can do today to expand compassion in your


1. Get yourself a flower and keep it with you throughout the

day. You can keep it in your hand, your bag or on your desk
but make sure it remains fresh throughout the day. You keep
protecting and nourishing this gentle piece of life as a mother
of a new born child.

2. Do at least 1 such thing where you may not get anything at

all (not even the joy or satisfaction of doing something for
We know it's very difficult to do that but what's the fun in easy
things in life?
Before you say it's not possible, give this a try. Maybe it's
possible or maybe not.

3. Do something today that's not about you but about others.

For example, being a part of some cause or just helping your
spouse, kids or colleagues when they are not even expecting

You can do all or at least the first one.

At the end of the day, share your experience of doing this

activity in the space below.

Please see the next activity after you complete this one. This will build
your journey in a very powerful way.


Name of the Activity...














DAY 5 :

Let me share an experience of mine: I, at one point, used to

ask my child to go out and socialize, make friends and so on.
Later, I just observed and asked myself, “what am I doing?”
Amusingly, I was doing completely the opposite!

When I had to make a choice for myself, I chose to stay solitary

and not go out. Indeed, a contradictory thing to what I
expected others to do! It never worked out and in fact created
more conflicts. Later when I started socializing, I saw the same
change in my daughter too.

So, for today, let us observe the contradictory things that we

do. For Example:
1. We want to spread happiness, but we stay unhappy with
ourselves or things and situations that surround us.

2. We tell others not to have expectations but at the same

time we ourselves have a big list of expectations.

3. We would not like to invest in a start-up but would want

others to invest in our start-up/business etc.

How many times what we advise and what we practice are in

At the end of the day, share your experience of doing this
activity in the space below.

Please see the next activity after you complete this one. This will build
your journey in a very powerful way.


Name of the Activity...














DAY 6 :

Once it happened. A crab saw a centipede and could not

believe his eyes. One hundred legs! – how could one manage?
He asked the centipede ’Sir, can I ask a question? How do you
manage? Just looking at you walking I became so puzzled’.

The centipede started thinking; which one to put first and

which one to follow? But then he could not take a single step!
He wavered and fell. He was very angry at the crab and he said
you fool! Now I will never be able to walk, I will be worried
which leg to put down first.

It is a beautiful parable. This is what has happened to most of

us now.

When we were born, we knew how to love, how to be

compassionate, how to stay happy for no reason, how to be
unconditional and limitless. But we questioned and reasoned
it and created more doubt. Now we are trapped in our own
thinking. Because each of our feelings is supported by a subtle
cosmic principle that says “Absolutely Yes” and “As you

If we label something “Difficult”, the universe says absolutely


If we label something “Easy”, the universe says absolutely yes!

It doesn’t differentiate, it innocently supports and welcomes

all that one’s heart feels and helps experience more of that.
DAY 6 :

This principle is called “Tathastu” in Sanskrit which means “As

you wish”.

Instructions : Today throughout the day whenever you feel an

inner conflict, sit down and do this exercise. Also, repeat the
same thing before you sleep tonight and immediately after
waking up next morning (if you do wake up ;):

Step 1: Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Slowly start
putting your energy into bringing a “ big yes” with each
inhalation, make a mantra of “yes”.

Step 2: Begin repeating "Yes, yes". Get in tune with it. First you
will be just repeating it and then get into the feel of it, begin to
sway with it.

Step 3: Allow it to come all over your being from head to toe. Let
it penetrate you deeply.

Step 4: Take the “Yes” mantra through the day and silently say
"Yes...yes..yes!" in the background. Let this “Yes” slowly erase all
the doubts you hold.

Happiitude Tip:
Yes is light, no is darkness. If you really want to do anything in
your life, you have to learn the way of yes. Life becomes a
blessing, a great adventure if you are ready to say yes to it.
At the end of the day, share your experience of doing this
activity in the space below.
Please see the next activity after you complete this one. This will build
your journey in a very powerful way.


Name of the Activity...














DAY 7 :

"If you do not finish what you begin, what you begin will
finish you."
This is a very old saying that reminds us how important it is to
close the cycle. Many times, we start things out of enthusiasm
or motivation but leave them midway.

In Indian temples, you always take a parikrama (moving

around the circumference of the building). This completes
your visit to the temple.

Today is your parikrama. Let us do the following:

1. Go through all the six activities that you have done so far
and choose the one that resonated most with you.

2. Today you will repeat the same activity and share your

3. Identify all the items in your life that you have left mid way.

Pick up at least 3 such items that you can finish in the next 24

At the end of the day, share your experience of doing this

activity in the space below.


Name of the Activity...














To Know More,


[email protected]

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