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Personality Conflicts

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Personality Conflicts

Personality Conflicts
As seen in Handwriting

A conflict within the personality is a distinct inner

struggle, occasioned by the simultaneous operation of

opposing or mutually exclusive drives, impulses, wishes,

or external or internal demands. The person with

conflicts suffers from contradictory attitudes toward

others or toward self, from opposing characteristics, or

from a controversial set of values.

Reasons for conflicts

Conflicts can arise for the following reasons:

a) The individual must choose between two

desirables but mutually exclusive alternatives.

Usually there are two or more attractive available

responses that are incompatible and choosing

one response indicates foregoing the other (for

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Personality Conflicts

instance, playing golf or spending the day with a

loved one). The result tends to be irresolution and

tension. Following a period of vacillation, the

individual usually makes a decision in favor of the

alternative which offers the greatest promise.

b) The individual must choose between the lesser of

two evils. Faced with this dilemma, he may

vacillate, daydream, or make comparisons. He

may choose to withdraw from both situations as

an escape which, in the long run, will increase his

inner controversy.

c) The person is both attracted to and repelled by a

given stimulus (marriage, a certain job, a

promotion with more responsibility and more

money). A choice becomes difficult because

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responding to the stimulus involves accepting

some undesirable consequences. In such

situations, doubt, vacillation, and continued

indecision may occur.

Each person is a mixture

of health and conflicts
In some people a working balance will be maintained all

their lives; others gradually outgrow their conflicts. In

time, their healthy capacity becomes strengthened. They

learn from their experiences in living, they use their

abilities and talents, do useful work, and obtain a good

measure of satisfaction and self-esteem.

The effects of conflicts on the personality

Many people are not so fortunate; conflicts continue to

escalate and have a greater and greater influence on

their lives.

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Often the first sign that something is seriously wrong

with the emotional balance of these people is a display

of poor judgment. They get bogged down in trivial

details, they cannot separate the important from the

unimportant, nor can they stop before they have gone

too far in a particular situation. The more mistakes they

make, the more their self-confidence is impaired, the

harder they try, the more mistakes they make.

When we look carefully at their lives we see, quite

regularly, a great waste of energy. Karen Horney

explains: "Living with unresolved conflicts involves

primarily a devastating waste of human energies,

occasioned not only by the conflicts themselves but by

all the devious attempts to remove them. When a person

is basically divided he can never put his energies

wholeheartedly into anything but wants always to

pursue two or more incompatible goals. This means that

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he will either scatter his energies or actively frustrate his


Conscious conflicts
In some people, conflicts exist on the conscious level.

They can be treated constructively through direct

confrontation of the underlying causes. During this

process the individuals are experiencing considerable

anxiety, but they are, step by step, reducing the threat.

Repressed conflicts
A continuing state of unresolved conflicts is far more

critical. It may lead to the person repressing the struggle

altogether in order to create a condition of artificial

harmony. The result is anxiety which, in turn, creates

feelings of helplessness, impotence, and inactivity, and

1 Karen Horney, Our Inner Conflicts (New York: W. W. Norton

Company, Inc., 1972), p. 155.

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drastically increases the perilousness of the original


Conflicts and illness

It has long been known that the susceptibility of the

organism to certain diseases is increased by chronic

anxiety. When a person experiences a conflict situation

which continues and which cannot be resolved, somatic

symptoms usually appear. It has been speculated that

deterioration diseases like tuberculosis may be

associated with repressed discouragement following

persistent anxiety. Hartz writes: "I suggest that the

progression may be roughly as follows: When the

organism is in a catastrophic situation, the endeavor to

solve the conflict takes place first on the conscious level;

then on the specifically psychosomatic level; and if

neither of these is effective, the conflict may involve a

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disease such as tuberculosis representing a more

complete involvement of the organism."2

Graphic indicators for conflicts:

Alignment irregularities.

Extreme vacillation

Implies emotional unreliability and moodiness. Jacoby

observes that "wavy lines suggest an unsteady frame of

mind, either on account of great excitability, or lack of

inner firmness and stability."3

Convex alignment

This indicates that the writer starts projects with

cheerfulness and zeal. Temporarily, he grows

increasingly enthusiastic. Soon, however, his ardor

diminishes. Having started with much, perhaps too

2 Jerome Hartz, Tuberculosis and Personality Conflicts in

"Psychosomatic Medicine, 1944, 6/1, p. 17.
3 H. J. Jacoby, Analysis of Handwriting (London: George Allen &
Unwin, Ltd., 1968), p. 138.

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much, confidence, his optimism wanes. If the situation

allows him to drop the undertaking, he will do so before

it is completed. If the process occurs repeatedly, a

negative pattern may be established. If through outside

forces or circumstances the writer is forced to continue,

he will do; however, inner tension and anxiety prevail.

Concave alignment

This tells us that the writer starts a project or

relationships feeling adequate, but as he gets involved

in an undertaking, he has feelings of insecurity and

doubt. Only goal motivation is driving him at this time.

Eventually, he is able to pull himself out of the low mood.

He discovers that he can do more than he thought. His

spirit rises and his energy increases. He forges ahead

despite his earlier doubts with the feeling that

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everything will work out. He becomes again genuinely

interested and involved.

Step-down (roof-tile) alignment

This proves that the individual is engaged in a constant

struggle against overpowering feelings of melancholy.

He tries to overcome the feelings of resignation

temporarily, only to be defeated again. In every case, the

writer's efforts surpass his available energy. The more

frequently the process repeats itself, the more he

becomes discouraged and physically fatigued.

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Personality Conflicts

Elaboration strong + simplification strong

in lower zone.
Extremely elaborated in combination with extremely

simplified forms demonstrate opposing characteristics.

The writer wants to simplify and at the same time be

complex. He wants to clarify and not be understood; he

dresses down and dresses up. With other indicators

corroborating this the individual may not be reliable.

In sex it means "slam-bam" but also wants to spend

all night.

Height of middle zone strongly fluctuating.

The writer suffers from inner conflicts and frustration.

His feelings of self-worth fluctuate widely, either

because of influences from the outside or because of

mood changes within himself. He goes from feelings of

self-assurance to inadequacy within a very short span of


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Personality Conflicts

The writer deal with his environment according to

how secure he feels in a given moment. He is particularly

changeable in situations where he feels vulnerable. He

tends to hesitate when faced with decisions. In his

confident mood, he becomes involved in projects and

relationships but when doubts assail him, he feels

completely lacking in self-worth. In that mood, he may

reverse past decisions and as a result gain the

reputation for being unreliable.

Height of upper zone extensions

extremely variable.
The writer vacillates in his mental attitude and

aspirations. One day, he is stimulated by intellectual

pursuits while at another time, he becomes mentally

bored. At times, he is eager and has high aspiration, then

his mood changes and he no longer thinks in terms of

getting ahead.

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Personality Conflicts

Length of lower zone extensions

extremely variable.
The writer has a strong need for security. One of the

results is a fluctuating degree of willingness to stay

engaged in productivity and sex. He may be excited

about a project but then, suddenly, often for no obvious

reasons, feel insecure about certain aspects of it.

The writer's motivation to complete a project

depends upon his degree of familiarity with it and how

well he knows the outcome of it. He is more inclined to

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persist in familiar endeavors than in activities that are

unknown and therefore risky.

In difficult situations, the writer is inclined to give up,

procrastinate, or give the job to someone else rather

than continue and risk "making a fool of himself." If he

does continue, he expects and needs a great deal of

approval, attention, praise and support.

He suffers much frustration because of giving up on

projects and/or tension because of continuing under


Letter forms variable.

Various letter styles for the same letter appearing in the

same location are evidence of the writer's changeable

feelings about himself. There is inability to maintain

appropriate behavior and deficient personality


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Personality Conflicts

Margins irregular.
Strongly fluctuating line margins show conflict regarding

the writer's risk-taking ability and willingness to move

progressively into unfamiliar areas.

Slant of upstrokes and downstrokes dissimilar.

When upslants and downslants are in opposing

directions the writer is unable to express his immediate

response to a person or situation.

Style of writing shows idiosyncrasies.

Copy book style with isolated incongruous structures

points to a person who is basically conforming and

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conventional. However, there will be isolated

peculiarities that can't be reconciled and to outsiders will

seem totally out of character. (May go to church in a see-

through blouse).

Width of letters inconsistent.

In dealing with other people, the writer fluctuates

between feelings of inner assurance and adequacy. At

times, he is courageous and certain. He feels

comfortable with people and is able to respond

naturally. He can communicate with a minimum of


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Personality Conflicts

At other times, in similar situations and/or with the

same people, he feels ill at ease. He is inhibited and

emotionally restrained. When in the depressed mood,

he either withdraws from situations that make him tense

or he seeks familiar things and familiar people for


Discrepant trait scores

revealing conflicts4
Attention (need for) high + domineering high.
Without doubt, this individual seeks acceptance. At the

same time, he feels he should command it. Thus he is

likely to be ungracious and his needs will be frustrated.

4 For illustrations and descriptions of the various traits listed in the

following pages see: Erika M. Karohs: Trait Descriptions in
Handwriting, Illustrations and Descriptions for Evaluated Traits
(Pebble Beach, CA, 1989).

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Personality Conflicts

Assertiveness high + conformity high.

The person wants to assert himself, but also to conform

to the standards of others. He is being pulled in two

directions and is divided within himself.

Aspiration high + inhibitions high.

In combination, these scores limit aspirations. The

conflict sets up a state of tension when the writer desires

to do something. Due to his inhibitions, he is hesitant to

move ahead. His usual reaction is to take one step

toward a project and a step away from it, thus remaining

in the same spot. If he does get involved, it means

working under constant strain with the inevitable

consequence of becoming easily exhausted.

Communication high + reserve high

Such individuals seek communication with others but

cannot express their feelings except under very special


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Personality Conflicts

Empathy high + suspicion high

These individuals want to be understanding and sharing

but at the same time, they are distrustful and hyper-


Friendliness high + self-control high

Responsiveness and warmth clash with over-control and

lack of spontaneity.

Integrity high + expediency high

The writer's moral principles are in conflict with

manipulative tendencies.

Intellect high + motivation low

This individual lacks an outlet for his intellectual

capabilities and may be wasting mental energy.

Interpersonal involvement high + defenses high

The writer wants to get involved but has too many

defenses. He craves reinforcement for his emotional

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needs but turns people away through his defensive


Interpersonal involvement high + withdrawal high

The writer wants to establish contact but at the same

time, he fears rejection. He has a tendency to withdraw

when he anticipates rebuff.

Mental energy high + physical energy low

Such individuals are in danger of driving themselves

mentally beyond their physical limits. The problem is

that mental energy cannot be replenished as quickly as

it is drained and mentally driving oneself without

sufficient physical energy to back up this drive is

exhausting on the system. It could be compared to

driving a car on the battery rather than the generator. It

works fine for a while until the machine breaks down.

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Personality Conflicts

Reserve high + recognition (need for) high.

Such people have difficulty commanding the proper

recognition for their achievements. They will frequently

rationalize that it is not important, when the truth is that

they are too reserved to make demands.

Negativism high + progressiveness high

With these opposing characteristics, the writer cannot

win. He ignores his successes and is constantly on the

alert for failure. When he does something that is good,

he attributes it to good luck; when he does poorly, he

accepts this as proof that things are not going to work

out anyway.

Self-concept high + inhibitions high.

Both scores together limit extroverted activities and set

up tension when the writer is indulging. While the ego

needs to be fed, the inhibitions will not allow it.

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Personality Conflicts

Sex drives high plus authoritarian high

Sex may suffer because of the writer's demanding

manner. He may offend his partner, especially, if he has

a mate who is more sensitive or needs an emotional

"warm-up" period.

Sex drive plus inhibitions high

Such individuals have no outlet for their instinctual

urges; their inhibitions get in the way. They cannot allow

themselves to become emotionally vulnerable during

sex. In severe cases, they are able to find satisfaction

only by themselves (masturbation, movies, etc.).

Sex drive high and self-concept low

This combination of traits can have one of two

consequences: some writers may seek outlets other

than sexual relationships because they cannot have

their ego punctured. Others may feel that a sexual

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encounter enhances their ego; however, there will be no

deep personal relationship.

Sex drive high and self-control high

The writer's sexual involvement is curtailed by control

operations which are activated when it comes to

exhibiting his feelings and letting himself go


Sex drive high and sexual fears high

The writer's sexual impulses are inhibited by strong

counter-impulses. While he has sexual yearnings, he

fears these very desires, including the consequences of


Sex drive high and withdrawal high

The writer would rather withdraw from an encounter

than take a chance of letting himself be vulnerable. He

wants to be close but when he reaches a certain point of

contact, he becomes anxious. He uses emotional

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Personality Conflicts

distance as a defense to create an invisible "comfort

zone." When distance reaches a certain point, longing

for closeness may grow again and he will move closer,

but not too close. The degree of closeness that can be

tolerated varies.

D r. E r i k a M. K a r o h s P a g e | 23
The KAROHS International School of Handwriting Analysis®
offers five levels of diploma graphology courses, all of
them, all of them based upon extensive research and
sound graphological principles.
All coursers were developed by Dr. Karohs who a
successful practicing graphologist, and a former college
teacher with 24 years of college teaching experience.
KAROHS courses are currently studied by students from
more than 43 countries around the world.

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Author: Dr. Erika M. Karohs | Editor: Aliya Sabrina | Cover: Ulayya Ditiana

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